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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Edgar walked out of the bloodied church, panting and catching his breath. He tapped his ear, turning on the comms.

"Hey Jack," Edgar gasped, as he sat down, back against the wall. "Jack are you there?"

NekoQueen49 said:
Saphira giggled, glad everything was happy again. She smiled at the masked man. "What drink would you like?"
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at Rai when she made the... joke. "Oh? I thought I really need another shot at life." he turned behind and started aiming at another person. Then he started taking aim and hid his revolver again, laughing at Rai "Gotcha! The guy's innocent." he smirked and looked at the woman that just spoke.

"Oh, I'll take... whatever it is that's... hmm... just give me the most expensive thing you have, I won't get drunk anyway, I might aswell offer my patronage." he said with a calm voice, then he reached for a small bag at his side and said "How much will it be?" with a curious voice.

He was wondering about the local prices and inflation... not really.

@NekoQueen49 @JustCallMeAimee
Rai waved off his joke with a roll of her eyes and looked at the woman in front of them. "I'd tell him to keep it in his pants an stop flirting, but it's highly unlikely that he'll listen," Raisa laughed and leant on her hand, "whilst you're getting his drink mind if I order too?" The metal armed woman asked linking her fingers like a basket and leaning her chin in them with a slight grin.

Jack Rosenthal

He didn't seem bothered with the price at all, he just smirked and said "Nice." He then said "Well, I'll pay with a card then." he began looking for it. Then however he heard Edgar on his comms, he said "Oh, excuse me for a moment." he put up his finger to the side of his helmet and pressing it lightly to turn on the radio. Then he said "Yeah, I'm here, Edgar." through the Radio. He heard Rai and said "My treat. I feel generous." to her, with a grin under his mask.

Then he resumed looking for his card and said "Got it." as he pulled it out and said "Where's the scanner, lady?" he asked the woman behind the counter.

@NekoQueen49 @JustCallMeAimee @Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He didn't seem bothered with the price at all, he just smirked and said "Nice." He then said "Well, I'll pay with a card then." he began looking for it. Then however he heard Edgar on his comms, he said "Oh, excuse me for a moment." he put up his finger to the side of his helmet and pressing it lightly to turn on the radio. Then he said "Yeah, I'm here, Edgar." through the Radio. He heard Rai and said "My treat. I feel generous." to her, with a grin under his mask.

Then he resumed looking for his card and said "Got it." as he pulled it out and said "Where's the scanner, lady?" he asked the woman behind the counter.

@NekoQueen49 @JustCallMeAimee @Safety Hammer
"Great. Where are you right now? Because I think I might need a place to lie low." Edgar said, looking around to see if anyone had heard or saw what had happened in the church. "I'll also need a new pistol."
Saphira blinked, once again, before she left towards a backroom. There was a pause before a crash could be heard and she emerged with a medium sized, yet heavy, machine. With a grunt, she heaved it onto the bar. "Scanner," she said somewhat breathlessly. "Whoo..." she released the air trapped in her lungs. She rested for a second before two glasses hovered midair, heading for her. "So, one Roundpool, and what would you like, miss?"

@Birdsie @JustCallMeAimee
It took but a few moments for Reena to come to, and when she woke up she found herself in a glass box, squashed down with the roof touching her head, and her legs and arms bent around. It was uncomfortable to say the least. She looked outside of the box, seeing two men dressed in armour, and a huge bulky figure with navy skin. She could only faintly hear the sounds of them talking. She made out that the was a camera too.

Suddenly, as if he had known she had come around, the bulky man turned on his heel to face her - and Reena recoiled in disgust. He had a shark-like head - and he grinned at her with his rows and rows of teeth. "Woken up have we Princess? You made a mistake coming here... We're finally going to nab Captan Burton today... And it's all thanks to your curiosity." He began to laugh at her, telling hi guards to stand either side of the box.

"Boys! Start the transmission!" The camera clicked on...


Owain had found his way to a bar, he peered inside to see Jack, Kaisa, and Zero on the roof, he heard a loud static click and all of a sudden every terminal screen (including the one in the bar) was displaying the same thing. It was a shark-faced man and he was grinning into the camera.


