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"Can you photoshop a heart onto my head?" Anya asked, tilting her head.

"I think it would make me look sophisticated and also be a metaphor for friendship." she explained, reaching towards the computer.
"Of course I am, Susie," said Lily, smiling, "I'm not just pretty, you know."

Lily gave Anya a pat on the head as she reached for Lily's laptop. Lily could only guess what lead her to want a heart on her head, but there really was no need for that.

"I think it's better if we send it unaltered, Anya. Besides, you look really sophisticated and friendly already. You don't even need a heart."
"Yes, yes I know." Susie said with a nod, "Though erm, of course I don't know as much as I er could." She quickly shook her head after catching herself tap her index fingers together. Peering at Anya she just stared for a moment, as she declared she wanted a heart on her head. "Uh, yeah. But uh, if you want the heart, uh really badly maybe it could be photo-shopped on the outfit or something? Aaaand, oh! Side tangent! Did you two read through the forms? I'm not, er implying you didn't but, ah just asking if you read erm, w-where we are going. Because, you know... it is good to know these things. And I can imagine it is an interesting place, the school is willing to take us to."
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"The forms don't say where we're going." Anya said, glancing over her crumpled slip of paper.

"Something about not holding oranges and doing accounting for body hearts." she stuffed it into her bag, "or something. I guess the trip's a surprise? That's alright though, I like surprises!" she smiled. The cat walked over to her dresser.

"Anyways, should we get packed before we go turn these in?" she asked.
"They didn't mention..." Susie stated, in a rather skeptical manner. Well, they signed off on it. Clearly they know it wouldn't be too much of a danger, if any it'd pose to me. Aaaand, to anyone it diiiid pose a threat to... Awww! They knew I'd have spare parts to play with! She blinked as she smiled rather happily for a moment. Getting up from her desk she walked over to her dresser, "I would recommend packing yes. I mean you wouldn't want to go anywhere without having packed would you?"
Lily thought for a second before saying anything. It really was kind of odd that the slips didn't say where they were going, and this school was probably too lame to take them anywhere nice. Lily imagined that it was either for a class or a generic brand something or other.

"You know, I did want to let Susie's lawyer look over this. Do you think you could get him on that while we packed, Susie? Just to make sure I'm not letting anyone harvest my body."

Lily got out her luggage, which was of course a pink case, and zipped it open.

"Anyways, Susie, if you're curious about me, I'm sure I could share a thing or two."
"He recently finished a mediation, concerning the Estate of the Vandernoose Family." Susie nonchalantly stated, adding on to the lore of the Lawyer Puppet. "It was a rather difficult matter... He may be slightly upset, and would prefer being eased into it. And of course, I would fully understand, er, ah the sensitivity of not wanting people to harvest any part of the body." Susie stated. She walked over towards her trunk and knocked on it, "Feeerdie we are going to go on a trip."

And in the spirit of the talking puppet inside the trunk, Ferdie did respond. "Ballin'. Where to?" She then went to her closet as she quickly procured a plain black rolling suitcase. After she brought in front of her dresser she began packing. "Dunno." Susie responded as, Ferdie began cackling. "My favorite."

She then turned to glance at Lily, "Well, that would be nice."
The man looked very angry. From outside the garage, Natalya observed Achim shout at his phone through the door, which was wide open. Something about a son whore of an unwanted crack, or whatever. Maybe it was not a good time to visit him, was it? The woman was about to leave for breakfast, trying to make time so the teacher would hopefully calm down, when he suddenly noticed her presence. Achim appeared to calm down, if only to appear nice to her. How nice of you, Achim.

"Hello, Mr. Achim" - said Natalya, as she extended her hand - "I am Dr. Berezinova, the chemistry teacher. I have arrived here three days ago". The woman cleared her throat before continuing. She tried her best not to flinch, considering her larynx had been sore since she woke up. "Richter told me he had prepared a field trip for the kids and that we had to bring them with us."

Natalya subtly eyed the man from head to toe. Wow, very nice. The leather jacket was also cute. The doctor bit her lip as she gently pulled the tip of some of her hairlocks. "We could, uh... go to a relaxing place. With the kids, I mean."
Lily began packing for the field trip. Some slutty clothing, perhaps one modest piece, and a swimsuit because you never know. She also threw the essentials in there, like nail polish and lipstick and other makeup.

Also her tooth brush, some soap, shampoo, and other hygiene products. Then, the video games. She made sure to throw a couple of video games in there.

Then, because there was some more room, more clothes.

"Yeah, being harvested isn't super comfortable. I'd let a friend do it, though, as long as they were gentle. Like, if you ever needed some reagents, Susie, I'd let you harvest my body," said Lily nonchalantly, "Anyways, I'll tell you a couple of things about me during the trip if you want. That should make the trip go pretty fast."
Anya tossed an odd assortment of clothes at random from her dressers, mostly consisting of sweaters and dresses, her trusty maid outfit, a few winter items, and a school-issued swimsuit, because Richter seemed like a cool guy who enjoyed trips to the beach. Anya wanted to soak up the sun and hopefully not get sunburn.

