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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

((Yup! I'm so excited!!))

Aylessa chuckled and grabbed onto the bars. She pulled herself through the gap between the bars since she was small enough and sat on the bars. "Man this view is great." She said looking around. @NickOnTheReg
(( YAyyy sorry just had dinner. Cooked up some chicken and noodles real quick. Ate with chopsticks xD because I'm a loser))

Kenny watched her. "Wow you made that look easy." He reached up and grabbed the bars, easy for him since he was kinda tall. He pulled himself through and sat on top. "Bam" he said with a laugh. He sat close to her. "My view is better. I get to look at you." Kenny said with a grin @Aero
((Aw your not a loser xD . I'm the loser because I can't use chopsticks.))

"Becuase I've been to this park so many times." Aylessa said as she watched him join her on the monkey bars. "Aw Kenny you're such a sweet talker." Aylessa said blushing a bit. @NickOnTheReg
Waking up on the floor naked next to some chick had become somewhat of a habit for the young 17 year old. "What the hell?", David thought to himself. His eyes slowly but gradually started pondering around the room he was in. Posters of various boy bands, sketches of girls with long sitting on swings each holding a different color flower, and flags of different countries covered up most of the white wall. David then realized he was in a girl's room. "Alexis", he realized. Alexis was somewhat of a geek when it came to bands or books. All David knew about her was that she was extremely beautiful. David got up sensing a cold breeze between his knees realizing he was naked. "What the hell happened last night?", he thought to himself as he scanned all of his memories hoping to find the answer to his question. He heard someone turn on the water in the bathroom down the hall. He quickly grabbed his Calvin Klein underwear from the bed he had suddenly remembered laying on beside this beautiful girl he almost knew nothing about. He looked for his jeans and quickly snatched his shirt from the floor. It was a surprise as to why his jeans were suddenly such a tight fit. "Crap", he whispered to himself as he had realized that those were probably Alexis's jeans. He began to nervously search for his jeans just as the water in the shower had suddenly cut off. He looked under the bed and discovered his jeans alongside a bra and a broken necklace. He quickly shuffled into his jeans and peered out a small creak in the door. "Shit", he whispered to himself. He anxiously looked for a way out of the room other than the door and noticed a window partially covered by a poster of a Black Veil Brides poster. He managed to open it and peer out the window noticing it was cold and rainy outside. He looked back into the room which reeked of sweat and an odor he was not familiar with, he grabbed his socks and in one swift leap jumped out the window only to land on top of the garage of Alexis's parents' house. He leaped off the garage and onto their front lawn only to realize he had forgotten his shoes. "Fuck!", he yelled out loud. His socks were wet and his hair had a severely bad case of bedhead. It suddenly hit him that it was Monday. "Are you fucking kidding me?", he thought to himself as he was running toward some place that would remind him where he was. He searched his pockets hoping he had his phone on him only to find a pair of pink and black panties. He shoved them back into his pocket and wondered once again what had happened to him last night. As he was looking around to see if he could get a sense of where he was, he suddenly saw a group of people that looked familiar. "Holy shit. That's Corey, Juan, Josh, and Faith all walking together", he realized. He quickly darted into an alley hoping they hadn't seen him. As he looked back to see if the coast was clear, he realized, "Fuck. I have school today".
(( I'll teach you. xD I use them a lot so I taught myself haha ^^ ))

Kenny grabbed her hand and kissed it. "Just speaking the truth hun." he said. He was having fun and could stay at the park all night. The Sun was setting so the sky looked beautiful and Aylessa's skin reflecting on the sunset was beautiful @Aero
((Yay! My mom tried to teach me but at the end I just end up stabbing my food with it and eating it like that xD ))

Aylessa blushed even more. She stared into his eyes, completely forgetting about Kyle who wandered off into the playground. @NickOnTheReg
(( I have dinosaur ones that are together. It's good training ones xD ))

"Mi amor" he said as he leaned in and kissed her. Rubbing his hand down her spine slowly, also keeping his balance. @Aero
(( We have all kinds of dinos too xD haha I love them))

Kenny ran his fingers through her hair and smiled. He sat back after the kiss and was blushing. "You're amazing babe." he said running his hand along her cheek. He looked over. "Where's Kyle?" @Aero
((Ugh I'm jealous! I want dino chopsticks XP. I'm determined to master chopsticks!))

