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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Jack Rosenthal

He looked at her with her mask scanning her. Then he said "You need anyone to kick the bucket, darling? That's what people like me take care of, oh and I'll take whatever costs most." with a prideful voice. He wanted to make the impression of a good mercenary, a professional and reliable one. He kept looking around the bar, scanning people's faces to try to find someone wanted, with a bounty, but he found no one yet.

Saphira blinked, thoroughly confused. "Excuse me?" She tittered. What was he implicating? That someone needed to die? Her heart beated fearfully in her chest. "N-no, no one needs to die."

After about ten minutes of shopping, Edgar came back to the Nottingham with bags of groceries, and set them in his room. He didn't trust the rest of the crew with his food, but he did get some for them. He left a jar of jellied eels and a chocolate bar in the cockpit with a note attached to the lid that read:


Just thought you would have wanted something from the store. The candy is for lover boy. Don't make a mess.


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Jack Rosenthal

He looked back at her. "Maybe, maybe not? Maybe not here. What's your name?" He asked, looking rather anxious.

Jack crossed his arms on the chair and was unimpressed with her, then he said "What? You've never seen anyone die before?" He lauged a bit at her and said "Well. I recognize your name, but I can't remember... I think... one of them mentioned you." he said, looking around the bar anxiously.

He kept looking as if he was looking for someone particular, of course it were people with bounties, but again: The bar seemed weirdly clean, or it might have just been disruptions in his system, which was unlikely...

Speaking of that, he set his Radio on 1, in case Edgar was to tell him something.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at her with her mask scanning her. Then he said "You need anyone to kick the bucket, darling? That's what people like me take care of, oh and I'll take whatever costs most." with a prideful voice. He wanted to make the impression of a good mercenary, a professional and reliable one. He kept looking around the bar, scanning people's faces to try to find someone wanted, with a bounty, but he found no one yet.

NekoQueen49 said:
Saphira blinked, thoroughly confused. "Excuse me?" She tittered. What was he implicating? That someone needed to die? Her heart beated fearfully in her chest. "N-no, no one needs to die."
Rai slowly watched, from the wall that she sat on, as Jack walked into the bar. Finishing her food she binned the rubbish and jumped from the wall before following the masked man. He gave off the vibe of a hunter and whilst on this mission that probably wasn't the best idea. Walking into the bars he nodded at Saphira as she sat down besides Jsck. "Ignore him. He won't do anything." She said confidently. She looked at her anxious companion and sighed, "you need to take a breather."

Jack Rosenthal

He looked at Rai and said "A breather, what? I'm just trying to make money, like a lawful citizen of this beatiful galaxy... by killing wanted people, or as I call them 'selfish dipshits,' or 'scum of all kinds.' " then he proceeded to laugh and said "Found one, don't worry. I've got a silencer with me. Won't take too long." He took out his revolver and started adjusting it, he didn't really have a silencer, he actually lied, he turned back to the person that was sitting there and aimed his revolver at them, he aimed the shot and prepared to fire.

@JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
Saphira found the more the man spoke, the more frightened she got. Of course, she's seen death. In a world like this one... Perhaps that's why she was so relieved when the woman walked in and reassured her. "Do-do I know you two?" She asked all the same.

But when the man lifted his gun in preparation to shoot, she shouted. Just a fear filled noise as she couldn't manage a word, other than, "Stop!"

@Birdsie @JustCallMeAimee
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at Rai and said "A breather, what? I'm just trying to make money, like a lawful citizen of this beatiful galaxy... by killing wanted people, or as I call them 'selfish dipshits,' or 'scum of all kinds.' " then he proceeded to laugh and said "Found one, don't worry. I've got a silencer with me. Won't take too long." He took out his revolver and started adjusting it, he didn't really have a silencer, he actually lied, he turned back to the person that was sitting there and aimed his revolver at them, he aimed the shot and prepared to fire.

@JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
"Jack, not in this establishment" Rai said sternly, standing she walked around the front of him so the gun pointed at her and not the wanted man, "put it down." She knew he wouldn't care if he shot her but she could at least try to do this with little fighting. However if he carried on...she might not be so lenient. Looking at him she grabbed the end of the gun, "put it down."

Jack Rosenthal

He pulled out the second gun and tilted besides her, it made it look almost as if he was hugging her chest. Then he started aiming with the other hand.

He said "Geez, you women. Just a moment, that dipshit killed people, we'll see how he likes it when someone puts it in HIS head." Jack started adjusting the aim, no longer using the other revolver. He was pretty annoyed to say the least.

@JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
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As Owain made his way through the markets on the eastern side of Nerys, he began to notice a distinct... lack of people around. Nerys was usually bustling, and this worried him. He heard the sound of static down an alleyway and began to head down it. He placed his hand on his side checking that he had his gun (he did). It wasn't often he was lured away from his crew, but this was different.

As he made his way through the empty alley he began to hear voices....

"Someone blabbed on him from Heaven's Edge. That stupid mucker has done it now. This is the day..." came a voice - it sounded as though it was coming from inside a helmet. It had that electronic feel to the voice. "It was only a matter of time, it was all for the vaccine... He was going recruiting bounty hunters to be a distraction while he and his pretty penny Al'anie stole vaccine... Ha! As if those crooks will ever get that vaccine to the poor peasants... Now that would mess up everything."

"Well then, I guess it's a good job that we've had our eyes on the skies since we blew out that satellite and we saw them land in. I've sent someone to pay his pretty little penny a visit."

"Ha! I heard she bites pal, you'd have been better off just taking him... She's more trouble than she's worth. But.... it's going to upset him enough to come forward so...."

Owain heard the two walk off. His mouth agape. They were going after Reena. He had no idea where she was or if she was safe - and to make matters worse he hadn't put on his comm-link. Why does this happen every time we split up! he thought to himself as he sprinted off back down the alleyway and into the busier part of town. He had to find his bounty hunters. They were actually about to come in useful!


Reena had been heading south from the hangars, and she found herself in a sketchy part of town. She'd been tracing a satellite signal that had made her curious, it was a piece of the satellite that would have been in Nerys space - but it wasn't. If it had crashed she would find it and it might give some explanation as to what had happened up there...

But then, as she was alone she heard a loud CRACK, she was hit - "Oh for the love of Kohra'ak..." she felt herself falling - tranquilised, but before her eyes closed she made out the perp, and heard him say; "gotcha pretty penny!"
Shadow decided to leave the ship because he was growing tired of sitting in the ship. He walked along the outside of the town and entered a bar nearby. Unluckily for him, someone recognized his appearance from the wanted poster and said, "There's that shadow! Someone get him and kill him!" At this, almost the entire bar starts advancing towards Zero. "Damn, this is what free time is like now for me? I should have stayed at the ship."

@Birdsie @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He pulled out the second gun and tilted besides her, it made it look almost as if he was hugging her chest. Then he started aiming with the other hand.

He said "Geez, you women. Just a moment, that dipshit killed people, we'll see how he likes it when someone puts it in HIS head." Jack started adjusting the aim, no longer using the other revolver. He was pretty annoyed to say the least.

@JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49

Rai righed softly and gripped both ends of the guns, she then spun in a wide circle ripping the guns out of his hand. Doing a full three sixty she ended up behind him one arm around his neck pinning him back against her, "I said stop." Ria hissed in the now disarmed men's ear, "we have a job to do and this isn't it so don't screw things up for us." Rai sighed, and shook her head, "let us leave this woman's bar be, yeah?" She rolled her eyes and glanced at Saphira, "I'm sorry about him."

NekoQueen49 said:
"Maybe he regrets killing those people," Saphira suggested quietly. How can someone have such little faith in people? She thought sadly. "But also!" Saphira cried. "You can't do that in my aunt's bar!"
@Birdsie @JustCallMeAimee

Jack Rosenthal

"Sorry, honey. Can't stand these dipshits walking around and killing innocent people, because it makes their balls tingle with delight. By the way, if you don't let me go in 5 seconds I'll detonate the bombs remotely." He said with a threatning voice. As if he planted some bombs under the bar... I mean, not like he had time to do it... actually, he had time to do it. Then he saw Zero get surrounded by everyone in the bar and said "Great, our guy needs help. Can I shoot these people?" He politely asked Rai, trying to sound sassy.

@Flareshield @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
She gasped at the uprising of people which seemed rise just as the woman completed her sentence. This was turning out to be even more of a hectic day than she first thought.

"STOP!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She was instantly gratifiated as everyone halted in their tracts, looking over their shoulders at the fuming girl. "SIT!" Needless to say, they sat. "DRINK YOUR DRINKS IN SILENCE!"

