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Lily bounced out the door after her friends, handing her permission slip to Achim with a wide smile. The day had already begun, and she'd already learned that Lily wasn't for eating.

She hadn't bothered to change out of her nightgown. If she was correct, they'd be riding to their destination. Anya remembered taking long rides with her father; if you weren't talking or playing simple games, you were probably about to pass out.

The crowd of students soon shuffled, like a herd of cattle, to the basement, happening upon Richter whispering softly as he caressed the school bus. The school bus, of course, was no ordinary vehicle. This was a custom beast, one with careful specifications that involved Richter rigging a superintendent vote to spend 70% of the school budget that year on its creation. For starters, it was no school bus; it was a commercial one, with actual chairs arranged three to a side. The windows were treated to block UV rays, so that Richter could go on trips without dying horribly, and the exterior was painted a bright orange, complimented by blue. The school's mascot, a cartoony flumph, adorned its flank. Additionally, Achim had outfitted it with all the British spy technology the pair could lift off the black market. Achim made love inside this bus several times. Richter once made sweet, tender love to it. He called it "Better Olga".
Work B20 watched the thing it had been tailing head outside along with a huge group of other things. Deciding not to push its luck, B20 scuttled out of an open window to outside. Once outside, it noticed a crowd of the things around a large brightly-colored vehicle. This must be important to the things. I should investigate it closer, but without coming close to these things.

B20, hiding itself in the unkempt grass coating the schoolyard, scuttled up to the side of the bus not surrounded by students. Using various addons and gewgaws welded onto the bus as stepping-stones, B20 made its way up to one of the bus's windows. Luckily, one of them had been opened just enough for B20 to slip inside. Thanks to its small size, B20 managed to fit perfectly under the driver's seat. There, it settled down and waited for whatever these things did with this giant ventshaft to occur.
Achim quickly took more permission slips from various students. "Riiight, well I guess they won't be holding onto them until they arrive." Susie handed over her slip to Achim as she followed the crowd of students. Achim glanced towards Natalya, as he held a rather prominent stack of paperwork, "Ah, probably should follow the tykes now." He said with a nod, as he followed the students. "Ah yes, you said you arrived here three days ago earlier? Whatcha think of the place?"

Susie continued heading foward, as a thought occured to her. W-wait are we heading towards? She blinked as they headed towards the basement? Upon entering the basement she just stared at the bus, with a rather confused expression on her face. Tilting her head slightly she just blinked at the sight. "Certainly uh... has school spirit..."
"Yeah, busy..." - muttered Natalya, slightly uncomfortable. She didn't like being asked about her daily schedules, sometimes for obvious reasons, sometimes simple paranoia. This time, it was for less obvious reasons.

The teacher sighed. "I hope I can get some well deserved rest. I have slept... what, two hours? And I haven't stopped moving up and down since Friday!" - the woman made a brief pause to move aside a hair lock that had fallen in front of her face - "Is it always like that in this place, or is it just because I am new here?"


Natalya wasn't able to conceal her astonishment. This bus... she had never seen something like this, and she had seen quite a few tacticool vehicles before. How many thousands of dollars did this cost? Not even vehicles designed to assault military bases were this well equipped!

The woman tapped Achim's shoulder. "Hey, why are we using a bus like this?" - she whispered, trying to avoid standing out or alarming the children - "Did I get into one of those PMC boot camps for child soldiers disguised as an academy by accident or what?"
Isaac once again handed his permission slip to Achim and continued to follow the massive herd of students taking note of the many students who seemed to be stunned, and then he realized why the they would be riding bus was insane looking as he silently muttered to himself "Sweet bus." as he was ushered closer to what he dubbed "the awesome bus."
As he walked with the students he frowned as Natalya mentioned she only had two hours of sleep. "Ack, well hopefully you'll get some good sleep doll. As for moving up and down." Achim shrugged as he turned back to glance at her, "I'm going to say mix of both."


