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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

((Yeah, I like the movie too! But I feel kind of lost becuase I didn't watch the first movie so my first time watching it was; "Who are these people?!" But my dad was there so he explained to me who everyone is and what was happening xD . Yeah but my brain is saying do it now and get it over with! But my heart is saying, meh you got a week


When Kenny paused, Aylessa rolled her eyes and smiled. She knew he was going to pick her. Once he did she stood up and walked towards the front of the class to get her script. The teacher nodded and handed the script of the scene to both of them. @NickOnTheReg

((What part of the play should they do?))
(( haha I grew up with GI Joe so I enjoyed the movie both. Big storm shadow fan xD true, you can do it and be done with it. But you do have a week haha. I'm a procrastinator, so I'd wait hahaha. And you can pick the play ^^ ))

Kenny smiled when she walked up. She looked so amazing. He took the script and tried to study it. "I'll do my best not to mess up." He said to her @Aero
((Hehe, I tried to watch the original G.I Joe cartoon but I just couldn't bring myself to like it. I did enjoy G.I Joe Sigma Six, so when I watched the movie I wasn't totally lost. I knew Storm Shadow, Snake Eyes, Road Block, and Jinx. The rest I had no idea. I'm a big Lady Jaye fan because who doesn't love a badass woman character and a gun xD . Procrastinator bros! CX! I'm picking the kissing scene because I just like tension and drama ouo. Also I thought it was one of the funny parts of the play. Yes I'm a big nerd who actually enjoyed reading Romeo and Juliet -w-))

Aylessa read the script over and blushed. "Um Mr. Insertteachernamehere. This has a kissing scene at the end, isn't that breaking a school rule or something?" Aylessa asked. She didn't mind kissing Kenny, heck that would probably be the highlight of this boring school day. "Well I am also the drama teacher and I feel that if you wanna be a good actor you go threw with it all. Also I thought I was being a hip teacher letting to students kiss. Is kissing not hip anymore?" The teacher said flashing a peace sign. @NickOnTheReg
(( sigma 6 was cool. I enjoyed that. Just a fan of old cartoons haha. Haha that's good I was hoping you'd pick that scene, I did enjoy Romeo and Juliet too. Read it and watched movies haha ^^. I enjoy drama and stories so it's good :D ))

Kenny turned bright red when it was the kissing scene. He also shook his head at the teacher doing the peace sign. "Oi" he said. He turned around and did a quick breath check making sure it smelled good. It did. He was hoping. He looked at the script and took a deep breath. "Ready whenever you are Juliet." Kenny said with a smile. The class was doing the ooooo chant. @Aero
((I like some of the old cartoons but I'm a person who mostly watches the new versions of them. Awesome! I only watched the 1968 version but later on I'm going to watch more versions. Same here it gets my blood pumping with all the tension.))

Aylessa blinked and looked at Kenny surprised. She thought about it for a moment and then smiled. "Alright fine let's do this thing." She said ignoring the oooo's. "Alright! Close to the end of Act 1 Scene 5, Tybalt exits." The teachers said getting excited. @NickOnTheReg
(( I watch the Leonardo dicaprio one xD its on netflix haha. And I enjoyed Romeo and Juliet 2000 with guns. It was a cool modern twist :3))

Kenny cleared his throat and took a deep breath. " if I profane with my unworthiest hand, this holy shrine, the gentle sin is this, My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand, to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." @Aero
((Ooo I'll have to watch that version seems awesome!))

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this, for saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." Aylessa said trying her best to stay in character. @NickOnTheReg
(( it was pretty cool, I enjoyed it. I love musicals too. I'm an odd person. Also home from the gym ^^ Hit a new personal best of deadlifts. 525lbs xD woooo))

Kenny walked closer to Aylessa staring into her eyes, passion in his and through his words. " Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" He was getting into it. His emotions taking over. @Aero
((I like some musicals, not many though owo. Awesome! Woo hooo!))

Aylessa blushed. "Ay, pilgram, lips they must use in prayer." She said her gray eyes not looking away from Kenny's eyes. @NickOnTheReg
(( I've seen a lot on broadway, my favorite was Wicked and Rent. Haha thanks, I know it was random but I was really happy and you're the first person I'm talking to so I had to tell someone xD ))

Kenny got a bit closer, his heart racing. Was this about to happen he thought. " O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do; They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair." He responded dropping his fake accent and talking normally to Aylessa. @Aero
((I always wanted to see Wicked on broadway! Since I never finished the book. No problem! That sounds like an awesome achievement so celebrate my friend celebrate! I'm always here to listen to your cool achievements :D ))

Aylessa stood still. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake." She said normally. 'Alright here we go.' She thought not realizing she sort of dropped character. @NickOnTheReg
(( It was amazing and beautiful, I'd go again in a heartbeat. haha Aww thank you ^^ I don't get to tell many people since a lot of my friends aren't big gym goers and into like I am, so I kinda just stay quiet))

