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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Jack Rosenthal

Jack smiled and open when Owain mentioned explosives "Thank you! But seriously, I won't." he walked out of the bar and used his Jump-Pack to get high into the air and onto a rooftop. Then he looked down and waited for Owain to get there, so he could make his 'entry' He scanned the whole place, to make the most out of his shooting as he could.

@Cooper @JustCallMeAimee @Safety Hammer
"Alright, but I'm going with you Rai. It will be faster for me to teleport us up to the building. I also will be on target around the area, just in case backup comes. Let's go."

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Cooper said:
"You can blow up whatever you want when Reena is safe and we're in the clear..." he said, as he made his way to the southern plaza. His heart thumping in his chest, his legs shaking even as he walked. This really was unlike any of the situations he'd been in.
"Just make sure she's safe!" he repeated to them, with emphasis.
"I'll be behind you. Just act like you don't know me, 'kay lover boy?" Edgar asked Owain, as he grabbed some dirt from the street and caked his own face with it. "I'm just some regular old junkie, 'kay? You need help, just signal me."
Flareshield said:
"Alright, but I'm going with you Rai. It will be faster for me to teleport us up to the building. I also will be on target around the area, just in case backup comes. Let's go."

"Fine." Rai said she rolled her eyes slightly that hateful feeling of bru g babied creeping up on her, "you man the area and keep an eye out, don't let any of them get out." She says before walking off and making her own way to a high rise building that was above the place where these guys had tentacles, she watched Owain get into place along with the others.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack used the radio to communicate with the rest of the 'A Team' and said "I am the tonight's entertainment and the audience deserves a good show. This is your boy, JR. Ready to make my entrance for Grand Finale." He prepared to jump down into the plaza on the mark given by Owain and lay hellish gunfire onto everything that moves there. He acknowledged they said 'No explosives' but a few less lethal grenades would never hurt, right? He prepared, by taking multiple fire-arms and attaching them onto his suit, so that he won't have to reload. This included grenades, explosives, guns blades and all kinds of nasty things.

@Cooper @JustCallMeAimee @Safety Hammer @Flareshield
Owain stood outside of the warehouse, he knew his crew were behind him and ready. But was he? He knew this day had been coming for a long time, he'd had one too many scrapes that he had just managed to weasel his way out but not this time. These men were different. This wasn't a game of cat and mouse, this was no longer a nonchalant Robin Hood pantomime, this was life and death.

He pulled open the door to the warehouse, his eyes immediately clapped onto Reena and she saw him too, he mouthed something to her, and afterwards he saw her begin to violently shake her head, her hands smacked to the glass; "NO! RUN!". Then, the Shark stepped out.

"Captain Owain Burton, such a pleasure to get to kill you. This is from Victor" POP. It was instant, the Shark had been cold in his attack, he hadn't waited around, he wasn't giving anyone a chance to pop out and save the day. This wasn't an old television show where the villains pussyfoot around a killing. It just happened.

The bullet cleared his skull and a splash of blood followed. Then the dropping of the body, the thud as it hit the floor.

"Alright, pull the trigger on her and let's go." The Shark waved a hand at his guards and they activated the lever. It began to squash down rapidly.
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Cooper said:
Owain stood outside of the warehouse, he knew his crew were behind him and ready. But was he? He knew this day had been coming for a long time, he'd had one too many scrapes that he had just managed to weasel his way out but not this time. These men were different. This wasn't a game of cat and mouse, this was no longer a nonchalant Robin Hood pantomime, this was life and death.
He pulled open the door to the warehouse, his eyes immediately clapped onto Reena and she saw him too, he mouthed something to her, and afterwards he saw her begin to violently shake her head, her hands smacked to the glass; "NO! RUN!". Then, the Shark stepped out.

"Captain Owain Burton, such a pleasure to get to kill you. This is from Victor" POP. It was instant, the Shark had been cold in his attack, he hadn't waited around, he wasn't giving anyone a chance to pop out and save the day. This wasn't an old television show where the villains pussyfoot around a killing. It just happened.

