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"No, I meant 'take her back' like get on the side her back is facing. Of course we're not removing Anya," said Lily, patting Anya's back, "But yes, you certainly should entertain the possibility. I know that I would like it, and I'm willing to bet that you would like it too."

Lily gave Susie a sweet, innocuous smile like non-threatening yet persuasive being of temptation that she was. She had Susie on the hook; all that was left was to reel her in.

"Come on, it's just one night. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Either on Anya's side or mine. It's your choice."
"Oh. OH! Er m-my bad." Susie said as her face flustered a little as she began scratching the back of her head again. Her pupils darted upwards as she thought on the idea. "E-er, w-well that is uhm, t-true. Only one night and, er..." She fiddled around in the right pocket of her pants as she pulled out a coin. She brought it up close to her eye and flipped it. SO THAT'S WHERE MY TWO-FACE COLLECTOR COIN WAS! She thought to herself.

Idly twisting the coin back and forth in her right fingers she flipped it upwards. Watching it spin around in the air, she held out her palm as she caught it, and took a look at it. After she flipped it she returned it back to her pants pockets, "I erm, suppose I'll uh... er sure, I'll uh join. I think I'll uhm, g-go on Anya's side. I want to er, make sure you have plenty of room to sleep, or ah, s-something."
"Oh, I'll be fine whether we make an Anya sandwich or a Lily sandwich," said the Alraune, smiling, "But you should do whatever makes you most comfortable. Truth be told, though, I'm kinda liking getting cuddled."

"I bet it would be even better with one more. Or two. Or three. However many I can get, really."

Lily pulled Anya a little closer in order to make enough room so that Susie could plop herself down wherever she decided. It was probably going to be the best sleep Lily had ever had, and she really hoped that it was the same for her room mates.
Susie glanced as Lily spoke of enjoying cuddling. Her face flushed a bit red before she shook her head. "I'll erm, u-uh..." Susie lowered her head, "Er, I'll...Kinda want room, er, so I'll, ah, go with Anya. ...Unless you er, woul, AH nevermind. R-rambling." She continued her pause as she pulled out her coin and flipped it again. She glanced a look at it, before returning it back to her pants pockets. Susie glanced at the bed as she decided to get on the side next to Anya, and settled her spot on the bed.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DAY THREE: STILL JANUARY I THINK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The Sun rose gently, reflecting light off the fresh blanket of snow coating the ground. The sky was gray, and silent, a sort of calm marking the heavy winter covering the school grounds. In the Orange girls' dormitories, a chilly air permeated the room, numbing everything exposed. Three girls, however, lay protected in a warm pocket of air, underneath a layer of thick comforters. Under those, wedged between her friends, Anya dreamed.

The girl found herself standing alone, looking around a crumbling room devoid of furniture. Turning around, she saw Lily.

"Lily!" she said, before the alraune's teeth fell out, opening her mouth to reveal a gaping black hole. The cat shrank back, fearing what might exit as the green-skinned girl began to twitch and move towards her, before the ground gave way and Anya found herself submerged in water. Looking down, something seemed to shift in the abyss...

Anya woke up, panting and covered in sweat. Poking her head up, she looked around the familiar dormitory. Shafts of sunlight poked between the curtains, and her friends slept next to her. Nuzzling back down, she cuddled closer to Lily, and hiccuped. At least it was warm here.
Engaged in the dream world, Susie found herself in a rather familiar place. Underneath the deck the sounds of cannon fire were rushing through her ears. She peered as she looked inside her mask, a nice black canvas which protected her from the sight of the enemy. Yet she would still see them, while they wouldn't see her. She was currently with two of her compatriots, who were fending off various creatures. On her right was a man dressed in thick armor, wielding a mace, on her left was the slithering of a Lamia who impaled a spear deep into the stomach of another beast like human. It yelped out in agony, as the metal delved deep into its torso. It's cries for relief would be heard as the Lamia pulled out the spear, and stabbed it again.

"Oh come on now... you really didn't think it'd be that easy?"
Said the menacing figure on the right who stood at seven feet in height. The sounds of cannon fire continued to blast through-out the room. The Bugbear, who made the declaration slammed his spiked morningstar into head of an enemy combatant. The skull cracked with a quick tssh, as the pulpy brain fell out. The Bugbear glanced back at Susie, "Alright you know what to do." Susie gave a nod, as she flicked her fingers, as the man who died began twitching erratically. The eyes, that were once filled with life, were now glazed over, the creature held its hand to its smashed skull, in a vain attempt to keep more of its brain from rushing out.

Susie was wearing the mask, and she felt at peace, a place where she could feel no remorse. She pointed towards the enemy combatants who were fighting the crew, as the man quickly rushed at it and began tearing at the napes of the individuals who were once the allies of him. But, something was happening, her mask. It was fading away, chunks of cloth turning into dust. She instinctively reached to cover it, but, the dream suddenly shifted into another.

