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Fandom Forbidden and Scarred Love { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Theo had met Kai’s dad. It was probably a disaster in that stadium right now. Honestly, he was shocked that they were not running from more troops. Maybe his papa had gotten through to him. Maybe they looked at Hayden and didn’t listen. He wasn’t sure, and all that mattered was that they weren’t trapped. “Maybe when all of this is done, we can come out here more often. Not sure how, but it could happen.” The water had the most interesting sound. He couldn’t see it very well, but he knew it was there. He could feel it.

Dispersing the specialized team that was going to be sent to find the boys was both easier and harder than he thought. Several of them immediately agreed that this was taking it too far, and they did not need any additional convincing. They thanked Soren, wished them luck, and left to go to bed. Several other ones were far more loyal to the militia rank. He was their superior. They had to listen to him no matter what. Soren hated that. This was the kind of FEDRA thinking that got them all into trouble. He told them that sometimes superiors also needed to take a nap before they should be allowed to make decisions. This was a necessary takeover. This was the kind of mutiny that had to happen. Eventually, he convinced most to leave though some stayed to make sure they didn’t do anything too drastic to him. Soren opened up the door and showed the remaining few that he was still alive but unconscious in the arms of his husband. See, not so bad. Soren sent them to make sure people knew that the plans were done now. People could go back to their business. “Okay, let’s get your man somewhere better than here? You take him, and I’ll join you as soon as I get the security team back in here. I also want to make sure that he didn’t start anything too crazy without us.”
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kai knew that the stadium was going crazy, but right now, he didn’t care. Let them. He was done with all of this. Done with that right now. He hated being treated like he was a kid. And so like a child, proving his dad’s point, he ran away. “I’d love to come out here more often.” Kaiden said as they drew closer to the port. As they did, the roaring of the ocean grew louder until he saw the shipping containers up ahead. “Getting closer.”

Josh waited until Soren opened the door and he looked at the remaining few. He had his husband in a gentle hold, carrying him like he’d done so many times before. “You do damage control, and I’ll be in the room that Jacob found.” Josh said, heading out and down the hall. He found the room and inside Jacob was getting a cot all made up. A pillow and a blanket for him. Jacob’s medical equipment was there so he could check on Hayden when he was awake and he kept a sedative ready just in case. Josh set Hayden on the cot, covering him with the blanket and sat down beside him. Waiting for him to wake up. Jacob had shut and locked the door and would open it when Soren knocked on it. Now they both waited in a small windowless room for him to wake up.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

The shipping containers were so much easier to see now that they were closer. This was not a place they got to go very often, though it was true that they had on on more than one occasion snuck out to the aquarium, which meant they had been around the ocean. “We’re gonna make that happen,” Theo said as they stepped up to the containers. “We’re going to convince them to let us go places. Do things. Somehow.” Now that they were there, he was hoping that there weren’t any infected. He was not in the mood to fight for his life.

Soren disappeared to deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Hayden. It was a lot. He had a lot of things set in motion. It took the same kind of effort as it did with the team. Some were more than happy to let it go, and some struggled to listen to someone who was technically a lower rank. Soren had been working with military and militia for a very long time. He had cleaned up more than one mess made by people who shouldn’t have been allowed to make decisions in their mental states. He had worked on cleaning up more than one of Hayden’s messes. Finally, he knocked on the door and sat down in this little room. “I think we’ve got in under control. I told them that yes, we still wanted to find the boys, but we were not going to treat them like thieves who stole some precious knowledge. If we send too many people out, they won’t ever come back. So, as much as I hate to say it, I think we should wait. I know that it’s so dangerous out there right now. I know. Let’s wait anyway. Give them time to relax and calm down. Like this one.” He gestured to Hayden who was starting to sweat. If they’d let him keep going the way that he had, who knows what he would have done to himself. “Checked the stash he has in his lab. The adrenaline is all gone. Does he have the syringes on him?” Hayden was curled in on himself under the blanket. He did not look like he was peacefully sleeping. He looked like he was fighting against something nasty.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden nodded as he looked at Theo. “Perhaps this was something that we needed to do. Prove that we are responsible enough.” Kai said as he moved through the shipping yard. “Hey! There’s a trailer over here.” He said, quietly as he looked around. No infected so far.

