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Fandom Forbidden and Scarred Love { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

It was a good thing that they knew enough about this city to be able to to get around certain areas. Not all sections were like this. The downtown area was even more like a grid. Thankfully, this was enough. “Hey, through that alley? Looks like we can get to the other street? We’ll have to jump that fence, but I think we can handle that. There’s enough to climb up on.” All those bigger crates and that trash can could probably be used for something good. It was also chain link, so climbing it wouldn’t be too hard.

Brian was shaking his head before Josh was even done talking. “Nah, man, they aren’t here. They haven’t been here since I got back. Last I saw them, the punks were out taking a walk around the stadium or whatever.” He groaned and rolled his eyes but didn’t look up. He could say whatever he wanted to Kaiden, but when in the direct presence of his parents, Brian wasn’t at all brave. They were both terrifying. He probably shouldn’t have called them punks though, because Hayden was fuming. Nice going, Brian. You angered the crazy one. He took a large step back. “You can come in and check if you want, but I promise you I haven’t seen them since then.” Hayden stepped inside with one large step. He covered enough ground to make Brian’s eyes go far too wide. “And when was that?” His words were cooler than they had been a moment ago, but they held the anger just barely at bay. Brian looked from one to the other and shook his head. “I don’t know? Maybe a couple of minutes before that alarm went off? They were walking down the hall,” he gestured outside, “and I was coming back to the room. He got all up in my face and-“ he remembered who he was talking to and changed his tune. “He seemed agitated or something. I don’t know. Ugh.” His dislike was tangible in the air, and Hayden was about a second from exploding.
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Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

As they made their way down the street, Kai looked at Theo and then at the alley. "Right. That looks like a good place as any to cut through. At least we have makeshift stairs we can use." Kaiden said as he entered the alley, looked back at Theo. "Come on." He said, moving over to the fence and moving the crates. He climbed up on them and then hauled himself over the fence, cutting his arm on the metal. "Ow!" Kai winced as he landed on his feet, a cut on his arm from the fencing.

Josh saw the shaking of Brian's head and his hand clenched into a fist as he heard him. He saw the rolled eyes and snorted a huff as he heard Brian speak. He flicked his gaze over to see Hayden, clearly fuming. He also saw Brian let him in to check the room. As he heard Brian talk about Kaiden, clearly, getting up in his face and held back the laugh. Joshua wasn't a fan of Brian's either. He looked around the room himself and then looked at Hayden. "Okay, thank you Brian. Come on my love, we know the general area they were going." Josh said, hoping to prevent Hayden from exploding, knowing his husband well enough.
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Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Moving around crates and things was not anything too unusual for them. They got into enough trouble over the years that they had to make their own exits and paths plenty of times. Theo could remember plenty of times that they fell into something and had to find their way out. This was no different. He was climbing up behind Kai, hauling himself over the fence too when Kai snagged himself. “Are you okay?” He asked as he dropped to the other side. He put his hand out for Kai’s arm like he would if he had any kind of med kit with him. Which he didn’t.

When he was younger, Hayden was never this angry. He could still remember the days when he was sweet and kind. He remembered when he was slow to being annoyed. Those days were long since over. They died with the kindness in the world. Sometimes he could pull out that love for the world again. Sometimes. Not today. Not right now. Not for this young man who thought he was king. Hayden’s nostrils flared as he glared at the empty bed Theo should have been in and took several long but quick strides so that he and Brian were sharing the same space. Brian should have towered over him. He didn’t now. “If they show back up, I will be the first person who knows. Do you understand me?” Brian nodded, visibly afraid. As he should be. Hayden stomped out of the room and down the hall and back towards the door his son clearly went through.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kai looked over at Theo when he saw his hand out for his arm. "I'm fine. I'm more concerned with keeping this from being seen." Kaiden said as he moved. "We need to go, we're so close to the fence." Kai said as he moved to the end of the alley and saw the fence right ahead. They were so close to getting home safe.

Josh watched Hayden's nostrils flare and swallowed as he saw him move up to Brian so they shared a space. He almost almost felt bad for Brian. He moved out of the room after Hayden, and towards the door. The alarm had been deactivated again and he pushed the door open for Hayden. The two of them went down the stairs and out the door, the fence up ahead as Josh's eyes widened, seeing Kaiden on the other side, halfway over the top and getting ready to drop onto the other side. Uh-Oh.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

How could they hide that? There was no hiding that. “Maybe we um..” he was thinking out loud as they were moving over the fence. “Maybe I can stall while you at least find a way to cover it. Like go get a jacket and…” His voice trailed away as he happened to look out at their destination and instead of seeing a nice open space, he saw people. No, not people. Kai’s people. Kai’s fathers. “Oh crap. Kai. Did you figure out what we were going to say if we got caught? Because we just ran out of time.”

