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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

Kyle stayed quiet for a minute. "Kenny starts with 'K' like Kyle." He said staring at Kenny. Aylessa smiled and ruffled Kyle's hair. "That's right buddy!" She said. Kyle looked up at Aylessa for a minute and smilied. Then he looked back down a Kenny and hid behind Aylessa's leg a bit, staring at Kenny once more. @NickOnTheReg
"Kyle is a better name with a K" Kenny said laughing as he stood back up. "I don't think he likes me." he added as looked at the two and smiled. @Aero
Aylessa shook her head. "He's just shy. I don't have many friends so he's not use to people coming over." She said smiling. Aylessa walked inside her house, Kyle right behind her. "Come on in." @NickOnTheReg
Kenny left his skateboard outside and took his headphones off and placed them with his shoes he left at the door. "Sorry habit" He walked in and looked around, studying the house. It felt homey. A warm feeling. Nothing like his house which was cold all the time.

"I like the place you have here." Kenny said after looking around. @Aero
Aylessa nodded. "Yeah it's a cozy home." She said smiling. Kyle ran over to Kyo who was sitting on the couch watching t.v. "Uncle Kyo! Mommy brought home a boy that starts with 'K' like me and you!" Kyle said excitedly, he already forgot Kenny's name that quick. Kyo blinked surprised. He smiled and ruffled Kyle's hair and walked up to Kenny. He looked at the boy up and down. "Wow, first day of school and you got yourself a friend.... Who is a boy." Kyo said smiling. Aylessa was in the kitchen washing her hands, she rolled her eyes at her uncle's comment. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny laughed a bit and held his hand out. "I'm Kenny, nice to meet you." A half smile across his face. He was nervous, always was around adults. He looked at Kyle, "But your name is better than mine." He said smiling. @Aero
Kyo smiled and shook Kenny's hand. "Hi, I'm Kyo Aylessa's uncle." He said smiling. "So what are you doing here in our humble home?" Kyo asked. @NickOnTheReg
"I- uh, well, I saw Aylessa walking alone so I stopped to talk to her. Then just walked her home." Kenny said nervously and tried to smile. "I had no where to be and she's a very nice person." Kenny stopped talking before he just started rambling on. @Aero
Sky's dad called and told her that she had to go and pick up some new video game that her father's company made, after being forced to play video games for two years most of them were the same to her, got into her mothers ranger rover and drove to town.
Kyo blinked and smirked. "Well that was very nice of you Kenny, but are you sure you're talking about my 'Lessa? Nice isn't excatly her strong suit." He said chuckling a bit. Aylessa was cooking some pasta blushing. "I can be nice! I just don't very much..." She mumbled. Kyle nodded. "Yeah! Mommy is nice!" He said looking at Kyo with a grumpy look. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny laughed at bit. "She is nice." He told her uncle. He then looked into the kitchen. "Need any help Ayless?" Kenny asked poking his head into the kitchen. @Aero
"I love food." He responded with a small laugh. "Pasta is good for me." He added. Leaning on the counter. "You don't have to do this, but I do appreciate it." He turned a bit red and smiled. Kenny wasn't used to people being nice to him, not being invited for dinner. @Aero
Aylessa chuckled. "It's no hassle, really. After all that walking I thought you might be hungry so why not." She said smiling. While stirring the noddles she moved a piece of her purple hair behind her ear. @NickOnTheReg
"I really like your hair." Kenny said. He covered his mouth and turned red. "S-sorry, I know that was random. It's just purple is one of my favorite it colors and it fits you, and looks good with your skin." He averted his eyes to the ground really embarassed. @Aero
Aylessa blinked and looked over at him. "Oh, thanks! Purple is one my favorite colors too. Which you probably figured out because of my hair and all... But yeah, thanks!" Aylessa said giggling a bit at the embarrassed boy. @NickOnTheReg
Aylessa pointed at a cabinet beside her. "Plates are on the bottom shelf, cups are on the middle shelf and utensils are in the drawer below." She said then pointing at the drawer. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny nodded and went ahead and set the table, carefully placing everything down and trying to set it up nicely. He then smiled to himself. "I owe you ice cream now." He said. @Aero
"No you don't." Aylessa said smiling. "Ice-cream!" Kyle said excitedly. "Mommy and me like ice-cream!" He said with a big grin on his face. Aylessa chuckled. "Yes, we do Kyle." She said.
Kenny laughed. "You do? I love it too. How about I take you and mommy out for some one day?" He looked at Kyle and smiled. "What's your favorite flavor?" He asked Kyle. @Aero
Kyle perked up the idea of going out for ice-cream. "I like Superman ice-cream! It's pretty and named after superhero!" He said doing the Superman pose. Aylessa rolled her eyes smiling as she poured the noddles into colander.
Kenny matched kyle's pose. "Like this?!" He said laughing. "Then we shall get you superman ice cream, if it's okay with mommy first." He said looking up at Aylessa and smiling. "Smells good." Kenny added. @Aero
Kyle laughed and nodded. "Mommy can we? Pllllleeaaassseee!" He pleaded. "Well, you're already hyped up about so I don't see why not." Aylessa said smiling. Kyle jump up and down. "Yay!" He shouted and ran to the kitchen and hugged Aylessa. "Thank you!" He said looking up at Aylessa. "You shouldn't be thanking me. Thank the nice gentleman who offered the ice-cream trip." She said her gray eyes looking at Kenny. Kyle nodded an ran back to Kenny. "Thank you!" He said. Aylessa chuckled and put the pasta back in the pot. "Dinner is ready." She said. @NickOnTheReg
"You're welcome." He said back to Kyle. He stood up and smiled at Aylessa. He walked over to the sink to wash his hands before eating. Walking back to the table he waited until everyone was seated before sitting himself. "I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelt this food." Kenny stated. "Thank you Aylessa." He said with a smile. His brown eyes meeting hers. @Aero

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