The bullet cleared his skull and a splash of blood followed. Then the dropping of the body, the thud as it hit the floor.

"Alright, pull the trigger on her and let's go." The Shark waved a hand at his guards and they activated the lever. It began to squash down rapidly.
"FUCK! OWAIN'S DOWN!" Edgar shouted into the comms. He didn't waste time running to the gangsters, he headed straight to Owain to see if he still had a pulse. "FUCK! THEY GOT 'IM IN THE HEAD! KILL THE FUCKERS!"
Jack Rosenthal

He heard the gunshot from the warehouse. He knew stuff isn't good, he didn't know what to do... was this supposed to be a mark? As he heard Edward on the comms he decided he should jump in, right now. He threw a flashbang through a window and jumped in through it afterwards. He took out both of his guns and started shooting at everyone that didn't look like his team-inside. Then after a few seconds, he noticed Reena being... wait, that was Owain's body. He didn't have time for playing catch.

He continued shooting at the thugs, as he ran towards her, then trying to free her.

@Cooper @Safety Hammer

(I am Gtg. If something happens, pretend he got shot\hit\etc and fell unconcious, otherwise pretend he kept shooting the thugs until there was none of 'em left standing and until he got Reena free. Just try not to kill him off, thank you.)
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Cooper said:
Owain stood outside of the warehouse, he knew his crew were behind him and ready. But was he? He knew this day had been coming for a long time, he'd had one too many scrapes that he had just managed to weasel his way out but not this time. These men were different. This wasn't a game of cat and mouse, this was no longer a nonchalant Robin Hood pantomime, this was life and death.
He pulled open the door to the warehouse, his eyes immediately clapped onto Reena and she saw him too, he mouthed something to her, and afterwards he saw her begin to violently shake her head, her hands smacked to the glass; "NO! RUN!". Then, the Shark stepped out.

"Captain Owain Burton, such a pleasure to get to kill you. This is from Victor" POP. It was instant, the Shark had been cold in his attack, he hadn't waited around, he wasn't giving anyone a chance to pop out and save the day. This wasn't an old television show where the villains pussyfoot around a killing. It just happened.

The bullet cleared his skull and a splash of blood followed. Then the dropping of the body, the thud as it hit the floor.

"Alright, pull the trigger on her and let's go." The Shark waved a hand at his guards and they activated the lever. It began to squash down rapidly.
Rai crouched before the window arm, now rifle, set up against it. She watched the bullet clear the captains head and her blood boiled under her skin. She didn't give old Jack a chance to jump in properly and kill everyone she just opened fire on the shark. Blood spurted into the air and stained the near by windows with a drizzle. Blood pumped out the man's neck and her concentration did not faulted. She then shot the man, who was controlling the box, in the hands to render him useless. Rai very rearly got to spill blood and even though she did her crime status didn't alter. Gritting her teeth her gun bounced as the shits were fired.

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Zero teleported, but was intercepted mid teleport, and the shark guy had him. "Ugh, let me go." "Hah, so you're this Shadow we heard about, might as well kill you right now." As he said this, the shark guy pointed his pistol towards Zero's head. "How did you intercept my teleport? I thought it not to be possible." "Oh, we got the tech from the Gaurdians. They have put a huge bounty on your head. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 dollars I think they said, might be more"
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JAX sprinted at his maximum pace through the streets of the city throwing up twenty foot waves of dirt every time his foot hit the ground coating people with dust as he raced through the town. JAX had been carrying out a business of his when he heard all of the commotion on the comms. JAX had been all the way across town when the event went down and he knew he wouldn't make it in time and that he had failed his crew.

JAX screeched to a halt at the warehouse the crew was in seeing Owain on the floor. "What happened? Is anyone else hurt?" JAX asked in a monotonous voice.
Jack Rosenthal

Jack walks up to Reena and releases her. Then he walks to Owain's body and checks it out, he looks at his pierced skull and says "Confirmed death." he pressed a button on his Helmet, making a shot of Owain's corpse. He sends it to his contractor to pull out some money, as he thinks that with Owain's death he isn't going to get paid anymore. Jack saw his HUD say 'Thank you. We have transfered 24,000 credits onto your account.' Jack sighed and said "Apparently this job was quite a waste, due to his death."

