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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

Sky had went to town to get a package for her dad and when she was almost home a truck hit her car head on, and she was rushed to the hospital, thankfully she only had minor injuries a few bruises and cuts, the worst thing was that she had injured her knee pretty badly, she would have to stay in the hospital all night and would be released at 8 in the morning she would have to wear a really big knee support brace and needed crutches. She sat in her hospital room, her parents heard of the accident but couldn't leave Paris for another week.
Kenny got out of the shower and checked his phone. "Must have fallen asleep." He said to himself as he put shorts on. Eagerly looking forward to tomorrow. He decided to do some pull ups and push ups around the house, in order to get as ready as he can for tomorrow. This is the first time in a long time he's done any kind of workout. After doing only about 40 each he went back downstairs and laid on the couch.
Casey wasn't able to attend the first day of school because her previous school hadn't transferred her papers correctly. She had gone through the stress of getting ready for the first day of school and everything too - woke up early, chose an outfit, arranged her book bag, and even left the house early just to make sure that even if she encountered traffic, she and her pickup truck would still make it to her class on time. Unfortunately, when she entered the school office to receive her class schedule, the office lady informed her that she wasn't a completely registered student yet, and that she would have to contact her school in Vancouver to resend her transcript, at which, Casey blushed deeply, and after thanking the office lady for her kindness, rushed out of the office and drove home. She contacted her old school immediately, then sat around her house looking for something productive to do. Around the time school let out, Casey decided to leave the house to get some fresh air. Her aunts had told her about this coffee shop near the school that supposedly was where all the students hung out, so she decided to stop by, and get a feel for what her new school would be like. Unsure of how to enter the parking lot, Casey quickly turned into a side street, right when this well-dressed girl crossed the street. She tried to brake, but hit the girl with a soft thunk. Freaking, Casey jumped out of her car with her cell phone in hand, and ran to the girl. Dialing the police, Casey tried to see if the girl was all right. Her pretty dress was mucked up a bit, and although she seemed to be unconscious, she was breathing, and so Casey waited with her until an ambulance showed up. By this time, there was a sizable crowd around the incident, and Casey was later taken with the police for questioning. What a great start to a new school year in a new town.
Aylessa pulled her phone out from her pocket and saw she got a text message from a new number. She looked at the piece of paper with Kenny's number and saw it was the same. She smiled and texted back:

"Hey Kenny it's Aylessa. You're probably sleep about now, but sorry for the late response got wrapped up watching T.V with the boys. Glad you made it home safe :D

HIoP I'ts KyLer!

Sorry for that. Kyle got my phone."

Aylessa sent the text and put her phone under her butt so Kyle can't reach it. "Ew now it's got butt cooties!" He said with a huff and went back to watching T.V with his arms crossed. Aylessa chuckled and ruffled his hair. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny woke up and stretched. "Oh man I passed out on the couch." He said in his empty house. He pulled out his phone and saw he had some messages from Aylessa. "Damn, missed her." He smiled at the fact she texted him.

"Hey, sorry I did fall asleep haha. Hope you slept well and I will see you in a bit at school :) Tell Kyle I said hello."

