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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

(( Yes more shopping!! You're not a fan?? Jurassic Park was one of the top 5 best movies of all time. I love that series, and World was amazing amazing amazing haha. xD I just got home from the gym about to shower up and get ready to go down to my grandma's for her birthday. Sadly have to work tonight. I slept like crap too ))

Kenny walked over and first took his phone out and snapped a picture of both of them mid bite. "Perfect." he said laughing. "You look good no matter what you're doing." he added as he sat next to her. Kenny pulled the old sly fake yawn and arm stretch to put it around Aylessa. Wasn't needed but he liked being corny anyway. He started eating his ice cream. "How is yours' Kyle? And yours my dear." he added smiling @Aero
((Good evening!!! Man I haven't been on for a bit sorry about that. Stinks you didn't get enough sleep Saturday. How was the party?))

Aylessa blinked surprised by the sudden picture. She rolled her eyes and smiled. "Why thank you." She said. Aylessa watched him put his arm around her and kissed his cheek. "You are so cute and corny." She said and then nodded. "The ice cream is amazing." Aylessa said eating her ice cream. Kyle smiled ice cream on his cheek. "Superman is delicious like always!" He said. He bit into his ice cream and looked at the two. "Are you dating my mommy?" Kyle asked looking at Kenny with a serious face. @NickOnTheReg
(( Good eveningggg, and no worries How's your foot? and homework all finished? haha The party was nice. I just got home now. haha))

Kenny nearly choked on his ice cream when Kyle asked him that. He wasn't expecting it. After coughing a bit he looked at him and smiled. "Yes I am, I hope that's okay with you." he said and looked up at Aylessa. "I really really care about your mommy and she makes me happy." he added in. Hoping Kyle would approve of that. @Aero
((My foot is fine thanks for asking, I get my walking boot hopefully tomorrow ^^. I swear if I get there and they say I have to wait more I'm going to scream, in my head that is not in the hospital xD . Oh wow, welcome back or what not.))

Kyle nodded. "I okay with it. I just wanted to know." Kyle said smiling. Aylessa chuckled. "You okay there Kenny?" She asked patting his back. @NickOnTheReg
(( If they don't give you the boot tomorrow, dropkick the nurse xD haha. How else has your day been? I have been thinking about you and hoping your okay haha. ^^))

Kenny looked at Kyle and Aylessa and smiled. "Yeah..." he took a deep breath. "I'm okay now." he said laughing haha. "Thank you Kyle for being okay with it." he smiled again and looked back at Aylessa. "I'm a lot better now that he approves." he said and kissed her cheek. @Aero
((Hahaha I'll think about it xD . Aww shucks thanks for thinking about me! My day has been good. Still haven't started my homework and my parents are yelling at me about it. Other than that it's been good. I actually slept good so that was nice.))

Kyle nodded. "But no gushy cootie stuff around me, it's gross!" He said sticking his tongue out. Aylessa laughed. "Oh Kyle." @NickOnTheReg
(( aww Well I'm glad you got some sleep at least. You can work on it thursday xD or some random day haha.. I'm trying to wake myself up to go to the gym haha.))

Kenny laughed. "I got my cootie shot so no worries." he said with a smile. His arm going around Aylessa again. He was enjoying his ice cream and just being with her. "Perfect day." he said as he took another bite. @Aero
((Yup! I'm going to try to work on it tomorrow if I have time. WAKE UP!! Did that help? CX))

Kyle nodded. "Good I did too! My mommy gave me my shot." He said smiling. Aylessa sighed happily. "Oh yeah." She said eating another spoonful of her ice cream. @NickOnTheReg
(( haha xD it did. thank you. I downloaded the RPNation APP and get notifications on my phone when someone tags me in a post. It's so convenient haha.. You can do it!! Finish it all tomorrow))

"Awesome!! So now we are safe." Kenny said with a grin. "I don't think Mommy got hers though." He added with a sly smile towards Aylessa, followed by an evil type laughter. @Aero
((No problem! Oh yeah I got an email about that I need to download that app. I will try my best!))

Aylessa blinked and chuckled. Kyle shook his head. "Mommy said she was im-i-immune to cooties so she didn't need one. I tried to tell her it better safe then sorry but she no listen." Kyle said. @NickOnTheReg
(( It's not to bad so far. Easy to navigate and everything.. ^^))

Kenny laughed. "Ohh she might be immune because she started them. " He said laughing. "We are safe though." he added giving Kyle a high five. He looked at Aylessa. "Right hun? I'm safe?" he said with a small laugh @Aero
((Hmm that's good. I'll check it out.))

