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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]And the Arshtotska-Praustain Alliance.

why would I ally island nation? You cant help em very much
NeoLeaf said:
@Shireling Psh... Goodluck island man.
Speaking of which, how long does it take to make certain units turn-wise? How long does will it take to travel, spread letters etc. ?
A turn is the summer or winter of a given year. Six months. So any communiques can be responded to on the same turn. Likewise, any unit can be built in one turn, except the super-units (Flying/Floating Fortress), death rays, and the like.
Shireling said:
A turn is the summer or winter of a given year. Six months. So any communiques can be responded to on the same turn. Likewise, any unit can be built in one turn, except the super-units (Flying/Floating Fortress), death rays, and the like.
Then how does the telegraph help us?
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]well yes...
But together we can rule both bob, how do you like the sound of that?

or i can rule with soemoen else
I am going to continue decorating my CS...

Mmmmmmm... Maybe wikipedia can help me...
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Then how does the telegraph help us?

Some of the techs don't help much. But you need telegraph to get to radio, which DOES help tremendously in battle situations. Telephone just increases happiness and contentment in your country.
I haz a republic and I doubt your king wants to tarnish their house name by having a wife with plebian roots or immigration background. *snickers*
Hell no, screw your anti monarchists. Noblity were born to rule the plebs, you sir are a fool, find a monarchy and stick it back into its rightful place.
His family is related to the House of Wallenstein, the old ruling family of Praustein before they were suplanted by the Vulkar. The Karlyles came to Luswestein with land grants from the crown and established sprawling plantations with aborigine slave labor.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Yo, who whats their royalty to have a member married to mah king?

i will bb
*Working on CS* Btw do we all share the same language? I was thinking of just putting Rumankian for lang. instead of English.
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We could be good, strong, allies.. then... with a marriage tie to cement the deal, what do you say then to my King marrying a member of your family

Or I could have a Prausteinian queen... I mean first come first serve so Shire you get preferance
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Each nation can have its own language, but there is a "Standard" language, which will be represented by English in the RP.
Honestly, marrying to the Karlyles wouldn't be tactically sound because he is elected by the Congress and can be removed from power.

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