Josh looked up as Soren came in and nodded as he heard that. “Maybe if we let them go for now, they’ll come back on their own.” Josh said as he looked back at Hayden who was sweating. “Jacob?!” Josh looked to his brother as worry flooded his system. His husband looked like he wasn’t doing good. His heart pounded in his chest as worry clawed its way into him. Jacob looked at Hayden, pulled the blanket off long enough to feel if there was any more syringes. “No. He’s got none. And he’s running a fever. We need to flush his system. Soren, grab me two bags of saline from the medical tent and an IV pole. Josh. Help me. We need to get fluids in him.” Jacob said as he grabbed an IV kit that was with his stuff. Josh and Jacob worked to get an IV line in him. “We need cold towels and water.” Jacob added and Josh took off to get it like his life depended on it. And with Hayden down, it felt like it.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

There may have been infected out there, but it was dark. Any of them that relied on sight also couldn’t see them. That weirdly made Theo feel better about this. He stepped up to the trailer and opened the door. He stepped inside and peered around. “Clear.” He gestured for Kaiden to join him.

Soren was gone the moment Jacob gave him a task. He ran through the halls. There were fewer people than there had been earlier. It was late enough that people were in bed. All that was left were the people who were meant to be the night crew. He ran to the medical tent to grab the bags and pole. “Sorry, guys, it’s an emergency. Jacob’s orders.” He dashed back through the halls, explaining only, “We’re saving Hayden from himself,” when people questioned his movements. He set up the IV line for Jacob, having spent much of his time in the medical tents with his husband. “Jacob. Jacob did he take all of them?” That was the fear that courses through his veins. There were a handful of those experimental drugs in there. He was supposed to only use them during an emergency or when they had a controlled setting to make sure that it wouldn’t do something horribly wrong. What if he thought this was the only way? That was terrifying.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kai waited while Theo checked the trailer and when he heard the clear, he walked into the trailer. Kaiden shut the door and barred it with a chair. “We can stay here for the night. And decide from there.” Kai suggested as he set his pack down.

Josh had come back with a bowl of cold water and two towels. Jacob had soaked one towel and placed it on Hayden’s forehead. Josh sat by his head as he looked at Soren setting up the IV line. He held one of Hayden’s hands as fear gripped his heart. That fear only worsened as he heard Jacob talking to Soren. “I fear he may have. And the medication he’s on isn’t mixing well with the adrenaline. That’s why I need to flush his system. It’s overloaded and the two substances are fighting each other. Ideally, I should intubate and sedate him too but that’s a last resort. I hope that the flushing of his system is enough. But aside from pumping his veins with saline, he might just have to sweat it out too. We don’t have the options like I did back in the hospital in the old world.” Jacob explained as he changed the cloth on Hayden’s forehead. Josh didn’t know who to blame but he was glad they stopped him when they did otherwise this could’ve been much worse.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Theo walked the trailer once more, opening drawers and what not as he moved. They never knew when they could find something useful. He yawned and nodded. “I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day. We sleep and then we make informed decisions that aren’t based on strong emotions.” He dropped his pack and stretched out his arms. “Whatever we do though, it’s the right decision.”

Soren groaned. This was so bad. How did they let it get this bad? They should have seen this coming. Kai got into trouble all the time. He was young and restless. This wasn’t new. Was it the number of times all at once? Was there something they should have seen going on with him? Soren wished that they knew. He wished they could have seen warning signs. “I wish he would have talked to us instead of trying to do everything himself. But I guess you can’t really reason with him when he gets in his head. That part we never got back.” It had been a long, hard battle these last years, and they were finally to something beautiful. “Josh, don’t blame yourself. Okay?” He stood up and walked to the door. “I’m going to go make sure Isaac knows what’s been going on before someone else gets to him and causes problems. Continue the damage control. We can make it through this.”
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kai moved through the trailer to find a couch and a bare floor in the far back. “You can have the couch.” Kaiden said as he pulled out his jacket that he’d packed. He’d use that as a pillow. “I agree. We sleep, and then we can decide in the morning.” Kai agreed as he laid down on the floor, head on the jacket.