She now found herself deep within a set of catacombs, as a skeleton dressed in a fancy suit began to play on the trumpet, as other ghostly and skeletal musicians began playing. Around her a crowd gathered of other horrific creatures of the damned just waiting and watching the music. She was again at peace. A cold breeze blew throughout as a rainbow came out during a trumpet solo. Truly these were some nice dreams.

All the while, back in the real world, Susie rustled around in the bed, still asleep.
Huddled behind a radiator, Work B20 was still haunted by the events of last night. Wounded things devouring one another with their leafy mouths, things that came back to life howling and thrashing, haunting whooping cries filling the hallways... such terror was too much for the poor thing! B20 missed the cool air of the vents, it missed not being seen by the things, and most of all it missed its chitinous friends.

Though this experience was surely harrowing, it had changed B20. It realized that the things could be defeated, as so many had laid down to die during the night. It realized that the things, even in groups, fell upon one another like... well, B20 didn't know very many animals that fell upon one another, but the things were just as likely to attack each other than B20. Most importantly, B20 realized one thing: it was faster than the things.

B20 vowed to take action, today. It would have to follow these things throughout their day, so it could learn how they worked and --if possible-- how to defeat them. Victory, no matter how small, would be B20's today!
After getting dressed Isaac left the dorms and began following his routine he'd managed not to peak the interest of anybody yet so he didn't have to worry about anybody.
Lily awoke after a generally pleasant dormancy without having experienced an ironic, prophetic, disturbing, or fitting dream. No, no dreams at all. Her eyes simply fluttered open and she awoke to a sensation that had become somewhat familiar to her; it was the hug of a small Neko. Something was wrong, however. Anya appeared to be trembling and hiccuping and covered in moisture, which was never a good thing for a mammal.

"Anya? Hey, are you alright?" Lily whispered comfortingly, wrapping her arm tighter around the girl. Lily felt a deal of rustling under the covers, and assumed that Susie was still asleep with them.

"Awww... she's having a dream. How precious."
Anya wrapped the blankets around her head like a hood, and looked up at her plant-friend, partially lying on Lily's belly.

"I had a nightmare." she squeaked, shivering. Her eyes stared intensely into Lily's own, hoping dearly her teeth weren't about to fall out.
"Oh, no," murmured Lily, a slight frown on her face, "Sleeping next to me should be the best experience of your life. Why'd some stupid nightmare have to ruin it?"

Lily's hand ran up and down Anya's back in a consoling rub, slowly pushing the Neko a little closer to the warmth that was Lily with each movement.

"Well, it's over now, OK? Nightmares aren't real, and it will all fade away soon. Just hold me close until then. I won't let anything bad happen to you."
Anya sniffed, closing her eyes as she let Lily's hand rub across her back, soothing her. Her eyes creaked open. Lily was still there.

"But what if you're the one hurting me?" she asked softly, looking into the alraune.
Susie continued rolling around restless, and still in the dream state. She continued to be in the state of slumber, and began rolling dangerously close towards the side of the bed, and was about to fall off. Which, did indeed happen.

With a THUD. Susie had fell onto the floor. Immediately her eyes shot up as she began rubbing both her temples as she sat upright. "Ack! J-jeez!"


Achim Geier sat up on his dirty and well-worn mattress he kept in the garage near his bike. He much preferred sleeping there as compared to the actual room he had. His mongrel Junkyard was snoring as she slept on the asphalt. Achim was glancing down at his knuckles, which were rather scraped. He got up and rolled his shoulders around as he walked towards his motorcycle. He peered into the mirror of the motorcycle as he glanced at himself, mostly checking out the new cut in the process of healing on the right side of his neck. Least the injury wasn't as bad as it could have been. Well, the ones that were visible to the students anyway. It was a rough night after all.

He grumbled a bit as he retrieved on his leather jacket which was strung over the seat of the motorcycle seat. Placing it on he rolled his neck around as he held out his left index finger and thumb. He made a loud distinct whistle, as Junkyard's ears perked up. Waking up she bounced up and rushed towards Achim, leaving a noticeable trail of drool. She eyed him happily and began panting. Achim smiled a bit as he held out his right hand. Junkyard immediately sat down.

"Good girl." Achim said as he began scratching her behind the ears, much to Junkyard's joy. "Anyhow, we've got work to do." Achim rolled his shoulders around as he walked towards an empty lot right next to his bike. Junkyard eagerly followed him.
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"Wh-what?" Lily's eyes widened, "Anya, I'd never hu-"

Just then, there was a loud THUD. Susie had fallen out of bed. Lily sat up with Anya and shifted over to the side of the bed to extend a hand to the Elf.

"Oh, man, are you alright, Susie? You must have been having one Hell of a dream. You seemed really excited, so I wasn't sure if I should have woken you up."
Susie continued rubbing her head, "Ah jeez... No, it's fine." She said as she glanced towards Lily. "Wasn't that bad of a landing, fortunately." She stopped rubbing her head as she slowly got back up.
Natalya shirked between her bed's smooth silk sheets. She had already woken up one hour earlier to a noisy student's careless dressing routines, but she had always loved to profit as much time as she could covered in blankets.