He froze - a shiver running up and down his spine as he heard his name called over the screen.

"WE HAVE YOUR LITTLE CHUM." He stepped away from the camera, and suddenly the screen showed Reena - trapped in what looked like a reinforced glass box. "NOW, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE HER GET HURT, I SUGGEST YOU GET DOWN HERE..... ALONE.... OR ELSE-" as he spoke he clicked his fingers and one of his guards began to wind up a lever, and as he did so the roof of the box began to move down, pressing Reena further to the bottom of the box. "GET DOWN HERE BURTON OR SHE'LL GO SPLAT....."

The transmission ended.

Owain's eyes were wide with horror; "oh shit...." he said, before looking at his crew, his heart thumping in his chest.
"Well that was easier than I thought. The guy only got a lucky shot on me, what, did he think it would kill me?" Zero had killed the guy soon afterwards. He didn't make a habit of slow, painful deaths. After this, Zero teleported back to the bar. "Hey bartender, can you get me something to drink? Umm, you can choose." Zero was afraid of everyone in the bar attacking him again, for his shadow voice was not like other races.

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Jack Rosenthal

He looked at Rai and said "Uhm, noo. But it seems like Edgar just got a few more thousand credits added onto his bounty." then he called to Edgar "We're at the local bar, come here."

He pressed the Credit Card through the scanner and then put it back in his pocket. He looked behind him to see the weird people on the screen, threatning to hurt his alien friend. Then he said "Welp. Looks like I have something to take care of." he turned towards the woman who was about to sell him his drink and said "Keep the money, it's spare change for me." he got up and walked to Owain, asking him "What did you screw up this time? We need to get there and save your friend." he said, taking out his revolvers ready for a fight.

@Cooper @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49 @Safety Hammer@Flareshield
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"I..... I..... I don't know. I don't know those men. I've never dealt with them, this is... I don't know..." he said, fumbling over his words as he tried to shake the image of Reena being flattened out of his mind. He really hadn't seen them before. "They've been hired by Victor Sabor... He knew we were coming, someone tipped him off on Heaven's Edge... This whole thing is a trap."

He was panicking as he recounted the details of what he had overheard in the alleyway.

"Jack we can't just fly in there. He wants me to go alone... You can't be with me. There's no way we're kicking doors down and blowing things up on this one. Those men aren't bluffing..." He was already forming his plan in his head as he paced back and forth through the bar.

"You have to go in stealth... You have to help Reena. But I have to go in alone."
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NekoQueen49 said:
Saphira blinked, once again, before she left towards a backroom. There was a pause before a crash could be heard and she emerged with a medium sized, yet heavy, machine. With a grunt, she heaved it onto the bar. "Scanner," she said somewhat breathlessly. "Whoo..." she released the air trapped in her lungs. She rested for a second before two glasses hovered midair, heading for her. "So, one Roundpool, and what would you like, miss?"
@Birdsie @JustCallMeAimee

Quickly apologising to Saphira Rai stood and followed Jack a slight frown on her face until she caught the last if the video. A sigh left her lips and she raised an eyebrow, "well then, this calls for a real plan. You know since he said go alone and everything." Rai looked around at the area in which the man had told the captin to go, "anyone here good with a sniper rifle?"

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at Rai and said "Uhm, noo. But it seems like Edgar just got a few more thousand credits added onto his bounty." then he called to Edgar "
We're at the local bar, come here."

He pressed the Credit Card through the scanner and then put it back in his pocket. He looked behind him to see the weird people on the screen, threatning to hurt his alien friend. Then he said "Welp. Looks like I have something to take care of." he turned towards the woman who was about to sell him his drink and said "Keep the money, it's spare change for me." he got up and walked to Owain, asking him "What did you screw up this time? We need to get there and save your friend." he said, taking out his revolvers ready for a fight.

