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Susie gave a quick nod to Lily, "R-r-right. Of course. Yes, yes of course, it er ah is. But yes, right, just ah!" She shook her head for a moment, "Ah, er ahem. R-right, I do have a chance to er ah, c-combo it yes. I'll er, ah, need to think of some. And er yes, yes it is your turn." She went back to sitting down.
Lily allowed herself a standard overconfident grin.

"So I'll just have to make sure to hold you off as long as I can," said Lily, turning to Anya.

"Well, Anya? Truth or dare?"
Anya, watched, mesmerized, as the other two had this weird foot-tying sequence. It was really weird, moreso since she didn't understand why Susie didn't demand it be kept for the rest of the game. Maybe it was to keep her disadvantaged for some running type dare?

"This is weird. Adults are weird." she said, before adding.

"Dare, please."
"I understand where you're coming from, Anya," said Lily, "Before I became an adult, I thought they were weird too."

But at least Anya saw her as an adult. That was good; sometimes Lily worried that people mistook her for a non-adult because she was pretty small. It was nice to know that she would at least get a modicum of respect from Anya as an adult.

"Anyways, I dare you to end all of your sentences with '-nya' for the rest of the game."

Despite being a Neko, Anya didn't 'nya' nearly enough. With this little correction and the maid outfit, Lily wondered how cute they could go.
"That's not even hard, nya." Anya replied with a grin.

"Master Lily, you'll have to pick a harder dare if you want to get the best of me, nya." she laughed, oblivious to Lily's intentions. Looking back between the two, she considered her next targets. It had been going in a circle. The best way to break a circle is with a surprise attack.

"Master Lily, truth or dare-nya?"
Tick. I suppose that is one of the three. Susie thought to herself, as she watched the events unfold. She immediately began scratching at her head, well really at the underpants which she was dared to keeping on her head. No, no. Just accept it as penance. She then stopped as she let out a sigh, and turned her attention back to the pair.

Ferdie meanwhile stopped humming One Night in Bangkok and instead began humming the Toreador Song, while twisting his head about. He began walking about, in a seemingly random fashion.
"Oh, very good, Anya," Lily praised the girl. Her cuteness was quickly reaching maximum capacity, and Lily wanted to see it at full power. Lily scratched Anya behind the ears happily before answering her inquiry.

"Just like in my Japanese cartoons. Moe desu."

"Oh, going for me then, Anya? I'll pick dare," said a very carefree Lily with a serene smile on her face.
Ferdie stopped in his incessant humming as he walked up towards Susie. "Vous devez être plus vicieux mon cher." He paused for a moment before sitting down and poking Susie, "Je ne suis pas amusé par le manque de haine vous utilisez contre ces créatures." Suzette quickly placed Ferdie upon her lap, and inserted her left hand into her unholy ventriloquist doll. "Si ce est ce que vous voulez, je suppose que je peux penser à d'autres méthodes."

She then returned her attention back to Lily and Anya, curious on what the dare would be.
Anya's face frowned as Lily picked dare; she wanted to ask the point in tying people up. She probably should have asked Susie anyways. Oh, well.

She wrinkled her brow in thought once more, thinking of a hilarious dare.

Then she got a much, much comfier and fragrant idea.

"I dare you to let me sit inside your flower for the rest of the game, nya. It looks like a comfier chair than what we have, and I bet it smells like Lily-nya~" she smiled, twitching her ears in excitement.
Work B20's attempt at taming the thing in the vents was a success! When B20 laid a crumb down where they could be seen, one would approach. Its brown little antennae would twitch curiously, and it would slowly, slowly swallow the crumb whole. From then on, it would follow B20 wherever it went!

B20 reasoned that, since one friend made it feel confident, a dozen friends would make it feel like a god! And so, B20 happily gathered a small congregation of ordinary cockroaches that would follow it through heaven and hell! B20 felt something other than suspicion and fear for the first time in three months. In fact, B20 felt like it could take on the world! Or, at least the parts of the world it feared to tread in before it had twelve little pets.

One of these parts was where a huge amount of the giant things went when the outside lights became orange. The vents there filled with the incessant grunts, snorts, and hooting cries of the things as they did... whatever they did when the outside lights stopped being white. Well, now B20 would finally figure out what happened in the homes of the giant things with the high-pitched voices.
Lily's face, for a split second, went from calm and serene to a look of abject terror. Very quickly, however, the Alraune realized that Anya just wanted to sit in her flower. She didn't ask to be inside of it with Lily. Lily calmed down, and the expression on her face turned into one of relief.

