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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

Maddy picked up one of the amethyst and looked at it.

"Hmm still dont see Parker" the hench woman said looking around as the cops were leaving. Quill glared when he saw the cops walking out. "These guys call themselves cops..pathetic. " He muttered. He wasnt going to let a few human thugs scare him.
Devon looked at them. "We need to destroy these." He said.

"Go find the kid." He said to one of the girls.
Devon looked at them. "We need to destroy these." He said.

"Go find the kid." He said to one of the girls.
"Will smashing them work or do we need to do a different method to destroy them?" She asked.

"On it sir." One said walking off to look for Peter. The other one looked at Quill. "The boss said leave." Quill shrugged. "Nah I would rather not leave Gordon alone."
"Will smashing them work or do we need to do a different method to destroy them?" She asked.

"On it sir." One said walking off to look for Peter. The other one looked at Quill. "The boss said leave." Quill shrugged. "Nah I would rather not leave Gordon alone."
"Not sure. I mostly make enchantments. I don't break others very often." He said.

"Kill him." He gestured at Quill. Before the girl could respond something kicked her in the back with both legs. Spider-Man landed at the top back end of the building landing on a railing. "Sup baldie." He said looking at Zsasz.
"Not sure. I mostly make enchantments. I don't break others very often." He said.

"Kill him." He gestured at Quill. Before the girl could respond something kicked her in the back with both legs. Spider-Man landed at the top back end of the building landing on a railing. "Sup baldie." He said looking at Zsasz.
"Oh I see. Guess de-enchanting them wont work then." She said.

"Always seems you know when to show up. " Quill said with a chuckle at Peter. The henchwoman that got kicked stumbled before pulling out her gun and firing at Spider-man.
"Oh I see. Guess de-enchanting them wont work then." She said.

"Always seems you know when to show up. " Quill said with a chuckle at Peter. The henchwoman that got kicked stumbled before pulling out her gun and firing at Spider-man.
"It would take someone with more training than me." He said.

Hr twisted in the air dodging the bullets. "Tell your boss that if he wants Gordan and Parker then he needs to come here. Not the other way around." He said landing on wall just over the enterance. "And seriously girls sports bras and leather short shorts. Do you just not realize how bad an idea it is to leave so much exposed in your line of work?" He looked over at Quill. "Looks like we got one more officer who isn't a total pansy. Nice."
"It would take someone with more training than me." He said.

Hr twisted in the air dodging the bullets. "Tell your boss that if he wants Gordan and Parker then he needs to come here. Not the other way around." He said landing on wall just over the enterance. "And seriously girls sports bras and leather short shorts. Do you just not realize how bad an idea it is to leave so much exposed in your line of work?" He looked over at Quill. "Looks like we got one more officer who isn't a total pansy. Nice."
"Oh I see" maddy nods.

Quill chuckled. "Let's just say I'm new in town. I'm not scared of these guys."
The henchwoman kept pointing her gun at Spider-man. "Our boss is busy at the moment that's why we're here"
"Oh I see" maddy nods.

Quill chuckled. "Let's just say I'm new in town. I'm not scared of these guys."
The henchwoman kept pointing her gun at Spider-man. "Our boss is busy at the moment that's why we're here"
Devon looked at a goblin that was standing up. Barely. "Well let's see how well these enchantments of intelligence work." He walked up to Goblin and created giant spider quickly spun a web around the goblin. Picking up one of the Goblin's knives he held it to the Goblin's throat. "So... tell me. Can you talk?" He asked. "Gub has no words for human." The Goblin spat on him. Devon smiled. "So you can... good. If you're smart enough to talk you're smart enough to know what torture is." He placed the knife against its chest. "What are you doing here?"

He jumped over and landed in front of her. "Busy dealing with Maroni I would guess. Penguin's working for him now right?" He was suddenly hanging upside down in front of her. "But see here's the thing, I'm not a big fan of all this crime. And I know that there's all kinds of problems that can come with whatever Gordon, Parker, and I do. It upsets the power balance and that has people like you running scared. And leaves you desperate enough to do drastic things like this. But let me make this perfectly clear. You are all out of your league. I'm not the only one here with abilities that you can't even begin to imagine. And there are more people like me who aren't gonna take this sitting down." He felt Zsasz's gun against his head. In a flash of movement Peter had knocked the man's gun out of his hand and had him pinned to a desk. The women both had their guns pointed at him. "Ah-ah." Peter motioned to Gordan and Quill who both had guns out. "Play nice ladies. Your man isn't gonna die lucky for you I don't roll that way..." He leaned in next to Zsasz. "Tell your boss that there are rules now. And there are lines that he better not cross. And tell him ole Spider-Man and a nice lady called Demon Master are gonna enforce those rules. Hard."
Devon looked at a goblin that was standing up. Barely. "Well let's see how well these enchantments of intelligence work." He walked up to Goblin and created giant spider quickly spun a web around the goblin. Picking up one of the Goblin's knives he held it to the Goblin's throat. "So... tell me. Can you talk?" He asked. "Gub has no words for human." The Goblin spat on him. Devon smiled. "So you can... good. If you're smart enough to talk you're smart enough to know what torture is." He placed the knife against its chest. "What are you doing here?"

