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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

((Good Whatever time it is! Sorry for the late response, I fell asleep. Haha nice! Aww thanks! I'm about to head out soon! I'm so excited!))

Aylessa sighed happily. She enjoyed every last moment of that kiss. She giggled a little when he said "Mine." "Always." She whispered smiling. @NickOnTheReg
(( haha it's okay I figured you did. Hope you slept well and it's afternoon here ^^ good whatevertimeofday for you too and good luck!! *sends good juju*))

Kenny blushed and hugged her tightly. "I hope Kyle and Kyo don't kill me." He said laughing as his arms were around her. "Maybe I should get Kyo something too." He added laughing @Aero
((I slept pretty well, thanks! How about you? It's afternoon here as well ^^. Sadly my doctor had to leave early so I wasn't able to get my foot checked out ;n;. So I'm now at the mall eating a pretzel disappointed.))

Aylessa laughed. "I doubt Kyle would mind, Kyo, I'm not sure about." Aylessa said smiling. "Kyo likes regular chocolate ice cream." She said nodding. @NickOnTheReg
(( aww :( I'm sorry. That sucks. Buy stuff at the mall. Retail therapy haha xD I'm dangerous with that. I buy to much. I slept so so. Just getting back to base now. I love pretzels))

Kenny kissed each side of her cheek and then her lips lightly "I'll remember to bring him some to buy his friendship." Kenny said laughing. "Anything to get his approval so I can see you as much as I want." He added @Aero
((Yeah, I bought purses and stuff. Tomorrow I'm going back to the mall to buy the things I put on hold at Hot Topic CX Wow crazy. I just got back from the mall yeah the pretzels were great.))

Aylessa laughed and nodded. "Aww Kenny you are so sweet!" She said pecking his lips. "Now let's get Kyle, he's probably dying to get the ice cream." She added smiling. @NickOnTheReg
(( NICEEEE!! Coach purses? Every time I go I end up buying hats or shoes. I have 57 pairs of shoes and about 35 hats. Whatcha get at hot topic? I go there a lot for the Funkos.. ))

Kenny blushed and turned towards the door. He was holding her hand as they walked closer. With a deep breath. He opened it up for Aylessa and stepped to the side, "After you mi lady." he added. @Aero
((I got a Michael Kors bag! I'm not big shoe shopper but I do love hats! I got an Eevee hat, a Loki T-shirt, and a Teeanage Mutant Ninja Turtle shell backpack cuz I'm a geek ouo))

Aylessa chuckled and curtsied. "Thank you fine gentleman." She said smiling and walked inside. She looked around. "Hm they're not down here, so they must be upstairs." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( Ohh MK bags are nice, and you have officially become my favorite person. I love love love Ninja Turtles xD ))

Kenny looked around and entered in after her. He then decides to just yell "ICE CREAM!" to see if Kyle would come running down. @Aero
((Yes I like them. Yay! I absolutely love TMNT as well! Raph is my favorite!))

"Ice cream!" Kyle said running down the stairs smiling. Aylessa laughed. "I can't believe that worked." She said chuckling. Kyle jumped up and down. "Superman!" He shouted hugging Aylessa. @NickOnTheReg
(( Donatello is my favorite, I own the whole original tv series on dvd and I know the entire original 3 movies word for word by heart. :x ))

"It would always work." He said as he smiled at Aylessa hugging kyle. "Hey Kyle! Ready for ice cream?" he said looking at him. @Aero
((I like Donnie to but he's like my third favorite. Aw lucky!! That is awesome!))

Kyle nodded. "I'm ready for ice cream!" He said smiling. Aylessa chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Then let's get going!" She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( My order is Don, Leo, Raph and then mike))

He opened the door for Aylessa and Kyle and walked out behind them. "Ice Cream!!!" Kenny chanted grabbing her hand and holding it as they walked. "Are you going to get Superman Ice Cream Kyle?" @Aero
((Mine is Raph, Mike, Donnie, then Leo.))

