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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Cooper said:
She thought for a tiny split second to chew out Edgar for touching her and to shrug away, but actually, it was a comfort. She just offered him a small smile of thanks.
"Alright no interruptions..." Her eyes darted around the room, she could see that everybody was there and was listening. "Owain and I.... We were what you might call Activists. We've been working for years on a lead that the Space Sickness that affects humans was manufactured to wipe out planets." She took a deep breath as she began to walk the floor, gathering her thoughts as she did.

"We found that lead. You guess it, Victor Sabor. We knew he had vaccine in his stronghold in Jalantis - we were going to steal the vaccine while you guys were busy with the Warnox. And before you jump the gun, we would never have left you. We wanted that too... We just wanted the vaccine more." She was half expecting the jumpy characters who were already tetchy about their mission to shoot her on the spot - but they seemed to be listening with interest, so she continued.

"A lot of people saw Owain as their hero... They thought he was going to save them... So did I...."

"But now he's dead, and he knew he was going to die. I don't know how long he's known... But before he died he mouthed something to me. He was trying to tell me 'It's them'. By that, he meant you guys. All of you. Do you think it's a coincidence you all ended up on the ship? He planned this, he planned this behind my back too, even.... But he handpicked every single one of you guys to save the galaxy... I guess he thought when he died you would feel the resolve to carry out his wishes..."

She knelt down to his body, closing his eyelids - taking a break from her speech before she looked at Jack and Edgar - "you are more than bounty hunters. Raisa, you are more than a mechanic... JAX, you're special too... and the barmaid... and Zero... and hey, even Drake. I guess me too..."

She stood up straight and looked them all in the eye one last time; "So, do you want to be Heroes?"
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack was listening, the speech was actually slightly touching to him, he was not raised properly, that's for sure, but that was a nice thing to see someone talk so honestly. But at her last sentence he laughed and said "This galaxy? It ain't a place for a hero." (I had to, I'm sorry) then he walked up to Owain's body and said "But I guess I owe him and if I discontinued my work, I'd get a bad rep.... count me in." he continued to speak, then he sighed and silently muttered to himself "If JR-15 told me twenty years ago that I'd end up fighting for the galaxy, I'd outright kiss them on the mouth..." then he looked at Reena, crossing his arms.

Rai listened intently as she walked towards the group from the building, her keen shot had killed the man who killed their captain. She sighed softly returning her arm to it's rightful position, "I'm sorry," Raisa said, "I was not quick enough."

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at Edgar and felt challenged "I've been too busy earnin' to care about rest." he crossed his arms, staring at his sunglassess, that blocked his eyes. He smirked under his mask, but then looked back at Reena, with a frown appearing on his face. The situation was unpleasant to say the very least.

@Safety Hammer @Cooper
"Hey, Come With Me Now, and I'll show you that I'm no Short Change Hero. Well? How Do You Like Me Now?" Edgar joked, before realizing that this was definitely not the right time to be doing that.
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Zero walked back outside to the group, where he heard what she said. "Why would I refuse? I'm going to help as many people as I can as the last Shadow in the universe." He wondered about when he should tell everyone about all of the upgrades and weapons he had been creating. Now didn't seem like a good time, but one way or another, they were eventually going to find out.
"Well, I'm getting back on the ship. If you have any questions for me, I'll be in my room. Oh yeah, and don't blame any of this on yourselves. Those stupid Gaurdians will find some way to blame this on me." Zero expected questions to arise from this, but he didn't stay there long enough for people to ask their questions. As he was walking away, Zero said, "I am the last link between life and death."

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @Birdsie @NekoQueen49
(Oh, okay)

Saphira blinked, looking up. She had a bad feeling in her chest ever since the strangers left to save their friend. Even now, she didn't know what was going at all. Until she thought she heard a voice. "I am the last link between life and death." She didn't know what that meant but it sounded familiar, the voice of the teleporter of the group she had seen just hours (?) before. In the end, she disregarded it.

Zero walked back into the bar, and said, "Hello again! If you wouldn't mind, I'd like another cocktail. Here, keep the extra, I don't plan on staying in this world after the job. When I'm done here, I will join the rest of my race... I've said too much, haven't I."

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Saphira shook her head as she reached for the silver canister and several unknown, strangely colored liquids. "I don't think so. It's a bartender's job to lend a sympathetic ear to weary travellers. So what's your story, weary traveller?" She asked him with a crooked smile.

"Well it all started in the Base of Shadows around the rift between life and death. Shadows could travel across it with ease. For all other races, it was a one way trip to death, except for if accompanied by a Shadow. After a while, the human race and most of the other ones got greedy, wanting to have their family come back from the dead, as well as any pets they had, ect. After a while of this, a race of aliens, called the Gaurdians, started destroying my race of Shadows with everyone else. I am the only survivor, and only just." Zero reveals his artificial limbs. "I am not able to do everything in a Shadow's power because I have still not found the right materials for my artificial limbs. When this job is done, I'm planning to close the rift and join my kind, permanently."
Saphira's brows furrowed, trying desperately to follow. "So, you're species is Shadow... and your race is connected to bringing back the dead?" She asked. Her tone suggested no interest in such a thing, portraying only curiosity and a want to understand.

