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Fantasy Mythical Creatures Under One Roof

Do you want it to be summer time?

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    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Ahri scanned the girl who offered to come.

"When I mean walk, I mean getting drunk and clubbing and having fun. You up for that?"

Ahri smirked. She liked this girl, she wanted to get to know her. It's Ahri's first time not going out at night alone.

"Go get dressed if you are, I'll wait for you."

(BTW: When you see me use

pink, she's in her Zenko form,

but if I use

red. She's in her Yako form

:) )


Sarah flew back a few inches in surprise. She then began to Play with her fingers nervously. "Oh...well, I myself don't drink, but I could just come to make sure you don't end up passed out in some dark, scary alley." she said. "Should I go in human form? Because when I eat in my fairy form, and then grow into the size of an actual human, the food in my stomach doesn't exactly...grow along with me...soooo....I usually end up needing to eat the closest edible thing in sight..." she said, biting her lip. "But I could always ride around in your purse!"



"Well, I drink. That's what I meant. Now go get changed if you want to go." Ahri leaned her back against the wall, waiting for Sarah.
He was about to climb the stair case with his case until he heard someone talk to him. "Mayhem." He answered simply and almost smiled at the fact that she thought he was cute. "Thank you but. I don't think I am." He then began to walk up the stairs to get back to his room.
"Hold on. I'm going to. Let me get changed." She said. Ai brought her suit case to the downstairs bathroom and changed. When she got out she was wearing a tight dress that was midthigh length. She also had hoop earrings and high heels. "Okay. I'm ready."





Ahri goes to the bartender and asks for another shot. All the guys in the club are whooping. She gets up onto the bar counter and starts to drink shots left and right. Her cheeks start to turn red from the alcohol.


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Nanax said:



"Well, I drink. That's what I meant. Now go get changed if you want to go." Ahri leaned her back against the wall, waiting for Sarah.
Sarah gave a small nod and grew into her human form. She then placed a hand on her growling stomach and let out a groan. "Lemme go eat, and then I'll change." she said. She then stumbled to the fridge and ate a few things before walking up to her room. She threw on a green, innocent looking sundress on before heading out the door with the other girls.
Ai takes a few shots before mingling around with other guys. She dances with them and goes back for shots. "Whoo!" She yelled as she finished her last shot. Ai went back into the crowd, grinding against the guys
Aiden was just on the couch slouching. "Don't go crazy you guys.... You better be back home before midnight..." Aiden sighed as one of his clients called. "Oh hey babe.... Sure I'll come over soon." He got back up and looked at Oz. "Call me when they get back will you please..?"
Sarah stood awkwardly in the corner, watching the others partying. She didn't really have much to do, seeing as she'd never been in this type of environment. Some guy then danced up to her, holding out a bottle of some sort of liquid. "Hey there cutie. You're a bit too young to be in this place aren't ya? Well here, I got you a drink." Sarah took the drink and sniffed it. "What is it?" she asked. The guy rolled his eyes and replied, "Coca cola." sarcastically. Sarah smiled. "Oh!" she said, before taking a big gulp. Her face then got confused. "This isn't Coca cola..." she mumbled, before taking another sip. It was weird...but good. She looked over to thank the guy, only to see that he was gone. She then went back to drinking this strange drink.
"It looks like everyone is leaving.. I might as well sit in the living room then." He stopped on the stairs and waited for everyones departure before coming back down stairs. He came back into the front room and switched on the T.V to the horror channel. It was playing Friday the 13th. "Lame. That is not even what he looked like. He's much taller and bulkier." He mumbled to himself. He took out some of the food he had inside of the bag which was mostly sweets. He liked sweet things.
Ai looked at Sarah. She made her way through the crowd to her. "Find any cute guys?" She asked giggling. "I know I did." Suddenly one of them grabbed her wrist, leading her to a room. "Byee~" Ai said to Sarah, laughing



Ahri continues to stand on the bar counter with another dude grinding on each other. Soon enough another grabs her and puts her over his shoulder. She starts to beat his back, while another guy pulls her wrist. Five guys surround her, not letting her leave the little circle they made. "Wh-what are you doing?" She asks nervously. "Aren't you..a little young to be here?" One of the males ask. "Doesn't seem like if she's here" Another males says. Ahri's eyes show fear. She's terrified. She reaches her phone to call Aiden, it's dialing but they wack it out of her before she could say anything. The circle starts to close in. One of the males use one hand to lock both of Ahri's wrist above her head, she was against a wall. He used another hand to lift her chin and see her face clearly. "Now that I can see your face clearer, You're quite pretty. Wanna have some fun?" Ahri couldn't do anything without her tails. And she could activate them because one, she's drunk, and she's put a spell to not allow her tails to show for twelve hours. She couldn't do any of her physical damage magic on either of them because she's in public. Her phone still continues to call Aiden, and no male seems to notice. She didn't want to ruin anyone else's fun so she kept quiet.