@Cooper @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49 @Safety Hammer@Flareshield

Cooper said:
It took but a few moments for Reena to come to, and when she woke up she found herself in a glass box, squashed down with the roof touching her head, and her legs and arms bent around. It was uncomfortable to say the least. She looked outside of the box, seeing two men dressed in armour, and a huge bulky figure with navy skin. She could only faintly hear the sounds of them talking. She made out that the was a camera too.
Suddenly, as if he had known she had come around, the bulky man turned on his heel to face her - and Reena recoiled in disgust. He had a shark-like head - and he grinned at her with his rows and rows of teeth. "Woken up have we Princess? You made a mistake coming here... We're finally going to nab Captan Burton today... And it's all thanks to your curiosity." He began to laugh at her, telling hi guards to stand either side of the box.

"Boys! Start the transmission!" The camera clicked on...


Owain had found his way to a bar, he peered inside to see Jack, Kaisa, and Zero on the roof, he heard a loud static click and all of a sudden every terminal screen (including the one in the bar) was displaying the same thing. It was a shark-faced man and he was grinning into the camera.


He froze - a shiver running up and down his spine as he heard his name called over the screen.

"WE HAVE YOUR LITTLE CHUM." He stepped away from the camera, and suddenly the screen showed Reena - trapped in what looked like a reinforced glass box. "NOW, IF YOU DON'T WANT TO SEE HER GET HURT, I SUGGEST YOU GET DOWN HERE..... ALONE.... OR ELSE-" as he spoke he clicked his fingers and one of his guards began to wind up a lever, and as he did so the roof of the box began to move down, pressing Reena further to the bottom of the box. "GET DOWN HERE BURTON OR SHE'LL GO SPLAT....."

The transmission ended.

Owain's eyes were wide with horror; "oh shit...." he said, before looking at his crew, his heart thumping in his chest.
Cooper said:
"I..... I..... I don't know. I don't know those men. I've never dealt with them, this is... I don't know..." he said, fumbling over his words as he tried to shake the image of Reena being flattened out of his mind. He really hadn't seen them before. "They've been hired by Victor Sabor... He knew we were coming, someone tipped him off on Heaven's Edge... This whole thing is a trap."
He was panicking as he recounted the details of what he had overheard in the alleyway.

"Jack we can't just fly in there. He wants me to go alone... You can't be with me. There's no way we're kicking doors down and blowing things up on this one. Those men aren't bluffing..." He was already forming his plan in his head as he paced back and forth through the bar.

"You have to go in stealth... You have to help Reena. But I have to go in alone."
Edgar had just made it to the bar when Owain and Jack were talking.

"Oi, what did you do now?"
Jack Rosenthal

He then said "Actually, I have an idea in mind. Like the explosives, just let me check..." he looked up at the ceiling for a second. "Dammit, I don't have explosives there. Weird." he said as if it was surprising. Then he said "We'll go in stealth then. Any ideas?" He asked Rai and Owain, since as close to stealth as he ever got was to shoot people from the back when they looked away.

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee
"A cocktail will do, and I'm pretty good with a sniper rifle. Haven't practiced with it for the past three hours though." Zero practiced constantly, so he was just being modest. He practices at least 12 times a day, for his skills were capable of decreasing every second he wasn't practicing.
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"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" he said in an exasperated tone towards Edgar.

"YES!" He rushed over to Raisa's side - "a sniper rifle sounds good... I saw windows in the video..." As he spoke he couldn't help but wonder how long they would wait for him - and if they were torturing his friend.


"He will NEVER come to you" Reena spat as she watched the shark circle her prison. Her eyes narrowed and red; "Oh he will... And when I kill him the poor peasants you both so humbly try to serve will give up hope at last and then they'll be left to rot.... You have provided them with hope and supplies for too long and that's NOT the order of things. So yes, Burton has to die. Then we'll kill you anyway, scum."
Saphira frowned at their troubles, shaking liquid in a silver canister. She couldn't follow what was happening at all. She wished she could help in some way, but she was afraid that she would get in the way. After all, if they needed a sniper, then there was no way she could help.
Flareshield said:
"A cocktail will do, and I'm pretty good with a sniper rifle. Haven't practiced with it for the past three hours though." Zero practiced constantly, so he was just being modest. He practices at least 12 times a day, for his skills were capable of decreasing every second he wasn't practicing.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He then said "Actually, I have an idea in mind. Like the explosives, just let me check..." he looked up at the ceiling for a second. "Dammit, I don't have explosives there. Weird." he said as if it was surprising. Then he said "We'll go in stealth then. Any ideas?" He asked Rai and Owain, since as close to stealth as he ever got was to shoot people from the back when they looked away.

