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Fantasy Night Dale Academy for the Supernatural *CLOSED*

The dragon flew over them and flapped its wings. Sending a large gust of air at them. Carnificis broke free and flew straight at Sebastian. Sword in hand.

Isabel was limp in the dragons clutches. Tears still rolling down her face. Her body occasionally jerking.
Cecilio felt uneasy, like when someone was breathing down your neck or staring at you from afar, his eyebrow cocked as he looked around trying to see if there was indeed someone just staring at him blatantly; Not at first glance, he looked around the hallway and then to both sides. A few students wearing the uniform and one as he called them supervisors. He didn't think of them as professors since they served more as guardians for the students.
Sebastian looks up. "Isabel..." He said but jumped back from the Carnificis, burnt badly.


Haru watching curiously, tilts her head as she flicks her tail and follows Cecilio.
Carnificis swings his sword at Sebastian. ( Well new kids at school. They're all just walking around the school and inside the school. When they walk in the Headmistress will give them their dorms. A demon and a dragon are attacking the students outside. @Brea )
Tyler shoots lightning bolts at the dragon, still floating and ready to dodge any lava just incase he got targeted, because it seemed it hadn't noticed him yet.
The dragon looks at Tyler and starts to fly down. The dragon lands with Isabel still in its claw. The dragon not even caring about how much it could have damaged her body. Lava starts to exit its wounds from the attacks and exit its mouth. It spreads along the ground in all directions like a wave. Even completely burying Isabel in it. She's no longer visible.
Unperturbed in the slightest, Lana walked into the hallway. The lighting had darkened considerably, causing large pools of shadows to form. If Lana had been a normal individual, she would have been creeped out by the situation, being basically helpless in her current form, but instead only felt a faint sense of curiosity. She didn't sense any malice from the nearby presence at least.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Her foot steps echoed throughout the hallway. "Hello?"

Isabel seemed to be cloaked in deity flame which protected her from the lava. Which shuts off when she was grabbed out. Carnificis may be going insane but he is still a loyal summon of Isabel. He starts to attack the dragon instead.

The dragon raises its head and lets out a roar. When it roars molten rock i fired from its mouth and starts to crash land everywhere.
A pulse exits Isabel. Healing magic plus her environmental magic. Healing the plants in the area.
Isabel's problem is internal. Ever since she lost her labyrinth she's had no place to store her large surges of mana. Her body starts to shake and both Carnificis and the Dragon seem to bellow and claw at themselves in pain.

She emits the loudest scream out of the both of them as more summons from unknown places shoot out of a summoning circle that appeared on her chest. They shoot off like a fountain.
Sebastian sighs softly and puts a hand on her forehead and makes it glow.

Autumn currently wandering the forest that wasn't effected by the fire, looking around as her lower deer half is walking slowly and quietly as she sniffs around.
The summons all turn to look at Sebastian. Except for the dragon whom didn't care for Isabel at all. The dragon makes a swift strike at Lucy. The other summons start to close in on Sebastian.
Lucy watching the Dragon, growls a bit and moves back a bit.

Sebastian healing her body and mind despite it might make him lose his, healing her.

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