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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

NeoLeaf said:
I can give you code of how I set my General Info.
Finding pictures, estimating stuff, coming up with names and the type of government you have took the most of my time. Making my own map from the map that @Shireling made took me half an hour to make on Paint or Bitmap.

Goodluck to you chaps :2


(Here comes the map)

☩Provinces and their Capitals:


(Random image of a lanscape)

(text about said landscape/nation)

☩Capital City -

☩Official Language -

☩Demonym -

☩Demonym -

☩Government -


☩Area - [Roughly France]

☩Population -

☩Ethnicity -

☩Official Religion -

☩Recognized Religion -

☩Currency -

☩Coat of Arms
(image goes here)

☩National Animal -

☩National Flower -

☩National Drink -

ew looks like work
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]I can make a map in less time, paint.net is a wonderful resource for someone too poor to buy Photoshop and too lazy to steal it.

this dude is smart

@DefendKebab1918 join plz
Oh yeah...

as a monarchy I wouldn't like the rebels who toppled their respective monarchies

oops forgot about that
When the second IC thread gets added, you are free to do character building there. You can do direct interaction between characters, letters of correspondance, backstory, etc.
Bobisdead123 said:
ah alright, and where are they/what happened to them now?
The head of the family and then king of Praustein was beheaded. The Wallensteins were forced into exile in the Far Lands, but Luswestein's leadership took them in in a show of goodwill.
Shireling said:
The head of the family and then king of Praustein was beheaded. The Wallensteins were forced into exile in the Far Lands, but Luswestein's leadership took them in in a show of goodwill.
oh well screw you guys then

we will demand they be released to us for trial, but do little if you don't as we will likely want you around us as the monarchies gotta stuck together
Bobisdead123 said:
oh well screw you guys then
we will demand they be released to us for trial, but do little if you don't as we will likely want you around us as the monarchies gotta stuck together
Again, not a monarchy. A parliament government. Karlyle is an elected official.
Oh yeah,

Shireling said:
Again, not a monarchy. A parliament government. Karlyle is an elected official.
oh yeah, oops. Been too busy to memorize this crap lel

Well we hate you anyways then.

I'm gunna have to tone down my aggression O.o
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Bob, He is blue blooded but common minded, let him rot like all the other 'people led by commoners'

Agreed! Together we will blockade their ports and raze their farms
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Hey bob, wanna share a common language?

You do. Every nation speaks the Common tongue.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Well tell that to wazziz name, fancypant mcLeo?

I already know that!

And Leo was my first cats name :,(
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Well tell that to wazziz name, fancypant mcLeo?

shall the marriage and alliance be before th rp starts? Or just rp it happening (the actual wedding) on the first term?
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]NeoLeaf got his own language so why cant I?
Also I dont mind, I was thinking before but we cant start of with a royal wedding if you like

You can have your own. I'm just saying we all technically share a language.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]I know but I was wondering if bob wanted to share a native tongue with me, since I am sharing his daughters tongue anyhow....

Whats the name iof your kingdom again?

And no, theres no reason they would

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