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"The Muse, is the personification of knowledge, they were sort of Goddesses of Knowledge, who inspired the Arts and the Sciences." Achim explained. "As for Apollo, he was the Leader and Director of the Muses. He was also associated with various other things, such as the truth, the sun, medicine and healing. And as the Director of the Muses he was the God of Music and Poetry. Anything else?"
Lily listened halfheartedly to the teacher's introduction, despite being slightly interested in the subject. She scoffed when Achim mentioned how beautiful Helen was.

"Yeah, 'was' the most beautiful woman in existence," muttered Lily, taking out a hand mirror and admiring herself. She gave the Alraune behind the glass a seductive wink, and wished for all the world that there could be two of her.

She had no idea how Anya didn't know basic things like the Muses and Apollo, though. Maybe she could use some extra tutoring after class, from the smartest and prettiest girl in school. If not the world.
Suzette kept her materials, still incredibly close as she continued glancing over them. She tapped her pencil on the desk occassionally, and kept her eyes entirely focused on the sheets.

Achim paused for a moment before speaking back up. "Anyhow. The Priest of Apollo did not get his daughter back, and retreated back. It was there where he prayed to Apollo, to smite his foes and to help him retrieve his daughter. Apollo, listened to his loyal priest, and decided to act, and struck down the encampment of the Achemeans."

Achim paused for a moment as he dramatically raised out his right arm as he read from Book One, "Thus did he pray, and Apollo heard his prayer. He came down furious from the summits of Olympus, with his bow and his quiver upon his shoulder, and the arrows rattled on his back with the rage that trembled within him. He sat himself down away from the ships with a face as dark as night, and his silver bow rang death as he shot his arrow in the midst of them. First he smote their mules and their hounds, but presently he aimed his shafts at the people themselves, and all day long the pyres of the dead were burning. "
Achim paused for a moment, remembering a very simple fact. The student asking the question was nine. "Olympus is where the Gods live." Achim stated. "Well most of them anyway."
"Well, Hades lives in the Realm of Hades, named after him. It is a dark and bleary place. But the important thing right now is Apollo. The God who the Trojan Priest worshiped." Achim stated, "And that Apollo answered his loyal follower's prayer, and struck down the Greek encampment."
It occurred to Lily as she gazed lovingly at herself in the mirror that she too deserved to be on Olympus if that was where gods lived. She also kind of wanted a war to start over her, because she was probably way prettier than that other bitch. A war that made the bloodshed of this one look like the prick of a needle.

Lily put down the mirror after a couple more seconds, and raised her hand.

"Sir, maybe you should cover some basic Greek mythology before we go much further. This particular epic poem seems to be told under the assumption that we know all these things, and while the people of the day certainly would, some of us might not."
Achim rolled his shoulders around, "The rest of Book One will be assigned readings, for today's class." He clapped his hands, "Right then it does seem a remedial lesson on the legends will be necessary."

"Starting from the very beginning. In the beginning, there was nothing but Chaos, the very origin of everything and everything that will be. First from the void appeared Erebus, a being of a truly unknowable realm where death itself dwells. Then from the void came love and light. Eventually from the void appeared order, and Gaea, also known as the Earth. Erebus and the night came together to forge the Ether, a heavenly light, and day the earthly light. The night then created fate, doom, death, sleep, dreams and all things that dwelled in the darkness. From Gaea she birthed the skies, of Uranus. Together the birthed the Cyclopes, the Hecatoncheires, and the Titans."

All the while Suzette frantically scrawled down the information that the teacher was presenting.
"Yes, later on they would prove quite handy. But we haven't reached that point juuuuust yet." Achim stated. "But sadly, Uranus hated his Hecatoncheires children and cast them away to a secluded and hidden place. Their mother, Gaea did not like this and plotted against Uranus for his deeds, of casting her children away."
Lily continued half-listening to the teacher's history of Greek mythology. Lily at least knew most of this stuff already, and it was mostly for Anya's benefit. She was going to interject with a joke about the Hecatoncheires being handy, but Anya beat her to it.

"Ah, what a good girl! Even though we've only been talking for a short while, I've already taught you this well."

Lily looked at Anya with a small degree of affection as she continued listening.
"Anyhow, Gaea created a flint sickle, and tried to get her children to fight against their father Uranus." Achim started up again. "However, they were scared of the idea. Especially given how Uranus easily cast away the Hecatoncheires. But, one of the children, Cronus, the Oldest of the Titans was not afraid and was willing to strike at Uranus. So while Uranus was with Gaea during the night, Cronus attacked Uranus, lobbed on one of his body parts and bested him. However, Uranus' last words were cursing Cronus and the Titans, declaring that they would be punished for their crimes against him. The Titans, were guilty by association, being relatives of Cronus. From Uranus' blood, Giants, Tree Nymphs and the Erinnyes were formed. And as the body part fell into the sea, it forged a new creature, the Goddess Aphrodite."

