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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

(( sorry =( I was getting into then looked at the time -___- I feel bad.))

"Ohhhh I knew that, just testing you" Kenny replied while hugging her. "Onward to get Kyle then ICE CREAM!" he said and continued to walk holding her hand. "remember my treat so you can order anything you want, same with Kyle." he said as they walked.

((okayy that was the last one haha xD sorryy Goodnighttttt ^^)) @Aero
((Good morning/afternoon/whatever time of day))

"Riiiiggghhtttt." Aylessa said jokingly and chuckled. Aylessa nodded smiling. "I remember and Kyle probably does too." @NickOnTheReg
(( good afternoon or morning of evening if it is for you xD how are you?))

Kenny laughed as they walked towards Aylessa's house to pick up Kyle. "I plan to order the king size." He said laughing and rubbing his stomach. Kenny held up his skateboard. "Do you know how?" He asked her @Aero
((Afternoon xD I'm doing well, watching Tomb Raider with my mom. How are you?))

Aylessa laughed. "I'll just get a medium so will Kyle." She said nodding. Aylessa looked at his skateboard and nodded. "Yeah, but I can't do any tricks." @NickOnTheReg
(( oh good movies, I loved the games haha xD I'm still at work. Was suppose to be out by now. I'm hungry >.> ))

"Nah get larges!" He said laughing. He then placed the skateboard on the ground. "Go on, show me what you got." He added smiling. "You don't have to do tricks, just ride and I'll hold your hand and we can cruise." Kenny said looking at Aylessa smiling @Aero
((Yup! I loved it! Aww, hope you eat soon))

"Hm. I'll think about it." Aylessa said smiling. She got onto the board and pushed off still holding his head. @NickOnTheReg
(( Homeeee *eats all the food* xD well before the gym. Watching anything now?))

Kenny smiled as he watched her skate down the sidewalk slowly. It was nice to spend time with someone. "Well maybe a medium for Kyle, don't want him bouncing off the walls now and be up all night." he said. "That would be a long night for you and Kyo." Kenny added. He moved his hair out of his eyes. @Aero
((Yaay!! Nope I'm not watching anything right now, I'm playing Pokemon ouo))

Aylessa nodded. "Definitely. Last time that boy was hyped up on sugar he tied Kyo to a chair and was going to cook him in the oven because he need a sacrifice for the legendary Zelda." She said chuckling a bit at the memory. "Don't ask me why he was sacrificing Kyo to Zelda becuase I honestly have no idea." @NickOnTheReg
(( oh which one?? I love Pokemon haha))

Kenny started laughing so hard at that image that he stopped walking and bent down. "Oh my god. dead. can't breathe." he said in between laughter. "That is great." he took a deep breath and stood up and grabbed Aylessa's hand again and continued walking. "Sacrifice for the princess eh? I can see it." he added continuing to walk. @Aero
((Pokemon Black. It's weird, I have most of the games but I have only beat one xD For some reason when I make it to the Elite Four I just suddenly hate my team and start all over))

Aylessa smiled. "Yeah I had the same reaction! Kyo didn't think it was funny and grounded Kyle but I convinced him to ground me instead since I was the one who gave him the sugar." Aylessa said chuckling. @NickOnTheReg
(( I beat red, blue, yellow that was it. I still have cards :x The original set that first came out many many years ago. 102/102 This is why I'm single xD I'm a loser haha the rest I just went around caught pokemon and trained them))

"He shouldn't have grounded you." Kenny said smiling. "He should have laughed too. So maybe a medium or small would be good for him. Well if I remember he wanted a Superman one, so that is just one size right?" he asked @Aero
((I want yellow so bad but I don't have the game console to go with it ;n;. I still have my cards too cx. Nice! Aww no you're not a loser man))

"Yeah but it wasn't too bad of a grounding. I just couldn't watch T.V for a week." Aylessa said smiling. She then nodded. "Yup." @NickOnTheReg
(( I still own it :3 I have a lot of old games for collection purposes. aww thank you ^^ You're too awesome))

"That's not so bad, I don't watch TV that much myself so that would be fine for me." He smiled as they were getting closer to her house. Time seemed to fly by and that long walk didn't seem like it took long at all for them.


