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Fantasy Necras, Legacy of Fenrar, Ch. 1


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Keith wasn't phased at all, "Thats right and sometimes I wish I wasn't Half-blood to a race that thinks the top their of the world," he quickly turned the blade on herself, "Newsflash girl, you aren't." he said throwing her blade in a different direction. "Maybe you should start seeing from a humans perspective, instead of acting all high and mighty." He said as his tone darkened.
Stoic, Nari stepped back, "I am here to protect you...don't force me to hurt you...Keith," she growled, picking her blade off the floor. She walked away, fists clenched, face stone cold.
"Protect? The Elves doing something for them other themse-" he was interrupted by a cow-like roar in the distance. His hunter instincts kicked, "Well your dong a VERY good job of that, pointy-ears."
She ignored him this time, heading for the town hall again. This time, the door was unlocked and she stepped inside, signing in for her duty.
It wasn't long before a Tauren Druid was entering the village, the Tauren let out a powerful moo (See spoiler for reference). "Oh you've gotta kidding me.. why now?" He said. "Hey! Pointy-ears! If you 'protect' us, now is your chance!" He shouted to her.

Hearing the grunt, she ran out of the hall, bow poised, "Get his attention, I'll strike from behind!" she called, positioned just behind the beast.
"I hope you know what your doing, Pointy-ears." He mumbled as he tried to get the beasts attention, the village people were running in different making it hard to keep his attention. Suddenly the Tauren shifted into it's Bear form, this form his thick fur and is very strong, but extremely slow. Keith sighed, "This is gonna be harder than I thought..." He said, "Got any OTHER plans?" He shouted.

Ref. Pic

Nari fumbled around in her satchel, pulling out a vial of poison and dabbing it onto an arrow. "Keep it steady," she said calmly, aiming the arrow at the back of its head.
Keith was downhearted now, "You've gotta be kidding, dont tell me your gonna come a village to protect them and not know anything about the natives.." Keith shook his head but did as she wanted.
Nari kept the arrow poised but shouted, "What do you mean? This is how we hunted Tauren back home! You mean to say they're DIFFERENT here?!"
"The Tauren back home didn't have shape-shifting abilities or intelligence did they?" He shouted a reply back. "This beast may seem dull but they have a brain, that's pretty damn intelligent!" He shouted again. "You saw it! It shifted before your eyes!" He shouted.
The arrow just kinda bounced off the Tauren, who is in its bear form, head which caught it's attention and turned to Nari, Keith looked shock, "I'd run, if I were you!" He shouted. As the bear began to run it changed again into it's Cat form, it gained a speed boost and evasiveness boost but its attacks are weak. "Run REALLY fast!" He shouted even louder. (See Spoilers for ref pic)

Nari sprung up into the air, finding herself landing on the back of beast. Her eyes widened. She pulled out her sword, looking to Keith, while being thrown around by the Tauren.
"Okay now..." he had look of shock as the beast shifted back into itself base form, which grabbed Nari and threw her, hard. "Pointy-ears!" He shouted. He readied his bow and shot an arrow in front of it, turning the beasts attention to himself, "Okay.... did not think this part through." He joked, readying his next arrow, the beasts looked pissed. The Tauren lifted its staff in the air and lightning started jumping from it to its other hand. Keith lowered his bow, "Okay, i'll admit, forgot they are attuned to nature.." He began running away as a lightning strike nearly hit him, "HELP!" He screamed hoping someone would help him.
Nari hit the ground, feeling multiple bones crack. With the force at which she fell, she landed unconscious on the concrete. A small pool of blood started to expand from her head. It was all up to Keith to dispose of the Tauren.
The Tauren was running after Keith each step pounded the ground, "I can do this," Keith said, "Alright, lets dance." His face became determined, he stopped and faced the Tauren he readied his bow and arrow, before he shot though he flashed back to when the Tauren threw Nari, His eyes narrowed and a well-placed to the chest of the beast brought it down. Keith lowered his bow and walked to the Tauren, "Why did you come? Who sent you?!" he demanded. The Tauren responded, "Fenrar...." it said coughed up blood and tried to complete its response but died before it could. "Ande'thoras'ethil." He said to the dead Tauren. Which translated into, 'May your troubles be diminished', this was a common Elven thing to say when something dies that they've killed. He rushed back to the side of Nari, "Pointy-ears! Pointy-ears! Can you hear me?" He asked her unknowing of her condition even though he saw the blood. "Don't die... not yet." He said quietly.
Nari was out like a light, growing pale, curled up awkwardly and bleeding profusely. She had two obvious head wounds and a what looked like a partially broken ribcage.
Keith reached into his satchel and pulled out a medium vial, it was a health tonic, "Drink this, it'll stop the bleeding." He said opening her mouth and pouring a small amount into her mouth. "I cant do anything about the ribcage, but the tonic will stop the bleeding." He said to her unconscious self.
Her body was limp, but the wounds were starting to cover over. As she was rolled over, Nari's chest made an awful cracking sound.
Keith was determined to get this girl up and walking again, even if it meant waiting in this spot all night. "I will make you better, Pointy-ears." He mumbled to her.
Nari coughed, the remaining blood coming from her throat. She groaned, in severe pain. She tried to move but found herself unable to.
"Calm down," he said calmly, "Your ribcage is broken, you'll find it hard to move right now."
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Plucking a pattern of strings on his lyre lazily, Daemon strolls along the road into a new village, his left eye lazily only partially open to avoid the bright day's light. He stops at the entrance of the city and opens his eyes, looking around it and at the nearby forest.
"Hey, Pointy-ears, you okay?" He asked, "Well I mean, mentally. Physically you obviously aren't." He joked.

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