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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

Interesting, this voice was soft, and almost sweet to the ears of Cecilio. He let out a smile as the silence in this gloomy lace was finally cracked open by the greeting. Cecilio payed no attention to the strange lighting, he wasn't the interested in it so he wasn't really aware of it's existence to be honest. He looked over to see a girl, young and beautiful looking his way, with one hand he gave a waving gsture and cracked a smile for her as he began to finally feel that odd sense of pressure lifting from the atmosphere he'd pained through before.
The dragon swings its tail and knocks Sebastian off. It wraps Isabel in its tail and throws her in the air. Swallowing her whole to absorb her mana for its own selfish use.
The dragon starts to absorb Isabel and head towards the school. Flying and leaving the battle behind.
The dragons scales are imbued with Isabels magic. The dragon grabs onto Alezander when he makes contact with it and flies straight towards the ground. Landing on its stomach with Alezander under it.
Eavan was afriad of the battle that was going on out side, but she was intruiged by the moves and by the skill some of the people here had. I can watch from here, as long as I don't get called to help. She thought.
Sabrina was tired of this conflict "I promised not to use violence but this is too much" she kew to stop the summons you have to either kill or knock out the sorce witch would disconnect and destroy, Alchemy 101 for you. She appeared in front of both Isabel and the teacher she had yet to learn the name of. Her eyes almost seemed black with sorrow as she sliced at the portal that was summoning the creatures with an "I'm sorry" as the portal started to burst as well as release blood "TIME REVERSAL" the portal acted like a black hole to the monsters as each was taken in.
The dragon dissapears and so do the rest of the summons. Being sucked into Isabel which brings them back to square one. Isabel having to much mana left in her. Her body literally starts to crack and it does one desperate thing to preserve itself. It has each split personality take a piece of her mana and split from her body. Witch Isabella ends up turning into raw mana and puts herself in cryostasis in the forest. Flowing throughout the roots. Dark Isabel does the same but in the shadows. Isabel literally incases herself in ice right where she lays.
"I lost" she let out as her hand and grazed it over the crystal "but I will fix you, You will be my special project" she tried to cover up her sadness with a smile. This was only followed by tears as she hugged the crystalized girl "we promise" her spear formed back into a stick as she slumped over to patch her wounds that she had gained from attacking the bone monster.
( Ooohh a special project sounds nice. Are you gonna turn me into a philosopher stone?)

( Well more like her split fragments of mana.)
Light said:
( Ooohh a special project sounds nice. Are you gonna turn me into a philosopher stone?)
( Well more like her split fragments of mana.)
I DIDNT THINK ABOUT THAT.....unless you were being sarcastic then no I would never
( Who said I was being sarcastic. She does have a lloot of extra mana just floating around in the forest and the shadows.)

( Depends on whether you can find it and keep it a secret. I know if I found out free magic was laying around the place I'd go for it.)
Isabel lay incased at the school courtyard. Due to the amount of times she switched personalities today. She couldn't notice how much mana was coming in.
Elizabeth walking through the courtyard to find her before lifting her up. "You overshot your limit it seems Miss Fenrir... Best be careful next time... If there is one..."
Witch Isabella roams through the forest. Memory lost but she knows that she's searching for something or someone. She shakes her head, utterly confused before disappearing.

Dark Isabel roams in the shadows. Being agitated by the fact that she can't remember a thing or remember what she's looking for.

(So where is Isabel going?)
Light said:
Witch Isabella roams through the forest. Memory lost but she knows that she's searching for something or someone. She shakes her head, utterly confused before disappearing.
Dark Isabel roams in the shadows. Being agitated by the fact that she can't remember a thing or remember what she's looking for.

(So where is Isabel going?)

Lucy blinks as she feels something in the shadows, looks around before stopping since she doesn't want to hurt Sebastian even more, Sebastian unconscious and in a coma.

Autumn wandering the forest, humming, taking care of it.
( Oh yeah. I wouldn't try to thaw Isabel out.)

Isabel stood in a world which seemed to be a fantasy. It seemed to surreal to her. What happened was a fading memory while her mind was frozen.
(I answered the other parts of her.)

Elizabeth puts her in the infirmary.


Azula sleeping quietly in the dungeons on her horde pile, currently in half dragon form, unaware of Pietr coming to bug her. (@DrCompton)

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