"Now then. After disposing his Father, Cronus became the Ruler of the land. And during his reign he kept the Hecatoncheires imprisoned, and imprisoned the Cyclopes in the dark realm of Tartarus. He would marry the Titan Rhea, and with her he had many children with her." He dramatically raised his index finger, "However! Cronus recalled what his father said in cursing him, that he and the Titans would be punished. And he knew full well what children could do, after all he struck at his father. So when Rhea had a child, Cronus took the child and ate it, to make sure it could never dethrone him."

"Rhea, quite easily caught on to this, well, okay she caught on after it happened five times before. It was when the sixth child was born, she decided she had enough and took the child and hid herself. While in hiding, Rhea disguised a stone in clothing, which fooled Cronus. After all he ate five kids, and she didn't disguise any of them, so why would she start on the six? Anyhow Cronus at the rock instead of the little Zeus, who was sent off to be raised by Nymphs."

"Anyhow Zeus grew up to be a rather strong and handsome looking individual on the island of Crete. As he grew up he eventually discussed with Metis, one of the Titans, on how to dispose of Cronus. And she decided to help out little Zeus, and she composed an elixir that would cause Cronus to vomit, which would release the five other siblings that were already eaten by Cronus."

Junkyard snored a bit as Achim went on. "However, this elixir would only be useful, if, well Cronus actually drank it. That is where Rhea stepped in and helped in convincing Cronus, who ate all his other children on the hunch of what Uranus cursed him to be punished for defeating him, that he should accept Zeus as his own. Cronus pondered on the matter and thought, 'what's the worst that could happen', and accepted his son to live with him on Mount Olympus. There he was Cronus cup-bearer, essentially Zeus was a glorified table, of sorts, at this point for his father. "

"And as the Cup-bearer, he would bring drinks to Cronus. Such as one containing the elixir which Rhea made earlier. Cronus drank it and vomited out Zeus' five siblings, who were not harmed in any shape or fashion. Their siblings, were incredibly grateful for Zeus freeing them from Cronus' belly, and for the moment named him the leader of their crew."

Suzette continued to scrawl down the information that the teacher spoke of.
Well, he is certainly going through quite a bit. She thought to herself, as she glanced down and continued to write.

This was quite a large amount of information to take in.

Anya considered carefully, picturing Zeus in her mind. With a name like that, he was clearly the deity reigning over all zoos. He was probably also a giraffe of some sort.

No, wait; Zeus was a magic table. Yes, that was right. Zeus was a table and had control over giraffes.

Anya grinned to herself as she figured this out. She was so smart.
"But of course, Cronus just vomited, he wasn't defeated by any means. And Cronus gathered the fellow Titans to fight to maintain their throne! And thus began Titanomachy, the war between the Titans and the Olympian Gods, the children of the Titans." Achim dramatically threw his hands to the sides, "Aand... this is where we get to some truly fun things get to happen!" Achim spoke boisterously, as he cackled out.

"On the side of the Gods, we have Zeus, and his five siblings. His brothers Hades, and Poisedon, and his sisters Demeter, Hera and Hestia fought alongside Zeus of course, being saved from the ravenous stomach of their father Cronus. On the side of the Titans were, pretty much all of them, notably missing from the side of the Titans was Themis and her son Prometheus, who aligned with Zeus."

"For ten years, they fought maintaining an equal struggle, neither side gaining any ground against the other. They were equal to each other, matching each other. BUT! There was a force that would swing the pendulum of the war to the side of the Gods!"

"Gaea, really didn't want her Cyclopean and Hecatoncheires children locked up away in Tartarus, so she informed of them to Zeus. And Zeus, wanting to find a way to defeat the Titan, descended forth into the dark realm. Once there he gladly freed these elder relatives of the Titans. They were quite grateful for being freed from their prisons, and joined the forces of Zeus. The Cyclopeans, in particular were quite grateful and crafted lightning and thunder themselves to give to Zeus for freeing them. Zeus, was now armed with one of the most dangerous tools in his arsenal. The Cyclopeans also forged other important things, but they don't need to be mentioned right now."

"As for the Hundred Handed Ones, or the Hecatoncheires, they provided help as well. Mostly by constantly throwing vast series of boulders at the Titans in a constant barrage, giving them no quarter or rest, during the final battle. The Gods fought fiercely, and Zeus used the new power of the lightning bolts, they overpowered the Titans defeating them once and for all. The defeated Titans were sent down to Tartarus, where the Hundred Handers, once prisoners, were now the jailers of the Titans, making sure they were trapped within its horrid realm."

"Now, a new issue of prominence came up, who would lead this new reign? Who would rule supreme from Mount Olympus? Weeeelll-..."

He paused before realizing something. He sat back down.