Jacob shook his head as he hummed. “I don’t know why. And I’ve tried for years to get him to listen to me. To talk to me. But sometimes even I can’t get through to him.” Jacob said as he changed the cloth again. This was not ideal, and he just had to monitor his brother. There was no way around this situation and that was driving Jacob crazy. Josh looked at Soren as he sighed. He had seen him spinning his ring earlier, and maybe it was then that Josh should’ve stopped him. Should’ve taken him away from the situation when things went that bad. But they had him now, and all they could do was wait and see. And that was the worst. “Yes. Go continue damage control. Jacob and I have things here.” Josh said, as Jacob moved to Soren. He kissed his husband, and hugged him quick before he let him go continue that damage control.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Theo laid on the couch and sighed. I wished that Kaiden could also have a couch or something, but he spent plenty of times sleeping on the floor of Kai and Owen’s room when he couldn’t be around Brian anymore, so it was only fair that they did this once. “’Night, Kai. Tomorrow is going to be a good day.”

Soren did not want to leave, but he knew that someone needed to be on the outside before it becomes a problem. He left them there to find Isaac first. Isaac needed to know. He already had a good idea of what was happening, but Soren needed to make sure that he was up to date on everything. Isaac could go around and make sure everything Hayden may have started was finished as well. He ran around for a while assuring people that they could go to bed and ignore everything that just happened. He had to smooth over several less than pleasant things that Hayden told people. Or insinuated. Had to pull some strings to mend some hurt feelings. Very hurt feelings. Eventually, hours later, he came back to the little room to see how things were going.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

“Night Theo.” Kaiden whispered as he closed his eyes. He wanted a peaceful sleep but he wasn’t sure just how peaceful his sleep was really going to be. He tried though.

Josh and Jacob spent the next few hours changing cloths and watching the IV drip. Josh’s as blaming himself and Jacob was stuck in his head. He knew how Hayden got but he had been sleeping, so how would he have known that was happening. Both men looked up when Soren came back in. “His fever is getting worse and I’m on the second IV bag. I need more, and that water needs to be changed to cold again. Josh didn’t want to move from Hayden’s side but he did. He pried himself away. “I’ll get fresh cold water.” He said, his voice tired and rough as he looked back at his husband. “Josh?” Josh’s head turned to look at Jacob. “He’ll get through this. The worsening fever is a good sign, his body is forcing the substances out faster. We just need to keep pushing fluids to help replace that bad stuff with good stuff.” Jacob said as Josh bit his lip. “I know.” And one last look at Hayden, then Josh was gone. Jacob sighed as he sat down, eyes on his brother.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Strangely enough, Theo slept relatively well through the night. Considering that the last few days had been crazy, he was feeling pretty good about everything. He probably dreamed, but he didn’t remember them. That was usually the best way to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he could see that it was still dark outside. He sat up and let himself drift as he leaned against the couch’s arm.

If Jacob said that the worsening fever was a good thing, then Soren was not worried about it. “I can get more bags.” He walked over to where Jacob sat and wrapped his arms around him. He could get more bags in a moment. His husband needed him right now. “It’s not your fault either. Remember that too, okay?” He kissed his forehead and then disappeared to run down the halls and out to the medical tents once again. They had been working through the night, and people were starting to get up for their earlier shifts. It almost felt like they were never going to sleep again with the way their days had been going. “Still an emergency,” he told the medics, but by this point they already knew. Everyone already knew. They didn’t know the extent of it, but they knew. He grabbed a handful more, unsure how long this was going to take, and ran back to the room to deliver them.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kai tossed and turned all night long, and he had finally gotten to sleep when Theo was waking up. His sleep had been plaqued by his father’s voice. Words swirling around his head. ‘Disappointed’ ‘I can’t trust you’ ‘Trapped’ And it drove Kai to get about half of the sleep he needed. Kai woke up a few minutes later and looked at Theo. “Morning…”

Jacob looked at Soren when he felt the arms wrapped around him. A small smile at the kiss and a nod. He wasn’t tired, he was used to long shifts but it was his brother there. Sweating out on the bed. After Soren left, Josh came back and they started the rotating cold cloths again. Once Soren came back, a new bag was hooked up. It was a waiting game for the fever to break and all they could do was wait.
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Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Theo slipped to the floor to join Kai. He looked like he had the worst night in his life. “Morning. You want to try to get some more sleep? We aren’t in any hurry today.” This was true. They didn’t have anywhere that they had to be. The only thing they had to do was not get caught.