@Cooper @Zaire Ananta @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack walks up to Reena and releases her. Then he walks to Owain's body and checks it out, he looks at his pierced skull and says "Confirmed death." he pressed a button on his Helmet, making a shot of Owain's corpse. He sends it to his contractor to pull out some money, as he thinks that with Owain's death he isn't going to get paid anymore. Jack saw his HUD say 'Thank you. We have transfered 24,000 credits onto your account.' Jack sighed and said "Apparently this job was quite a waste, due to his death."

@Cooper @Zaire Ananta @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
Edgar looked at Jack with discust. "Are you fucking kidding me? He's dead, and you have the audacity to transfer his bounty to your account?!" Edgar rose to his feet and got up in Jack's face. "To think that I thought of you as a decent person." Edgar spat, as he pointed a finger at the bounty hunter. "You aren't a bounty hunter. Because bounty hunters at least have some honor. You are just some asshole who thinks that credits will solve his problems."
Jack Rosenthal

Jack laughed at him and said "Most of them don't even go for me. If I could, I'd stop being a Bounty Hunter long ago, pal." he looked at Edgar, crossing his arms. Then he said "Bounty hunters don't have honor. We are not that much better than people we kill. The whole concept of killing for money is corrupt."

with a darkened tone. Then he said "I'll finish the job though. I always do. I'll make sure that the killer gets a nice cell, or a bullet in the head if he tries to resist."

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack laughed at him and said "Most of them don't even go for me. If I could, I'd stop being a Bounty Hunter long ago, pal." he looked at Edgar, crossing his arms. Then he said "Bounty hunters don't have honor. We are not that much better than people we kill. The whole concept of killing for money is corrupt."

with a darkened tone. Then he said "I'll finish the job though. I always do. I'll make sure that the killer gets a nice cell, or a bullet in the head if he tries to resist."

@Safety Hammer
Edgar walked off to help Reena out of her cell. In a burst of rage, Edgar punched through the glass that kept her confined. "Reena? Are you okay?!"

Being taken to his death was not Zero's idea of how he wanted to end his life. On a ship, on the way to the Gaurdians so the capturers could get some money. And no one even noticed he was taken by them. "Wow, I must have the worst luck in the world. No one even notices I'm gone, why would they? They are all a bunch of bounty hunters who don't give a shit about their crew." "We might as well kill him right now, he was wanted dead OR alive." "No, we bring him alive so the Gaurdians can give him a slow, painful death.
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"Well, we're here, get out... What?! Hey, he escaped!" Shadow warping back to the ship was not what Zero had planned, for in doing this, he had to self destruct his robotic limbs. He had not found a way yet to shadow warp them. Back at the ship, Zero put on the extra limbs he made, and starting working on new ones.
Edgar continued to smash out the rest of the glass, so Reena could escape.

"Reena..." Edgar said, with a solemn tone. "Reena, Owain's dead. I'm so sorry."

She scrambled out of the glass and looked around at all of the destruction. She couldn't understand how this could have happened. Only hours ago they were all together on the ship. As she climbed to her feet - using Edgar for support she looked over to his body; "I know..." she replied softly, patting him on the shoulder. "I am sorry you did not get to know him as I did... I am sorry you did not get to see him truly."

Al'anie were very stoic about death, they were not the kind of race to cry over death - to them, death was just the next step in a journey of life. Still, she couldn't help but shed a tear for her friend. "They were wrong, you know.." she said to Edgar. "They said that with Owain's death, everyone would lose hope that the galaxy would be saved."

"But they were wrong."

She clenched her fists in anger and exhaled loudly. "Where is everyone? I... I have to speak to you all... And I need you all to have an open mind."
Jack Rosenthal

Jack was examining the corpse, he found the bullet and the pistol that Owain was shot with. He decided he'd take them, maybe they could be useful later, maybe the shark was part of a gang that used similar weapons? After all, there were lots of kinds of weaponry out there, he felt like it might just help them get a lead, but that later. Reena called out for everyone, he walked up to the rest of the group and crossed his arms, waiting for what she'd say. He did not want to say that he'd stick with them, as it was obvious. If he would not finish a job, he would get a bad reputation. It was unnaceptable for him, so he stood there and listened to Reena.