Kenny knew what was coming next, "Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take." He leaned in and kissed Aylessa very softly, the passion was there. It lasted a little longer as he put his arms around her. " Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged." Kenny finished staring into her eyes. @Aero
((Everyone keeps say that, man I really want to go! Hehehe no problem! I admire those who go to the gym and stay fit because I'm a lazy bum so anything fitness impresses me xD ))

Aylessa closed her eyes, enjoying the short kiss while it lasted. She opened her eyes and stared in his eyes. "Okay you guys can." The teacher was about to say stop until Aylessa shushed him. She stared back at Kenny. "Then have my lips the sin that they have took." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( I'll take you next time haha xD teleportation should work!! haha thank you. 2 years ago I made up my mind and made the gym my life. Not just a hobby, a lifestyle. I was in a bad place so I did something. I'm lazy 75% of the time normally xD ))

Kenny was red but smiling back at Aylessa, he felt something with that kiss and he hoped she did too. "Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again." He pulled her in close and kissed her again, the passion was there and his arms wrapped around her. Some of the guys were whistling in the class while the girls were saying awww.. @Aero
((Hahaha awesome xD . Oh wow! My cast come off I want to start working out or something and stop being such a lazy bum CX))

Aylessa kissed him back wrapping her arms around him. She closed her eyes enjoying the kiss. "Alright, alright class that's enough! If you don't settle down I'll assign an opinion essay on Romeo and Juliet." He said sighing. "Kenneth, Aylessa. Return to your seats please." @NickOnTheReg
(( you can do it! I'll be your motivational coach xD I do enjoy lazy days though. I tried training my friend and she got mad at me because I was going to hard. I don't show sympathy, well to guys. Girls sometimes it's hard because I give in easily and I care xD ))

Kenny didn't want to stop the kiss, the teacher basically pulled them apart. He held onto Aylessa a bit longer before being forced back to his seat. He was red and looked at her. Still in shock over what just happened but smiling big. Kenny couldn't take his eyes off her as he watched her walk back to her desk. @Aero
((Thanks! I need all the motivation I can get xD . Haha awww that's nice. Yeah us girls we have are ways mwahaha CX))

Aylessa pouted a bit when pulled away from Kenny but it turned into smile as she walked back to her seat. "For the next five minutes you can start on your homework or just converse to one another. Kenneth and Aylessa you get a pass from the homework for your outstanding yet a bit over the top performance." The teacher said sitting at his behind his desk. Aylessa nodded happily and packed up her stuff. She walked over and sat next to Kenny. @NickOnTheReg
(( Welcome! And yes, yes girls do >.> unfair I tell ya. Damn smiles and then tears and then hugging. No fair I tell you haha))

Kenny smiled once the teacher said no homework and when Aylessa sat next time he smiled even more. He was shy a bit but he couldn't get the kiss out of his head. "I think we did very well." is all he could say at first. "You're a great kisser." he added. @Aero
((Haha yup well that's how it is. But don't worry you boys have your ways too ouo))

Aylessa nodded. "I agree." she said and then blushed. "You're a great kisser too." She said kissing him on the cheek. "Only a few more minutes till ice cream!" She said excitedly. @NickOnTheReg
(( I got nothing haha xD Well nothing for me works anyway.))

He touched his cheek and returned the kiss and grabbed her hand to hold it. "You're amazing." he said. Kenny's stomach growled a bit once Aylessa mentioned ice cream. "I can't wait!!" he said anxious for the end of the day @Aero
((Well you got your sense of humor and you guys are strong CX))

Aylessa entwined her fingers with his smiling. She giggled at the sound of his stomach growling. The bell rang which made Aylessa's smile grow bigger. "That's are cue." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( *flexes* I got the guns xD sorry corny. haha I try to be funny and make people smile.))

No sooner than the bell rang Kenny pulled Aylessa out of the class. He was hungry and he was happy he was holding hands with her. Once outside he slowed down. "S-sorry." he said smiling holding her hand still. "I'm very glad I met you." he said to her as they started their way to pick up Kyle @Aero
((Hahaha that's alright xD Corny jokes are awesome! I do the same, I'm always there to make my buddies smile.))

Aylessa laughed as she was dragged by Kenny out of the school. "No problem, I can tell you can't wait to get some ice cream." She said catching her breath. Aylessa blushed and walked next to him. "Igualmente." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( Yay well you can always come to me and I'll try to make you smile ^^ but not right now because sadly I should sleep, I have to wake up in 5 hours for work D:))

Kenny paused for a moment and a glazed look came over his face. "Huh?" "Igloowhatchacallit?" he said. He was terrible with words and big words especially. "Yes, yes I am excited for ice cream, but also just being with you more." he added and pulled her in for a hug. @Aero
((Alrighty! Night night ^^! Sleep well))

Aylessa laughed at his reaction. "It means likewise but in Spanish." She said giggling. Aylessa blinked and then relaxed into the hug smiling. @NickOnTheReg

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