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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

(( haha I would love to see a video of that. xD I used to let my chinchilla run around my room ))

Kenny smiled. "I wouldn't mind either." He said with a smile. "What day is it tomorrow? " he asked dreading school in the morning @Aero
((I wish I had videos but for some reason when she does something funny or adorable I don't have my phone xD . D'aww I love chinchillas!))

Aylessa thought for a moment. "Thursday." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( I love them too. I use to have one. His name was Shadow and so adorable xD Home from the gym wooo haha. ))

"Ohh I don't wanna go tomorrow, can we stay in bed all day?" he asked with a grin and a kiss @Aero
((D'awww Shadow is a cute name! Good evening xD Just came home from getting my nails and toes done :P ))

"That would be nice." Aylessa said smiling kissing him back. @NickOnTheReg
(( good evening!! Aww mani pedi!! What color? I just punched out of work. I might die by next week. I work tomorrow 5am, then my overnight starts Saturday night, then I work all 7 days next week overnight. 58 hours.))

Kenny laughed and brushed some of her hair out of the way. "I don't think kyo or Kyle would allow that." He said laughing. @Aero
((Man I'm really late to respond! Sorry about that :P ! I hate mani's love pedi's xD . I got charcol gray I think, well that's what it looks like to me. Aw so much work and stuff.))

Aylessa giggled. "Kyle would love it, more time to get ice cream and hang out with us. You are right with Kyo though." She said smiling. @NickOnTheReg
(( aww haha I've gotten mani and pedis before. Love them. Haha I'm on day 3. Just got to work. How have you been?))

Kenny kissed her forehead and relaxed his arms around Aylessa. "That kid can eat ice cream everyday huh?" He said with a laugh. @Aero
((I don't like mani's only because I can't use my hands afterwards and for some odd reason everytime I can't use my hands my nose starts to itch XP. I've been good, just got finish playing with my bunny))

Aylessa sighed happily. "Yup, he loves ice cream almost more than me." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( hahaha that always happens. Aww yay. I tried to sleep most the day. Didn't work =/))

"More than you?" Kenny said with a laugh. "So what's the plan for tomorrow then?" He asked Aylessa and kissed her. @Aero
((It's so annoying :P . Yup but she decided she didn't want to go back in so I had to spent a hour getting her back in xD Sleep is the best! I hope you slept well.))

Aylessa giggled. "Hm, I say we ditch school. We don't have homework because of the play so why not?" She said pecking his lips smiling. @NickOnTheReg
(( I slept okay. Back to work in an hour haha xD night number 4. halfway through. How was your day?))

Kenny smiled. "Then it's settled." he added with a laugh. "Mall tomorrow then?" he asked her @Aero
((Aww well hopefully work won't be too bad. My day was good, I watched Jurassic Park again with my mom and fell asleep through the beginning xD ))

Aylessa nodded. "The mall sounds great!" She said snuggling up closer to him. @NickOnTheReg
(( I hope so too. It's already been a long week. hahaha I love that movie. I could watch it all the time.))

"Yes, I need new shoes anyway. Maybe I'll find something for you too." He said as he yawned again and held her close rubbing her back. @Aero
((It's an alright movie in my book, it just never impressed me I guess.))

Aylessa yawned. "Yeah, I need some more hats and Kyle needs some new outfits. He grew out of most of them." Aylessa said closing her eyes. @NickOnTheReg
(( you take that back =P it's one of the best movies ever xD ))

Kenny kissed her forehead, "We'll get you hats and his stuff." He said and smiled "goodnight beautiful." @Aero
(( I see what you did there *narrorws eyes* haha how are you?))

Kenny smiled and looked at Aylessa a bit while she was asleep. He whispered "mine" and kissed her forehead before falling asleep himself @Aero
((You see nothing <.< Haha I'm good I did a bit of homework today so I have to finish the rest today. It's due tomorrow xD ))

Aylessa smiled in her.

~Le Timeskip~

Aylessa woke up, slowly opening her eyes. She blinked surprised she was sniggled up to Kenny for a quick minute but then calmed down remembering she's dating him now. She smiled looking at his sleeping face. @NickOnTheReg
(( I see everythinggggg... Hahaha xD better finish it =P I just got to work. Overnight number 5. I'm sooooo tired.))

Kenny felt someone move in bed and he woke up suddenly. For a moment he forgot where he was but saw Aylessa staring at him. "Hmm," he said stretching. "Good morning beautiful." He added @Aero
((Nooooo! I will! I have to because my friend texted me not to long ago informing me that we do have honor english homework :P so I have to read two books and answer all the worksheets handwritten before August 27 which is when school starts. If it was typing questions I will be fine but no, handwriting XP. I can imagine! My mom works third shift going to work at 7pm coming home at 5am))

Aylessa smiled. "Morning handsome." She said yawning a bit. She turned around and looked at the clock. School has already started. She turned back around and looked at Kenny happy she was able to sleep in with him. @NickOnTheReg
(( oh boy haha. Lots of reading to do xD my hand writing is terrible so I would suck at that. Haha. Oh wow I don't mind third shifts but I'm just tired haha. 10 days in a row without a day off. ))

Kenny ran a hand through Aylessa's hair and kissed her. "Felt good to sleep in." He said as he pulled her closer. @Aero
((Yeah but luckily it's just a play and a 12 chapter book. The only thing I'm worried is the handwriting because one is writing down vocab words and the list has to have about a hundred words at least CX. And I can tell the teacher is going to be strict because on her page she says if you don't turn all your homework in I'm putting in a request for you to go to regular English 10, just like that. No excuses. Aw I hope when it's all over you can get to sleep the day away))

Aylessa giggled and nodded. "Yes it does! Better that Kyle isn't up to spoil the mood." She said kissing him lightly. @NickOnTheReg
(( holy crap, very strict. Good luck. I sucked at English when I was in school haha. I can sleep most the day, then I have a dinner for my sister's birthday party tomorrow night then work at midnight.))

Kenny smiled as he deepened the kiss and wrapped his arms around her pulling Aylessa on top of him. @Aero
((Yup. Imm just happy when I told my mom she laughed and then said "Haha I told you should've did your homework but nooo. No one listens to me! So now I get to say I told ya so! And so for that whole morning she said I told you so like 20 times xD . Ooo party on!))

Aylessa smiled in the kiss, her hands played around with his hair. @NickOnTheReg
(( hahaha xD my mom use to do that too. Then again I never told her when I had last minute homework yet she always found out >.>, mmhmm she turns 17.))

Kenny moved his hands along her sides and felt her soft skin smiling as they kissed. @Aero

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