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COINCIDENTALLY, Aiden was dragged into the bar with his client. "You sure you want to go to this place? I'm not much a drinker babe." She said as he kissed up her neck. "Hehehehe of course I'm sure. There's also love rooms here if you get wasted enough!"

Aiden blushed as he looked at her. He scratched the back of her neck as she dragged him into the bar. His client nudged him and pointed to a girl next to her surrounded by five guys. "Like that. Stuff like that happens here. Gosh... how come nobody wants to do that with me..." She laid her head against Aiden. Aiden's phone rang as he heard the commotion behind him. "Hello...? Ahri what's up...?" He heard the same commotion behind him and turned around. "Oh shit..." Aiden fixed up his tie and transformed into his half basilisk form, his hands turning a bit scaley and rouch with spikes coming out his knuckles. "It's best for you to go back..." Aiden walked over to the gangbang. "Hey.. I think you're messing with my fiance!" Aiden sucker punched one of the male as another one came behind him trying to stop him. Aiden turned around just in time and kicked his side. His tongue slithered and spit on him, getting his venom on the cut he made with his spikes. He dropped kicked the guy's back who was holding Ahri's wrists as he fell on the floor, the other two lifted him up. "Hey! Let go of me! F*ckers!"

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Nanax said:



Ahri continues to stand on the bar counter with another dude grinding on each other. Soon enough another grabs her and puts her over his shoulder. She starts to beat his back, while another guy pulls her wrist. Five guys surround her, not letting her leave the little circle they made. "Wh-what are you doing?" She asks nervously. "Aren't you..a little young to be here?" One of the males ask. "Doesn't seem like if she's here" Another males says. Ahri's eyes show fear. She's terrified. She reaches her phone to call Aiden, it's dialing but they wack it out of her before she could say anything. The circle starts to close in. One of the males use one hand to lock both of Ahri's wrist above her head, she was against a wall. He used another hand to lift her chin and see her face clearly. "Now that I can see your face clearer, You're quite pretty. Wanna have some fun?" Ahri couldn't do anything without her tails. And she could activate them because one, she's drunk, and she's put a spell to not allow her tails to show for twelve hours. She couldn't do any of her physical damage magic on either of them because she's in public. Her phone still continues to call Aiden, and no male seems to notice. She didn't want to ruin anyone else's fun so she kept quiet.

Sarah lost interest in the bottle once it was empty. She sighed and placed it on the table she was sitting at before looking up and realizing what was happening to her friends. She stood up and said," geet yer hans offe-" she was cut off as she fell over and passed out.
As the guy started to get more physical, Ai pushed away. She left the room and pulled out her phone. She pressed the name on her phone. She wasn't sure whoose it was but it was someones. She went to get another shot.

"Helloooo." She said into the phone. "Who is this? Oh wait I called you.. who is this?" Ai asked giggling (it's mayhem btw lol(



Ahri watches Aiden physical damage three of the guys, but two of the got a hold of him. Ahri finally had enough of these guys and punched one of the guys and roundhouse kicked the other to the floor. All five guys were knocked out on the floor. Ahri starts the pant and her knees give up on her. She starts to sob. Her outfit was already revealing and she didn't bother to bring a jacket. But Ahri didn't care about that, she just continued to sob.

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Nanax said:



Ahri watches Aiden physical damage three of the guys, but two of the got a hold of him. Ahri finally had enough of these guys and punched one of the guys and roundhouse kicked the other to the floor. All five guys were knocked out on the floor. Ahri starts the pant and her knees give up on her. She starts to sob. Her outfit was already revealing and she didn't bother to bring a jacket. But Ahri didn't care about that, she just continued to sob.

Aiden grabbed a random coat from a coat rack and wrapped it around Ahri. He picked her up in a bridal form and looked over at his client. "I'll make it up to you later.... Or if you don't want that's perfectly fine."

The client just blushed as she watched the fight. "Oh my god he's so dreammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy *Q*"

Aiden walked her out of the bar and headed home. "I told you to be careful... how come you didn't listen to me..?" He groaned. He was actually worried sick as he found out the gangbang was on her. But it was no time for scolding. "Don't cry. It doesn't suit you..."
He looked down at the black ringing cell phone he had been carrying to look like a normal human. He pressed the green button on it and placed it to his ear. "Hello." He spoke through the phone. He recognized the voice since he had heard it a little while back. "It's Mayhem." His calm voice did not change when he was speaking
The same guy from before started to bother her. "Ugh will you stop?!" She yelled.

"Hi Maaaayheeeem." She said and laughed. "I'm drunk, you know? Can you tell? Why did you call me? Waait, I called you. I'm so stupid! Am I bothering you? I'm sorry. I just want to be liked." Ai said and kept rambling


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