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Fantasy Necras, Legacy of Fenrar, Ch. 1


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After about 5 minutes, Nari found the door to hall was fastened shut. She sighed, turning and heading toward the Inn she saw upon entering the village. She stepped up to the door, surprised at the haphazard woodwork on the door. "Meant to be a greeting place, yet shows no class," she muttered to herself, pushing the door open.
Keith turned his head and noticed the elf girl from earlier, he looked back at the bar, "Town hall closed?" He called out to her.

"So it would seem," she said blankly, finding a seat near him. "How did you happen to find yourself in this village?" she questioned, making light conversation.
Keith looked at his hands, "Even I don't know the answer to that question." He stated with a light chuckle. "I always thought I was left here by my mother," saying this clearly pained him as a tear formed in his eye he did well to hold it back, "I never knew my father, mother said he left us for a better cause," he air quoted 'For a better cause' and said it in a mocking tone. "I knew he just abandoned my mother and I. I knew he didn't like having a 'Half-Blood Elf' for a son." His tone became angrier and a tear fell from his eye, "The one thing I remember him saying was 'Your a disgrace to the Elves!' My mother, bless her soul, stood up for me." He said wiping the tears from his eyes.
She couldn't understand why he was crying. Elves were not meant to cry...but he wasn't an elf, not all elf. "Wipe your tears, tears show weakness" she said, unable to understand. If one is even just a little elf, Nari believed they should have the strength and emotion of one.
Keith, out of mixed emotions, snapped at her, "That's just it!" he said calming down a bit, "I'm not an Elf. According to my father, Im a disgrace, besides you don't understand human emotions." He paused still looking at his hands, "None of the Elves do."
"I thought that was obvious," she stated. "Have you ever seen the Elven Temples? They are a true spectacle of architecture,". Nari completely neglected Keith's pain and glossed over the subject.
Keith shook his head, "I might have, If I did I was little."
"I was only taught few of the many things our- your kin was taught." He said confused on whether or not he is considered Elf.
"I gather you did not partake in Silence?" she said, matter-of-fact in her tone, much like every time she spoke.
Keith shook his head, "My human side found it blasphemous." He said, "I mean no disrespect of course, just humans are social creatures."
She nodded, "I see" she was skeptical about where his loyalties lay, and sat in silence, trying to analyse him.
"Ishnu-dal-dieb." he said in Elvish, which translated into 'Good fortune to your family' before getting up to walk around the town some more to calm down a bit.
She nodded at his sincerity, and began to clean her blade, using an enchanted elven cloth the elder gave her before she left. This wasn't sentiment, elves had no need for such value. It was merely useful for (as she was demonstrating now) effortlessly disposing of blood stains.
As Keith walked around he couldn't help but think of Nari, why was she on his mind? She couldn't interpret emotion. So why was he thinking of her, he shook his head and said to himself, "No, I dont know if she could even love."
Keith was conflicted, he didn't know whether he liked this new girl, or hated her. She couldn't understand human emotion... but maybe he could help her understand.. He had to find out, Keith turned and ran back to Nari, "Hey!" He called out to her.
"Hm?" Nari turned to face him, wiping the dirt from her brow. He seemed worried, she couldn't quite understand why, but listened to him anyway.
Keith asked her, "Hey, do you believe in love?" He was straight up with her and serious.
"Love is a needless passion, reserved for those already weak of heart. So yes, I do believe in love, I just don't have need for it," she said, turning away to brandish her blade.
Keith looked down and away then he turned, "You know you can have emotions and still have a strong heart." He looked at her blade, "Not everything is about strength you know, emotions build character, emotions are the very base of every race." He implied. "Dont you get it? Without emotions, you wouldn't have morals, without emotions, you wouldn't exist. It's thanks to emotions like love and compassion that make us who we are." He tried to get through to her.
She shook her head, "No, it's not like that,". For some reason, Nari firmly believed she was right. "I've learned that silence builds character. Not emotion. You ought to try it, it is a blessing to speak after 13 years of silence, but you wouldn't understand yet,". She grabbed her blade and quiver and brushed past him, leaving the Inn for the sunlit roads.
"Well, maybe if your race wasn't such the narrow-minded brats that they are, they'd see the bigger picture!" He shouted after her.
Hearing his insult, she turned to him and, in a flash, her blade was up against his neck. Nari's glare was bearing into him, "Care to say that again...you're tainted, you don't have the right..."

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