"Huh? Oh, you want to sit on my... yes, alright. Yeah," replied Lily as her flower scuttled over near Anya. Indeed, it was incredibly soft and Lily's wonderful scent was all over it. Among fabrics, an Alraune's petals were truly luxurious. It was one of the finest things to have one's bottom pressed against.

"Go ahead, Anya. Sit down."
Anya climbed inside the flower, and could immediately tell why her friend stayed there so much. It was ridiculously comfy; she immediately felt as if she were in some kind of Lily-scented cocoon of wonder.

"It's so comfy~! And there's plenty of room leftover; we should share sometimes, nya." Anya said, crouching down and peeking over the petals.
The sound of B20's feet rattled throughout the women's dormitory ventilation. If one were to listen intently at an air vent, they might hear the tiny pitter-pat of wooden feet... accompanied by the dull skittering of seventy-two fibrous legs as thick as an eyelash. Work B20 carefully peered out of the first vent it came to, and saw nothing more than a darkened bedroom. The computer's stand-by light flickered gently as the soft breath of the refrigerator met its match only in the hefty snoring of a sleeping sophomore student in her bed.

B20, having no knowledge of "sleep", merely watched as the sophomore's chest rose and fell. Was it wounded? Was this a place where the things came to die? If so, where did all the new things come from? The implications of this struck B20 like a knife in the joints. The things live for one day before retiring to a black room that breathed and died, only to be replaced by another thing the very next day! Rattling its joints in depressed fear out of a rather sudden knowledge of mortality and the futility of life, B20 moved along. Every other room was largely the same thing: either the thing inside was already dying, or it would be sitting in a patch of light and doing... something with a tablet of paper and a spear of wood. However, one room was drastically different.

This room was filled with things! They appeared to be fighting with one another and unleashing strange, stuttering hoots and howls. One thing, a green-colored beast with a large fibrous maw-like thing protruding from its sides, appeared to be... eating another thing with its leafy gullet. Horrified disgust welled up in B20's heart as it gripped the rails of the grate. B20's fearful quaking coupled with the firm grip on the grate had the effect of making the air vent rattle slightly. Not nearly enough to be noticeable in a chaotic room, but just loud enough to be noticeable to those who were listening.
Suzette paused for a moment as she looked around, before settling on peering at the cat crawling into Lily's flower. She then turned to her unholy puppet and stared into the eyes of the puppet. She stared at it before poking the left eye, "Hn, may need to shine up the eyes soon..." She grumbled out to herself.
Lily looked away from Anya, obviously a little uncomfortable, and replied, "I don't really want to share it, Anya. I don't mind if you sit in it a little, but I just..."

Lily shook her head. Anya wouldn't understand. As a matter of fact, not even Lily was certain that she understood it completely. Regardless, the Alraune plastered a smile onto her face and turned to Susie.

"Alright, captain, it's you and me again. Truth or dare?"

Lily was far too occupied with the game to notice a small rattle in the air vents, though if she had, she likely would not have paid it much mind.
Suzette turned from glancing at her unholy puppet, and focused her attention onto Lily. She tilted her head slightly to the left as she pondered on what to choice to make. She paused for a moment, "Hn, I suppose I shall go with dare. I suppose." She said with a nod.
T.K. walked down the street towards his normal school elevish children playing in the street he just ignored all of them and kept walking. Upon entering the school he felt distant and cold, something about the light gave him a uneasy feeling like his senses were numbed. Knocking upon the principle's door he heard a familiar "come in" he walked in and was struck by something hard like a giant rock. "Tomhas?!" he heard the voice and looked up to see the principle looking down on him with rock-like pikes protruding from his arms. "What the hell? Your a rock elemental?" "Yes Thomas and I sensed a power when the door opened and I thought it was something else like something dark." Thomas looked up at him Mr. Lestrange, The Principle, was lost in thought. "You have something in you that shouldn't be Thomas you have the power of an ancient element, The Darkness. Thomas looked down at his hands and nothing was there. Mr. Lestrange flicked the light off and he was instantly filled with a comforting warmth. He could think faster move quicker and felt practically invincible. Thomas you need to go ta a special school for our kind to learn how to grasp you powers. He wrote an adress and the name of the school on the paper and handed it to him Michael Orange Dorm School for Community Education it read. Thomas left and took off to the school. Upon arriving he was assigned a dorm and was to start classes the next day
Lily's plastered smile slowly turned into something more threatening, and perhaps a little evil, when she heard Susie pick 'dare'. It was time to unleash the beast.

