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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Flareshield said:
(I do go and do other things while I wait for responses, so if the green thing isn't there, I'm just waiting for a response. Information of importants.)
(Okay ^_^ )

"I see. I wish there was someway to go back in time before this happened," she pondered, making more drinks as she was called for them.

"Yes, I know, but think about it, if I were to go back in time and change the past, I would likely not even know about any of you, nor would the feeling had been any better because what would I do, kill more people than were killed this timeline? Would it make it better? I've decided changing the past would be too risky of a move to take for me, or anyone else."
"I believe it would just make another timeline because one being can't exist twice in the same plane... Probably. That's how I think of it, anyway," she giggled. "So it wouldn't help much either way, I guess..." she continued sadly. "At least you have your friends though," she tried to comfort.

"Yeah, I guess I do... Oh, you should come with us if that would be okay. You know, the more the merrier." He was obviously trying to change the topic, for he had never talked about his past for so long before.
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"I don't know...-" She was about to say before a gruff voice cut across her.

"By all means, leave," a large woman waddled out of the door near the storage room's. Her brown hair was cropped short and was held back in a tiny ponytail at the back of her head. "You need to leave," she rephrased her earlier statement.

"Auntie-" Again, she was interrupted.

"You need to get out of here and experience life. Don't let us bog you down," the woman gave her a good natured, large grin that stretched across her face.

"What about-"

"We'll take care of it."

At that, Saphira sighed. "Can't I get one sent-"

"Nope!" The brunette laughed, now literally shoving her towards the door. "Now, go have an adventure!"

"You just want me gone," the girl muttered dryly.

"Okay then, I'm sorry if I just got you kicked out of your only home, but our colorful crew will be greatful to have you! I already know they are heading back to the ship, so why don't you come to my room?"
Saphira sighed. "No, that's just my aunt," she explained once the woman had left. "Wants me to have every 'youthful' experience, and all that." She smiled up at him. "I'm very grateful for her."

"It's no problem, probably the least I can do for you after you helped me explain my problems. No one else believes me in the part where I basically tell them I'm the grim reaper. So, thank you for helping me."
"I do my best," she laughed with a cheerful grin. She was grateful that she was able to help, even if only a little. Maybe she could even save him from doing what he didn't want to do and hurt other people. "So, where's your ship?" She changed the subject, in part because she didn't know what to say about the previous one, but mostly she was curious about her new home.

"Follow me, it is only a little ways this way. We should stay in my room until they get back." Zero lead her to the ship, and to his room, where all of his things were still laying across the table. "My apologies, it appears I have forgotten to clean my workspace. Also, whatever you do, don't try to break that case because it contains a dangerous weapon I made."
She nodded and decided the edge of the bed was a safe place to sit without causing damage to anything. "So what has happened with your crew so far? What is your purpose? Is this a delivery vessel?" That was the only use she could think of for a ship, but it didn't make sense for a being like the Shadow in front of her to be a part of a simple delivery service. Thinking back to the gruff man that came into her bar earlier and his eagerness for a fight, she asked, "Is this a mercenary vessel?" in a hushed whisper as if saying so was taboo. That would make more sense.

"Yes, it is. You should also know our mission is to get our hands on some vaccines to treat a deadly disease. Those are all the details I heard. Now if you want to ask any questions, I will try to answer them for you."
"A deadly disease?" She repeated. "What kind? Where?" She asked, once again lost. Several questions ran through her mind, but they left too fast too make sense of them. Mostly, she was worried about it was affecting others, what type of disease it was, where the epidemic was, and if there even was an epidemic. Mostly, though, the question that circulated her mind the most was what she could do to help.

"Again, all I know is that in which I told you. There is a disease manufactured to wipe out planets. The cure is being held by Victor Sabor on Jalantis. She hasn't told us anything else other than this so far, or nothing which I wish to share." All of the time he was talking, he was working on some new parts that would accept shadow magic with it. He then replaced his other synthetic parts for those.
"When do you think the rest of your crew will arrive?" She asked, feeling slightly anxious. "Are they nice?" She hoped that they were. She wanted to have a lot of fun with her friends. Or at least that's what she hoped they would become.

"Some are nicer than others. You could say I am one of the nicest in the group. But don't worry, I'll help you if you need help. There is nothing that can stand in my way now that I have the full shadow power I had before back."
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Edgar hurried back to The Nottingham, dying for a drink. He had seen death, don't get me wrong. But he hadn't felt so helpless in such a long time. Sure Owain was an absolute prick, but he was still a friend. As he entered his room, Edgar unscrewed the bottle of bourbon he had bought, and took a large drink. He hadn't had one all day. Some people might call him an alcoholic. He could care less.
After about a hour of silence, something crackled through the comms.

"zzzt- SHIT! Jack?! Anyone?! This is Edgar! I'm in some trouble- BANG! BANG BANG!- FUCK!! Anyone- zzzztz- please! Get to the Nottingham as quick as you can! It's th-zzztzz- I don't know how they go-zzztz- What the- OH FU-zzzztzzzzzzzzttttzzzz"

The sound of the radio fades off into white noise...

Jack Rosenthal

Jack heard the message. He ran towards the Nottingham with all speed. He jumped across the city with his jump-pack. He walked through the door, inside, he had his revolvers prepared for shooting anyone, or anything. He looked around the ship, trying to find Edgar. He was prepared for the worst, he kept looking around, not knowing what to expect, but very prepared.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack heard the message. He ran towards the Nottingham with all speed. He jumped across the city with his jump-pack. He walked through the door, inside, he had his revolvers prepared for shooting anyone, or anything. He looked around the ship, trying to find Edgar. He was prepared for the worst, he kept looking around, not knowing what to expect, but very prepared.

@Safety Hammer
A grunt could be heard from Edgar's room. Inside, a bloodied Edgar lie, back up against the wall. It looked like he had been in a car accident. The worst part was, that he was missing one of his robotic eyes. He looked at Jack with a faint smile.

"Took yah long enough to get here, piss-for-brains." Edgar said, as he spit out some blood. There were numerous bullet holes on his wall, and the furniture in his room was in pieces.
Jack Rosenthal

He slightly lowered his revolvers, but kept on guard. He looked at Edgar and his eye "Ouch..." he quietly said. He took a few steps towards him, inspecting the room. He laughed a little and looked at him again "What the fuck happened here?" as he offered Edgar his hand, to help him get up. He kept looking around to see if anyone that could have done this is still around. Kinda creepy.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He slightly lowered his revolvers, but kept on guard. He looked at Edgar and his eye "Ouch..." he quietly said. He took a few steps towards him, inspecting the room. He laughed a little and looked at him again "What the fuck happened here?" as he offered Edgar his hand, to help him get up. He kept looking around to see if anyone that could have done this is still around. Kinda creepy.
"Betelgeusians. I owe them only a couple thousand credits, and they do this to me." Crowley touched his stomach. It was bleeding heavily. "I'm gonna need a doctor."
Jack Rosenthal

Jack chuckled and said "We'll get you a doctor. Can't believe that somebody kicked your ass like you were nothing, though... hmm... do they happen to be a criminal group?" he asked with a curious voice. Then he looked back and said "Here." he dropped a small first aid kit next to him, then he said "Get up. We gotta find you a doctor, before ya die."

@Safety Hammer

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