Achim glanced back at Natalya as she tapped his shoulder. "Oh, no. Ha, oh students... the students... not the pick of the litter, for that. Then again they usually aren't at those PMC boot camps for child soldiers. Nah, Richter loves the bus. I enjoy it too, not as much as he does, but I enjoyed building and attaching pieces of machinery to this beauty. Besides, this isn't even the weirdest thing I've seen here. Remind me and I'll tell you about that spontaneous time the demons spawned here and began a Dance Off. Or I can talk about some other story."
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Having handed in her form, Lily followed the herd down to the basement. Already she had a bad feeling about this mess. Coming upon the bus, Lily couldn't help but stare in shock and awe. This was the shittiest school in operation, and they had a totally awesome fully-equipped bus like this?

After a couple of seconds of staring and a comment from Susie, Lily spoke up.

"Is this what the school spent all of its budget on?"

Lily wasn't even particularly upset. Of course she was a little miffed because their rooms and teachers and books sucked, but she was really more impressed than anything. Impressed at the sheer gall it took to spend a shitton of money on a stupid bus that would very rarely be used in lieu of actual nice things for the school and the students.

And impressed at how awesome a bus could actually be.
"That's, probably yeah where all the money went on." Susie noted in agreement. Holding onto her suitcase, she stared a bit again at the bus. She shook her head and again stared at it.

Noticing students beginning to enter the bus, she knew she couldn't lay about. She entered the bus proper. As she was heading on, she looked around for a nice spot, one where she could have a nice peaceful corner. Upon finding such a seat, she stowed she opened up her suitcase as she took out a single comic book, Batman & Dracula: Red Rain. Before Ferdie could speak she zipped it back up and stowed away her luggage.
Lily shrugged and followed Susie onto the bus. The Alraune was confident that at least they had a nicer bus than Thaddeus Orange, even if their rival school was better in every other way. She placed her luggage overhead, and her flower scuttled up after. Lily took a seat next to Susie.

"Hey, is that a comic book?" Lily asked, leaning in close so that she could get a good look at the volume, "I didn't know you liked comics. Are you, like, a nerd?"

Not that Lily was judging. She, herself, had a secret collection of memorabilia that could easily be considered dorky. Even though she totes wasn't a nerd.
Isaac entered the 'awesome bus' quietly and began looking for a seat and taking one where he was eighty percent sure no one would bother him and opened his bag and pulled out an energy bar for the trip and unwrapped it and pulled out a book and began reading it and eating the candy bar.
Anya followed suite, climbing onto the armrest to place the baggage overhead before plopping down onto the chair.

"A nerd's like a candy, right?" she asked, kicking her legs as she peered over at what the pair were looking at.

"Do you have candy? Can I have some?" she smiled.
Susie was reading Batman & Dracula: Red Rain. Volume 581. It was a nice series of Buddy Cop comic books, that was popular around the 2060s, which focused on Batman and Dracula solving mysteries, mostly through punching out people. Susie read it with a small smile on her face, as she flicked a gummie shark into her mouth. And while chewing, she realized Lily was trying to get a good look at it.

"I er! Ah..."
She squeaked out as she moved her comic book away, before Anya showed up, "ER ah yeah, I suppose she is going with that. Nerds are a candy type. And er, I do have candy from my folks..."


Achim held up his right index finger as he glanced at Natalya, "Hold on, gonna check who's driving this baby. I'll be back to chat more, though you may want to claim a spot on the bus." He walked around where he saw Richter caressing the metal exterior of the machine. He slapped the bus in an attempt to get his attention. "Yo, who ya want to drive the Olga?" Achim rolled his shoulders around as he stared at Richter.
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"Well, yeah, Nerds are a candy, but I was talking about something else," said Lily, looking from Anya to Susie and back to Anya again.

"Anyways, Susie didn't get any Nerds I don't think. Mostly she got European candies, but she did say that she would share if you asked."

Lily then looked back at Susie and tried to get a good glimpse at the comic that she had moved away, almost as if she was hiding it.