This was the worst part of someone being sick. The part where they suffered as well as everyone else waiting for them. It just took so long for anything real to happen again. About the time that Soren was going to attempt to make up another excuse on why he could leave, Hayden started to stir. He wasn’t awake. He moved just a little. And then he moaned. He groaned. He tried to roll over to his side despite the IV and the cold clothes. Soren was not a medic, but he felt like it was probably a good thing that Hayden at least sounded like he was alive. He did, however, sound like he was in pain. Or uncomfortable. That made sense.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden looked at Theo when he slipped to the floor. It was true that they didn’t need to be anywhere. No worry about being late. They just had to not be caught. “I don’t know if I can get more sleep though.” Kai admitted with a heavy sigh.

Josh was tired, but he did everything that he could. He stayed by Hayden’s side, had run to change the water two more times during the night. That morning when Hayden stirred, Jacob had been checking on his temp. “His fever finally broke. Which explains why he’s stirring. Pull the cloth off.” Jacob said as Josh did just that. Jacob used his hands to adjust the IV with Hayden as he moved. “Okay. I’m going to feed some painkillers into his IV. Nothing more than the equivalent of Ibuprofen. Just enough to help that discomfort.” Jacob said as he paused the saline drip, gave him some painkillers than resumed the saline. “Now we let him wake up. But he’s out of the worst of it now.” Jacob added, letting out a sigh of relief. Josh was right behind him, hand running through Hayden’s hair which did have sweat in it from the fever but Josh didn’t care. He just wanted to be with Hayden, no matter what.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

They sat there a moment in the silence that came after that. “You want to talk about it?” Theo asked. “It’s cool if you don’t. Just if you want to.” He was sure that the conversation was still reeling in his mind. That was a hard conversation to have, and it didn’t go very well.

Out of the worst of it. Good. If this lasted any longer, then they were going to definitely be struggling. “Anyone want to take a break? Take a walk. Grab a snack. Anything to move and not be sitting here for a little bit.” He put a hand on Jacob’s shoulder and then moved to do the same on Josh’s. “Not a long one. Even five minutes can help. He looked over at Hayden who stopped moving as much with the painkillers. He still did not look terribly peaceful. That he was sure would go away as soon as he woke up. Unless he woke up angry, which was entirely possible. He really didn’t know how that was going to go.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden looked at Theo for a moment. Hearing his words and letting out a deep sigh. “I just.. I know why he’s mad, but I’ve never heard him say he was disappointed in me. Ever. And that he couldn’t trust me? That.. that hurt. A lot. It’s not fair that he wants to bubble wrap me and put me in a box.” Kai said, sitting up and pulling his knees to his chest. A move he’d seen Josh do several times before. “I just don’t know how to do anything right apparently. I just love to explore and sure, maybe we shouldn’t have gone to the suburbs but still..” Kai’s words trailed off as he sighed.

Josh looked at Soren and shook his head. “I can’t leave him. I need to be here when he wakes up. I need to talk to him.” Josh said as he continued running his hands through his husband’s hair. “I’ll take that quick break. Josh? Just radio if you need me. I’ll be back. Soren? Are you coming or did you want to stay here?” Jacob asked as he moved towards the door. He needed to clear his head and get out of this little room. A box. A cell similar to what had been in store for Kai and Theo.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

As much as he looked up to Hayden and Josh, they weren’t Theo’s parents. Having his freedom revoked was painful and hurt because he could not be trusted was still not as bad as it would have been if his own dad told him that. Disappointed. That was rough. “Do you think he really is disappointed in you? Or do you think maybe he’s just hurting? I know he’s had a rough time just in general.” It was so hard to know how someone else was thinking. “I don’t think we shouldn’t have gone. We needed to go. We needed to be free, you know? What if we can find a good in between? Something safer but still lets us be freer?”

