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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

Bobisdead123 said:
do you need a research institute to do research?
Without a research institute, you're pulling 0 research per turn. So you could do research, it'd just never get you anywhere. You've basically gotten to a point in history where craftsmen and blacksmiths can't make anything better and scientists and engineers have to step in.
Shireling said:
Without a research institute, you're pulling 0 research per turn. So you could do research, it'd just never get you anywhere. You've basically gotten to a point in history where craftsmen and blacksmiths can't make anything better and scientists and engineers have to step in.

it'll be a tough choice choosing what to make first. The first few turns shall be very important

Make an interest check so we get more players
Interesting... I may sign up with this, although it might take a while getting CS up. I'm awful busy lately.
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[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Ok, cool, so if I decided to build a unit do I get it that turn or the start of the next?

Yeah, but you can't move it until the start of the next. And you can build in bulk, so multiple units.
Shireling said:
Yeah, but you can't move it until the start of the next. And you can build in bulk, so multiple units.
cant wait to start. I have plans
Shireling said:
Yeah, but you can't move it until the start of the next. And you can build in bulk, so multiple units.
when are you allowed to begun conquering neutral nations? And players?

and will the neutral nations react to players attacking other neutral nations? Like form coalitions?
You can attack freely whenever you want, whoever you want. You can form alliances and treaties, but you're not forced to abide by them.

As to how the neutral nations behave, it depends. Some will appeal for help from other neutrals or, more importantly, from other empires. If you secure a treaty with the neutral nation, you can move through their territory without attacking them. Generally, they try to keep their heads down. If an empire gives them money, they will use it to recruit troops or build ships. But they will not attack under normal circumstances.
@Shireling Psh... Goodluck island man.

Speaking of which, how long does it take to make certain units turn-wise? How long does will it take to travel, spread letters etc. ?
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