"What's harvesting?" she asked her friends.

"Does that mean you're made of wheat? I knew you were a plant but you don't smell like wheat."
Lily zipped up her luggage after she had finished packing, turned towards Anya, and gently tousled the girl's hair.

"Well, Anya, harvesting is when you take the resources you want from something. Since my body has desirable resources, people could harvest me for them. Like my petals or my vines or my fluids. It's not very comfortable for me, though, and because I am sentient and sapient, only I can say who is allowed to harvest me and when and what parts."

"But of course, because my parts are so rare and expensive, not everyone wants to follow that rule."
Achim began laughing heartily, as his loyal and large mongrel Junkyard began panting. He quickly stretched out his right hand and shook Natalya's. "No need for formalities, kids ain't about. Adults merely chatting with adults." After he finished the shake he paused for a moment. "Trip huh? Right, well gonna assume its a long one. Hold up, gotta make preparations..."

Achim nonchalantly pulled out his phone from his jacket as he dialed up a number. "...Bruno? Hey! How are ya?" He gave a nod, "Great, great. Yeah, I'm gonna need you to watch Junkyard for a bit, oh and my bike. ...Business. Yeah, yeah, tell them." Achim gave a smile, "Oh and don't dent my bike, you know the cost. ...More so if Junkyard gets even a scratch on her. And if both get dented or dinged, well, you know the penalty." Achim said with a rather sinister grin, "Aaah..." He chuckled, "Oh, yeah, and how's the Missus? Great, great, tell her I said Hi. Laaaater...." Click. He returned the phone back into his jacket.

He rolled his shoulders, "Aight, made my preparations. Right where's the friendly bastard then?" Achim paused for a moment before smirking, "....Relaxin' place ya say? That I could go for. But ah, gotta get those kids then."


Susie began packing as well, placing the essentials in her suitcase, clothes, toiletries, some felt hand-puppets, several comic books, a other few pieces of Batman memorabilia, and a small orb. As Lily mentioned the fact she would allow for harvesting, a rather happy grin crept on her face. "Well, if I ever need any regents I will make sure to be absolutely gentle in the harvest. And yes, discussing things like that would help the trip feel faster, I'd say. And I thank you for both of those things, very much."

Ferdie, in the meantime quickly walked up into the suitcase proper. After collecting everything she needed, she zipped up the suitcase.
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"Harvest..." Anya looked curiously at Lily's flower, and experimentally picked up a vine. So, it would seem that Lily's parts could be harvested. She had no idea what 'fluids' meant, though. Maybe saliva? That was weird. And gross. She's ask what she meant over.

"So what you're saying is that we can eat you?" she asked. She followed this up by nipping the end of the vine, a look of curiosity upon her face.
Achim rolled his shoulders around, "Anyhow babe, doubt Richter gonna bother gettin' the tykes. So taking that into account..." He stretched out his arms as he yawned a bit. "Suppose I oughta fetch 'em. Ya comin' with?" Achim asked of Natalya as he casually left the garage, and entered the school itself. Cocking his head back, he held out his left hand. "Stay girl. Bruno will get over here and watch ya soon."

As he entered the school he roamed towards the various dorm sections, as he knocked on the door with a loud pound. "Students, get your forms, and whatever you want to bring. Field trip."


Susie just stared a bit at Anya as she began biting on one of Lily's vines. "Er, no, it's more of taking pieces. I doubt she'd want us to eat her." Susie paused for a moment, as she pondered on anything she could be missing to bring. "You see, er, ah it'd be a longish explanation. So er, excited for the uh, trip?" She inquired of Anya.
Isaac heard the knocking on the doors as he frantically shoved some clean clothes into his bag and packed his swimming trunks just in case and picked up the just re-received signed forms and exited his dorm, looking for the teacher.
"You're welcome, Susie," replied Lily, smiling proudly to herself. She was fairly confident that the Elf had already taken quite a liking to her, and she was gaining even more points now. At this rate, Lily predicted that Susie would want to hug her before long. That would be pretty awesome.

Then Anya began nibbling on one of her vines, and Lily quickly pulled it away from her. Lily didn't need Anya to realize that she had been eating Alraune last night. Thankfully, the texture was quite different when cooked and the flavor was mild. If the girl didn't get a good taste, she would be none the wiser.

"Wh-what? Eat me? I'd, uh-"

But Susie quickly came in with a save, and Lily simply nodded.

