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Suzette headed towards the door, before her ears twitched at hearing the joyous shout coming from Anya. She peered at the Neko, and glanced at her. "Well, er, it is uh, a nice one. Good thing you did, it is getting late after all."
Lily stared at the snow-covered Neko, smiling slightly. If Lily was going to do a snow angel, she required more time. At the moment, it was becoming late and Lily still needed to make that pie.

"It's very pretty, Anya," said the Alraune, turning back towards the school. She opened the door, and started towards the dorm room.
Anya stood up, and scampered after her friend, brushing the snow off her onto the floor.

"What are you gonna do now, Lily? Can I help?" she asked.
Suzette followed in entering the school. After all she played out for a little bit, and that was all she really needed to do. She didn't utter a word heading back to the dorm.
Lily shuddered when Anya asked if she could help and, almost faster than light, Lily replied, "No, no that's fine. You, uh, can't help. Right. Because it's, uh, for a surprise. And I want you to be surprised. Yeah."

Lily could not let Anya so much as come within a hundred damn feet of her baking for fear that her pie may be contaminated by Anya's horrible cooking somehow. No, she had to keep Anya away from this one.

Reaching the dorm, Lily began grabbing the equipment that she would need for pie-making as well as items for tea.
"Oh. It's a surprise then." Anya said, taking off her coat as she entered the room. Well, since Lily was busy with tea apparently, she'd play with Susie. And the best way to play with Susie was getting ready to play tea games. Obviously, they'd dress up because dress up was fun.

"Susie, Susie. Maids serve tea, right? In mansions?" she asked the elf.
Once back in the dorm room, she took off her winter wear, after all she didn't need it in doors.

Suzette glanced at Anya and gave a nod, as she picked up Ferdie, who was grumbling out something incoherently.
"Yes, that is a task maids would do in mansions." She glanced back at Anya, "Er uh, anything else you'd er want to ask?"
Anya smiled widely, and went to her drawers, pulling out a folded set of black and white clothes.

"Do you wanna dress-up for the tea party Lily's having?" she asked, tilting her head.
"ER a-ah d-dress-up?" Suzette shook her head as she waved with her free-hand while Ferdie snickered. "No, no, I think I'll erm uuh... pass on dress up." She said as she gave a single nod.
"Well that's too bad." Anya said, changing out of her day clothes. She pulled on a simple black dress, stockings, and a frilled apron. Brushing it off, she gave a little twirl, looking herself over.

"Because I am going to be the best dressed when this party rolls around. The best dressed." she smiled, putting on a maid headband. Anya put her hands on her hips in triumph.
Ferdie cackled out, "Eheheheh... Aaaah Suuuusie are you really going to let her out dress you? As a maid of all things? Tch, tch, tch." He said spinning his head from side to side, "Disappointing the glorious land of France you are." Suzette stared at Ferdie as her lips stretched out to the left in contempt before quickly retracting back. "No that is perfectly fine with me."

Susie glanced at Anya, "Er well, that is good for you." She said as she sat cross-legged.
"The creepy puppet is right, Susie. Don't you think Lily wants to see us dressed up nice?" Anya agreed with the Hellish abomination.
Lily quickly gathered up her things as her room mates talked, and vacated the room to find a proper cooking area. She had already prepared most of the things needed, so the entire process of assembling and baking would likely take less than a half an hour.

She entered the vacant culinary arts classroom, and got to work on her Lilypies and some tea to go with it.
"Of course I'm right. I'm always right." Ferdie stated. Meanwhile Susie's face flustered, "Er a-ah, t-that d-doesn't mean I'd er have to d-dress up like that. Y-yeah."
"Well, I guess you don't have to dress like that if you don't want." Anya said, waving her hand around.

"You can wear a dress or something if you want. How do you want to dress?"
"Well, I'd like to er uhm, dress as I currently am." Susie quickly stated. Though maybe. She quickly dismissed the thought as she shook her head. "Yes, just stay dressed like I currently am." She said giving a nod. Ferdie twisted his head to face Susie. "You can do that aaaanytiiiime... heheh... Noooo, you really should dress up in sooomething. Maid uniform or otherwise."

His neck swiveled rather quickly to face Anya, he raised his eyebrows up once, before lowering them back down. "Saaaay, what do you think Susie should dress up in, Hmmmm?" She glanced at her puppet, sure of one thing. "Vous êtes juste être un âne." Ferdie glanced at Susie before responding in a smarmy manner, "Oh, je sais. Je suis tout à fait le cul, ce est amusant." Ferdie re-focused his attention on the cat, "Suuuurely you have ideas you'd like to share."
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Anya bit her finger as she thought carefully for several minutes.

"Ferdie, I got it! She can wear a swimsuit!" she smiled.

