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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

The square one is your civil works level, the circle is your industry level. Civil works determines population and gives you income (1 income per level) and your industry level affects what you can make.

YOu have 1 port (+1 income), a level 4 city works and level 1 industry. You have +5 income per turn, -1 though for the upkeep of your units.
I'm going to post a key sometime today. The roman numerals correspond to a level for your industry or civil works. You get income depending on the level of your civil works and your industry level tells what units you can build. Ubresh has level four civil works, plus a port (the circle with the anchor inside) so they're pulling 5 commerce per turn. Your commerce value = your treasury. So a commerce level of 5 means you have 5 "points" in your treasury. It's a representation of your government's buying power. It doesn't mean that your government only has five units of currency.
Shireling said:
I'm going to post a key sometime today. The roman numerals correspond to a level for your industry or civil works. You get income depending on the level of your civil works and your industry level tells what units you can build. Ubresh has level four civil works, plus a port (the circle with the anchor inside) so they're pulling 5 commerce per turn. Your commerce value = your treasury. So a commerce level of 5 means you have 5 "points" in your treasury. It's a representation of your government's buying power. It doesn't mean that your government only has five units of currency.
i want to start this, we need more people!!!

@Fishman Lord @KurtH6355 @Anaxial
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]The motherland will be strong

Good news: Praustein likes Ubresh :)

They respect your history and your emperor, but they are wary of your ambitions so they will look to ally you :)
Shireling said:
Ubresh is a good starting position.
Praustein runs into some trouble with its two neighbors quite quickly. I'll need to use Blitzkreig is beat them away :P
[QUOTE="general ostruppen]Yet no tank or planes yet

Blitzkreig doesnt HAVE to have tanks/places. It just refers being veyr quick in your tactics. Essentially ill just rush right off the bat. I alreayd have a plan for my first few turns
Originally, I planned to have the turns consist of the four seasons for every year, so each turn would take around three months. However, I changed it so that a turn is the summer and winter (basically January-July is summer, August to December is winter. That's not meteorologically correct, but whatevs.) Henceforth, I was going to assign build times for ships and aircraft. Seeing as, however, a turn lasts six months, there's not much you can't build in six months so I gave Ubresh a different buff. Originally, they built stuff in 3/4 the time. Now they can build stuff with one lower industry than required (so if something required level 4 industry, he could build it with level four.) All his stuff is also more durable because it's better made.
Shireling said:
Originally, I planned to have the turns consist of the four seasons for every year, so each turn would take around three months. However, I changed it so that a turn is the summer and winter (basically January-July is summer, August to December is winter. That's not meteorologically correct, but whatevs.) Henceforth, I was going to assign build times for ships and aircraft. Seeing as, however, a turn lasts six months, there's not much you can't build in six months so I gave Ubresh a different buff. Originally, they built stuff in 3/4 the time. Now they can build stuff with one lower industry than required (so if something required level 4 industry, he could build it with level four.) All his stuff is also more durable because it's better made.
Wouldn't my troops be higher quality (training wise) as they are former mercenaries, meaning they have a professional army? Or does High Moral account for that? (High moral is damn useful as well)
Shireling said:
Yes, I meant to add veterancy to your faction. And yes, you can post in IC 2
So now we need a player for Slonia, Farfax, and Ospiel. Which are my three best potential allies. Great. xD
Ok, Veteran Troops shall help my plans greatly (in the very beginning if course), as well as help me against Romanku, my Rival
Shireling said:
So now we need a player for Slonia, Farfax, and Ospiel. Which are my three best potential allies. Great. xD
Praustein has little potential allies lel. Ubresh is my best candidate
Neo, I suggest throwing up some entrenchments first turn. That will keep you safe from the Prausts for a little while until they have heavy artillery. You're really fucked with tanks and airplanes.
Bah I wont be attacking Players right away. As long as they dotn take the three neutrals near me I wont bother them for a while.

But take those neutrals and its WAR

I was Ubrehs as an Ally so him and Astroshka can use their navys to help me and land troops > :D

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