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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

Aylessa continued eating her chicken. She looked at him and smiled. "Only two. One was a Wiggles concert with Kyle and the other was a Black Veil Brides concert I went by myself." @NickOnTheReg
Kenny laughed a bit at the wiggles. "How were they live?" "Fruit salad, yummy yummy." He added. He sat back. "I've seen BVB before, they were fun." Kenny smiled. "I should bring you to warped tour." @Aero
Aylessa laughed. "Yeah I don't even know, but Kyle loves them so I took him to their concert." She said. "What's a warped tour?" She asked resting her chin in her hand looking at him. @NickOnTheReg
Aero said:
Aylessa laughed. "Yeah I don't even know, but Kyle loves them so I took him to their concert." She said. "What's a warped tour?" She asked resting her chin in her hand looking at him. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny's eyes grew wide. You've never heard of it?!? He said shocked. "It's only one of the best shows. Like 60 bands playing on so many stages. It runs all day. I've gone a lot." He said eagerly getting excited. He unknowingly grabbed Aylessa's arms and put them up in the air. "You're going one day yayy!" He said. He let go and sat back down. "Sorry" Kenny said with a laugh. "I got carried away." @Aero
Aylessa blinked and smilied. She listened to him describe the warped tour. "Wow that sounds awesome!" She said and laughed when her arms were in the air. "No problem." She said chuckling. @NickOnTheReg
Once lunch was over with Kenny took their garbage and threw it out. "What's next?" He asked. He completely forgot what day it was because all he can think about is after school. "Can we leave now?" He asked laughing @Aero

I make my way to the canteen surprised to see it full.But then i see my friends; Evangeline, Alia, Maria and Nasirah chatting to a group of guys we know; Dylan,Jordan,Jack and Eldon.They catch sight of me and run over but then i noticed someone else there..Someone ive never seen before
Aylessa chuckled. "We can but that would be ditching, but hey lighten up! Next is your Romeo and Juliet role." She said nudging him a bit. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny's heart skipped a beat and he smiled. He stood up and bent down. "Come mi lady." He said in a terrible accent and grabbed her hand. "Let us frolic to thy classth." Kenny added and kissed her hand. @Aero
Kenny grabbed both their books and didn't let go of her hand as they frolicked to class. "Thou shall not be late on my watcheth" he said laughing. @Aero
Kenny blushed once she said that. They got to class and he opened the door. "After you my Juliet." He smiled. The some of the students looked at them but Kenny didn't pay attention. @Aero

(( sorry for the late response, was driving back to base))
Aylessa smiled and walked in heading to her desk. "You are such a gentleman." She said looking at him giggling. @NickOnTheReg

((No problem, take your time helping people savin lives and all that EMT biz. Do you remember who was the teacher?))
(( have no clue. I thought it was the creator of the thread but I could be wrong.. Haha aww thanks. Didn't have to save any today. Transfers and no major calls at least today))

Kenny smiled and blushed a bit. "Only for you." He responded as he took his seat. He was wishing he didn't have to do this play but with Aylessa being Juliet he would do it in a heartbeat. @Aero
((Aww the creator just quit too ono. Well I'm glad nothing too major happen, did the transfers go well?))

Aylessa blushed and sat down at her seat. She didn't realize how far away she was from Kenny till she looked over at him. Aylessa sighed and rested her chin on her hand. @NickOnTheReg
((yeah, but I'm happy just us two, I'm trying to not make it boring for you. Yeah, days like today is a good day.. Not always terrible days))

Kenny watched her sit down and realized that it wasn't cool sitting so far away. He looked over at her and waved. He quickly brought out his notebook and drew her a picture, it was her as Juliet and on a balcony eating ice cream. It was corny but he thought she might like it. It wasn't very good since he did it quick but hope she got the idea.. He helped it up and a "PSSSTTTT" came across the class @Aero
((Yeah I like the two of us two. Trust me you're not boring me, this is fun ouo. Though I notice a few people are trying to join in a bit. I'm glad it's a good day for you so far!))

Aylessa blinked and looked at him when she heard the psssstt. She smiled, giggling quietly giving him a thumbs up. "Ahem! Mister Kenneth, if you don't mind I'm trying to teach here." The teacher ((whose name I forgot)) said glaring at Kenny. @NickOnTheReg
(( Yeah I noticed too, I have no clue what was going on at first when they did. xD I hope your day is going well ^^))

Kenny put the notebook down so fast and sat straight. Some of the students tried to hold back laughter. "Sorry, my bad." he replied to the teacher. He saw Aylessa smile out of the corner of his eye and grinned. He was trying to not get noticed by the teacher so they can get out of doing the play. Yet now the teacher was looking directly at him. "It won't happen again." Kenny added @Aero
((Hehe yeah xD . Aw thanks! My day is going pretty well. Nothing new really happened. Just me sitting on my couch, watching Netflix -w-))

Aylessa sighed when the teacher noticed Kenny. The teacher shook his head and went back to teaching the class. Aylessa looked over at him and gave him a reassuring smile. @NickOnTheReg
(( whatcha watching? Anything good? I'm drinking my preworkout and heading to the gym soon. I'll still post at the gym, just be between sets and stuff. Homework done?))

Kenny then sat back and leaned in his chair. He didn't care what the teacher had to say. He just kept looking over at Aylessa and out the window. Kenny wanted ice cream and her next to him. He looked at his hand and smiled knowing they were holding hands before. It felt right to him. Though it was only a day he liked her. She probably already knows but he's too shy to say anything @Aero
(G. I Joe Renegades, I've seen the movie three times now. I'm trying to motivate myself to do homework. Why am I such a procrastinator -n-. Oh cool! Have fun at the gym getting your workout on ^^))

Aylessa was doodling, bored out of her mind. She wished this class will end so she can hang out with Kenny. Oh and Kyle. She looked at the clock and let out a quiet sigh. 'Twenty more minutes.' She thought. "Alright class! As we know from yesterday Kenny and Sky were nice enough to volunteer to be Romeo and Juliet and read a scene from the play." The teacher said with a smile. 'More liked forced to play the roles.' Aylessa thought. "But sadly Sky was involved in an accident, so Kenneth. Since you are Romeo you may pick someone to be your Juliet." The teacher said as he grabbed papers which were the script of the scene Kenny and whoever Juliet is will play. @NickOnTheReg @Tsiwentiio ((because of mention))
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(( I've seen that movie, I enjoyed it! I love movies haha. It's due by the end of the month? You have this week to slack more xD haha. Oh I will haha thank you ^^ back day. Go heavy))

Kenny facepalmed once the teacher called his name. He stood up fixed his hair. "I get to pick?" He knew exactly who he was going to pick but he paused for dramatic effect. "I choose....." He paused some more. Some students knew who but he laughed at the pause. "Aylessa!" He finally said. A smile coming across his face. His heart was pumping and butterflies in his stomach. @Aero

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