Soren joined Jacob pretty much the moment that Jacob was moving. “I can’t sit here anymore either. We all know how Kai feels, don’t we?” He was a humorless question but it was important that they all know that they were feeling it. He took Jacob’s hand and walked out the door but paused to look back at Josh. “We won’t be gone too long. It’s going to be okay.” And then he was gone. Just a walk to anything. Anything else. Hayden stirred every now and then. He wasn’t awake yet but he was moving more. Fingers moving. Searching. Reaching. He did this sometimes in his sleep. He was always searching for Josh.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden looked down at the ground, and shrugged his shoulders as he did, before he flicked his gaze up to Theo. "I don't know. Maybe? As I got older, I've found it harder and harder to tell what he's thinking." Kai said as he sighed heavily. "I know it was right thing to leave, but I don't know if.. if we can find any way to keep that in between of being safe and free."

Jacob nodded as he moved towards the door. He waited as Soren spoke to Josh and then felt his husband take his hand. They stepped out of the door after and the door was shut and locked. Jacob heaved a heavy sigh as he looked at Soren. "This.. is not good. And I have no idea what will happen when Hayden wakes up." Jacob said as they walked, his mind running full speed about everything that had happened and everything that could happen.

Josh nodded at Soren with a small smile. "Yeah, I know exactly how he feels, and thanks." He said before his attention was turned back to Hayden. He'd taken his hand when he saw those fingers moving. "I'm right here baby. I'm so sorry we had to do this, I'm sorry that this happened. I want you to know, that I.." Josh paused, clearing his throat. "I did always support you, even if I.. didn't seem like it back then. Every choice I made, I thought was the right one until I realized I was wrong. And I can never take that back. Those years. That time. But I'm here now. I love you.. so much." Josh had tears slipping down his cheeks as he talked to Hayden. He did not know if Hayden heard him, but he felt like he had to talk, they were alone. Just them and he had been holding this in for a while now. "I love our son, and you've done an excellent job raising him, and I wish I'd been around more to help you with Kaiden. He's a strong, capable young man and that's because he had you in his life. You're his favorite, you've always been. I was.. second and even though he looks at me like a hero, you will always be his dad and the one he runs too first. I hope you know that my love."
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

“You want to know what I think?” Theo asked though he was going to say it anyway. He never could keep quiet when he had an opinion. At least not too long. “I think that maybe he’s found it harder to know what you’re thinking since you got older. My parents don’t know anything about me anymore.” He pulled his knees to his chest too. “I feel like talking about it and really saying that could help. We know he has to at least sort of get it. He did marry your papa after all. He can’t sit still either. And we know how angry he was with him before, but they’re still together.” Theo nodded to himself. “But later. Right now, it’s about you feeling better. Doing what’s right for you. Like walking along the water and listening to it crash around us. And smelling like good memories of your mom. What do you think?”

Jacob was right. This was certainly not good. It was anything but good. Hayden in the span of hours managed to severely damage the two relationships that meant he most to him and also severely tarnish everything he worked to build in this community. He would probably only get away with this because he had been so important for so long. But also maybe not. This might change a lot of things. “I know. I know it’s bad. I am afraid for when he wakes up. I am afraid that he isn’t going to magically feel better, especially when Kai is still out there.” Soren puffed out the air he had been holding. “Hayden said some nasty things about Josh, and I have a feeling that he probably said more when we weren’t with him. Do you think.. Do you think he means them?”

Hayden’s grip on Josh’s hand tightened. He fidgeted a little as he laid there, but he didn’t open his eyes. He didn’t move or say anything. In his sleep, he dreamed. He dreamed a dream that he had not had in years. One that used to keep him locked away in his little apartment instead of going out and being part of their partner support group. One that made it so much easier to help Isaac create the WLF. One that little Kaiden alone could pull him out of. No, it wasn’t that dream. It was worse. It was worse, because that little boy was in it now. He never used to be. It had been a very long time. This was a restless sleep. A painful sleep. He groaned again. No. He whimpered. He whimpered as he curled on this little cot.
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Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden lifted his head up to look at Theo, listening to him with a soft smile on his face. And then he chuckled, hearing that. Yes, his dad married his papa still, even though Josh was so much like him. They might not share blood but they were so similar anyway. Then Kaiden's eyes widened and he smiled. "I think that's a great idea." Kai said as he nodded, moving to get to his feet. "Let's go to the water."