He jumped over and landed in front of her. "Busy dealing with Maroni I would guess. Penguin's working for him now right?" He was suddenly hanging upside down in front of her. "But see here's the thing, I'm not a big fan of all this crime. And I know that there's all kinds of problems that can come with whatever Gordon, Parker, and I do. It upsets the power balance and that has people like you running scared. And leaves you desperate enough to do drastic things like this. But let me make this perfectly clear. You are all out of your league. I'm not the only one here with abilities that you can't even begin to imagine. And there are more people like me who aren't gonna take this sitting down." He felt Zsasz's gun against his head. In a flash of movement Peter had knocked the man's gun out of his hand and had him pinned to a desk. The women both had their guns pointed at him. "Ah-ah." Peter motioned to Gordan and Quill who both had guns out. "Play nice ladies. Your man isn't gonna die lucky for you I don't roll that way..." He leaned in next to Zsasz. "Tell your boss that there are rules now. And there are lines that he better not cross. And tell him ole Spider-Man and a nice lady called Demon Master are gonna enforce those rules. Hard."
"You better answer him. " Maddy said taking off her ring in case she needed to use her power.

Quill smiled pointing his gun at the women. "Nicely said Spider-man. " one of the women looked at Spider-man. "We arnt going to be scared of a guy in tights."
"You better answer him. " Maddy said taking off her ring in case she needed to use her power.

Quill smiled pointing his gun at the women. "Nicely said Spider-man. " one of the women looked at Spider-man. "We arnt going to be scared of a guy in tights."
"Gub not tell, Gub told not to tell so gub not GAAAAGH!" Devon sliced the Goblin's chest. "You know what's worse that an open wound? An infected festering one." He stepped out of Maddy's way. "You gonna talk?"

"You're not supposed to be afraid of me. But you should be afraid of what I can inspire. There are good people in Gotham, lots of them. And it only takes a little bit of hope for them decide to stand up to corruption and evil."
"Gub not tell, Gub told not to tell so gub not GAAAAGH!" Devon sliced the Goblin's chest. "You know what's worse that an open wound? An infected festering one." He stepped out of Maddy's way. "You gonna talk?"

"You're not supposed to be afraid of me. But you should be afraid of what I can inspire. There are good people in Gotham, lots of them. And it only takes a little bit of hope for them decide to stand up to corruption and evil."
Maddy put her hand on the wound. "I suggest you talk soon Gub, the longer I'm here the worse it will be"

"You do realize this is Gotham. Hope doesn't exist. It's been long gone. Corruption will always remain. You saw how fast we got the room to mostly clear." The henchwoman said.

Sage was at the paper, looking over old reports on crime in the city. She was looking into Maroni, Fish and all the other crime bosses in Gotham.
Maddy put her hand on the wound. "I suggest you talk soon Gub, the longer I'm here the worse it will be"

"You do realize this is Gotham. Hope doesn't exist. It's been long gone. Corruption will always remain. You saw how fast we got the room to mostly clear." The henchwoman said.

Sage was at the paper, looking over old reports on crime in the city. She was looking into Maroni, Fish and all the other crime bosses in Gotham.
"Gub... Hurt..." The goblin said. "Goblins sent, by bigger flying goblin."

"Yeah. Don't worry. That won't last." Peter knocked out the three of them.

Falcones family jad been in power in Gotham for a very long time and was relatively unchallenged in that regard until Maroni stepped into the picture. The more she read theore superficial their "peace" with eachother seemed.
"Gub... Hurt..." The goblin said. "Goblins sent, by bigger flying goblin."

"Yeah. Don't worry. That won't last." Peter knocked out the three of them.

Falcones family jad been in power in Gotham for a very long time and was relatively unchallenged in that regard until Maroni stepped into the picture. The more she read theore superficial their "peace" with eachother seemed.
"Did this flying goblin ride a flying machine?" Maddy asked as a thought came to her mind.

Quill went to grab some cuffs. "So Spider-man you want us to process these guys or do you want to take them to deliver the message to thier boss?"

"Hmm." She said as she kept reading. "Interesting"
"Did this flying goblin ride a flying machine?" Maddy asked as a thought came to her mind.

Quill went to grab some cuffs. "So Spider-man you want us to process these guys or do you want to take them to deliver the message to thier boss?"

"Hmm." She said as she kept reading. "Interesting"
"Metal winged beast." It said. "I know who that sounds like." Devon said.

