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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

So we have 4, maybe 5 out of eight nations thus far!

Shire, how will we deal with the losses armies suffer? Will we keep track and have to "heal" them?

and can we blockade other players to reduce their income?
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Bobisdead123 said:
So we have 4, maybe 5 out of eight nations thus far!
Shire, how will we deal with the losses armies suffer? Will we keep track and have to "heal" them?

and can we blockade other players to reduce their income?
After battles, you get a casualty estimate. If casualties are too high, armies will be forced to disband. If you only sustain minimal casualties, you can recruit from the territory and have the army back up to full strength at the end of the turn, assuming the territory hasn't previously taken a shellacking.

Also, if you get blockaded you get no income from ports, so yes.
Shireling said:
After battles, you get a casualty estimate. If casualties are too high, armies will be forced to disband. If you only sustain minimal casualties, you can recruit from the territory and have the army back up to full strength at the end of the turn, assuming the territory hasn't previously taken a shellacking.
Also, if you get blockaded you get no income from ports, so yes.
nice nice

I'll be playing quite smart, quite smart indeed. Deth as a loyal ally will be quite useful, especially when I get him land on the mainland.

my tactics might annoy you guys a bit

Bobisdead123 said:
nice nice
I'll be playing quite smart, quite smart indeed. Deth as a loyal ally will be quite useful, especially when I get him land on the mainland.

my tactics might annoy you guys a bit

We get it. You're Germany.
Shireling said:
We get it. You're Germany.
I will legit conquer players on turn 3 or 4 if I get my way

of course there the issue of that being annoying for everyone and bad for the to itself...
Hee. If only I knew other roleplayers that would be interested in this sort of roleplay...

Bobisdead123 said:
You guys should tag people. I can't do all the recruiting myself!
LOL @General Deth Glitch So Draco is both an official religion AND a recognized one? You wouldn't need the 'recognized religion' if you only have one religion in your land. xD
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]I'll join

awesome! What nation you gunna choose?
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]I gotta choose a nation?

Yes Sir! See the overview for info. Its sorta like Civ5 and other games combined into a rp!

Dont worry, theres PLENTY of nations left (5 to be exact)
The REPUBLIC OF FARFAX is an emerging nation that recently deposed its monarchy in the Bloody Revolution. Farfaxian patriotic sentiment is high, but they face distrust from more established autocracies on the continent.

Nation Trait: Democratists (+1 Commerce per Port, +2 per Aerodrome. Increases chances of political unrest in bordering autocracies.)

The KINGDOM OF SLONIA has always been a culture apart from the rest of the continent. Since they arrived from the Far Lands, the Slonians have felt out of place and have often been the target of ethnic cleansing and discrimination. With a new king in power, the Slonian people look to expand their influence and prove themselves as an advanced nation to the rest of the continent.

Nation Trait: Expansionists (Captured neutral territories produce points on the same turn, Civil Works 3/4 cost.)

The KINGDOM OF OSPIEL is an overlooked nation that has not participated in many continental wars over the years. Ospiel's claim to fame is its brilliant minds, scientific geniuses that are the envy of world governments. Ospiel's new monarch has ascended the throne, and the people question whether their nation's abundance in intelligence can translate into a glorious empire.

Nation Trait: Technologists (Research Institutes yield +1 Research Points.)

The IMPERIUM OF UBRESH is a nation seemingly as old as time itself, standing as the oldest bastion of civilization on the continent. The Ubreshians are known for their dedication to art and culture, but also for the memory of their long-collapsed empire. A new emperor has ascended the throne, and there are echoes in the streets that the days of that vast empire are not numbered.

Nation Trait: Craftsmen (Ships, Armor, and Air Units build in 3/4 time.)

These are the remaining nations
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]I like the Ubresh, there crafting reminds me of THE SOVIET UNION!!


So, are you gunna reserve it?
Psh... five players...

I'm expecting half if not 70% to drop out because of exams or trips during spring break (most of you people are still in school)...
NeoLeaf said:
Psh... five players...
I'm expecting half if not 70% to drop out because of exams or trips during spring break (most of you people are still in school)...
Who has exams during spring break?

I think most of us are in high school so no exams till the end of the year, and even then we would only stop being active for 1-2 weeks, and the rp could go on hiatus for that short period.

And same for vacatons
NeoLeaf said:
Psh... five players...
I'm expecting half if not 70% to drop out because of exams or trips during spring break (most of you people are still in school)...
And i'll never leave you and shireling ;)

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