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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

She nods. "Yeah."

"Nice onto but dark underneath sounds like Gotham." She chuckled
"I was contacted about Amythest Magic. I am not too familiar in that form of magic as I cannot preform it but I do have several books on the subject. I'm sure Devon wanted access to my library."

"Come on." He led her to his pent house.
"I was contacted about Amythest Magic. I am not too familiar in that form of magic as I cannot preform it but I do have several books on the subject. I'm sure Devon wanted access to my library."

"Come on." He led her to his pent house.
"Must be some library. We are dealing with some Amythest magic being used on some goblins. They were attacking the amusement park." Maddy said

Sage nods and followed. She still kept her guard up since she still didnt fully trust him yet.
"Must be some library. We are dealing with some Amythest magic being used on some goblins. They were attacking the amusement park." Maddy said

Sage nods and followed. She still kept her guard up since she still didnt fully trust him yet.
"It is. That largest collection of information in the multiverse. As far as I know."

He took into the building and they rode and elevator to the top.
"Hmm cant wait to see it if I get the chance to look at it" she said.

Sage rode with him in silence.
"Perhapse that opportunity will come sooner than you think." He said.

At the top the elevator opened and his penthouse was clearly well kept but everything in it looked way to advanced for the strange past feel of Gotham. "I thought it might look out of place but then I thought this Gotham has 70's style crime bosses 80's style fashion, 90's style computers, and early 2000's style cell phones and I was like 'fuck it' and did what I want."
"Perhapse that opportunity will come sooner than you think." He said.

At the top the elevator opened and his penthouse was clearly well kept but everything in it looked way to advanced for the strange past feel of Gotham. "I thought it might look out of place but then I thought this Gotham has 70's style crime bosses 80's style fashion, 90's style computers, and early 2000's style cell phones and I was like 'fuck it' and did what I want."
"I guess I'll take that as an invite to check it out " Maddy laughed.

"I can see that." She said stepping out of the elevator and looks around. "I'm guessing you probably don't have many guests that often to comment on the look of it"
"I guess I'll take that as an invite to check it out " Maddy laughed.

"I can see that." She said stepping out of the elevator and looks around. "I'm guessing you probably don't have many guests that often to comment on the look of it"
"It is." He said as Devon arrived.

"Not many no." He said.
"Devon hello." He said turning to him.

He pointed to a nearby desk. The History of Gotham was mostly about the influencial families that built it. And two disasters that seemed to happen for no known reason. Gotham City
"So what's the plan now?" She asked

Sage sat down and started reading the articles. "Hmmm interesting. These disasters seem happen for no reason"
Maddy nods and watches Zan.

"Really and what would that be?" She asked looking at him.
A red firey portal opened.

"Can't say. I promised someone I wouldn't. On top of mischief I'm also a god of promises. My word is my bond. Unless the person I made the promise too releases me from it."
A red firey portal opened.

"Can't say. I promised someone I wouldn't. On top of mischief I'm also a god of promises. My word is my bond. Unless the person I made the promise too releases me from it."
"Now that is pretty cool." Maddy said pointing at the portal

"Mischief and promises that is some combination " sage said and looked through some more of the articles. "You do really have an impressive collection of articles. You really seem to have alot of history on Gotham."
"Now that is pretty cool." Maddy said pointing at the portal

"Mischief and promises that is some combination " sage said and looked through some more of the articles. "You do really have an impressive collection of articles. You really seem to have alot of history on Gotham."
"Well. Its my own little pocket realm." He said. "Not easily accessed by anyone other than those with same demonic ancestry as me." He said. "By the way. I'm a fire demon."

"Another promise." He said. "I can travel in time. And I made a promise to watch over Gotham until its Dark Knight Rose. But Bruce Wayne's parents are dead and he's been set on the path. In another year or so he will start training properly and I'll be on my way."
"Well. Its my own little pocket realm." He said. "Not easily accessed by anyone other than those with same demonic ancestry as me." He said. "By the way. I'm a fire demon."

"Another promise." He said. "I can travel in time. And I made a promise to watch over Gotham until its Dark Knight Rose. But Bruce Wayne's parents are dead and he's been set on the path. In another year or so he will start training properly and I'll be on my way."
"Well you are the better of the demons I've met." Maddy said thinking back to Red and a bug demon she had summoned. She went through the portal.

Sage nods. "Time travel.." she chuckled. "You really are a god of many talents. Well you aren't the only one watching over Bruce. He'll go down the path he needs to walk down."
"Well you are the better of the demons I've met." Maddy said thinking back to Red and a bug demon she had summoned. She went through the portal.

Sage nods. "Time travel.." she chuckled. "You really are a god of many talents. Well you aren't the only one watching over Bruce. He'll go down the path he needs to walk down."
Devon immediately went towards a specific sectyion of books.

"I know." He said.
"Sort of. The library moves." He said.

"You two are an odd couple. A scientist and a mage. But your both wanderers too."
"Oh" she said looking around.

"Yeah we are an odd couple but we make it work. I love him alot, hes been there for me alot and I try to be there for him." She said turning a page as she was reading. "We go where we are needed. We both like to help people."
"Oh" she said looking around.

"Yeah we are an odd couple but we make it work. I love him alot, hes been there for me alot and I try to be there for him." She said turning a page as she was reading. "We go where we are needed. We both like to help people."
He pulled a book off the shelf.

"I could tell." He saidl
"What book is that one?" She asked.

"Yeah so what do you do around Gotham besides watch over Bruce to make sure he goes down the right path?" She asked
"It's a book on amethyst enchantments. How they work. How they break." He said.

"Keep an eye on the people who will becomes Gotham's villains." He said. "And the Court of... Doesn't matter."

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