"He'll get the message best if you do this by the book." Spidey said. "Make sure they share a nice cramped cell.

"Whatcha reading?" Someone said behind her
"Metal winged beast." It said. "I know who that sounds like." Devon said.

"He'll get the message best if you do this by the book." Spidey said. "Make sure they share a nice cramped cell.

"Whatcha reading?" Someone said behind her
"Guess it's not the green goblin." She said removing her hand.

"I'm on it." Quill nods. He looked over at Gordon. "I'll take them to a cell and start the process of booking them. You should look for that Parker guy they were looking for. Make sure he is ok." He said acting like he didnt know peter was Spider-man.

She turned over the papers she had. "Nothing."
"Guess it's not the green goblin." She said removing her hand.

"I'm on it." Quill nods. He looked over at Gordon. "I'll take them to a cell and start the process of booking them. You should look for that Parker guy they were looking for. Make sure he is ok." He said acting like he didnt know peter was Spider-man.

She turned over the papers she had. "Nothing."
(It is. They don't know the glider isn'r alive) Gub's head went limp as he fell unconcious.

"Right. I'll go check on him." Gordon said walking off. He met Peter in the locker room. "That was Reckless." He said. "But worth it." Peter said buttoning up his shoet.

She saw a young man looking to be 17. "Really? Your trying real hard to conceal nothing." He said leaning over her desk
(It is. They don't know the glider isn'r alive) Gub's head went limp as he fell unconcious.

"Right. I'll go check on him." Gordon said walking off. He met Peter in the locker room. "That was Reckless." He said. "But worth it." Peter said buttoning up his shoet.

She saw a young man looking to be 17. "Really? Your trying real hard to conceal nothing." He said leaning over her desk
"So should we spare the guy?" She asked.

Quill tossed the three in a cell. "Better get to work on the paperwork." He rolled up his sleeves as he spoke to himself, around his wrist was a brown bracelet with a few black beads and a orange stone. He smiled glancing at the charm. "This works pretty well."

"Can I help you with something? " sage asked.
"So should we spare the guy?" She asked.

Quill tossed the three in a cell. "Better get to work on the paperwork." He rolled up his sleeves as he spoke to himself, around his wrist was a brown bracelet with a few black beads and a orange stone. He smiled glancing at the charm. "This works pretty well."

"Can I help you with something? " sage asked.
Devon looked at the Spider. "Let him go." He said. The spider released him. "Your smart enough now to understand Mercy. I don't hand out second chances. If I see you hurting other again your dead." He said.

Peter stepped out into the precinct once more. "So someone did stay." He said.

"More like maybe I can help you." The young man said.
Devon looked at the Spider. "Let him go." He said. The spider released him. "Your smart enough now to understand Mercy. I don't hand out second chances. If I see you hurting other again your dead." He said.

Peter stepped out into the precinct once more. "So someone did stay." He said.

"More like maybe I can help you." The young man said.
Maddy just watched putting back on her ring.

Quill sat at a desk. He nods "yeah I did"

"How?" She asked
Maddy just watched putting back on her ring.

Quill sat at a desk. He nods "yeah I did"

"How?" She asked
It ran off.

"Nice to have another one on the good guys side." He said.

"My name's Jason I'm somewhat like you. Magical, powerful, somewhat honorable. Not totally honorable I mean I am a god of mischief."
It ran off.

"Nice to have another one on the good guys side." He said.

"My name's Jason I'm somewhat like you. Magical, powerful, somewhat honorable. Not totally honorable I mean I am a god of mischief."
"So some flying goblin has been around. " she said

Quill chuckled. " always been on that side. " he thought for a minute. "Names Spike Jones. "

She looked around making sure noone was looking at them. "How do you know about me..you know what, never mind..why would you help me?"
"So some flying goblin has been around. " she said

Quill chuckled. " always been on that side. " he thought for a minute. "Names Spike Jones. "

She looked around making sure noone was looking at them. "How do you know about me..you know what, never mind..why would you help me?"
"With a metal winged beast. Could be goblin's glider." He said.

"Spike huh? Nice."

"I'm a god. I know a lot of things." He said. "Also because I made a promise to someone. My word is my bond."
"With a metal winged beast. Could be goblin's glider." He said.

"Spike huh? Nice."

"I'm a god. I know a lot of things." He said. "Also because I made a promise to someone. My word is my bond."
"Could be" she nods.

"Yep. You must be that Parker guy those crooks were after. Well I'm sure I'll see you around." He nods.

"Ok. Well I'm Sage. " she flipped back over the papers she was looking at.
"Could be" she nods.

"Yep. You must be that Parker guy those crooks were after. Well I'm sure I'll see you around." He nods.

"Ok. Well I'm Sage. " she flipped back over the papers she was looking at.
"Come on. We should find a place to stay the night." He said.

"You too." Peter said.

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