"But the type of nerd I was talking about, well, it's a slang term. It's a little hard to explain it. It encompasses an archetype of person that enjoys certain hobbies to a great degree. They tend on social awkwardness, though they don't need to be awkward to be a nerd. You know what I'm saying, Susie? Do you hear that word at all in France?"
"Uhh... not er really. Least I haven't heard used uh, often." Susie noted, as she kept the comic book away. It's my issue. The issue from the good section of fun comics, from the antique shop! Dracula and Batman get into a fist-fight with a Cybernetic King Kong grafted with the Joker in this Issue! Susie thought to herself.
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".....Susie I dare you to give me a piece of candy." Anya said.


"First off, it's 'Better Olga.' And since I know her in... certain ways, I'll drive, of course." Richter said, leading his fellow teachers onto the bus. He produced a key, with a custom keychain, showing a portrait of a young woman. Richter suggestively wrapped his fingers around the steering wheel as he cranked the engine, which came to life with a majestic roar. Richter let out an intense moan of pleasure.

"Is everybody ready, chaperones?" he asked.
"Oh, well, it's pretty common in America," Lily replied to Susie nonchalantly, "I guess there's some reason you don't want me to, like, see your comic so I won't pry if you don't want."

Lily scooted a little closer to Susie and looked at her with the biggest, widest, sweetest, most manipulative puppy-dog eyes she could muster. The Alraune was winding up for a surprise attack.

"I... I suppose I just wanted to know more about your hobbies. As a friend. I was really happy that you seemed to want to get closer to me, b-but I understand if there are some things you just need to keep to yourself."

Lily had already committed to giving away token bits of information about herself during the trip. If she wanted to win this friendship, she needed to get more information than she had divulged back. That's just friends worked, Lily was pretty sure.
Achim gave a quick shrug of the shoulders. "Olga, Better Olga... still an Olga." Rolling his right arm around, "Aight, just checkin' man." He quickly followed Richter onto the ship. He peered at the isles, glancing at the assembled students, making sure they were behaving. After all he was on duty to guide these little miscreants on a good path. Taking a good look at the scene, the multitude of strange creatures seemed calm enough. "Yeah, everyone's ready."

He glanced around as he took a seat where he'd have a good vantage of all of the students. He stretched out his legs as he kept a relaxed air about him. Of course, he would be ready to make sure all the students kept behaving.


"Only if you say please." Susie said as she glanced at Anya. She slowly took out a small chocolate coin that was among the candies. Casually unwrapping it, she flicked the foil off to the side. Smiling a bit she took a small bite of the coin and began chewing it, tasting the texture of the treat. Yes it was a rather good piece of candy, and after she finished the first bite she proceeded to eat the rest of the coin. "I will share, but only if you ask nicely."

As she swallowed she noticed Lily move even closer to her and stared with those eyes. Keeping her mouth agape she quickly began rubbing the back of her head with her left hand. "Er w-w-w-well, it is an erm, rarer ah book in my collection. And a-ah, while I don't believe in Mint, I do er, very much appreciate keeping my books ah... safe, no matter er, what ah, rarity." Susie explained as she tried scooting further away in her seat, but moving the comic book closer into view.
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"Oh, Susie, you don't have to worry about that. If the mammals are intent on murdering trees, crushing the corpses into paste, pressing them into thin sheets, defacing the poor things with print, and stacking them one by one on top of their dead sisters, I want to at least make sure that their sacrifices had a purpose," replied Lily, smiling. The Alraune leaned forward so that she could see the now-revealed volume.

"Oh, is that Batman? I've heard of that one. Isn't it about a crazy millionaire running around in a mask and a cape, claiming to be the world's greatest detective even though he never investigates anything and instead spends his time punching the crap out of physically deformed cripples?"