"Wonderful," said Lily in a frighteningly calm manner, "You... do remember when I said I'd make you pay, yes? A few minutes ago? Well, I did mean it, captain."

Anya's seat shifted a little, and one of Lily's thick vines flopped up on the table and slithered towards Susie.

"And I can't think of a better way to do it than copying both of your dares to me," said Lily, showing off her feet which were still tied together, "And multiplying it by a hundred. I dare you to let me tie you up completely and hang you upside down for thirty whole seconds."

Truly a genius dare. Not only would it establish her dominance, but there was a psychological component too. The more extreme the dare Susie chose for Lily to do, the worse she would eventually be punished. Lily was proud of this one.
Suzette blinked at Lily as she spoke in an unnaturally calm manner. She listened to her as she gave a nod, about payback for that truth earlier. She peered at the vine as it came towards her, and when Lily spoke of what her dare would be to her, she desperately tried to hide back a smile at the thought of it. After all, can't show any sign of fear at the dare. Yes, that was it.

Stop thinking about the weird horrific sins. Just confess it later... Removing her right hand from Ferdie she gestured towards him. "My little Ferdie, you kno-" Ferdie quickly got up and waved his wooden hand, "Yeah, yeah." He said as he walked away.

"Uh, w-what er, materials, if I may ask f-for uh tying me up? And yes, as I did pick dare, I'll have to go through with it."
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Lily stared into Susie's eyes for a few moments before replying.

"Well, tying someone up completely in a normal way would take a while, so I'm just gonna use my vines. It'll be a lot easier to suspend you upside down and adjust the tightness that way as well," Lily explained calmly. A few tendrils slid the table out of the way to give Lily room to work, and the rest began slithering towards the Elf as well, gently shifting Anya's seat as they appeared from under the flower.

"Oh, and please, don't worry too much. They're more than strong enough to safely hold you up. Since it's only for thirty seconds, however, I may make it just a little tight. But it certainly won't hurt, I promise."
Suzette stared back into Lily's eyes, "Well er yes, that was my primary concern, if I'd fall or not. Well since that appears to be settled..." Susie glanced around, as she moved a couple of things to make sure she had enough room. After that brief process she laid down flat on her back. "Right, well suppose it should be easier like this then. Ready when you are."
Susie was far less frightened of this dare than Lily had hoped. Apparently her fear of being touched didn't extend to tendrils. Well, whatever. Lily was certain that Susie would be whimpering as soon as she got her into the air, and that she would learn not to mess with the ToD queen.

"Ready," Lily replied in faux confidence, as her vines slithered and wrapped around Susie starting at the Elf's shoulders and then going beneath her chest. The thick tendrils drew taut all around her, squeezing her gently at first before tightening quite a bit and lifting her up in the air. Lily watched intently for any sign of a reaction as she experimented tightening and loosening different places.

"Come on, let's see something nice. Show me the fear. The FEEEAAARRR."
Suzette waited patiently as the vines slithered and wrapped around her shoulders, and under her chest. As the tendrils assumed position, she couldn't help but smile a little as it went around her shoulders. Then as the thick tendrils went under her chest, the smile increased in size. Shivering a bit as she bit her lower lip, as the tendrils moved all around her. But, that was not the end of it, and the tendrils began tightening much more.

"Merveilleux~" she couldn't help but say as she was lifted up in the air. Euphoria rushed into the Elf, as she smiled with delight as the tendrils began tightening up and loosing. Though it seemed she grew less happy when it wasn't as tight.
Anya stared confusedly as the tendrils beneath her began to wrap around the elf after a strangely worded chat.

"Wait, so it's like one upping them, nya? They send yours to the hospital, you send theirs to the meow-gue." she said aloud, thinking about how it works. This would be valuable knowledge for future dares. But there was still something that bothered her. That elf should not have enjoyed being tied up as much as she should. There must have been some secret, some adult in-joke she didn't know about.

Anya leaned forward, silently staring at the spectacle.
Lily watched in a mixture of horror and excitement as her plan crumbled and fell to the ground. She didn't speak a lick of French, but the Alraune was pretty sure that she got the gist of what was going on here. There was still about twenty seconds left, and already she had to do damage control.

"...Yes, Anya. It was supposed to be like that, but I guess it turns out that Susie really likes hanging upside down. A lot. You know, like on a jungle gym. I-isn't that fun, Anya? Hanging upside down? What was I doing suggesting a dare as fun and innocent as that? I guess I wasn't thinking, huh?"

Lily began squeezing tighter and tighter, almost to the point of pain, because if this was happening anyways, Susie might as well enjoy it while selling her whole 'wholesome fun' story.

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