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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

Aylessa scooped out a serving of noodles for Kyle and herself. "No problem." She said smiling. "Here, tell me when to stop." She said scooping noodles out for Kenny. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny smiled and let Aylessa scooped a big amount in Kenny's plate. "Thank you." He smiled and looked at his plate. "Oh man. I'm going to destroy this." He said. @Aero
Aylessa giggled. She walked over to Kyo and gave him the rest. She then sat down at her chair between Kyle and Kenny. "Enjoy." She said. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny began eating. "It's so good. Thank you." He said to Aylessa. Kenny loved food, would always eat when he can since he doesn't have much at home. Kenny finished his plate faster than he thought he would. Smiled and looked at her. @Aero
Aylessa chuckled. "It's no problem! I'm surprised you finished it so fast. You even beat Kyo." She said smiling. Kyo finished his pasta right after Kenny. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny laughed and put his hand behind his head. "What can I say? It was good and I was hungry haha." He sat back and smiled. "I-I can do the dishes if you want." Kenny said. @Aero
Aylessa shook her head. "Aw thank you. You don't have to the dishes." She said blushing a bit. "No, no! 'Lessa let the boy clean, if he wants to clean." Kyo said stretching smiling. Aylessa rolled her eyes. "You only want him to do the dishes because it's your turn to do the dishes." She said. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny laughed. "I don't mind." He said as he started gathering up the dishes and walking over to the sink. He started rinsing off the dishes. "You relax Aylessa, I got it." He smiled at her @Aero
Aylessa sighed. "Fine. I still don't think this is right." She said with a huff. Kyo shook his head. "You need to relax, 'Lessa." He said chuckling. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny laughed and started working on the dishes. Suds everywhere. "S-sorry. I guess I went overboard on the soap." He said smiling. Putting some excess suds on Kyle's nose. @Aero
Well then....Oops. I lost you guys at page 16...I have some catching up to do. Might quit soon.
CalebLee said:
Well then....Oops. I lost you guys at page 16...I have some catching up to do. Might quit soon.
Nothing happened, everyone is just doing there thang. Kenny and Aylessa are hanging out at Aylessa's house.

Kyle chuckled and grabbed some suds. He put them on Aylessa's nose. "Now we're matching!" He said giggling. Aylessa looked at the suds on her nose laughing. "Looks like it!" She said smiling. "Kenny you need to put some on your nose and join us!" Kyle said. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny laughed and then put some on his nose. "How's that?" he said looking down at Kyle then at Aylessa. Kenny finished the dishes and put everything away, also cleaned up the mess he made with the water. "All set." he said. @Aero
Kyle laughed. Aylessa got a napkin and wiped the suds off of her's and Kyle's noses. She stood up and smiled. "Thank you Kenny, I really do appreciate it." Aylessa said. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny smiled at the conpliment. "Don't worry about it. I'm glad I can help. Thank you again for dinner. You're a great cook." He smiled. "We'll pick another day whenever you're free for all of us to go for ice cream." Kenny added. "Does that sounds good Kyle?" He asked @Aero
Aylessa giggled. "I'm not that great, but thank you." She said. "How about tomorrow!" Kyle said excitedly. Aylessa shook her head. "I don't know Kyle we have school and stuff." She said rubbing the back of her neck. @NickOnTheReg
"I'm free all the time after class, so we can go whenever." Kenny said and wrote his number down on a piece of paper. "Feel free to text me anytime, for anything." He said slightly red. He's never gone out of his way to give a girl his number. @Aero
Aylessa blinked and blushed a bit. "Oh okay, then tomorrow after class." She said and took the piece of paper. Kyle ran and grabbed a piece of paper and pen. He nudged it into Aylessa's hand. Aylessa blinked and took the two items writing down her number. "Heres mine." She said smiling blushing. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny took her number and smiled at it and her. "It's a date." he blurted out. Kenny realized what he said and quickly corrected himself. "I-I-I mean, um. we are on for. t-tomorrow. Sorry, just came. out." Kenny was bright red. "I can walk with you back here to pick up Kyle if you want then the three of us can go together? If that's okay with you I mean." He finished looking up at Aylessa. @Aero
Aylessa's face became redder. "Oh, um, yeah that's okay. But definitely on for tomorrow." She said. Aylessa nodded. "That sounds like a plan." Kyle jumped up and down again. "Yay. Yay. Yay." He kept chanting happily. @NickOnTheReg
"Thank you again." he said. "See you tomorrow." he smiled big and walked out the door. Jumped on his skateboard and rolled off towards his house. His head spinning and he wouldn't stop grinning. "Wow" he said out loud as he worked his way home. Kenny lives completely across town but didn't care. @Aero
Aylessa nodded and watched him leave. Kyle looked up at her. "Mommy are you okay?" He asked tilting his head. Aylessa blinked and stopped looking at the door. "I'm fine Kyle. Are you excited for ice-cream tomorrow!" She asked and Kyle nodded excitedly. "Yup I'm getting superman ice-cream!" He said smiling and ran over to the living room area and sat next to Kyo who was watching T.V.
Once home Kenny knew no one was there. He took off his shows and laid on the couch. He was very happy Aylessa invited him to stay for dinner. His house was empty. No food. "So tomorrow we have ice cream together." he said to himself as rubbed his head. A smile came across his face. For once in a long time Kenny can't wait to get to school then after school tomorrow.
Kyle sat on Kyo's lap and Aylessa sat next to the two. As they watched T.V, Aylessa couldn't help but to smile. 'Ice-cream with Kyle and Kenny...' She thought. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny pulled out his phone and the piece of paper. He entered in Aylessa's number. A smile coming across his face. Kenny decided to text her.

"Hey Aylessa! It's Kenny =). I'm home and thank you again."

He sat up and started towards the shower. He wanted to make sure he looked good tomorrow. @Aero

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