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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

Casey followed Sky into the school and through the main hallway. By this time, there were more students bustling through the halls heading off to begin their second day of school, and Casey couldn't help but be thankful that she wouldn't have to walk to her first class (or most of the way to her first class, at least) alone. Casey smiled at Sky with gratitude when she directed her to the math room, and thanked Sky quickly before she walked away towards wherever she was headed. "At least people seem to be nicer and more welcoming here," Casey thought to herself as she walked into the room, "Maybe this new school year and new town will work out just I want it to". Despite class starting in five minutes, Casey was the first one in the room. Not knowing where to sit, Casey plopped herself down in the second row next to the windows, and pulled out a notebook and pencil. She made sure her phone was on silent (not wanting it to go off during class and draw attention to herself), and looked around the classroom. Being that it was only the beginning of the school year, the walls were fairly bare, but the typical poster showcasing pi was wrapped around the front of the classroom, and there were a few posters of common graphs plastered on the wall. Despite it frustrating her often, Casey really did enjoy math class, and although she knew it must be "geeky" to think so, she was genuinely excited about what her class was going to learn that year. Leaning back in her chair, Casey double checked that her phone was on silent, then looked towards the door, waiting for someone else to come in (although as soon as someone did, she knew she would look away hastily out of embarrassment).
Alex yawned as he lifted his book bag onto his shoulder while heading to school.

He was not a morning person and it clearly showed.

"Ugh I feel so ratchet"

He groaned as he munched on a bagel he had swiped from the kitchen on his way out the door that morning.

He was holding a smoothie in his other hand as he walked. Alex was a typical teen in that he detested school but did surprisingly well.

Plonking himself in his first class he twirled his pen in his hand with pure boredom on his face when his phone buzzed silently with a text.

(open to anyone to text Alex)
Sky was making her way to class every step she took her knee hurt more and more, she went by one of the classrooms and notice Alex, normally she would have stopped and talked to him because he was probably one of the only friends that she had. But she kept going and made it to homeroom she quickly told her teacher the situation and went right back out the door, she got to the front door and the ambulance was waiting for her, on her way to the hospital she pulled her phone out and sent Alex a text

Hey noticed that you actually got your ass out of bed today and came to school, I'm so proud!
Alex snorted and text Sky back

"Hi Baby, of course I did the show did not run over last night so I got home at a nice hour for once"

He smiled and continued typing with a speed that looked impossible.

"How about you?, is your knee ok?, I know its been acting up again you can never hide that shit from me I have like superman vision"

He sent the text and got back to trying to focus on class, Which of course was proving to be increasingly difficult. Thankfully the bell went. Gathering everything up and putting it in his book bag, he left the class and headed to the library for his free period. He had an essay to write anyway about finding yourself. Thankfully Alex had an interesting enough life to write about.
She got to the hospital and was sitting in the pre-op room when she got Alex's text

Welllllll I may be having surgery in like 20 minutes or so, and yes I know about your superman vision, how was the show ?

She put her phone on the side of the bed and looked at the ceiling, one of the nurses came in and told her that she had a phone call. It was her mom, she basically told her that they wouldn't be back for two days. once she hung up she mumbled to herself "well I guess 2 days is better than a week "
Alex frowned at Sky's news as he tried recalling the show last night

"It was good, got crowned best newcomer Drag Queen so that was awesome, made about 400 bucks all night"

He looked at his half finished Essay in front of him and closed his books and put them in his bag.

"What hospital are you at baby, Imma come and visit, I don't like you being there alone"

He said as he made his way out, stopping by the secretaries office and explaining what was going on and why he was leaving.
The nurse came back in telling her that the operating room was ready for her, she quickly texted Alex back before turning her phone off

I'm at Memorial, That's ma queen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and you should totally bring some McDonald's so we can celebrate :P
Alex smirked at Sky's response. How the girl ate like she did and have a kicking bod he had no clue. By the time he got there anyway she would be awake and able to eat.

Getting into his car, he pulled out of the school parking lot and headed for the drive thru for Mc Donalds.