"Yes, and, again, I am the last because of the greed of most races I encountered. Some of the more sensible in your race tried to fight against the other races with the Shadows. At the end, though, everyone except for me was wiped out, and most of the other humans thought they had the power of the shadow. So they went through the rift. I'm trying to repay the large debt I have."
"Why do you feel like you need to repay this debt?" She asked, starting to shake the canister up and down rapidly. She only paused to speak. "If you don't mind my saying so, it doesn't really seem like your fault or your burden to bare."

"Yeah, but mostly the rest of the universe thinks otherwise. You don't know the bounty that was put on me, nor the reason. Above a 999 trillion now, because they think they will have a Shadow's powers if they kill all of the Shadows. I am the only one guiding souls of the dead through the rift, so in a way, I do have a giant burden on my back. Shadows grow to an age, then are immortal. If I die, no one will be able to cross to the afterlife anymore, all the souls of the dead staying in this world forever. The one man job is harder beyond belief. Plus, I also have to get money to sustain myself, so it is that which is part of my burden."
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Saphira frowned, pouring the drink into a glass and set in front of him. "Is there no way to find someone who can help? It seems unfair that you have such a large responsibility to yourself..."

"If only... But the thing is, I don't know who'd be up to the task for all eternity until they wanted to die, then I'd have to find someone new, then the cycle goes on. Do you really think anyone other than a shadow has the capability of not giving in immediately when they see what the afterlife looks like..."
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"I'd rather not talk about it. The only thing I can say is if you go there once, you would never want to leave again. Also, the worst villain are out in rehabilitation, and are allowed out once they are cured from madness. There is no eternal torture unless you've done the worst thing, wipe out an entire race for no good reason."
She nodded. "Sounds fair enough," Saphira said and paused. Since he no longer wanted to talk about that subject, that was all she could spare on it without enquiring further to understand more. "Do you hate them?" She then asked, taking up some dirty glasses and began to wipe them clean with a white rag. "The ones who killed your race?" This wasn't probably a safer topic, but she found that digging deeper and asking the harder question solved people's problems easier and faster than dancing around it like most people did. It sometimes resulted in anger, others sadness, but everyone had different ways of coping with pain. And sometimes all these people needed was an ear and maybe some helpful advice from someone who could take a step back from the situation.

Zero's aura started to make people agitated. "I hate them so much, why you ask? They don't learn from their mistakes, and now, they're trying to kill me too! I will never forgive them as long as I live and..." Zero trailed off as he saw a worker hiding behind the counter and said, "Sorry, I can't talk about that subject very well, please forgive me!"
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(Yosh! Yeah, that usually happens with me, actually >.< I try to be a faithful responder)

Saphire indeed felt terrified at the aura that surrounded the Shadow, making her back stiffen. It helped when he apologized to one of her coworkers who had taken refuge under the bar. The carefree smile that usually adorned her face grew strained. "I'm sorry if I had upset you, sir. It usually helps others when I ask them directly about their feelings. When they can express them without judgement... I think it can be very therapeutic, no?"

"Yes it can, but the fact that these people have been after me for at least 40 years now,(yes he reached immortality at 34), has me hate them even more. All of them are power hungry fools, eho can't resist the idea of people paying them to bring their loved ones back from the dead. I am sorry, but this topic seems like I'd need to go all out war with them, by myself. I don't know any way around it." At this, Zero starts weeping on the bar counter because he doesn't know what to do, and doesn't want to take more lives than necessary.
Saphira touched his shoulder consolingly. "Love can make people do strange things. And if it's for love, people can also do dreadful things. I know that I can't take back all the terrible things done to you, and that you have suffered so much at their hands, but maybe you should try to see through their eyes. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but you can be a better person than they are, and take a higher road. You do that by trying to understand your enemies. Understand what's driving them. Then, and only then, can you find your way to forgiveness and serenity. You don't have to do it for your enemies' sake," she hurried inputted before he was angered again,"but for your friends and family. Because they would not have wanted to see you suffer so much."

"It's true that death is a horrible thing, and I understand that sudden, unexpected deaths are even worse, but what I'm going to tell you next is something only you will know. In exactly 376,972,967,913,254 years, the universal apocalypse will happen because of the black holes in the universe. I will, by myself, have to kill and usher the souls into the afterlife. With millions of us left, that was a simple task, but now I am the only one."
"There would have been if two of us were left, but we can sense each other's presences, and there is no one left. And I have no idea if it would work with another race, so don't ask me that either. Also, I never had the strongest powers of the group, and all of the ones with duplication magic in times like those are dead."

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