"Yeah. You just had a nightmare about me wanting to eat you, Anya. How do you think it would make me feel if I thought you wanted to eat me? I most certainly don't want that."
"But I wasn't eating you; I was just eating your flower." Anya objected, licking her lips. That vine tasted familiar, somehow. It was also delicious.

"Unless the flower was-" she was cut off by Achim banging on the door and calling them out. Quickly, Anya ran her fingers through her hair, and zipped her bag shut.

"We're gonna be late!" she exclaimed, dragging it towards the door.
Achim glanced around as a variety of students came rushing out, bringing out a plethora of suitcases, large and small. Achim gave a grin to a Yeti who was dressed in a blue suit, and wore a pair of purple shutter shades. He trudged on by, giving two Dwarves who were wearing wife-beaters, and each had their beards trimmed fairly short, a ride on his shoulders. Another student, an Arachne was skittering on the ceiling, as she attached her web up there. She was having difficulties rolling the suitcase on the roof, as it seemed to get stuck in her webs. Still, many students were gathering about and heading down the halls.

"Right, right... Aight well, wrangled the bastards."


Susie grabbed her suitcase, "Let's uh, get going then." Susie glanced towards Lily, "Going to uh, take the flower with you?"
Work B20, still in its hiding place, noticed that the door directly adjacent to it was opening! Withdrawing further into the radiator, B20 waited to see what hideous things would live in a room that is only designed to kill its occupant. As B20 stared in horror, it saw... a thing that looked exactly like the thing that died in that room last night. This one looked more alert, and more mobile. Oh no! That meant the things revive themselves after death!

Curiosity overcame B20's indefagitable horror, as it watched the thing scurry down the hall. With a fire burning in its core, B20 crawled out from within the radiator, and began following the thing. With nightmarish spiderlike agility, it crawled along the ceilings at a speed almost matching the thing, despite the exponential size difference between the two.
"The tykes...? Oh, of course!" - Natalya had almost forgotten about the kids, even although she had mentioned them just a few seconds ago. Truth is, the teacher's head was in another place, probably thinking about how badass did Achim look with that jacket. A shame the kids had to come with them. "Yeah, I will accompany you. I have yet to meet most of my pupils. I haven't even had time to prepare a class, you know? I have been busy..." - the woman stopped abruptly - "I have been busy, yeah."


Natalya watched the kids grabbing their stuff from behind Achim. Whispering at his ear, trying to hide the fact that she was completely clueless about teaching to her future pupils, she asked. "So... do you have any idea about where are we going?".
Achim turned back to glance at Natalya and smirked. "No idea. ...How I like it. Then again, nobody panics when things go "according to plan.", even if it is an evil plan. Still, glad ya followed, even though I also have no idea where we're gonna go." He rolled his shoulders around as he glanced at various students. He glanced at one student hand him some papers.

Achim idly flipped through it and handed them back, "Doesn't look like it's any homework from my class. Save that for when you get to the vehicle. Unless ya really wanna give them to me now." Achim pondered on how Richter was gonna transport them. He truly wished it would be achieved by the ultimate motorcycle fusion, where they were all connected in a magnificent display.

He returned his attention to Natalya, "Busy huh?"
"The flower is a part of me, Anya. You eat that, you eat me," Lily replied. She didn't need the Neko stealing any more nibbles.

"Yeah, I'm going to take my flower," Lily replied to Susie, "I'm trying to master the art of walking on these hot new legs, but I still need it for a variety of things."

And with that, Lily stepped into her flower and quickly changed out of her pajamas and into something more revealing. Wearing modest clothing wasn't as bad as Lily thought it would be, but she was still a lot more comfortable wearing next to nothing. In this case, next to nothing being a midriff-bearing white blouse with the top couple of buttons undone and a red plaid miniskirt that didn't go much more than a couple of inches down her thighs.

Lily dragged her luggage out the door, her flower following close behind, and walked up to Achim with her permission slip in hand. She could only hope that this trip wasn't too dumb.
Susie glanced towards Lily and gave a nod, "Perfectly understandable. ...I erm, hope the legs are treating you well?" She glanced around as she decided, she had everything she needed in the bag. As she was heading towards the door, "OH!" Swaying back to the table, she picked up her forms and her bag of candy. Keeping the candy and the forms in one hand, and the luggage in the other, she exited out of the room, and into the swarm of students.

The Arachne glanced to her side as two other creatures skittered up towards the ceiling with her. On her right a rather small goblin who was keeping a pair of suction cups attached to his hands and feet was slowly moving forward. Being rather noisy in the process, he realized he accidentally dropped the Pocky stick he was chewing on. "Gaaaah!" On the left was a bat-like creature with no hands, and who was holding onto a brief-case with her clawed talons. She glanced around with her rather bright eyes.

Achim glanced at Isaac, "Adults are talking now. Just follow your peers." He returned his attention to Natalya, "Well, hopefully you'll be able to find a break during this venture eh?"

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