Kyle high fived him back. Aylessa laughed and nodded. "Yup my fav boys are immune and perfectly safe from cooties." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( mmmhmm. Just got to the gym. Preworkout is kicking in too. Haha should be a good workout I hope))

Kenny smiled "yay" he said and did a little dance. He finished his ice cream and went to throw away the cup. "That hit the spot." He said smiling. "What would you like to do now?" He asked Aylessa @Aero
((Sweet! Sorry for the late reply, I went downstairs to help catch my bunny. She escaped her cage, again CX. Then I started playing Pokemon xD and lost track of time.))

"Let's go to the park!" Kyle said finishing his ice cream as well. Aylessa chuckled and handed Kyle a napkin. "Kyle sweetie you got ice cream all over you." She said. Kyle took the napkin and wiped his face. He then looked at Aylessa and smiled. "You have ice cream on your cheek mommy!" He said and handed her his dirty napkin. @NickOnTheReg
(( haha it's okay. BUNNYYYY!! I love bunnies.. I'm home, had a killer workout. haha. ))

Kenny smiled. "The park sounds good" he said as he grabbed an extra napkin and wiped it off of Ayless's cheek. "There beautiful." He grabbed her hand and waited for her to get Kyle's. "Closest park issss?" he paused and forgot where. "Do you know hun?" he asked with a smile. @Aero
((I love bunnies too! Well you can probably figure that out since I have one xD . Her name is Spartacus. Reason why is I thought she was a boy when I got her CX. So now her name is Spartacua because an a makes everything feminine!))

Aylessa smiled. "Thanks handsome." She said and walked beside him. Kyle threw away his trash and walked next to Aylessa. "Hmm. Oh right! The park is this way." Aylessa said pointing east. "It isn't too far from here." @NickOnTheReg
(( hahaa xD this is true. An A makes it feminine! How old is she?))

Kenny started walking with the two holding Aylessa's hand. It was still a beautiful evening and the Sun was still out for a bit longer. He wish he could stay with her always. "What's this park have?" he asked. "Slides? jungle gyms?" @Aero
((I'm honestly not sure. I can't remember when I got her. I know it was either March or May but when I did get her she was 15 weeks old.))

"It's got slides, swings, seasaw, benches, jungle gyms, a trail, everything!" Kyle said excited. Aylessa nodded. "Yeah it is a pretty awesome park." She said smiling. @NickOnTheReg
(( aww still little. :3 adorable. What color?))

"WHOAAAA, and I've never heard about it. It's going to be fun." Kenny said with a smile. He looked at Aylessa, "So you're coming on all the things right?" he said with a grin. "It'll be so much fun." @Aero
((Yup my crazy little baby. She's black with white going down her forehead, on her front paws, and on the right side of her chest.))

Kyle nodded and started chanting, "Fun." Aylessa giggled. "Oh I don't know. I may get on a few of the things." She said. @NickOnTheReg
(( Aww cute :3 This will be my last post of the night, sorry it's been lackluster.. I just realized it's almost 1am and I have work tomorrow D: So I shall say goodnight to you now!! sleep well and hope tomorrow goes well ))

"Oh you'll get on things. I'll push you on the swings." Kenny said with a smile as they walked.. He could see the park in the distance. "Almost there." He was getting excited to play on all the things. It's been forever since he's had fun at a park. @Aero
((Goooddd Evening! I hope you slept well!))

"Mommy likes the swings and monkey bars a lot." Kyle said skipping ahead of the two. Aylessa chuckled. "Look at you two so excited for the park." She said smiling. Aylessa loved watching the two get so excited, it's adorable. @NickOnTheReg
(( Good evening. I slept alright, how are you? Did you get the boot?))

"Monkey bars?" Kenny said. " I have to see this." he added laughing. "I'm more of a swings and slide guy myself." he said as they reached the park. "Kyle what do you want do go on first?" He asked with a smile. @Aero
((I'm well, thanks for asking! I did get my boot today and it's awesome! I still can't walk on my boot foot yet but it's still better than nothing! I was sooo happy, and I still am ^^))

Kyle pointed at the monkey bars. "Mommy show Kenny your monkey bar skills!" He said jumping up and down. Aylessa laughed. "I wouldn't say skills, I just like climbing on top of them to get a good view of the park." She said smiling. @NickOnTheReg
(( YAYYYY I'm happy for you. One step towards no boot now xD ))

Kenny walked over to them. "Show me." he said with a smile. He stood under them and grabbed them to stretch. "Let us see these skills my lady." he added with a smile.. @Aero

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