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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Simi doesn't seem very surprised, standing up and brushing herself off before she closed the distance between her and Witch Isabella. She stuck her hand out with a closed lipped smile. "I'm Simi. Are you hurt at all? A strange question, but the last I saw of you there was a bit of an... accident. I guess that'd be the best way to put it."


Layla finally turns to Grimm and laughs, the sound short, harsh, and disbelieving. "Comfort? You? Please, Grimm, I'm not exactly in the mood for a joke."
"Hurt? Yes... my chest does hurt." She shakes her hand. "Where am I?" (The summons all shot out of her chest like a fountain and were sucked back into her chest.)

Grimm glares at her. "I'm being serious. Unlike you, I'm able to sense how much pain she was in and still is in! I can also sense your guilt. I may be the last person in the world to comfort others but at least I tried!" Grimm turns and leaves.
Layla doesn't stop him, she only scoffs. For someone who tortures people for amusement, he was certainly sensitive. It was almost funny how childishly he acts whenever someone doesn't accept what he thinks is noble. She rolls her eyes, looking back to her granddaughter before she finally sat down. She was probably going to be here a while.


"You're in the forest," Simi says, "If you're hurt, you should come with me to the infirmary."
"O-okay... since it hurts."

Isabella lay frozen in the ice. It looks like it will take a long time before she gets out.
BrewMaster said:
This was, odd to put it lightly. The girl at first seemed harmless enough with her innocent looking face and harmless appearance; But the way she approached him rang a lot of bells when it came to not very human like interaction. Her voice was also something of an alarming quality, so dead and lifeless. It was very creepy to say the least.
He smiled back in the polite manner he always did to strangers that didn't pose an immediate threat to the young man, the girls large dark eyes were distracting to say the least and her manner of introducing herself was rude to put it lightly. Never the less he nodded and looked at his hand, reminiscing about his 'odd' skin color and appearance " Well i guess i can be called unique cant it?" He smiled back at her and lowered his head in a polite bow " Cecilio, pleasure to meet you. I guess you can call me that, i didn't know that word existed until a very few months ago. Why would i be attacking you?"He asked cocking his brown in a curious manner.
Lana blinked, only managing to catch a bit of what the young man (Cecilio, her mind told her) said.

"Why would I be attacking you?" He asked, brow arched. His posture had changed slightly, not quite as friendly (?) as before. What had she said wrong to cause him to behave differently? She tried to remember why with no success.

She smiled that fake smile of hers, running a hand through her light brown hair. "Weeeelll, according to some of the books I've read in the past and what I've been told growing up, most beings of darkness are believed to be mindless monsters who feast on chaos and human flesh. You don't seem to be like that however. How particular." Lana replied. "I'm glad we will not have to fight here."

The young woman looked around. "Speaking of school, are you a student here?" She found herself biting her tongue before she almost added, "Or a servant?"
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Karin had woken after the energy burs had formed almost had regenerated her power but her sister was replaced with another girl she has only recently been awake with no introductions to people so she was mysterious person. Since her twin must had left she pulled the machine from her arm and left to find that vanishing twin. Sabrina did not attempt to patch the rest of her cuts up let them bleed she has mana that is lost and confused which meant they were like dangerous cornered animal the forest had already been covered and now the other two were wondering the school she made a bolt to the entrance.
Lucy bites her lip before lightly taking her hand and jumping them from the shadows of the forest to the shadows of the infirmary. "Here..."

Alez put Sebastian in the infirmary as well, Angelo currently focused on healing his burns and open wounds.

Haru currently walking along the roof tops, deep in thought as she walks, her ears flicker as she listens to everything.

Autumn healing the forest that the fight took place in from the edge of it.
Vallen arrives at the academy gates shrouded in black smoke with glowing red embers floating aimlessly around him. The gates are closed shut but with a flick of his wrist a tendril of smoke wraps around the bars and gently pulls the gate open. He walks onto the school grounds taking in the clean air something lacking back home in his soot stained home. Vallen found he didn't like it. As he walked he realized he was lost; he had meant to go the headmistress's office to finalize his enrollment, but ended up lost like he usually did.
Autumn currently healing the burned down part of the forest, using a lot of energy and going to pass out at any moment, her deer ears flicker gently as as she hears Vallen.
Vallen continues his trek around the grounds leaving trails of smoke behind him as he goes. Now where is that damn office Vallen thinks to himself rounding yet another corner and seeing the infirmary. Good I can ask the school nurse for directions he thinks to himself before quickly walking to the infirmary's door.
Angelo currently healing Sebastian who is laying in one of the beds, covered in burns and cuts, is the school nurse.

Autumn eventually passes out after healing the forest.
Vallen enters the infirmary to find someone healing a badly burnt person and looks around. He didn't like the smell of the fresh air outside and he didn't like the antiseptic smell of this place. It had always been that way with hospitals and infirmaries, but they were necessary he supposed. He coughed and asked "Excuse me can you tell me where the head mistress's office is?"
Angelo looks up at him and flaps his wings lightly. "...when you walk out of here, keep walking and go left..." He said while continuing to do his job.
Vallen bows slightly "Thank you" and walks outside and to the head mistress's office. A little nervous he collects his transfer and admission papers from a pocket and unfolds them and waits to be let in. as he does he retracts his smoke to himself.
Vallen walks through the door and bows before head mistress's desk before placing his papers on the desk. "Vallen Knight, reporting for his enrollment ma'am" He says straightening up and smiling softly. Despite his best effort smoke still trailed off of him and around the room slightly making the room smell faintly of burning cherry wood.
Elizabeth watching him. "I am aware of who you are. "I am Elizabeth Van Steen, the Headmistress of this school." She said while folding her hands together.
"A pleasure ma'am I must thank you for allowing my admittance into your fine academy most do not treat smoke and ash elementals with respect; it refreshing to find a place where I can interact with other supernatural beings" Vallen says smiling ignoring the woman's stare "We get so few visitors in Soot".
Vallen waves his hand behind him trying to dispurse the smoke only making it worse really. "Well that's what we get for building a village in the middle of a burning enchanted forest, I suppose" Vallen says "Now is there any problem with my paper work because I've had a long journey to get here and I would like to find my dorm".
Elizabeth looks over the paper work. "Hm... No, every thing seems to be in order... And I won't be announcing dorms until later this evening."
"Oh okay then I guess I'll just familiarize my self with the grounds in the mean time" Vallen says bowing and turning to leave "By the way head mistress what is your policy on fighting here?"
Elizabeth looks at him. "Fighting is allowed so long as you don't kill the other... Since combat class is about learning or training yourself how to fight and defend yourself from hunters..."
"good, this place just got a little more interesting" Vallen says leaving the room. As he walks down the hallway the smoke around him coils into three balls before forming incredibly life like raves with glowing red embers fro eyes "Find me something to play with will you?" and the three golems shoot out a window each splitting into three more birds amd spreading around the campus.

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