"Think about it this way. It's cold, right? If she wears a swimsuit, we'll trick ourselves into feeling warm, because we'll look at her and think it's summer, when everyone goes swimming." she explained, placing her hands back on her hips. Anya felt like a genius. She was probably the smartest person in the room and nothing was terrible about this idea.
Lily got to work on the pies and tea, boiling water and filling crusts and then throwing her pastries in the oven. All she had to do now was wait, but she still hadn't finished with preparations. The Alraune dove into her flower, and popped out in an elegant yet cute maid outfit. A black dress with frilly apron, stockings, shiny little black shoes, and a maid's headband. For some reason, ever since she'd talked to Anya about it, she kind of had maid costumes on the brain.
Suzette waited patiently, hoping that Anya would not answer, and just be content with her not playing the dress-up game. But, after quite a few minutes have passed Anya gave her answer. She just left her mouth agape, as her right eyebrow twitched a bit. Her face grew a ghastly pale, as Ferdie as raised his eyebrows up and down repeatedly.

"Ahahahahahahaha... That,
that is a good one." Ferdie cackled out. Susie just, kept the look on her face. "Ah, don't mind her she's uh, just so enthralled with the idea. However, if you wouldn't mind, of course you wouldn't I have the best ideas, if I may make a few suggestions. If you want to trick us into thinking it is warm, why not something else just as common-place as the swimsuit. If you wish to stick to that theme, might I suggest Hulu Dancer?" Ferdie paused as he pondered on other potential things, "Of course there is always the maid outfit, classic. Perhaps sticking with that theme something more regal, noble dress perhaps? Or going the route of the maid there is always the Bunny Waitress, also in the service." Ferdie twisted his head side to side as he continued pondering. "Or Cheerleader outfit, though I doubt she'd have such a thing.. Hn, possibly Nurse, caaause she is so caaaring. Buuut that hn, not sure if a good theme. Oh, the Harlequin is always a classic. Or if we look for inspiration from the east we have the Qipao and the Kimono, and... Hn, those are just a few brief ideas."

Suzette finally found the words to speak, and laughed at Ferdie. "W-what!? I, just like any great actor, know a lot about costumes."
"Hmmm.... What's something regal, yet tropical?" Anya asked, considering the puppet's offers.

"Like, a nice dress you'd wear when it was really really hot out?"
"Yeah, yeah." Ferdie noted. "Something like that, course there are many options. Uh, something regal and tropical looking, hn..." Ferdie spun his head from side to side, "I've got nothing, well other than additions, like a shell-necklace and wrist bands. At the moment."
"Hmmm.... that sounds silly. Swimsuit it is." Anya said, walking over to the drawers.

"Which drawer do you keep it in, Susie? The top one, right?" she asked.
Ferdie snickered as he nudged Suzie in the ribs. "E-eer you reeaaaaallly don't have to do this." Susie stated, and paused for a moment. Wait, just, ack curse my lost train of thought. "Preeetty sure it's third drawer one cat."

"Or maybe, we can just not do this, and I can just stay in my current attire. Please?" Susie asked of Anya.

Hopefully, hopefully, Susie would just be able to stay as she was.

"But Susie, it, is your deeeestiiiiny..." Suzette just peered at Ferdie before hatching an idea. "Surely we can't leave out Ferdie in this. I mean, he did know quite a bit about outfits so..." Ferdie spun his head towards her, "Yeaaah... no, against the rules and regulations. Only you I'm afraid." Ferdie quickly stated as he patted Susie's arm.
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Lily took her pies out after the needed time, and put them on a tray with a teapot and some teacups. Lily felt strangely happy, having a girly little tea party with her kinda-friends. She was even smiling, and it somehow wasn't fake.

As Lily strolled down the halls with her pies and tea in a maid's outfit, there was a lot of murmuring and camera flashes. Lily tried to pay them no mind, but she couldn't help but feel ill to know exactly what those pictures would be used for later.

One of Lily's vines opened the door for her, and she stepped into the room with a sweet, polite little smile.

"Dessert and tea are ready, mis-"

Then Lily saw that she and Anya were wearing basically the same outfit and stopped.

"How embarrassing," said Lily, setting the tray down on the table, "We're both wearing the same thing. Eh, whatever. We can both be maids."
Suzette blinked at Lily, when she arrived. Another maid outfit? She thought to herself, as she gave a small smile, relieved at the idea that she may have very much hit the clear, and may not have to be in any outfit after all. "S-So we can er uh, b-begin then. Er A-anya, no need for er picking out an outfit to wear uh now, I'd uhm ah s-say."

Ferdie grumbled out, "After all the ideas I gave out..." He swiveled his head from side to side, "No, no, this won't do. After all, I'm quite sure that..." He paused thinking back to a moment ago when the Cat gave out the name that probably belonged to the Overgrown Weed. "Lily, would very much appreciate it if you were dressed up. At the least the Cat would like to see that." Suzette glanced at Ferdie, "Loyauté de l'équipage. I would be less hesitant if you would join me in wearing something cute then." Ferdie shook his head, "Can't. Rules."

Suzette peered at the tray with the assembled pies and tea, and wafted the aroma with one of her hands. "May I ask what kind of tea was brewed?"

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