Aylessa walked out holding Kenny's hand in one hand and Kyle's in the other hand. Kyle chanted ice cream along with Kenny. Kyle nodded. "Superman ice cream is the best!" He said smiling. @NickOnTheReg
(( buttttt in the CGI TMNT ( which was awesome and I want a trilogy of that Leo beat Raph. Best fight xD ))

Kenny smiled! "Superman ice cream for you then" he said and squeezed Aylessa's hand slightly and smiled at her. He was so happy to be with his girl and walking with her. "So are you going to get a big one?" He asked her. @Aero
((Hehe true but I still will forever love Raph even if he is a jerky bleh))

"Yeah I'll get a big one why not." Aylessa said smiling. Kyle realized they were holding hands and tilted his head. "Are you scared of getting lost too Kenny?" Kyle asked. Aylessa blinked and looked at Kyle. She giggled a bit. @NickOnTheReg
(( I do enjoy Raph's one liners haha. Yet he always gets captured xD ))

Kenny started laughing. "Yes, yes I am afraid of getting lost too. I wouldn't know my way back. Your mom is very smart, so we should stick close to her." he smiled and looked at Aylessa @Aero

Kyle nodded. "Yeah! Mommy always knows where everything is! She really smart." Kyle said smiling. Aylessa looked at Kenny smiling. "Aw you two. I will always be there for you guys." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( How's your night going? Doing anything fun?))

Kenny blushed. "And I'll always be here for you." He said towards Aylessa. He didn't want to be anywhere else but with her. "You too Kyle!" he added. "No better place than with you Aylessa." Kenny added.. @Aero
((Nothing fun, just rping. Tomorrow I may go to see the new Minion movie and then Sunday go see Ant Man. Also on Sunday my dad wants to take my mom and me out to dinner somewhere.))

Aylessa blushed and stared at Kenny smiling. "Yay, Kenny is always with us!" He said jumping a bit. @NickOnTheReg
(( oh that sounds like fun, I don't remember the last time I was at the movies. It's 11pm and I'm about to head to the gym xD haha Tomorrow I have my grandma's 75th birthday party, then work 10pm-8am then Sunday nothing really but relaxing and maybe game. nothing special. ))

Kenny jumped for joy too! "YAY" he said laughing as they got to the ice cream shop. He looked at all the flavors and if his mouth was open he'd be drooling. He was so hungry. "Hmm what to get, what to get." They got inside and were waiting in line trying. "I see your Superman ice cream Kyle" Kenny said. @Aero
((Wow seems like a jam back weekend. Well at least you get Sunday to chill and do stuff ouo In my free time I'm going to try to do some homework))

Aylessa looked around the shop smiling. "Superman! Where? Where?" He said looking at the menu. Aylessa giggled. "It's in the top corner Kyle." She said. Kyle saw the superman ice cream and smiled. "YAY!" He shouted. @NickOnTheReg
(( eh not really just work. =\ yes do homework!!! Get it out of the way =P haha))

Kenny smiled and once they got to the front he ordered Kyle's superman ice cream. "What do you want Hun?" He asked Aylessa. "Anything, the sky is the limit" he added smiling @Aero
((Ugh I don't want to do homework : P By the way good afternoon ))

"I would like a medium cup of cookies and cream please." She said smiling. Kyle was swaying back and forth chanting, "Superman ice cream," quietly. @NickOnTheReg
(( haha but then you won't have to hurry, and relax all this coming week :) good afternoon to you too! How are you?))

Kenny smiled and ordered a large cookies and cream and m&m mix for himself. He paid for it and handed Kyle his ice cream. "Here you are!" He said smiling and handed Aylessa hers. "Here Hun." He said as they walked towards a table to sit down. @Aero
((That is true... Well first things first I'm going back to the mall to get the stuff I put on hold at Hot Topic and then maybe go to the movies. My mom and I looked at the reviews for the Minion movie and decided not to see that. So we may go see Jurassic World. I'm not a big Jurassic fan but my mom has seen many movies she doesn't want to see with me so I thought why not. I'm doing well, you?))

Kyle took the ice cream and ran over to a table and sat down. He opened his ice cream and started licking it. Aylessa smiled taking the ice cream Kenny handed to her. "Thanks." She said smiling and sat next to Kyle. She pat an empty seat beside her. "For you Kenny darling." She said chuckling. @NickOnTheReg

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