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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay


"He's big into railroads."


"Alrighty. I'm happy." I say.

Brb racing my sister Gran Turismo 5
(sorry guys!! family emergency)

Murphy leaned forward in her desk, excited to see the unorganized students perform. She smiled and mimed as if she had a camera and was filming.
Sky looked at the paper she had read Romeo and Juliet before but she really wasn't into it, all she wanted to do was go to the music room and start practicing her violin

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"Here are your parts. Study them tonight, and we'll be ready for a play tomorrow." Mr Densby says. He looks at the time. "Class dismissed."

Going to race again, brb sorry
Aylessa packed up her things and walked out, throwing her coffee cup away. She walked around the hallways until she made it to her locker and opened it.
Sky went back to her desk and grabbed her bag and went to her locker, she put her bag in the locker and pulled out sheet music and checked her phone.

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Kenny put his headphones up and looked at the play, groaning as he did not want to act out this play. "I don't think this will go well." He said to himself as he walked out of class. He started making his way down the hall.
Sky got to the music room and went over to the shelves where her violin was she got it out and started to tune it, she grabbed one of the stands and started looking through the different music she had brought. Once she picked one she started playing

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Aylessa put her stuff away and walked off to her next class passing Kenny as she does. She glanced over at the boy for a second and then continued looking ahead, her purple hair going past him.
Murphy walked out of the classroom, bored with her day so far. She was looking forward to after school where she planned on driving around the city to see what else it had to offer. The rest of her classes seemed to blow by, luckily and before she knew it, the release bell rang.

((Sorry I felt like more would get done out of school))
Sky mostly stayed in the music room all day, by the time the bell rang she was definitely ready to get home. She pulled up to the gate at her house when she noticed that her aunt had left. The housekeeper was moping the floor when she went inside. She went right up to her room and looked over her part for Romeo and Juliet for tomorrow. Thankfully she never really got embarrassed easily even if she messed up it wouldn't bother her all that much

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"Now to find Karen." I say after the bell rang. I jump out of my chair and quickly walk outside. "Where could she be?"
Kenny was skateboarding his way around town listening to music and drinking an energy drink. The weather was just right and he wasn't in any rush to get home. He took his shirt off and put it around his neck as he continue his way down the sidewalk.
Aylessa packed up things and left the school building. Kyo was taking Kyle to a movie so she has to walk home. "A five mile walk. Yay." She mumbled and started walking. She pulled out her phone and started typing on that.
Kenny continued down the sidewalk weaving in and out of people, he saw a flash of purple hair. I know that hair. he thought to himself. He slowed down a bit before pulling aside her. "Yo." He said with a wave. @Aero
Aylessa looked from her phone. "Oh hi random guy from my class." She said and looked back down at her phone. She wasn't really fazed he was shirtless. Living with two guys for a few years now she was use to it.@NickOnTheReg
"I'm Kenny." He said. "Your name was Aylessa?, if I heard correctly by others." He asked. Kenny paused his music and put his headphones around his neck. "Where are you headed?" he asked cautiously as to not overstepping his boundaries @Aero
Aylessa let a little sigh. She really didn't care much for the guy and would've told him go away but she promised Kyo she would make some friends to set a good example for Kyle blah blah. "Yeah, I'm Aylessa and I'm heading to my house." She said still looking at her phone screen. @NickOnTheReg
"Nice to meet you." he said. "Long walk? I can walk with you if you'd want some company" Kenny added. "If I'm bothering you I'll let you be." He looked down. Kenny has been trying to be a bit more open to people. @Aero
Aylessa nodded. "Yup. I don't mind if you stay, it would be rude to push you away since I was the one who got you into doing Romeo and Juliet." Aylessa said with a shrug. @NickOnTheReg
Kenny smiled. "haha yeah no biggie, It'll be a piece of cake tomorrow." he stated as they walked. "How do you feel about the teacher so far? Trying to hard if you ask me." Kenny added. As they passed a soda machine he looked at it. "Want something?" Kenny asked. "My treat." @Aero
Aylessa nodded. "Yeah, he puts too much effort being hip or whatever." Aylessa said as she looked up at him. Aylessa looked over at the soda machine he was pointing at. "Oh, um yeah I can go for a soda, but you really don't have to pay for me." Aylessa said a bit taken aback by Kenny's generous offer. @NickOnTheReg

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