Her waterbed wobbled as the girl turned around, trying to find a more comfortable position. Even though the room provided by the school came with a box-spring, a good friend of Natalya managed to mail her a very expensive flotation mattress as a replacement before she ever had to touch that dubiously unused bed.

Although the room was in a practically absolute penumbra, the aroma of scented candles still impregned the room. They probably burned out during night, but it didn't matter since she had a drawer full of them. The only light source was a light ray that came from a tiny gap between the door and the doorframe. And that meant it was half opened.

Ripping the sheets from her bed and wrapping them around her naked body, the petite Russian jumped from her bed and swiftly gave a violent kick to the door to close it. How long had it been open? Forty-five minutes, more or less? Did someone watch her sleep? Well, she wished that wasn't the case.

Agitated as she was, returning to bed to sleep a bit more would prove impossible. Maybe that meant it was time to stop being lazy and start getting ready for the day. One hour and a half later, one hour spent in a well deserved shower, dressing her hair and putting on makeup and the other half choosing which set of lingerie would she use today, she was ready to leave her room for breakfast.

She finally decided to use that cute set of black stockings with garterbelt and bra and panties with transparencies she bought just before coming to Pennsylvania. Oh, and a white shirt and a black straight skirt on top of that, of course.
A ventilation panel hinged open, and Richter emerged from the wall, flopping out like a string of linguini and slapping onto the floor with a thud. Rising in an odd fashion, he straightened his tie, and nodded at his Russian co-worker.

"I arranged a field trip for today, and neglected to get chaperones. And as I'm pretty sure we're among the few teachers working in this school, I'm enlisting you and Achim." he said in a straight tone of voice.
Achim's paused for a moment as he pulled out his phone from his jacket as he checked the date. "Lets see Feburary 1st, and finally got around to correcting the bug... Which made it read a day or two earlier in the week instead of having the proper date. Shoulda fixed that earlier, ah well no harm no foul. Especially if others made the same mistake, and more importantly didn't have any real time sensetive dates to worry about. So, taking those into account today is...Ah, looks like today may very well, scratch that is Sunday."

Achim began chuckling, "Ah good things kids are more willing to go to classes and not have any breaks." Achim continued laughing as Junkyard took a few paces closer to him.

Junkyard barked out. "Quite. Hush girl." He held out his hand and beckoned her to sit. Rolling his right arm around he checked to make sure Junkyard was sitting. She was. Achim held out his hand as he firmly spoke, "Stay."

He moved from the empty lot near his bike as he went over to the ragged mattress. Heaving it up, he pushed it upright and placed it against the wall of the garage. After finishing that he moved back to the empty lot where Junkyard was eagerly waiting for him. He paused for a moment, as he scratched Junkyard, "Anyway lets get the tools."
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"Well, I'm glad you're alright," said Lily, "Aside from the tumble, did you sleep well? I'd like to do this again some time if that's OK with you. After I get a bigger bed, maybe."

Lily held Anya a bit closer and turned her attention back to the Neko.

"Like I was saying, Anya, I would never hurt you. What makes you think that I could ever do something like that? I mean, I lo- er, I like you. I like you plenty and stuff. I won't hurt someone I like."
"It was in my dream." Anya explained in a tiny voice.

"Your mouth went all weird, and I think you were gonna eat me." she said, shivering. Her eyes glistened as she told her friend this.
"Wh-what? I mean, uh, heh, what are you talking about? Pffft. Me eating you. Heheh."

Lily's eyes shifted and she laughed nervously. While Lily had no plans to eat the girl, it was impossible for her to deny that she could. That made what Anya dreamed about kind of frightening to the Alraune, even though Lily knew that dreams really didn't mean anything.

"No, never. I'd never eat Anya. She probably had a dream like that because of how I ate her sandwich. It must have scared her a little, but I had to eat it like that. There's no way I could have done it normally."

Lily calmed herself down, and stopped shifting her eyes like a criminal and laughing nervously like a liar.

"Hey, I mean, I wouldn't eat you. You know what a good, pure, and innocent girl I am right? Well, good girls like me don't eat people. That's illegal."

"Well, they don't eat people who don't deserve it."
Standing up fully she idly glanced around as she rubbed both of her eyes, as she was not fully aware of the conversation, but she recognized something about eating people. "Huh wha? People... eating?" She stretched out her back as she entwined her fingers together and stretched out her hands, extending her palms forward. After the brief stretch she again rubbed her eyes, before thinking back. "Oh r-right, sleep, yes, I slept fine."

She went over to her desk where she retrieved a simple dark purple hair-brush, and began brushing through her hair. A feeling ran through her stomach as it grumbled. She continued brushing with long strokes, as she glanced back at the two, "Er oh speaking of sleep, right uuuh... how did the two of you sleep?"
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"Papa said just because something is illegal, doesn't mean there aren't bad guys who'd do it anyways and that's why I should be careful and also don't talk to strangers." Anya replied, wiping her eye.

"But... I guess if you're a good girl, then I'll be okay, right?" she asked, her dark, wide eyes staring deeply into Lily's.

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