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Realistic or Modern {Open} Teen Roleplay

Kenny looks back and gives a thumbs up before turning back around. "Manaj girl has freestyle flow but it breaks away from classic hiphop and more about sex appeal." He added. Kenny took music very seriously and was always up for talk, of all kinds.
"And that's what I don't like about her." I reply.

"Heck, that's why I don't like any of the popular singers."
Kenny turned around "There are some good ones out now but I prefer harder music. Yet I'll give anything a listen."
Sky could hear everything " pierce the veil, bring me to the horizon and sleeping with sirens " she said to her self as she started putting more lipstick on

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Kenny turned back around and started going through his phone of his music. "I've got everything." He said as scanned his 2000 songs just on there, he has lots more on his computer at home. Kenny raised his hand and said. "How about comparing Shakespeare to someone like Notorious B.I.G or Tupac. True poets of their craft. If you want to compare to someone today, Kendrick Lamar or J.Cole would do. They are more comparable to Shakespeare." Kenny quickly became red as he talked way more than he normally does in class and about anything really. He looked back down at his notebook.
Aylessa listened to the boys conversation but didn't really care much for it. Music was music to her and if it was good, she'd listen to it, if not, then she doesn't. Of course she kept this opinion in her head so that she doesn't get involved in their conversation.

"I'll give them a search sometime. I'm not a huge musical fan though, so tha might take some time." I say.


"Why do you want to help me? You don't even know me!"
"Whenever you get to it." Kenny only really had music and drawing and getting better with skateboarding. He felt somewhat embarrassed for getting out of his element
"Alrighty." I reply, and I look up at the teacher, ready to learn. "Aaanyway, who wishes to hear a poem from the famous poem writer?" Mr. Densby asks.

I roll my eyes. "Sure."

Mr Densby takes Kenny's suggestion seriously. "Fair enough. I need 2 volunteers. Kenny and Sky. Come here. Aylessa, since you're so keen on doing it as well, you pick out the poem they act out!"
Aylessa shrugged. "Alright, so do I like just pick a poem I know or do you have a stack I have to look at and pick?"
Kenny's head slams into his desk. "Walked right into that one." He stood up and walked to the front of the class. His black skinny jeans, sagging a bit and his white tank top with dragons on it barely long enough to reach the top of his pants. "Pick a short one." he said with a laugh.
"I have a list." He says, and he hands Aylessa a paper.


I notice I'm the only one who didn't get picked. I raise an eyebrow.
Sky stood up and fixed her dress and walked to the front, her heels matched her dress which were a bright red, and her dress was black but had red roses on it.

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