Jacob sighed, knowing that this wasn't going to be over the moment they get Hayden back to himself. Things had been said, been done and some bridges might be burned or close to burned. He bit his lip as they walked and he looked at Soren. "He said some pretty bad things to me about Josh. That he was pouting instead of searching for Kai and that Josh wasn't as dedicated to being Kaiden's father as Hayden was. But.. this time.. I couldn't tell if he meant them or not." Jacob admitted as he looked at the ground.

Josh felt the grip on his hand tighten, and saw him fidget but he didn't move, talk or open his eyes. Joshua was not surprised because he hadn't been expecting him to. He had just needed to talk. Then the whimper started, and he frowned. Josh squeezed his hand and leaned down so he could curl as much of himself around Hayden's head as he could, the other arm rubbing his back and side. "I'm right here baby, shh. Come on, come back to me. Come back to us." Josh commented, again, not expecting anything yet hoping for the best.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

Theo popped up as soon as Kai did. Good. He hated seeing him so sad. He wasn’t supposed to be that way. He was supposed to be fun and ready to explore. So that was what they were going to do. They left those other problems behind and could address them later. He grabbed his pack and headed to the door. He poked his head out and scanned the area. Nothing. He stepped to the side to let Kaiden come out too. “And the light’s just coming up, so it’s probably beautiful.”

Soren frowned. “I’m gonna say the thing we’re all thinking and not wanting to say, and I’m only gonna say it because it’s just us.” It was too early in the morning for too many people to be out and about yet. There were well and truly on their own. “What if he did? What if he meant those things? What if he’s been keep all that pent up inside, and his fear for Kai was just too much, and that let all of that out?” He ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not saying he doesn’t love Josh. I know he does. But what if some of that resentment is still there? What if they never worked it all out?” The question really was could they? Could they fix this? Soren didn’t think they could fix it the first time really. It very much felt like Hayden would really leave Josh. He didn’t though. He loved him so much that he didn’t. Could they fix it all now?

One of the hardest things to do was wake up. With this kind of condition, his body was trying to heal itself. His body was keeping him asleep so that it could focus on making the rest of him feel better. But he was waking up anyway. He was waking from his long rest that would not feel like rest when his eyes finally remembered how to open. His mind was trying to restart the systems. His limbs moved as though they were in a marsh. Slow. So slow. Little whines played out of rhythm of the rest of him. The fingers on the hand Josh held writhed for a moment before begging for his again. But he still slept. Sort of.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden felt a smile on his face as he grabbed his jacket and followed Theo, snagging his pack as he did. Once Theo stepped out and stepped to the side, Kai followed him. It was truly a beautiful morning. "I'm sure it'll be beautiful." Kai said as he heard him. Kai walked out towards the containers, trying to find the best path towards the water.

Jacob looked at Soren and heard his words. This was what he'd feared the most. That Hayden hadn't gotten it all out, that he still held resentment towards Joshua. "If that's the case, we need to be ready to intervene, again. The first time was hard enough, and I'd never seen either of them so broken. I know they love each other and have a connection, but.. sometimes the best connections have to be tested many times to prove it's strength." Jacob said as they walked. "But if it is meant and there is resentment to be worked out, they need to do it before Kaiden comes back or this will all happen again."