Aylessa sighed happily until she realized Kyle was missing as well. "Huh? Oh geez, he's probably somewhere around here." She said and looked around as well. @NickOnTheReg
(( Check Amazon they have everything. ^^ ))

Kenny got down and started to call out his name running over to the slide. "KYLEEEE" he yelled. "SUPERMANNNNN" @Aero
((I will!))

Aylessa climbed down as well looking around. Kyle ran up to the two smiling. "Here I am!" Kyle said waving. Aylessa sighed in relief. "Kyle what have I told you about wandering off like that!" She said in a stern tone. Kyle lowered his head. "I know and I'm sorry Mommy. But I saw someone!" Kyle said. @NickOnTheReg
((Sorry at the gym so I'll respond still haha no worries. It's arm dayyyy ))

Kenny knelt down next to Kyle. "Who did you see?" He asked. Looking around. @Aero
((Hahaha no problem, take your time))

"Mommy's friend Danny!" Kyle said. Hearing Danny's name made Aylessa panic a bit. "What?! He's back, already? No, no, no." She said sighing in aggravation. "Yup, he was looking for you but I knew you and Kenny were exchanging cooties so I sent him off somewhere." Kyle said smiling. Aylessa looked down at Kyle and smiled. "Aw thank you sweetie." @NickOnTheReg
(( haha thanks :) gonna go insane tonight))

Kenny paused and looked up at Aylessa. "Thanks Kyle, you the man." He said as he stood up. "Sooooo." He paused for a moment. "who's he?" Kenny asked. @Aero

Aylessa sighed. "He's this annoying blonde butt who is convinced that we are a couple ever since we were in middle school together. He was off at college but I guess he's visiting." She said biting her nail. "Kyo loves him, don't ask me why but he does." @NickOnTheReg
((What else are you up to besides this site??))

Kenny nodded. "I see..." He gets paranoid easily so his mind was already racing. After a long pause and shook his head and smiled kissing Aylessa on the cheek. "Let's just have fun babe." He said as he looked at Kyle. "Come lets go swing" he took his hand and headed to the swings. @Aero
((Rping on other sites and apps xD ))

Aylessa blinked and then smiled. "Yeah, let's head to the swings!" She said nodding. Kyle skipped to the swings happily. @NickOnTheReg
(( hahaha nice xD all the other sites I use to RP shut down or became inactive mostly))

Kenny started pushing Kyle on the swings slowly as he smiled at Aylessa. "Get on cutie, I can push you both." He said @Aero
((Yeah, I think this is the best site though out of all the sites I look at))

Aylessa sat down on a swing and smiled. "Aw your so sweet dear." She said. "Weeee!" Kyle screamed kicking his legs back and forth. @NickOnTheReg
(( sorry just got home haha. Killed my workout. xD ))

Kenny was going back and forth pushing the both of them. He was having fun doing so. "Who's gonna go the highest?" He said laughing @Aero
((No problem haha. Glad it was a success awesome job! This is probably going to be my last post for the day, I'm getting sleepy. Night.))

"I am I am!" Kyle chanted with a big grin on his face. "No way! I am!" Aylessa said giggling. Kyle shook his head. "Nope I am!" Kyle said. @NickOnTheReg
(( OKayyy Sleep well and goodnight ^^ ))

Kenny laughed at the two and started pushing each one higher and higher, running back and forth between the two. "I think Kyle is winning." he said as he ran back over and pushed Aylessa, "Nooo now mommy is in the lead." he added back. "It's too close to tell. Who will win, it'll be a photo finish." @Aero
((Good evening!! Sorry for no response yesterday, I was doing my homework xD .))

"I'm a win!!" Kyle exclaimed while laughing. Aylessa couldn't talk she just laughed having a good time. @NickOnTheReg
(( ahh sorry for not replying, I fell asleep at 6pm last night xD must have gone into a coma. It's 730am now xD I'm glad you finished your homework ^^ and I hope your day was a good one too))

Kenny was running back and forth between Aylessa and Kyle, "I think Kyle is going to win." He said, then ran over and pushed Aylessa. "Looks like mommy is winning now." After a bit he eventually got tired and laid down on the grass. "And the winner is Kyle! The motor is pooped." He said laughing. @Aero

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