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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Well then, Mister King lord sir cat bob... want a member of your family to marry my king?

sure. You can help keep Shire and the other islanders away form me shores and in return i can help u KILL THEM
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Seems more then fair. I like this agreement, so your sister, daughter, aunt?

Shireling said:
Each nation can have its own language, but there is a "Standard" language, which will be represented by English in the RP.

How big is the land that bob and I are on? By miles, of course ( **** square miles )...
NeoLeaf said:
How big is the land that bob and I are on? By miles, of course ( **** square miles )...
I never really wanted to get specific. But Valinor is roughly the size of Europe by land, so each nation is roundabout the size of modern France. That's just territorial borders. The actual land that is settled is much smaller. So the distance between Rumanka and Praustein is about like marching from Spain to Germany.
Shireling said:
I never really wanted to get specific. But Valinor is roughly the size of Europe by land, so each nation is roundabout the size of modern France. That's just territorial borders. The actual land that is settled is much smaller. So the distance between Rumanka and Praustein is about like marching from Spain to Germany.
Alright, we are getting there!

Lastly, what's our population?
NeoLeaf said:
Alright, we are getting there!
Lastly, what's our population?
Right now, each nation holds somewhere between 500 thousand and a million people total.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]How old is your guy? So I know how old I can make my queen?

Me King is 44 and the daughter is 20
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Kl, my king is 43, would you mind her being his second wife (first one died) I mean kings often have much younger wives...

Not at all. Kings like young ladies, and daughters are just ways to get an alliance, they don't matter save that.

Look at dat beautiful **** mothering General Info. tab on my Character Sheet @u@

I am going to cry
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[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]
-_- Now I have to put effort into my Overview tab!

not really

im not lol
I might make a map for Luswestein.

I don't know how the Luswestenians would take to Rumanka. On the one hand, they have a strong mutual enemy in Praustein. On the other, they would regard Rumanka as a nation of riff-raff ruled by a pompous whore.
Oh no, the whore just got into power.

She led the third socialist revolution and succeeded. Her Predecessor is jailed - she can gladly banish him to your lands *winks*
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NeoLeaf said:
Oh no, the whore just got into power.
She led the third socialist revolution and succeeded. Her Predecessor is jailed - she can gladly banish him to your lands *winks*
Maybe he'd become a capitalist. You know, we actually have a decent economy.
Shireling said:
I might make a map for Luswestein.
I don't know how the Luswestenians would take to Rumanka. On the one hand, they have a strong mutual enemy in Praustein. On the other, they would regard Rumanka as a nation of riff-raff ruled by a pompous whore.
why u hate me? I haven't doen anything to you mate
I assume Praustein wouldn't take kindly to my nation rebelling and then harboring the Wallensteins.
I can give you code of how I set my General Info.

Finding pictures, estimating stuff, coming up with names and the type of government you have took the most of my time. Making my own map from the map that @Shireling made took me half an hour to make on Paint or Bitmap.

Goodluck to you chaps :2


(Here comes the map)

☩Provinces and their Capitals:


(Random image of a lanscape)

(text about said landscape/nation)

☩Capital City -

☩Official Language -

☩Demonym -

☩Demonym -

☩Government -


☩Area - [Roughly France]

☩Population -

☩Ethnicity -

☩Official Religion -

☩Recognized Religion -

☩Currency -

☩Coat of Arms
(image goes here)

☩National Animal -

☩National Flower -

☩National Drink -


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