Kenny got up and started getting ready for the day. He threw on a pair of skinny jeans, and a decent shirt, he was struggling to find a nice shirt to wear. He's never gotten flustered before. He then took his shirt off and found a better white shirt. "I hope I look nice." He said to himself. It fit tightly on him. He then put on a pair of all white shoes and brought along a jacket just incase she needed it. Kenny then got onto his skateboard and started making his way to school. He was trying to think of what to talk about with Aylessa. @Aero
Sky woke up at 5 in the morning and started getting uncomfortable and started to stand up, she underestimated how messed up her knee was, she fell forward and hit her head off the corner of the metal tray, she cut her face but not to bad it went from the middle of her forehead almost to her ear. The nurse came in and put her back in the bed, and put a bandage on her cut. At 7:30 the doctor released her, her parents hired a driver for her when she got home she noticed that no one was home, she slowly went up the stairs and got to her room and put on a pair of leggings a long sleeve shirt and her high tops and went back down, the driver gave her a weird look " I would rather be at school than sitting here all by myself " she slowly got back into the car, even though she would miss the beginning of homeroom, the bandage on her face started coming off so she just pulled it off exposing the long cut. She still had a few bruises, mostly on her arms and one under her eye.
Kenny made his way down the street skateboarding as he usually does. A bit more cheerful than before but just cruising. He stopped for a drink and looked at his phone. " I got some time." He said as he sat on the bench resting a bit. Soon after he finished his drink he got back on and made his way towards school. He saw other students walking and driving by. Headphones on he could hear nothing.
When her phone's alarm went off early the next morning, Casey couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so tired. After leaving the police station via cab, she'd wanted to go find the girl she hit and apologize repeatedly, but by the time she was released (after paying a sizable fine she hoped her parents wouldn't find out about and having her license revoked), visiting hours were over, so she returned home and crawled into bed. She tried going to sleep, but the scene of her hitting the girl replaying in her head kept her awake well into the early morning hours until she eventually must have drifted into a bleak slumber. Dreading having to start her first day of school in her new town as a girl who had spent a sizable part of her first day in a police station living the consequences of hitting a pedestrian, Casey got out of bed and prepared herself for school. Not thinking much of her appearance, she pulled on a pair of black leggings, a red flannel shirt, and black high tops, and forced herself to eat a banana (well, it was more of her breakfast-loving aunt forcing her). Having taken much less time than she normally did in the morning, Casey found herself with almost an hour to spare, and so decided to call a cab to take her to the hospital to go and apologize to the poor girl she had hit. While waiting for the cab to arrive, she snipped a few flowers from her aunt's garden, however by the time she arrived at the hospital, it appeared that the girl had already been cleared and so had left, and so Casey decided to meander over to school a little early. It would probably be best to check in with the office staff to make sure her paperwork had been transferred over correctly this time anyways.
Surprisingly the driver got Sky to school on time, she sat in the car and tried to somewhat cover up the cut on her face, it hurt way to much so she just left it and didn't put any make up on at all. She looked out the window a little uneasy of what to expect, but she knew that this was better than sitting alone at home knowing that her parents were still in Paris. She put her jacket on and put the hood up and slowly got out of the car, the nurse was standing by the door with a wheelchair ready for her, she didn't want people to feel bad for her and she didn't want to draw even more attention to herself she told the nurse she would be fine and that she didn't need the wheelchair. She sat out side on the bench and pulled out her phone and called her parents, and of course it went straight to voicemail.
Aylessa woke up to the sound of her alarm clock and groaned. She sat up and turned off the alarm rubbing her eyes with the other hand. Aylessa then realized she was on her bed and not on the couch. "Alright, hung out with Kenny, he invited me and Kyle to ice-cream, watching T.V on the couch... Ah Kyo must've brought me up here." She mumbled recalling what happen last night. When she remembered the ice-cream with Kenny and Kyle she smiled a bit and got out of bed, stretching. She went and took a shower washing her hair, etc. When she got out of the shower she tried herself off and got dressed. She put on a nice gray t-shirt with lace at the bottom of the shirt and on the bottom of the sleeves. She put on some navy blue capries and some gray tennis shoes. Aylessa looked at her phone to see a text message from Kenny. She smiled and put her phone in her pocket. 'I'll talk to him at school.' She said and walked downstairs to see Kyo reading the paper and a sleepy Kyle. "Aw did you stay up too late?" Aylessa asked her adopted son. Kyle mumbled something she couldn't make out and yawned. She chuckled. "Well make sure you rest up! Remember we're getting ice-cream with Kenny today." She said and Kyle perked up. "Oh yeah! I'm going to take nap now!" He said and ran upstairs to his room. Kyo laughed and set his paper down. "Alright it looks like it's just me and you." He said smiling. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny got to school way before he ever really does. "this is weird for me." He said as he wasn't used to being early. He sat on the school stairs while his foot was still on his skateboard. He just kept thinking about after school. He was excited. His stomach rumbled really loud. "Oh right, food." He sighed as he doesn't have any in the house really meant for breakfast. Kenny laid back on the stairs and looked up. He couldn't get his mind off of her. @Aero
Kyo dropped Aylessa by the door and saw Kenny. Aylessa kissed Kyo on the cheek and got out of the car. Kyo rolled his window down. "I got my eye on you Kenny! No funny business with my daughter!" He yelled and then drove away. Aylessa blushed and glared at Kyo before he drove away. She sighed and sat down next to Kenny. "Hey." She said smiling a bit. @NickOnTheReg