@Cooper @Safety Hammer
Cooper said:
She scrambled out of the glass and looked around at all of the destruction. She couldn't understand how this could have happened. Only hours ago they were all together on the ship. As she climbed to her feet - using Edgar for support she looked over to his body; "I know..." she replied softly, patting him on the shoulder. "I am sorry you did not get to know him as I did... I am sorry you did not get to see him truly."
Al'anie were very stoic about death, they were not the kind of race to cry over death - to them, death was just the next step in a journey of life. Still, she couldn't help but shed a tear for her friend. "They were wrong, you know.." she said to Edgar. "They said that with Owain's death, everyone would lose hope that the galaxy would be saved."

"But they were wrong."

She clenched her fists in anger and exhaled loudly. "Where is everyone? I... I have to speak to you all... And I need you all to have an open mind."
Edgar laid a hand on Reena's shoulder.

"I'm here for you."
She thought for a tiny split second to chew out Edgar for touching her and to shrug away, but actually, it was a comfort. She just offered him a small smile of thanks.

"Alright no interruptions..." Her eyes darted around the room, she could see that everybody was there and was listening. "Owain and I.... We were what you might call Activists. We've been working for years on a lead that the Space Sickness that affects humans was manufactured to wipe out planets." She took a deep breath as she began to walk the floor, gathering her thoughts as she did.

"We found that lead. You guess it, Victor Sabor. We knew he had vaccine in his stronghold in Jalantis - we were going to steal the vaccine while you guys were busy with the Warnox. And before you jump the gun, we would never have left you. We wanted that too... We just wanted the vaccine more." She was half expecting the jumpy characters who were already tetchy about their mission to shoot her on the spot - but they seemed to be listening with interest, so she continued.

"A lot of people saw Owain as their hero... They thought he was going to save them... So did I...."

"But now he's dead, and he knew he was going to die. I don't know how long he's known... But before he died he mouthed something to me. He was trying to tell me 'It's them'. By that, he meant you guys. All of you. Do you think it's a coincidence you all ended up on the ship? He planned this, he planned this behind my back too, even.... But he handpicked every single one of you guys to save the galaxy... I guess he thought when he died you would feel the resolve to carry out his wishes..."

She knelt down to his body, closing his eyelids - taking a break from her speech before she looked at Jack and Edgar - "you are more than bounty hunters. Raisa, you are more than a mechanic... JAX, you're special too... and the barmaid... and Zero... and hey, even Drake. I guess me too..."

She stood up straight and looked them all in the eye one last time; "So, do you want to be Heroes?"
Jack Rosenthal

Jack was listening, the speech was actually slightly touching to him, he was not raised properly, that's for sure, but that was a nice thing to see someone talk so honestly. But at her last sentence he laughed and said "This galaxy? It ain't a place for a hero." (I had to, I'm sorry) then he walked up to Owain's body and said "But I guess I owe him and if I discontinued my work, I'd get a bad rep.... count me in." he continued to speak, then he sighed and silently muttered to himself "If JR-15 told me twenty years ago that I'd end up fighting for the galaxy, I'd outright kiss them on the mouth..." then he looked at Reena, crossing his arms.

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Edgar looked at Reena. He was still a little shocked by the fact that she called him a hero. Hero?!, Edgar thought as Jack spoke, Either something is wrong with her, or she's serious.

"Fuck it." He said, his sunglasses popped out. "There ain't no rest for the wicked, you know?" (I'm NOT sorry for that one)


Jack Rosenthal

He looked at Edgar and felt challenged "I've been too busy earnin' to care about rest." he crossed his arms, staring at his sunglassess, that blocked his eyes. He smirked under his mask, but then looked back at Reena, with a frown appearing on his face. The situation was unpleasant to say the very least.

@Safety Hammer @Cooper

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