Hayden should have been worried about his missing son. He should have been stressed about whether or not he was okay. He probably should have been hurting at the arm that he saw. Instead, seeing them there only made him that much angrier. The injury made it worse. He slowed. After everything that he just did, he slowed. He walked. He walked almost leisurely until he finally just stopped. He was several yards away and he wasn’t going to walk any closer. He was uncharacteristically quiet. He was that kind of angry. And upset. And hurt. The way his brows furrowed just a little and his top lip pulled up on the side was enough for anyone who knew him to know that this was bad.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden had been too busy paying attention to Theo as he moved over the fence and dropped to the ground, arm to his chest when he heard his voice trail away. Kai looked up and froze mid-step as he bit his lip, seeing his parents. Oh boy. "Nope." Kai whispered as he moved forward and he saw his dad walk slowly, almost leisurely then he stopped. Kaiden had half a mind to turn around and run, because he could see that top lip pulled up and the little bit of furrowed eyebrows. He knew that his dad was angry, he'd seen that look before when he was younger. As Kaiden approached his fathers, he swallowed hard as he stopped a foot away from his dad. "Hi dad." Kaiden said softly, a sheepish expression on his face. Josh could see the leisurely walk, matching it and he also saw the injury on Kaiden's arm. He knew Hayden was angry because he was quiet, very quiet. Josh could also see the top lip pulled up and furrowed brows. He wanted to say something, but he knew that whatever he said, would be nothing compared to the angry that was his husband. Kaiden shifted uncomfortably as he waited.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

When they were younger and made even worse choices than the ones they made the last two days, Theo had not escaped all of Kai’s parents’ wraith. Since he was frequently the one committing crimes with their son, he got in equally as much trouble. Sometimes it felt more like the was their second kid than their kid’s best friend. That probably came from both of his parents being part of FEDRA. They were older too, which meant they weren’t the average grunts. They were higher ranking officials in their prime. It also meant they were never home. Theo knew Hayden and Jacob way more than his own parents. When they moved over to the WLF, he got to know Josh, and still somehow he knew Joshua Smith the hero better than his own parents.

So really, all that was why he knew that this was bad. Really bad. Like really really bad. If this hadn’t just followed the really bad that was the day before- no, this morning- it probably would not have been this bad. But no, they had to decide to run off this close to dinner time as well as set off an alarm, and and and. And it was bad. When was the last time he say Hayden stand there like that? When was the last time he didn’t move? Didn’t talk? Long time ago. They were kids. They were kids, and now they were supposed to be adults. Hayden was just standing there staring at them. Them. Both of them. Not talking. Theo looked at Josh in the hopes that the hero could save them from whatever hell came from this kind of silence. This kind of stillness. Theo felt just like a little kid again. He wanted the yelling. He wanted the obvious anger. He wanted something tangible he could hold onto.

Not still. One little part was moving. Hayden was spinning his engagement ring. The one Theo used to love to take off and look at. The one he would try to wear but it was so big on his little fingers. He spun the ring and squeezed his fingers. He held them together like it could hold something else together too. Hayden’s trauma was not something that he shared with Theo and Kai very often. In fact, what little they knew they had to pull from other people. They could pry a lot more from Soren than anyone else. The spinning of that ring meant something was going on. The squeezing of it into his skin. Hayden just stood there for a moment before his lip quivered. Twitched. “You have lost your mind.” Quiet words for a quiet fury. “After everything we just-“ he closed his eyes. Turned his head away. Ground his teeth. “Hundreds of people,” he hissed. “You put out hundreds of people, and then you thought you could do it again?” He let that sit between them. All foot between. “I have never been so disappointed in you.” His eyes glistened with the welling of what Theo could only guess was a mixture of anger and sadness. “Inside. Now.” And then Hayden turned around and started walking away.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden was terrified, the stillness and silence stretched between them. He felt like he was little again, back when he used to cause trouble with Theo all the time. Even then Hayden was more like his father than his own dad. He had his mom sure, but even she took a step back. Emily had basically been a single mother and so she accepted any and all help, which was why when she did die, she had already told Hayden that she wanted Kaiden to live with him. She'd asked him to look out for Kaiden when they turned to the WLF, asked him to care for him as if he and Josh were Kai's fathers. And in a way, they were. He would always beg to go to Hayden's and have the man read to him. He looked up to him, and then looked up to Josh once he got to know him. He knew he was in deep trouble now.

Kaiden saw his dad spinning his engagement ring, and from what they'd learned from Soren and others about Hayden, it meant that something was going on. His eyes watered as he heard that quiet voice. The closed eyes, turned head. Kaiden felt a tear slip down his face as he heard those words. He'd never heard them before and he sniffed. "D- Dad.." Kaiden's voice was broken as he saw Hayden turn and started walking away. No. Kai moved, reaching out his good hand and trying to grasp Hayden's arm. "Dad..!" He bit his lip as he tried to stop him, tried to explain. But what was there to explain? They'd left the stadium like they weren't supposed to and it was all his fault, again. Josh had watched the entire thing quietly, and he had known from the beginning what the spinning of his ring meant. Josh didn't move until the two younger ones moved, aiming to follow in behind them to make sure they go inside.

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