Josh continued to hold on, his fears and worries pushed to the side as he felt the fingers in his hand writhe and then he held them again. "I'm here." Josh whispered, waiting. Hoping. He heard the little whines and it hurt his heart. "I'm not going anywhere." Josh promised, and he wouldn't. He didn't want to repeat history. He never wanted to go through that again, and was pointedly ignoring the harsh words from Hayden last night. He was hoping that what was said, wasn't meant and that after some talking, they could work this out. He had hated fighting with Hayden before when they were on opposite sides, and he didn't want to do that ever again.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

This was not a place he knew very well, so figuring out how to get through to the ocean was not super easy. They moved through the shipyard for a while, and then Theo pointed. “Oh oh oh look!” It was hard to see from here. He ran to the side of a container and climbed up to the top. “Kai! Come look from up here. That’s your ocean right there.” That was some view. Now they had to figure out how to get to the water from here.

Or this will happen again. This couldn’t happen again. They couldn’t keep doing this every handful of years. This was not a good way to live. It wasn’t living. This was waiting for the next time someone did something to upset the other. This was hoping that the other person wouldn’t see similarities in the present from the past. “How are we supposed to intervene? Wait until Hayden throws another fit and knock him out again? At least this time he won’t have overdosed on a drug of his own making.” This made his head hurt thinking about. “I wish we could get Hayden to talk about what he was feeling, but he never has. He has always bottled that up.”

His movements became more frequent. They were wider and longer. He scrunched together his face like something hurt. Maybe the light. Maybe something inside. He squeezed his eyes shut as he moved his mouth. Not to speak. Not yet. He was not ready for words. He couldn’t tell much of anything yet. He could feel the hand, so he clung to that. He needed that. His other hand found the hand as well as he curled so tight and then let it go. Uncurled. He pulled at the hand that felt like the only thing he could find in the dark. It was such a deep and horrible dark.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden wandered the area with Theo until he heard him, and turned his head that way. Kai followed up to the top of the container and looked out. There it was, the ocean. A blue span of water as far as the eye could see. It was beautiful. The sun rising up over it. "Oh Theo. It's so beautiful." Kai said as he looked around for a way down there. "Is that a path that way?" Kai asked, pointing to a small section of crumbled highway.

Jacob sighed as he looked at Soren, pushing a hand through his own hair. "Maybe we need to throw them in a room and let them figure it out. Keep the door locked like we have it right now? It might force them to talk to each other, and to have to listen?" Jacob suggested, knowing that would either make things better or worse. "I've tried for years to get him to open up at all and it still hasn't worked. I'm not sure how else we can help them at this point."

This wasn't working. There wasn't enough contact. The hand could only do so much. So Josh, mindful of the IV, pulled his hand away and moved so he could crawl onto the other side of the cot from the IV and wrapped his arms around as much of Hayden as he could. Ever mindful of the IV, he curled around his husband like he could protect him from whatever made his face scrunch like it hurt, and what made him curl like he had. "I'm here." He said once more, before he started humming softly, no real song, just a hum.
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

The water never really called to Theo. He liked being landlocked. He had nothing against the water. It was probably cool. It was definitely way better than the stadium right now. It was different, and that was nice. He smiled at Kai, because this was something that he clearly loved. That was the best part of this. Inside the stadium, they weren’t going to get that look. Not ever. That was why they snuck out to do all sorts of stupid things. “I think it is. Come on.” He bounded back to the ladder and climbed down to wait for Kai.

Soren laughed. It was a horrible time to laugh, and therefore it was the only thing to do. “So what you’re saying is that we don’t actually go back and we leave the two of them in there, hope he wakes up, and then hope they decide to have a discussion?” He nodded. “That could work honestly. Josh seems ready. I hope Hayden is. I want them to be happy, and that’s so hard when he keeps everything to himself.” This was such a hard situation. “So yeah, I like it. Lock them in a room together and don’t let them out for a while.”

The warmth spread through Hayden’s body, combatting the darkness. Endless dark full of shadows in forms he did not want to see anymore. He didn’t want to hear. He heard something. A sound from somewhere far away. Somewhere close. It felt like home. His awareness slowly came back until he realized one very important thing. Lost. Everything and everyone was lost. He was lost. He lost everything. No no no nononono how could he have lost everything so fast? Tears slid down his cheeks as the dream died away and was replaced by the understanding that the dream was real overrode it. And he hurt. He hurt so much. His entire leg ached like he’d beaten it. And his arms hurt like he used them to beat those legs. His limbs stilled, his eyes opened, and he gasped before he wept.
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