"Hm well, look how time flies. I'll need to make to go into the Trojan War itself next time. Got myself carried away in the Mythos. I'd still recommend reading through Book One. We will probably continue go through more of the Mythos next class. At the least can't leave you hanging about the results of the Titans vs the Gods, and the new order established from the end of the war. Still keep prepared for when we fully delve into the Illiad." Achim rubbed his chin. Maybe recheck the lesson plan. I mean I do have a nine year old in this class, hngn. Maybe I should have started with short stories instead of fully diving in the wonder that is the Illiad. I have to make sure they are prepared. Hnnn...

"Anyhow class dismissed. If you have any further questions I have tutorial sessions." Achim gave a wave to the assembled class, as he quickly reached into the desk drawer and pulled out a fairly plain navy blue binder, which he opened up and began glancing at.

Okay, gotta make sure the lesson plan is all up to snuff.
Achim thought to himself, as he scratched at his head, occasionally glancing back up fron his binder and glancing towards the classroom.

Susie gathered her supplies, and returned her puppet back onto her left hand. She checked the immediate vicinity of the desk, to make sure she had everything. Confirming that she did, she headed out of the classroom.
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At the very least, Lily couldn't fault their teacher for lack of enthusiasm. Or even lack of knowledge. He would probably actually be a pretty good teacher if not for the collateral damage and the fact that he was a boy. Lily got up when Achim dismissed the class, actually having retained a couple of useful things about Greek myths.

"Well, let's get going Anya," Lily addressed the Neko, "Did you get all that, by the way?"
"Yeah!" Anya answered her friend.

"Zeus is a magic table and has power over giraffes. His dad, Chris, ate too much and got a bellyache, so Zeus got him some antacid. Then they got angry at each other because there was only one slice of cake left and they were bad at sharing, so Zeus got help from the Hekledeckles, who made him D batteries. This gave him the energy to win super fast, and sprayed Chris with tartar sauce."

She put her hands on her hips, and gave Lily her proudest smile.
Suzette tilted her head as she glanced into the eyes of her puppet. "Er, hnm. What's next?" She said out loud to her puppet. Susie brought the puppet up close to her, before lowering it down. "Lunch, maybe." Opening its mouth the felt puppet spoke, "Possibly? ... I have mediation I need to attend to."
Lily simply stared at Anya, shocked that the Neko could misunderstand so much. Perhaps the girl was somewhat special. Regardless, she clearly needed help. Lily wasn't entirely sure how to provide it, though.

"You... you certainly got the gist of it, Anya," said Lily, a worried smile on her face. The Alraune took Anya's hand and exited the classroom, noting that she would probably want to talk to their teacher about this later.

Lily had only recently started attending full days of school, so she really didn't know the schedule. She hoped that they would have something fun next.
~~~~4pm: AFTER SCHOOL~~~~

"I'm pretty sure that we have a play outside in the snow class." Anya said, nudging Lily's arm with a smile. She was glad Lily decided to hold her hand willingly. Not only was it praise for her being so smart at Greece, it was also a true symbol of their friendship.

"....That's code for let's not go to class because snow is fun." she explained, winking.

"Oh! And we gotta sign those contracts Mister Richter gave us. Lily what's on them?"
"Well. Well, well. What to do now?" Ferdie asked of Susie. "Well, have to wait for the family to read over those forms." Ferdie's head quickly turned sideways to face Susie. "...Waiting for that doesn't count." She glanced at her unholy puppet as she thought of things to do. "...Possibly find some nice quiet corner? I'd like to do that."

Ferdie raised his eyebrows, "Whatever. Oh if that, why not catch up on the programs? Or something. ...Let's just find that quiet corner already then."

Suzette nodded at Ferdie. "Right." And so, Susie moved on, heading towards Anya and Lily, from the opposite direction. Ferdie turned his head to face Susie. "Ignorez-les. Ils ne valent pas notre temps."
"Oh, a rare showing from 'bad girl' Anya," said Lily, smiling down at the Neko, "But it seems pretty late. I doubt there are any classes left to skip today."

The field trip form popped out of her flower, and Lily took a very quick glance at it.

"This is probably something saying that our parents won't hold the school liable if something bad happens to us on the field trip. We should probably get Susie's lawyer puppet to look it over before we do anything."

Lily looked up, and at once spotted the Elf coming near them.

"Hey, Susie," Lily called the girl over, "Can I get your lawyer to look this field trip thing over to make sure it's kosher? Also, on an unrelated note, Anya and I will be playing in the snow. Wanna join us?"
"Ignorez-les, ignorez-les. Il suffit de les ignorer." said Ferdie, as Susie glanced over at Lily, and headed over. "Er well, uh, he's busy at the moment. But, possibly later. As for the er uh snow..." Ferdie quickly turned his head to face sideways and just stared. "Er uhm, w-well I was just thinking of, maybe just reading a book, or something."

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