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee
Cooper said:
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" he said in an exasperated tone towards Edgar.
"YES!" He rushed over to Raisa's side - "a sniper rifle sounds good... I saw windows in the video..." As he spoke he couldn't help but wonder how long they would wait for him - and if they were torturing his friend.


"He will NEVER come to you" Reena spat as she watched the shark circle her prison. Her eyes narrowed and red; "Oh he will... And when I kill him the poor peasants you both so humbly try to serve will give up hope at last and then they'll be left to rot.... You have provided them with hope and supplies for too long and that's NOT the order of things. So yes, Burton has to die. Then we'll kill you anyway, scum."
Flareshield said:
"A cocktail will do, and I'm pretty good with a sniper rifle. Haven't practiced with it for the past three hours though." Zero practiced constantly, so he was just being modest. He practices at least 12 times a day, for his skills were capable of decreasing every second he wasn't practicing.
Rai shook he head at Zero and Jack, "it's fine, I'll do it, I have some ideas while I'm up there." Raisa was being honest she'd say that she was the rifle but there was no time to explain that so instead she looked at the captain, "I'll get up there, you go to her as they have asked." She then turned to Jack, "you stand at a close range and distract them in some firm of way?" She offered a solution.

Zero pulled out his sniper rifle, and put on his sniping attachment to his eye. "Windows, where? If you tell me, I'll be waiting up there waiting to shoot, oh yeah, I never miss." Zero knew all of his training would pay off as he waited for an answer.

@Cooper @Birdsie
Jack Rosenthal

He turned at the woman and asked "By firm way... you mean 'Shoot the fuck out of them and throw explosives everywhere' kind of way? Because I'm really up for that if that's a case." with an excited, half-sarcastic voice. He didn't know what to expect as a response, but he was ready to do anything.

"I mean, if you prefer the 'Hello, can I ask you the way to place A' kind of way, I can do that too. I'm just not sure what you meant by distract." he added.

Behind his mask a smile painted, finally another chance to shoot his beatiful weapons and detonate explosives... at least possibly, he hoped so for sure.

@Cooper @JustCallMeAimee
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He turned at the woman and asked "By firm way... you mean 'Shoot the fuck out of them and throw explosives everywhere' kind of way? Because I'm really up for that if that's a case." with an excited, half-sarcastic voice. He didn't know what to expect as a response, but he was ready to do anything.

"I mean, if you prefer the 'Hello, can I ask you the way to place A' kind of way, I can do that too. I'm just not sure what you meant by distract." he added.

Behind his mask a smile painted, finally another chance to shoot his beatiful weapons and detonate explosives... at least possibly, he hoped so for sure.

@Cooper @JustCallMeAimee
"Shoot yes, bombs no." The woman rolled her eyes, "we don't want you to blow us up in the process." She said sarcastically then smiled a little, "I suppose I should go get in one of these windows."

"You can blow up whatever you want when Reena is safe and we're in the clear..." he said, as he made his way to the southern plaza. His heart thumping in his chest, his legs shaking even as he walked. This really was unlike any of the situations he'd been in.

"Just make sure she's safe!" he repeated to them, with emphasis.
Cooper said:
"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" he said in an exasperated tone towards Edgar.
"YES!" He rushed over to Raisa's side - "a sniper rifle sounds good... I saw windows in the video..." As he spoke he couldn't help but wonder how long they would wait for him - and if they were torturing his friend.


"He will NEVER come to you" Reena spat as she watched the shark circle her prison. Her eyes narrowed and red; "Oh he will... And when I kill him the poor peasants you both so humbly try to serve will give up hope at last and then they'll be left to rot.... You have provided them with hope and supplies for too long and that's NOT the order of things. So yes, Burton has to die. Then we'll kill you anyway, scum."
"Tentacles got got?" Edgar asks, as he pulls up the collar on his coat. "I'm in."

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