Lily didn't know much about Batman or any American comics, but she had gained some knowledge peripherally and was using just about all of it right now. She bet that Susie would be impressed with her mastery over the subject.
"C-claiming!?" Susie said, rather startled at the accusation that Bruce Wayne, the Bruce Wayne wasn't the greatest detective. As for the sacrifices of the trees, well, books needed to be made, whether upon tanned hides or pressed pulp. She liked both the flesh-bound grimoires, and the ones simply made from trees. Susie glanced at Lily, slightly annoyed. Her eyebrows furrowed as she wagged her finger, "First off, he is a billionaire. And he does investigate! Quite often! Granted, he is prone to interrogation for getting many pieces of knowledge but that isn't the point. And he doesn't go after physically deformed cripples, they are Super Villains. Though again there are those who have deformities, and aren't as human like as others. Like Warren White, or Killer Croc, or Clayface, or Poison Ivy. Though Warren White looked much different before he was tossed in Arkham's freezer. Not the jail-cell where they keep Mister Freeze, but the actual freezer. "

Susie paused for a moment before blinking. "...Or ah, so I've heard. Er a-ah yeah. Uh back to the point, Batman does investigate, and prefers just beating up his foes, and choosing to outwit them. Like this one time he relied on the Joker to save him, because he knew how the Joker would act and would free him, because the Joker wants to be the one to defeat Batman instead of his other rogues. Plus he has to solve the Riddler's Riddles, in order to catch him, and he comes up with good ones."
Lily just stared at Susie as the Elf went off on her. Perhaps it was a bad idea to try and talk about Batman. At least Lily was able to find out that Susie could get pretty enthusiastic about a certain subject, but she maybe lost some points. It was time for her defense mechanism to do some damage control.

"A-alright, alright," said Lily, looking from Susie to the ground. She tried to look melancholy and just a little hurt.

"I guess I just wanted to do some bonding, but I don't actually know much about comics and stuff," Lily muttered, sniffling ever so slightly. This was yet another trick of friendship, probably. Emotionally manipulating the other person so that they become the bad guy and you gain points instead of losing points.

"I'm sorry if I said something b-bad."

"So, wait, he relies on the bad guys to save his ass and needs one of his villains to leave little clues for him or else he's hopelessly lost? Sherlock Holmes never needed dudes to leave riddles on purpose to solve a damn case."

Lily thought these things, but she didn't dare say them in fear of losing some points. The sniffling and crying thing only worked every once in a while. Too much too often would make her look like an oversensitive whiner.
"...You didn't say anything bad, per se." Susie said as she gave a little sigh. "It's fine, er, we can uh, bond over other things? Because there's been 215 years of Batman material, and, it would take a while for ah, you to learn it." Susie said as she flipped a page from her comic book, and read it. She glanced at Lily, "Erm ah, so ah, what would uh, you like to bond over?"
"215 years? Seriously? And Susie seems to know quite a bit about it, too. She really is a nerd. Well, at least I've gotten her dorkdom confirmed."

Lily bit her lower lip and thought for a few seconds. What should they bond over? Susie was French, an Elf, a wizard, and a nerd. Of those things, Lily probably knew the most about the subject of dork stuff. Within dork stuff, the most likely subject they would have in common was video games. That would be a good icebreaker before Lily launched off into stories about her own life.

"Well, how do you feel about video games? Do you like them? Because Anya has never played any, and I think it would be nice if we could think up an introductory title for her. I personally think that we should start with something older, so as not to spoil her, but it is true that newer games tend to be more user friendly so I'm not sure."
"Yeah, video games are fun." Susie said with a nod and a smile. She listened on as Lily began discussing on how Anya had not experienced video games. Tilting her head slightly she began tapping on her right cheek. "Uuuh... Er, well depends on how old of a game you'd want to bring up. Er, guess you wouldn't want to introduce to the waaaay more advanced graphics, but you also don't want to have a piece which requires an incredibly ancient device to even play it."

She tilted her head back up as she glanced upwards. "Hn, I suppose a good start would be ah, er Platformer? Some Platformer."
"Yeah, a platformer would probably be good," replied Lily, nodding, "Platformers are generally pretty simple and don't have too deep a story to worry about. Maybe a two dimensional Mario title, like Super Mario Brothers 3 or Super Mario World would do? Don't worry too much about equipment constraints, Susie. I have a working Super NES that's been wanting a player 2 for a while."

"Cost an arm and a tentacle to get that bastard into working condition. Literally. But I'm not making a damn museum, so we're gonna play it until it stops working forever."

"Well, unless you think it might be better to start somewhere later. Video games have come a long way from the 16-bit console I'm suggesting. When they still counted things in bits."

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