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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

I honestly don't know what happened since page 24. I've been gone for 2 months. I'll try to get back to you. It's been dead though, so maybe you can just jump right in. That's what I'll do.


[After disappearing for a few weeks, Davis and Karen Butler return.]

I vow to myself never to tell anyone why I was gone. I walk back to my house with Karen, and I sit down on the couch. "Tomorrow, we both return to school." I say, and Karen nods in agreement.
Iris walked in to the little café a couple of buildings down the road from her apartment... The doorbell ringed when she opens the door and the person behind the disk looks up. "Hi, I take the usually, milk with a little coffee in" she haven't leurn to drink coffee as it is yet and want more milk then coffee in her cup. she pays and then starting to go to school... I really hope I will fit in, for the first time I will arrive by foot and not by the roofs... That might help this hole 'fit in' progress... It's so strange to walk like normal people does. Well I guess I have to start somewere...
After disappearing for a couple of weeks, Davis and Karen return.


I get up from the kitchen table as I check the time. "Gotta go." I say, grabbing my backpack. I walk out into the garage, and unlock my 'Bike Shed' inside. I grab my bike, and pedal to school.
Lucas: The sudden noise woke me from my light slumber. The rain had destroyed my box, and i was once again, looking for a new home. The streets had been cruel to me, but my last home was worse. I needed to get up, to move, to get out of the sun. I slowly rose, grabbing my belongings, and wrapping up my now soaked sleeping bag. I slowly wandered towards a small looking Cafe. Strange, i hadn't seen one of these in years. I slowly opened the door, sat my things under the table, and sat down, hoping the little money i had could get me a decent meal.
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After Davis leaves, I look around the house. While I had been gone, I missed the house. I sigh, reaching the garage. "Davis left the door open." I notw. I take my bike out, and close and lock the door. I pedal to the cafe. I forgot the name, its been so long. I arrove at the cafe, and walk inside.
Lucas: I was greeted by a Waitress. I asked what i could get for only a couple of dollars, and she said she would go and get something for me. I sat patiently, even hoping that the scraps would be better than the crap i had been having before.
Adrian awoke to an unpleasant beeping noise of his alarm clock. He sighed and arose from his bed after turning off the alarm. He walked over to his drawer and slipped on some jeans and a long sleeve shirt. He refused to lift his hair, which was covering the top half of his face. Once he was fully dressed he grabbed his bag and walked outside. "Oh, right. I don't have a ride today..." He sighed and started walking to school.
Jackson woke up to the sound of screeching that was his alarm clock and the sound of the fire alarm ' Mother is probably attempting to cook' thought Jackson as he dragged himself out of his comfortable bed and to the bathroom while grabbing clothes to wear .A few minutes he walked out in skinny jeans and a dark purple t-shirt , he walked down the stairs and to the kitchen where he found his mother looking down sadly at what appeared to be a exetrmly burnt omelet . He walked to the counter as he took out various items to cook with as his mother greeted him then sat at the table . He cooked breakfast and sat down with his mother as the two chowed down . After he finished eating , he picked up his bag and said goodbye to his mother before leaving for his first day at school he had just transferred but he was partically fond of meeting new people but he continued to school.
Not paying attention, as he was walking, He bumped in to the other new kid and caused himself to fall over. "I my god, I am so sorry!" He spurted with embarrassment @djinnamon
" Its ok it was not your fault " Jackson smiled down at Alexander and puts his hand out to help him up.
" Good , are you going to the same school as me , we could walk together if you want " Cocked his head to the side while waiting for an answer.
"Y-yeah, but I'm new this year. And... sure, we can walk-and-talk." Adrian said shyly
"M-my name is Alexander, but most people just call me Adrian." Adrian said, his blush now redder than a tomato.

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