((heading to the gym again so I'll respond between sets and what not like last night ^^ it's arm night *flexes* haha xD ))
((Nice! I never owned one, becuase sadly I was born in the generation of the DS. I'm not complaining though I love my old DS and it plays gameboy games so I can play LeafGreen and Ruby. No problem! Aww shucks I'm not really that awesome ^///^))

"Yup, I occupy myself with my laptop and phone more than T.V." Aylessa said. She looked at her house that was now in view. "Wow, we're here already here." She said surprised. @NickOnTheReg

(( wow I feel old >.> haha very old and yes you are ^^))

"Same except drawing thrown in there and skateboarding." He said smiling as they reached the house. "Yeah it didn't seem that long today, because I really enjoy being with you so time flys by." Kenny said blushing a bit. @Aero
((Noo don't feel old! It's not good to feel old! Aw thanks you are too ouo))

Aylessa blushed and smiled. "I love being with you too. There is the saying time goes by fast when you're having fun." She said nodding. @NickOnTheReg
(( haha I always feel old, compared to others my age and what my interests are and theirs. ))

Kenny blushed. "You've made me so happy and lucky." He said blushing to Aylessa looking into her eyes. "I wish I could stop time for us." He added @Aero
((Aw well you're not old!))

Aylessa blinked. "You're not the only one really happy about this relationship." She said, her face red. "Awwww~ Kenny." She said staring into his eyes. @NickOnTheReg
(( haha thanks. Sometimes I feel it, most I don't. xD .))

Kenny turned bright red and pulled her in. " Sin from thy lips?" He said with a smirk as he pulled Aylessa in for a kiss. "Give me my sin again." He added @Aero
((Hehe. Well everyone feels old once in a while. I do as well xD ))

Aylessa smirked. "Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake." She said staring at him. @NickOnTheReg
(( you do?? Haha xD how? Check out my typical gym selfie I posted in that picture thread xD dbz shirt. Haha well if you want. Just killed my arm workout.))

"My Aylessa" he said before kissing her. His arms wrapped around her and pulled her close. He kissed her much more passionately than in class. His feelings for her were real. He was truley happy. @Aero
((I dunno, I guess when I hang out with kids and stuff or watch movies that I saw in theaters. Makes me feel pretty old. The pic looks awesome!))

Aylessa kissed him back, slowly closing her eyes. She felt so happy and was full of passion. She placed her hands on his shoulder and the slowly wrapping her arms around his neck. @NickOnTheReg
(( ohh I'm a kid at heart still and have no problem watching Disney movies and kid stuff xD thank you. I went hard tonight. haha Whatcha up to?))

Kenny smiled as they kissed and lifted her off the ground a bit as they kissed. If he could he would stop time so they can spend as much time as they want together. Kenny set Aylessa down kissed her more. Hugging her tightly, he didn't want to let go. @Aero
((I love kid stuff too but it just makes me feel old afterwards xD And it just surprises me kids are talking about getting the new Call of Duty game and all this other stuff and I'm like; "What happen to little children playing Pokemon or Kirby?" Nicceeee! Nothing, just searching the web for something to do before I head to bed. I need to get up earlier than I usually do to get my cast taken off. Then the doc can decide whether I get a walking boot or another cast))

Aylessa open her eyes surprised when he lifted her off the ground. She smiled, and with a little giggle she closed her eyes again. She never wants this kiss to end. @NickOnTheReg
(( Yeah i hear that too. I played outside and Super Nintendo and N64 growing up, but only after being outside alllll day haha.. Aww Good luck tomorrow ^^ Hope you get a walking boot. I'll come in the ambulance and escort you everywhere xD ))

Kenny was on cloud 9. Never did he imagine he would feel this way or someone would feel like this towards him. After some time the kiss ended, more so Kenny could catch his breath. He smiled at Aylessa and was holding her close still. "Mine." he said softly as he kissed her on the lips once more quick. @Aero

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