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Suzette paused for a moment, thinking up some plausible excuse for Ferdie being jealous, instead of just being a jackass, as she knew her unholy puppet friend quite well and was surely just motivated by the prospect of being an ass. "Well-." Suzette paused before she shook her head, and wrapped her scarf a bit more around her neck. "Eh, ah erm. Ahem. W-well it is not as i-important as playing outside now is it?"
Anya immediately dived into the snow, then pushed her face out.

"This is it! We begin snow war here!" she declared, gathering a pile.

"We'll build snow forts, then we can have a snowball war. I can finally become the dominant nation through military might." she said, placing her hands on her hips.

"All who wish to serve me, pledge allegiance now!"
"If that's er, uh, the game you really want to do." Suzette raised up her scarf around her mouth and wrapped it around to keep it nice and snug.

"Il ya seulement deux forces dans le monde, l'épée et l'esprit. À long terme l'épée sera conquis par l'esprit."
Susie quickly remarked as she reached down with her right hand to grab at some snow, judging the texture of it. Examining its quality and structure, before molding it into a small ball and then dropping it back into the snow. "O-oh, s-sorry, basically what I said was 'There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.' I uhm, f-felt the quote was fitting was erm, uh suitable here.
Anya threw a snowball at Susie's head.

"That's silly. We're using snow, not swords. Help me throw snow at you." she said, piling more snow onto her quickly growing wall. It was quickly becoming apparent that negotiations were failing; she'd have no choice but to stockpile arms. Hopefully, this would at least be a war of attrition.
Lily decided that she wouldn't pry for now. Ferdie probably liked cute clothes, and was jealous that Lily was so adorable in her winter ensemble while he had to wear his ratty little rags. Poor unholy little thing.

"A snowball war? That sounds kinda fun," said Lily, who immediately began building a fort as Susie said some French things that she didn't understand but sounded pretty anyways.

"You know, Susie," said Lily as the Elf had a snowball thrown at her head, "I've got a lot of spirit. I'll probably make a great ruler once I've subjugated Anya and made her nation my vassalage."

Lily, however, was still looking around nervously and blushing. It was obvious that she was in no condition for war, though she was participating anyways. Probably because it would be no fun if they were all on one team and had no one to fight against.
Suzette was smacked clean in the face by the snowball, right between her eyes and striking her square on the nose. Susie shivered a bit, as she quickly wiped off the snowball down as it went down the scarf, and glanced at Anya. "Help you throw... snowballs, at myself." She nodded slowly before releasing a muffled laugh behind the scarf. She then cocked her head to Lily, "Well, should do fine at that, er I suppose."

Now then, to obtain high gr-... This is just a snowball game; Tactics, are not necessary for this game. Unlike like actual plunders. Susie quickly formed a snowball and chucked it at the snow fort Anya established.
Anya's eyes widened with shock as a clump of snow pelted her shoulder. She hadn't taken Susie for the confrontational type.

"Of course, you know, this means war." her eyes narrowed as menacingly as a small girl could manage. Anya ducked down for a split second, and rose again with a pair of snowballs, which she lobbed towards her friends.


Lily quickly gathered up some snow as Anya began her assault. Truly, war was Hell. Where once there were three room mates, akin to sisters, now stood conflict-hungry dictators. Lily, still a trembling and blushing mess, attempted to dodge and return fire.


As Lily got ready to throw her snowball, Anya's hit her square in the forehead and her own throw went wild, hitting a grand total of nothing.
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Suzette watched as the snowball aimed true, and knew that, it would take very quick action to avoid it.


Which, she did take, but, it was not quick enough as she was lobbed in the shoulder. She scooped up a snowball and fired towards Anya.

"A counterattack?!" Anya dived to the side, spotting the oncoming snowball.


Time slowed down as the snowball pelted the tiny cat across her chest, and she sprawled into the ground.

"I haven't.... I haven't given up yet!" she shouted, delivering a counterattack.

A counterattack, of course, aimed towards her ally.



Lily had feverishly began making another snowball when her previous attempt failed, and when she looked up, Anya was already winding up for a throw. Lily's arm shot back as well and, at the same time, the both of them released their icy fury.

"This is it!"

In just a fraction of a second, only one of the two girls would still be standing.


And that girl... was not Lily. The Alraune fell backwards as slowly as she could after choosing some ambient music from her phone.


"Fufufu... " Suzette snickered, "All according to plan. Caracoler mes petites marionnettes." she said as the wind blew through her hair, as she casually watched the fronts deliver a mighty blow against each other. Using her left hand she mimed the actions of a marionette . All the while she casually scooped up some snow with her right as she molded the ball into a proper device.

If there was one thing Susie knew, it was how to not bring attention, the lack of the fort may have helped. Susie simply watched on, and would take the spoils from the defeated parties, after cleaning up the last front.
"Rest in peace." Anya said, shedding a singular tear for her fallen rival.

She turned to face the elf, her final enemy. Wordlessly, she took a scoop of pure, white snow, and packed it into a tight ball, the sphere that would carry her love, her anger, and all of her sorrow. Anya's dark hair blew in the breeze as a fresh layer of snow began to sprinkle down, reflecting the light of the setting sun.


A bell signaled six o'clock. Anya's eyes narrowed.