Paying for the order, he bit into his burger as he drove for another few minutes and soon after he pulled up to the hospital. Cleaning his face from the food he hid Sky's food in his book bag and went inside, locking the car behind him. Heading to the right ward he knocked on her door

"Hey baby, you alive in here?"
Sky woke up and felt a little out of it, her knee looked really weird, she noticed a big bouquet of flowers from her parents she sat up and fixed her hair, sorta she basically put it in a really messy bun. She could hear someone coming in and it was Alex she was so excited to see someone she knew, "Hey, I really hate hospitals" she laughed a little " you didn't wear your crown " she smiled at him
Alex smiled and sat on the chair next to the bed

"Don't worry baby they only have you in here so your leg wont open like a pinata, my crown is at home,, gurl you know i'm too punk to wear my crown"

He grinned and lifted out the bag of fast food before putting on the table for her all opened up. He swiped a chicken nugget and sat back eating it as he turned on the television in the room.
She moved the table so it was right in front of her and started eating " how was school " she took a drink of water and could hear the door open, it was one of the nurses she came in and looked a little startled, she was one of the mean looking nurses who seemed like she loved to see people in pain, she went over and checked her vitals and adjusted the pain medication, one she was done she stood in front of Alex and crossed her arm "and who are you?" she had a really low voice, Sky couldn't help but laugh a little.
Alex looked nonchalantly at her and answered her question

"I'm her boyfriend but with both like dick, weird right?"

He tilted his head like he did not know how to process his own statement

"She thinks i'm a J-Lo but I'm more of a beyonce, which one do you think I am?"

He asked leaving the nurse completely confused by his statements.
sky burst out laughing the nurse turned and looked at her then walked out " this is why I love you " she started laughing, her phone started going off it was her dad while he talked she didn't say anything then hung up. " Do you wanna chill at my house for a few days " she kept her head down and looked through her email
"Hehe I wouldn't say I'm a genius. I just remember the different chemicals and what they do." She said chuckling. "History is pretty cool, but music class is a struggle for me because I can't play an instrument even if I try." Aylessa said awkwardly. "I did blow up a beaker I was using once." She said nodding. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny couldn't help but laugh. "That had to look so cool, well as long as you didn't get hurt." He said smiling. "I'll help you in music. What do you want to play? I can play a lot of different instruments." He added. "I'd give you free lessons." Kenny kept going. As they got into the classroom he changed his seat and sat next to Aylessa @Aero
Aylessa nodded. "No injuries, but I did get a detention." Aylessa said chuckling. Aylessa sat down at her seat and shook her head. "Oh no you don't have to teach me anything! I'm not that dedicated to music so I'll give up the next day." @NickOnTheReg
"Only detention? Wow the teacher must like you. If I did it, I'd be suspended." Kenny said laughing. He pulled out his notebook and opened back up to his dragon drawing. "Aww don't give up, I'm sure you'd be a pro in no time. Kyle would want to learn seeing you play too.@ he added smiling @Aero
"Yup! My teacher said since it was for science I don't deserve to get into too much trouble, but Kyo still had to buy a new beaker and I'm not allowed to do labs anymore." Aylessa said and looked at Kenny's dragon. "Cool dragon." She said smiling. Aylessa shook her head. "No, I rather just listen to music than making music." @NickOnTheReg
"That's not so bad. Was he mad?" Kenny asked. He blushed a bit when Aylessa complimented his dragon. "Thanks, I want to get this tattooed on me one day. Do you want any?" He asked. "What music do you like anyway?" Kenny asked. "I was going to ask you last night but forgot." @Aero
Alex grinned,

"There's a reason you love me of course"

He winked and returned to his phone, rapidly texting as the tv gave some background noise.

"so how long are you off the leg gurl"

He asked pausing his text to look back up at you
" like a few weeks, and my parents aren't getting back for a few days so I get the house to myself a little longer" she moved a piece of hair off of her face and touched the cut on her forehead " owww " she turned her phone off and looked at herself the cut was still red
Alex winced as he saw the cut, Picking up an anti-septic wipe he gently dabbed the wound to clean it

"I swear gurl you more clumsy than me after some vodka and redbull"

He gave a smile and sat back down.

"So sleep over tonight?"

He asked giving her a smile.
"First off This was not my fault, and second I don't think I'll be released tonight so we will have to wait on our sleepover" she looked at the clock, she wasn't sure what time visiting hours were over by she didn't want him to leave. " so how was school"
Aylessa shook her head. "No, Kyo actually found it really funny." She said chuckling at the memory of her uncle laughing really hard. Aylessa nodded excitingly. "I really want a tattoo, but I'm not sure what to get or where. But Kyo said I can't have one until I'm eighteen." She said sighing a bit. "I really like any kind of music as long as it's good." She said smiling. @NickOnTheReg
"That's awesome, if I got in trouble like that and broke something my parents would have been furious." Kenny said laughing. His parents, well when they were around. Kenny looks Aylessa over and around. He then touches her wrist. "I think a tattoo would look very good right here on you. Something small but meaningful." He said. He took his hand away quickly after realizing he touched her. "S-sorry." He said turning a bit red. "My favorite band is A Day to Remember, but I enjoy everything as well." @Aero

((That's actually my favorite band too xD well one of them))

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