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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

"Sure thing" Kenny selected the soda and handed it her. "Here you go." Kenny selected an iced tea for himself and they continued to walk. "So what music are you into?" He asked taking a sip. @Aero
"Thanks." She said and took the Dr. Pepper from him and opened it. "I'm not really attached to a certain genre, if the song is good then it's good. But if I had to absolutely choose one...hmmm. Does video game music count?" She said after she took a sip of soda. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny nodded mid sip. "Mmhmm. That counts. What game?" He asked. "I love the halo music, as well as Final Fantasy music, and more." He added. @Aero
"I like mostly Nintendo music like from Zelda and such. As well as Sonic music. I'm not much of a gamer but my adopted son and my uncle are and since my son is five my uncle usually plays those types of games." Aylessa said rubbing the back of her neck. @NickOnTheReg
"Adopted son?" Kenny said with a puzzled look. He was taken back a bit with that but just curious more than anything. He quickly added. "I love Zelda, music and games. haha." Kenny added in a smile. @Aero
"Yup. I met him at an orphanage when doing community service with my uncle. I saved him from some bullies and the guy wouldn't stop following me around the whole rest of the time. At first I thought it was annoying but he grew on me and I decided to adopt him. Though if I didn't adopt him he'd probably just followed me home or something either way. Of course I was too young to sign the papers and the other stuff so my uncle did it for me." Aylessa explained. "Hehe, then you and Kyle would get along just fine." Aylessa said smiling a bit. @NickOnTheReg
"That is amazing, I have so much respect for you. I can't stand bullies." Kenny smiled. "Like I'm speechless, that is so amazing." He couldn't stop thinking how awesome she was. "Kyle is his name?" @Aero
Aylessa blushed a little. "It's not that amazing, I just didn't feel he should go threw the pain of being alone and tormented." Aylessa said thinking about her own past and frowned a bit. Although it didn't last long and she smiled a little when Kenny asked about Kyles' s name. Aylessa nodded. "Yeah, his name is Kyle."
"That is pretty amazing, since you're still very young, but very mature. That's a huge to take in a 5 year old kid. Big time respect." Kenny said. "Kyle is a good name." He added smiling. Kenny could relate to not having anyone around as he used to get into trouble in middle school but no parents really around, always away. "Does he keep you up late?" @Aero
Aylessa chuckled. "Yeah, but Kyle is pretty much an angel. He has his moments when I have to punish him but other than that he is a very good five year old. Smart too. We get a lot of invitations from fancy elementary school to sign him up and junk, but were really thing about just having him home schooled." Aylessa said smiling. "He rarely keeps me up at night because he knows how I am when I don't get enough sleep. So he goes and bothers my uncle instead."
Kenny nodded "Wow home schooled? How come that choice? Would you teach him? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions." he added, fearing he might get annoying. "You're cranky in the morning? I am too without a decent sleep." He said laughing a bit. @Aero
"No your fine. I'm thinking home school because I'm scared letting him go to a public school, because I won't be there in case he gets bullied. Home school at least Kyo is at home half the day to watch him and make sure if anyone cyber bullies him Kyo is there to deal with." Aylessa said drinking more of her soda. Aylessa nodded chuckling a bit. @NickOnTheReg
"Understandable, you really care for that boy." Kenny said with a smile. "I like that." he added. He threw his iced tea can into the recycling bin. "You're a pretty cool person Aylessa." Kenny added and put his hand behind his head. @Aero
"Yup, I love my little Kyle." She said with a nod. Aylessa's blush started to show. She wasn't use to being complimented. She blinked and looked over at him. "Hehe, thanks." Aylessa said not to sure that she was 'cool'. @NickOnTheReg
"You've impacted Kyle's life in the best way possible." Kenny said. "So besides look after Kyle, what do you enjoy doing?" He asked. Really enjoying the walk. @Aero
Aylessa smiled. "I like to watch movies, mostly action ones. Hm, oh and I like going outside and just admiring the veiw of nature, eating, especially eating ice-cream, and reading." Aylessa said. @NickOnTheReg
"What is your favorite movie? Action is awesome to watch." Kenny said. "Nature as in trees and animals? or Stars?" His stomach started to rumble. "Mmm Ice cream." Kenny said with a smile. "Favorite flavor? I love Chocolate chip cookie dough." @Aero
"Hmm, I have two many favorites. But the one that I watched recently that I really like was Kingsmen: Secret Service." Aylessa said thinking. "I love all nature really, flowers, stars, I live it all." She said. "Also I really like Sherbert ice cream." She continued and then chuckled at his rumbling stomach. "Are you hungry? My house is close by, I can cook you something? Or you can have some ice cream." She said tilting her head a bit. @NickOnTheReg
"I've wanted to see that movie. It looked so badass." He smiled. "If it wouldn't be any trouble I'd be happy for some food. I can do the dishes to help out. I'm a terrible cook." Kenny said with a grin. "The walk went by kinda fast." he added. "Thank you for letting me join you." @Aero
Aylessa nodded. "I was! And it was also really funny." She said with a smile. "It'll be no trouble at all. My uncle doesn't mind company and you don't have to do dishes, let's just say I'm repaying you for buying me a drink." Aylessa said as they approached her front door. "It was pretty fast. I enjoyed the company." @NickOnTheReg
Kenny looked over the house and smiled at Aylessa. "This is a bit more than soda so I'll have to owe you again." he said laughing. "I'll have to check that movie out one day." Kenny fixed his hair before the door opened and made sure he looked presentable before he met her uncle. @Aero
Aylessa chuckled and knocked on the door. "I got it, I got it, I got it!" Was heard before the door opened and a little boy with brown hair stood there. "Mommy!" He shouted and jumped into Aylessa's arms and hugged her. Aylessa hugged him back laughing. "Hey Kyle! How was the movie?" She asked. "It was super good Mommy!" He said and then looked over at Kenny. "Who is he?" Kyle asked. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny smiled at Kyle hugging Aylessa, he thought it was adorable. "Hey there, my name is Kenny, it's nice to meet you." He said with a smile and got down to eye level with him. @Aero

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