@Birdsie @JustCallMeAimee @Flareshield
Zero took the advantage and jumped out the window, leaving money to repair it in the woman's hands. Shadow stepping to the roof, he silently muttered, "Looks like I'll have to be more careful than this. I've been unnoticed for years, but it seems that the hunt for my head is even more intense than when it first started. Probably will sit up here until I can find and opening to teleport back."
Jack Rosenthal

He looked at where the wanted man was before... he was not there. Jack forcefully grabbed his pistol out of Rai's hands and put them into holsters. He groaned out in anger and said "Good job. Next time on the newspaper 'Serial Murderer strikes again.' I hope you do acknowledge it will be your fault." with an angry tone. Then he turned back towards the counter and just sit there, with his black helmet on, staring at the woman from earlier.

He put his hands on the counter and said "I guess I owe an apology." as he said, then he kept silent for a few seconds and said "I'm sorry."

Not really... he thought to himself. He offered the woman his hand to shake.

@Flareshield @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
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Saphira blinked at the sudden apparition of money in her hands deposited by a strange man who was currently breaking through her window. What an odd fellow...

She sighed, turning to the occupants of her bar. "Rule number one of this bar: No killing, and no fighting. If you want to stay and drink here, please adby by my rules." She said, taking his offered hand.
(This is a long one. Please try and read it in full, because I really wanted to incorporate this fight scene into this RP.)

After a while, Edgar was wandering the town, when he came across a church. Now, Edgar wasn't the most religious person, but it had been five years since he had gone. Edgar slowly walked up to the church and pushed open the doors. That was mistake number one.

Inside, he noticed that not only was afternoon service going on, but it was a Humanian Church. A church that demonized people with cybernetic limbs. And he had just walked in when their "priest" was speaking.

"BEHOLD! THE DEVIL HIMSELF HAS WALKED INTO OUR PLACE OF WORSHIP! HE HAS COME TO TEMPT US, MY CHILDREN!" The bishop cried, pointing a damning finger at Edgar. All of the heads turned towards him.

"Hey now, I just got lost, I'll just be leavin-" Edgar said, turning to the door before one of the women stood up and started to address him.

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING, YOU METAL DEMON!? YOU WILL ROT IN HELL FOR ALL THAT YOU HAVE DONE! YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS WILL BURN!" The woman shrieked as she walked toward him. Edgar noticed that she was reaching into her pocket and started to pull out a gun. Then, something either in the hateful message that they preached, or the fact that he was going to be attacked, Edgar snapped. And this happened:


Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at where the wanted man was before... he was not there. Jack forcefully grabbed his pistol out of Rai's hands and put them into holsters. He groaned out in anger and said "Good job. Next time on the newspaper 'Serial Murderer strikes again.' I hope you do acknowledge it will be your fault." with an angry tone. Then he turned back towards the counter and just sit there, with his black helmet on, staring at the woman from earlier.

He put his hands on the counter and said "I guess I owe an apology." as he said, then he kept silent for a few seconds and said "I'm sorry."

Not really... he thought to himself. He offered the woman his hand to shake.

@Flareshield @JustCallMeAimee @NekoQueen49
NekoQueen49 said:
Saphira blinked at the sudden apparition of money in her hands deposited by a strange man who was currently breaking through her window. What an odd fellow...
She sighed, turning to the occupants of her bar. "Rule number one of this bar: No killing, and no fighting. If you want to stay and drink here, please adby by my rules." She said, taking his offered hand.
"I just saved our jobs, don't be an ass hole about it." She knew it was her fault, but she didn't want their job to be slowed down, sitting on the bar stool next to him she linked her fingers and looked at the bar keep. "Also the bombs...you need to stop blowing things out of proportion." She rolled her eyes softly when he disarmed them.

Jack Rosenthal

He looked at Rai when she made the... joke. "Oh? I thought I really need another shot at life." he turned behind and started aiming at another person. Then he started taking aim and hid his revolver again, laughing at Rai "Gotcha! The guy's innocent." he smirked and looked at the woman that just spoke.

"Oh, I'll take... whatever it is that's... hmm... just give me the most expensive thing you have, I won't get drunk anyway, I might aswell offer my patronage." he said with a calm voice, then he reached for a small bag at his side and said "How much will it be?" with a curious voice.

He was wondering about the local prices and inflation... not really.

@NekoQueen49 @JustCallMeAimee
"Uhhh... The most expensive? That's the Roundpool at..." She grimaced. She hated people thinking she was only there to their money and the Roundpool was ridiculously expensive. "15,000 credits..."

He heard it before he saw it. Someone pulled the trigger on their gravity gun and launched Zero like a hipcheck from a Plesioth. (From 1:00 to 1:10)


"Ugh, why a gravity weapon every time?! Well, I guess it's time to start another fight." Zero is in battle on the main street near @Safety Hammer

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