This is just like the cowboys, isn't it?


Anya's arm tightened, what little muscle she had growing taut as she focused power


....and loosened. The girl exhaled.


"This is for Lily."


Anya's weight shifted forward, her leg sweeping around in an arc, then landing down; her arm followed, flinging the snowball at her foe. This would truly be her greatest moment.

Suzette stared at Anya, so the last survivor. Of course it was fitting, after all she had started the aggressions against her. She glanced at the snowball she forged earlier, yes, it would do nicely. She tossed it up once, getting a feel for the ammunition.

She peered towards Anya,
"Congratulations you took out one front, but now, the spoils of war shall be mine." The wind blew through her hair as some more snow blew, and the sun glistened.

Rolling her arm around she prepared to increase the velocity of the ball.

Over, and over, she tossed the ball, without uttering a single word.


But, the snowball missed the complete and utter course, as Anya's strike was true. The snowball struck her square in the face, much like how the aggression started.

Suzette fell back, as she reached her right hand towards the sun, "Les dépouilles ... ils devaient être moi et à moi seul." She fell back into the snow, before cackling, "It h-has" She let out a hacking cough, "h-hasn't yet even begun... I have not even yet begun to fight." As she landed flat on her back, laying in the snow motionless. "N-no maa- ackha matter h-how many times you strike me down... I s-s-shall return..."

Note to self, bring Ferdie next time.
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"I won." Anya said quietly as she surveyed the battlefield, taking a few steps forward. Susie lay in front of her, Lily a little to the side. The pair of them both had snow spattered on their chest and faces, marring their normally beautiful visages, the visages of her friends who now lay limp in the cold. Truly, this was the Hell found on the battlefield, the schism that drives men to become monsters.

"WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOOOOOR?!" Anya yelled into the air. Snow drifted down in sheets from the gray sky, providing no answer.

Anya stared a thousand yards ahead into nothing, as snow began to pile on her shoulders.

The wind howled.
The yelling, and the fact that Susie was fully in the snow was taking a toll on her elven ears. They were sensitive pieces of equipment, "W-why d-dd-d-didn't I wea-a-ar e-e-earmuffs?" She said to herself as her teeth chattered a bit, as she slowly began getting up.
Lily sat up to watch the final showdown, and wasn't disappointed to see Susie drop and Anya fall to her knees after realizing the horrors of war. Susie's evil cackling and cryptic messages were odd, but Lily just chalked it up to the girl being quirky and strange again. She probably wasn't seriously crazy or anything.

Lily got up along with Susie and walked over to Anya, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"War... has changed," she muttered.
"But war, war never changes." Suzette said behind a muffled scarf, as she wiped some snow around her ears. She adjusted her scarf a bit, as she fully got up.
"Lily, you're alive!" Anya's eyes lit up, and she climbed onto her friend, giving her a four-limbed hug.

"I was the victor, Lily. But at what cost?" she asked, rubbing her face against her neck.

"At what cost?"
"Yeah, Metal Gear and Fallout disagree on the subject of war and whether it does or doesn't change but whatever," replied Lily as Anya climbed up on her. Lily looked down at the Neko, who was rubbing her face against Lily's neck, and shrugged.

"I don't know, Anya. But Susie and I will likely be scarred for life by the horrors of war. Doubtless, I will wake up in the middle of the night with air raid sirens in my head. Screaming."
Suzette paused for a moment, just listening to what was being said. "W-well screaming from a horrific nightmare would be brought on by the horrors of war, er uhm, ah I'd s-suppose." She gave a quick nod, "B-but er ah, the m-more important question is was fun uh had from the game?"
"Don't worry; I can fix it." Anya said.

"The obvious solution is for the three of us to share a bed tonight. That probably fixes snow-shock." she said.

Anya dropped back down onto her feet.

"Is there anything else you want to do outside? Or should we go back in and look at those forms?"
"Er ah, p-personally I'd choose er going back inside." Susie stated as she gave a quick nod. Then she remembered and processed what Anya said earlier. "A-as erm a-ah, s-ss-sharing a b-bed..." Suzette held out her hands and waved her palms from side to side. "T-tha-at w-won't be er a-" Susie coughed, "n-n-necessary." She said as he face flushed a bit.
"Well, I did have fun Susie," replied Lily, "And I hope you did as well. I know that you were rather reluctant, but it really did mean something to me that you joined us."

Lily looked down at Anya, who had just unlocked herself from the Alraune's body.

"I wouldn't mind all sleeping together, but if Susie doesn't want to then we shouldn't push her. Regardless, let's go back inside and have Susie's lawyer take a look at those forms. I don't want to accidentally sign my soul away or something."

Lily began walking back inside. Truthfully, the Alraune had wanted to make some snow angels, but it was already getting late and Susie didn't want to stay outside any longer anyways.

"Besides, it's kinda stupid, right? Snow angels. That's a kiddie thing to suggest in the first place. No one would take me seriously, and I doubt even Anya would want to do something like that."
"Yes!" Anya cheered, jamming her fist in the air. She jumped as well, but tripped on the snow, and fell face first into fluffy white blankets. Her arms and legs moved up and down a few times before she pushed herself back up.

"It's a snow angel! I almost forgot to make one." she smiled at Lily.

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