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Fandom Forbidden and Scarred Love { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

“We could come out here sometimes. Maybe go to the aquarium with Owen but not as a secret. Maybe we could just travel. It won’t be like before when we snuck off and got into trouble.” Theo was really trying to figure out how this could work. “Maybe we can tell people the plan. Or maybe we can have more people go other places too just so everyone knows about these places. They could still be vetted even if we don’t patrol them all the time.” He sighed. “I feel like this would be for everyone’s benefit.”

Soren laughed and shook his head. “A day? Baby, we are taking off a week at least. Mel and Nora can handle themselves in there. I am exhausted, and I know you are too. We can’t give them our best work just a day after this. All of this. This domino effect of way too much.” He gestured a sort of oval with one of his hands. “All of us. Taking off a week.”

Hayden just sat there as Josh cleaned him off. Everything. He remembered everything. Yesterday, Hayden would not have believed that. He would have thought that was just Josh talking and trying to be the good husband. Now, he was pretty sure that was the truth. He already had proof. Now that he was thinking about it, he could remember quite a few things that he was going to work towards. There were things that were going to change their lives. “Sailing and scuba diving. I wanted to dive deep down and find the reefs, and I knew you would come with me, because you would do anything.” His hero. His retiring hero. Those words were heavy in the air. “Soren is eleven years older than you, and he doesn’t act like he’s too old.” He smiled. He smiled as he thought about that. “And you’ll get bored if you’re just sitting around, stuck in a box.” It was painful to say out loud. A box like this one maybe. Hadn’t he just felt like he was stuck in a box?
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

Kaiden looked at Theo, and nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! That's a good idea. Even if they aren't patrolled, we should still check them out and keep up with the infected." Kaiden said as he sighed softly. "We need to talk to my dad and Isaac. It wouldn't be a bad idea at all to do that kind of patrolling." He said as he put his arms behind his head. That wasn't a bad idea at all.

Jacob looked up at Soren, hearing that laugh and laughed himself. "Yeah, those two can handle it. A week off sounds wonderful. Just cuddling in bed and listening to you reading to me? I like the sound of that." He said, curling more into Soren's side with a sigh.

Josh was being truthful in his words, and he was hoping that Hayden believed him. He heard those words and nodded with a smile. "I would've dived down deep with you. I wish we still had the equipment to do that now. Because I would do it even now." Josh replied as he saw the smile, the smile on Hayden's face. "I know how old Soren is.. and I might get a little bored. So let's compromise. I'll patrol much less, once a week and we take a few days a week for us. Just us. In our room or out exploring in the truck in our city. And I'll protect you from whatever is out there." Josh said with a warm smile. "How does that sound?"
Ezekiel Finch and Theophilus Sharpe (and also the Smith Clan)
Seraphite Warrior, WLF Member | 26, 22 | Current location ;; Washington

“Just a little more freedom. We don’t need to be so stingy on literally everything. You need up once and you get a big reprimand. How is that fair?” It wasn’t. None of it was fair. All these military people got together and decided to military even though they hated the military. It was a flawed plan. This new plan was a much better plan. “I think we can get your dad to listen. I really do.”

“A whole week to relax and do whatever we want. Maybe we take some nice leisurely walks. Go see all the new animal babies. I’ll read to you until my voice gives out on us.” At this point, they weren’t so much sitting as cuddling on the floor against this door. They got a couple of looks, but really, this wasn’t much of a surprise. They had always been this way.

These were dreams. The good kinds of dreams. The kind that made him smile when he woke up. The kind that made him feel like the world wasn’t so bad. “I can’t.” He looked down at himself. The leg that felt like it would be better to just cut off at this point. “I can’t go anywhere.” He didn’t want to say it like it was Josh’s fault. It wasn’t. It was but it wasn’t. It was also Hayden’s fault. He pushed it too much. He never did what was right for his body. “I can’t dive. I can’t go exploring. I know you say we explore in the truck but there’s only so much to see in that.” As much as he loved the idea. As much as he wanted it to be real, how could it be? Josh couldn’t retire from patrolling anymore than Hayden could go exploring the ocean.
Kaiden Lachlan and Alexander Brennan (along with the Smith Clan)
WLF Member, Young Seraphite Warrior | 23, 16 | Current location ;; Washington

"I agree. Just a little more freedom and we won't just vanish. We'd make sure to tell everyone where we're going just in case. I think we can definitely get dad to listen." Kai said as he shifted onto his side, his clothes getting dry fast thanks to the warm sand and hot sun. "It would be nice not to be so strict on exploring. I know that we have the war going on, but if we're careful, it shouldn't matter."

Jacob chuckled as he nodded, hearing that. "Yes. We still need to meet Houston after all." Jacob agreed as he cuddled closer to Soren, seeing some people passing them by. "We might need more books if we're going to be off for a week." Jacob added with a small laugh.

Josh heard Hayden, and saw him looking at his leg. He bit his lip as he tried to figure out a way around that. It wasn't fair for Hayden. He wanted to see the ocean again, explore it and it was because of Josh he couldn't. "You can. We just.. need to figure something out." Josh said as he thought. How could he do what he wanted to, there was no real way to do this. A heavy sigh slipped out of his mouth as he knew better. There was one thing he could do though, and that was to do less patrols and spend more time with his husband. That he could control, that he could do. "How are you feeling? Do you want more painkillers?" Josh asked, concern in his voice.

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