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Fandom Forbidden and Scarred Love { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

As Alex listened to Ezekiel, someone else spoke up to answer his question. “If we find one further down, then we can have another spot so we aren’t wasting our energy running for this one if we’re all the way on the other side of the patrol route.” Drake said as he looked at Ezekiel.

Kai bit his lip as he listened to Theo. It was a stupid and crazy plan. It could get both of them killed. But.. it was the best shot they had. “Fine. But you better make it through the door bite less and safe.” Kaiden said, shifting his stance. Once Theo took off, and he had a clear shot, he was ready to run for the door. “When you’re ready, I’m ready.”
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

“Having at least one other one would likely be beneficial. I agree.” Ezekiel gestured to the path for them to continue on. “We can move closer to the other side of our route to kind a place similar to this.” He moved them along so that they could do that.

Theo grinned and batted his chest. “It’s me, bro. Have I ever gotten bit before?” It was a dumb question, but it did prove his point. Without saying anything else, he ran the wrong direction, heavy footfalls and banging into anything he could find. That was enough to grab the attention of a whole lot of infected all at once. Those two runners were running after him. That clicker somewhere to the left was not very much on the right and also making its way after Theo. But Theo was fast, and as long as he planned this right, this would not be so bad. He knew Kai could make it. He knew it.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex and Drake both nodded as the group moved along their patrol route. Alex looked around, taking in the rest of the route he didn’t see as much of before. Up ahead about a quarter or so before the end was another building set, similar to the first one. “We can try there.” Alex suggested.

“Just be careful.” Kai muttered and a moment after Theo drew all the attention, Kai bolted. Crowbar in hand and he knocked one infected down that was in his way as he ran. He pushed the door open and looked around there wasn’t much to bar it with on this side, wait. Dumpster. He rolled it over and after Theo came through, he would knock it on its side and bar the door with it.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

“I am glad we had similar thinking.” This route seemed to have a lot of different buildings as many were. They were more run down on this side, so choosing one that was perfect for their needs was vital. One that was in too good of condition would attract the attention of those like the wolves, but the ones that were too broken apart could make it difficult for them to navigate. “This section over here has fallen apart quite a bit, but I think it might still be usable. Come inside.” He ushered them forward to see that one building had collapsed into the other but only enough to knock down some of the middle walls. The floor was a bit uneven, but otherwise, it was similar to the layout of the first section. “Spread out and we can try again.” After a few minutes, Ezekiel whistled.

Theo could have said that he was always careful, but this would be a flat out lie since yesterday he lied about where he was going so that he could run around areas they didn’t know, ran down a falling staircase, fought infected with scars, and then sorta fought scars? Oh and now he snuck out to run through a building with infected when he didn’t have a weapon to leave a message for those scars. Yeah, so no. He was not careful. He was running like a crazy. He peered over his shoulder and tried not to get distracted by the extremely close runners. Where was Kai? He wove through a few fallen shelves, hopping over some crates which hopefully slowed whoever was still behind him. Oh, Kai was out. Great! He ran as fast as he could, but that wasn’t exactly fast enough. As he moved, something caught his jacket. Nope nope nope not today. He snapped his arms back and let that jacket come right off and into the hands of the runner. He picked up speed and moved out of the building where he slammed the door shut and held it until Kai could shove the dumpster. He breathed heavily, panting for breath as he doubled over.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

As they moved towards the buildings, Alex was happy that it wasn’t just him thinking that these buildings would work. He followed the group in and made his way up and to the far left. When the whistle came through, he whistled back an all clear.

Kai waited with nervous anticipation for Theo to get out safely. His bottom lip was between his teeth as he stood there. The moment he saw Theo come through, without a jacket, he shoved that dumpster over and successfully blocked the door. He looked over at Theo, doubled over and panting for breath. “All good? No bites?” Kai asked nervously as he looked around them. There were old houses and buildings up ahead along the street but so far it seemed like a straight shot at the moment.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

The sound was similar to how it was in the other buildings. There was enough all to obstruct the whistle from traveling too far but not enough to make it difficult to hear. A member responded with a sharp and quick whistles of affirmation at about the same time, and the whistles could be distinguished. Good. Ezekiel whistled for everyone to regroup and once they did, he did the same as he had been. “That seems to work well. Does anyone have any pros and cons of this place?”

Theo looked at his arms and then sort of looked behind him at his shoulder. “I think I am good. No one touched me. They got my jacket though. Rude. I liked that jacket. It was always the right size.” He shrugged. “But I would rather they have that than anything else. You good?” He stood up straight and used Kai to level himself out. Balance again. “Let’s head that way past those houses.”
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Alex noticed the distinguished whistles and noted that there was enough spaces to hide if needed as well. He made his way back to the rest of the group. “The only con I see is that there isn’t as much space to fight. Hiding and communicating are good though.” Alex commented.

Kai did a double check on Theo when he was doubled over but he didn’t see anything either. “We’ll get you a new jacket. The biggest issue is how do we explain what happened to your old one.” Kai said, especially since Brian had seen him wearing it earlier. “I’m good. Let’s get moving that way, I don’t want to get caught out especially since we aren’t supposed to be outside of the stadium.” Kai said, moving towards the houses.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

“That is a very good point. If there is combat, we do not want to lead our enemies inside, but we can hide in there relatively easily.” Ezekiel looked at the surrounding areas. “However, I think that for meetups, these are good enough places for now. Does anyone have any concerns or suggestions?” For now, he could not think of anything else that they needed to work on.

That was a good point. What would they tell people if they asked about it? He lost it? In the stadium? Maybe it got messed up? Maybe he simply didn’t want to wear it anymore. Eh, that would come to them when they had to do that. “Being caught is exactly the opposite of what I would like. Keep that thing with you though.” He pointed to the crowbar. “That is going to be handy if we run into anyone else.” He started moving forward and as well and to the houses. It was probably going to be easier to go through some of these though that would mean more chances of infected. Was that a problem though? They were pretty darn capable.

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