Casey felt a sense of relief (the first she'd felt in a couple of days) walking out the school office - her old school had submitted all of her paperwork, so she was now an official student! Still having a bit of time before school started, Casey walked outside to get some fresh air before she would start a new school year at a new school in a whole new country, which she hoped, would go much smoother after the little, "bump-in" (no pun intended), the day before. As she walked by a bench near the front of the school, she happened to look over her shoulder to see a girl with a scar on her face and bruises covering herself. Casey felt a pang of guilt as she realized her to be the girl that she had accidentally ran into with her truck the day before. Although she wasn't as dressed up as she had been the previous day, she still looked really sleek and stylish, and as she appeared to call someone on her phone, a frown and look of sadness started to form on her pretty face. Of course nobody would like to go to school the day after they were run over by an out of country driver. Still having the flowers from her aunt's garden that she was planning on giving the girl before school at the hospital tucked in her schoolbag, Casey swallowed her nerves and pulled out the flowers while walking over to the girl. "Hi, I'm Casey, and I accidentally ran over you yesterday. I'm so, so, so, sorry for what happened - I'm going to pay for your medical bills and everything, I promise. I wanted to come visit you in the hospital earlier, but I was released late yesterday from the police, and came too late to visit you this morning. I know this must be nothing compared to how much you must hurt right now, but here are some flowers from my aunt's garden." Casey could feel her blood rush to her face as she spoke - she usually didn't introduce herself to strangers, better yet tell them that she'd been the one to bruise them up. She hoped the girl wasn't too mad, for the last thing she needed was to be absolutely hated on the first day of school.
Kenny jumped up when he was getting yelled at. He yelled back "I'll take care of her sir." Turning red from what he said. He smiled at her and waved "Hey, you look nice today. Well you did yesterday too. I bet you always do." He got flustered and looked down bright red. Kenny took a deep breath and looked back up at Aylessa. "Is Kyle looking forward to ice cream?" He asked. "I know I am, are you?" He said. @Aero
Sky was still looking at her phone when she noticed that someone came up to her and started apologizing to her, it was the girl who hit her. She listened to the girl and could tell that she felt really bad " it's okay and you don't have to do anything it was an accident, and I have felt worse pain this so " she reassured her by standing up showing that it wasn't as bad as it looked " I'm Sky " she gave her a soft smile.
Aylessa giggled. "Thank you, you look nice too." She said with a smile. "Kyle is super excited for ice-cream today! I'm super excited as well." Aylessa said rubbing the back of her neck. "Ice-cream is my absolute favorite food in the whole world!" @NickOnTheReg
Kenny smiled. "Thank you, it is? Favorite flavor? Or do you like them all. You can get as big of one as you want." He added. "Same with Kyle." He grinned. Kenny was happy she was there, happy she was talking to him. This weird feeling in his stomach. "I'm hoping the teacher forgets about that little play we were supposed to do in class." He said trying to laugh a bit @Aero
"I love all the flavors but my favorite is cookies and cream." She said thinking about it for a second. "I'll probably just get a normal sized one, so is Kyle. I don't want that boy jumping in the walls the rest of the day." She said chuckling. It was nice having a friend. She hadn't had one for so long that she forgot what it felt like just to hang out with someone. "I hope so too, it would really stink if you had to go up there and act out Romeo. But you'd probably would be really good at it though." She said blushing a bit.
"Cookies and cream is good, but my favorite is cookie dough." He said laughing. "oh true let's not have him up all night haha." Kenny added. He stood up. "After you." He said letting Aylessa walk ahead of him. He ran and opened the door for her first. " thank you, but you'd have to be Juliet." He said smiling and blushing a bit back at her. @Aero
When Sky smiled, Casey felt a small bit of her worries melt away. Although she still felt guilty for hitting such a nice person, she was glad that Sky appeared to forgive her, and was nice to her back. She was also happy that she'd made the first move to go and talk to Sky - that was something she was too shy to do and so never did back in Vancouver. Casey mirrored back Sky's smile. Sky seemed genuinely nice, and Casey wondered if they may even become friends, or have a couple classes together, at least. "Hey, um, this is my first day here, I moved from Vancouver a few weeks ago, and have math first period. Do you happen to know where room 103 is?" Casey asked nervously, pulling her schedule out of her back pocket.
Aylessa laughed along with Kenny. She walked into the school smiling. "Why thank you fine sir." She said chuckling a bit. Aylessa whole face was almost red when he told her the Juliet part. She wasn't even sure on how to answer back. @NickOnTheReg
"You're welcome my lady." he said bowing like in the old days. He smiled and quickly caught up to her. "What subject do you like most?" he asked as they kept walking. "Well, I mean what do you like to study most?" if that makes sense. Kenny looked at her. In his head he is spewing out mumbo jumbo, hoping it makes sense. @Aero
" yeah it's right near my class " she turned and slowly entered the school, her knee started bothering her so she turned to face Casey " it's the last door on the right, hopefully I'll see you later " she smiled at her and started down a separated hallway where the nurses office was, before she reached the office the nurse came out looking a little panicked, she told her that the doctor called her and told her that she had to go back to the hospital to have surgery done on her knee. " I have to go and let my teacher know because I was supposed to do some acting thing "
Aylessa giggled as she watched Kenny mess up his words. "My favorite subject has to be." She thought for a moment. "Science. It's the only subject that doesn't bore me." She said. "What's yours?" She asked looking at Kenny. @NickOnTheReg
"Wow you must be a genious." was his response. "Mine? hmm I love music class, but also really like history. I enjoy learning about old world powers and such." Kenny did love history and music class. "Have you ever made things explode in class?" he said with a smile. @Aero

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