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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack gave her a short, but cheerful smile. It didn't look honestly, or genuinely happy though. It wasn't the typical 'Oh, I'm so happy!' kind of smile.

It was more like a 'Hey, it's gonna be okay...' smile. Then he said "That... That's... I'm sorry if I was acting... inappropriate earlier.

He felt genuinely bad for the woman. He would certainely never bring himself back together if his daughter died, he was actually slightly admiring how well she took the whole situation. If Veronica died... the point of his whole life would've died. The only person he ever kept so together passing away, this thought terrified him. Again, he quickly shook it away, thinking that it would never happen... that just made him realize that he can just somewhat relate to the woman.

After she mentioned he would've liked him, very slight disbelief mixed with sadness appeared on his face "Would he... would he really?" he asked, curiously, but still feeling bad for her.

She looked up st him and then nodded slowly, "he would've...probably messed with your helmet," Rai laughed quietly, "he was a good boy most of the time." She said looking up at him with a sad smile.

JustCallMeAimee said:
She looked up st him and then nodded slowly, "he would've...probably messed with your helmet," Rai laughed quietly, "he was a good boy most of the time." She said looking up at him with a sad smile.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack sighed and said "That's alright. The helmet isn't important, it's just a tool."

He looked down at her, as their line of sight crossed, he saw she was still sad. Then he said "I-I'm sorry, I-I suck at comforting people." He put his fingers on around his nose, in a 'deppressed thinker' kind of way. Then he took them off and sighed saying "I probably just made you feel worse, by reminding of him. Didn't I? If I did then I'm sorry." he asked her.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack sighed and said "That's alright. The helmet isn't important, it's just a tool."

He looked down at her, as their line of sight crossed, he saw she was still sad. Then he said "I-I'm sorry, I-I suck at comforting people." He put his fingers on around his nose, in a 'deppressed thinker' kind of way. Then he took them off and sighed saying "I probably just made you feel worse, by reminding of him. Didn't I? If I did then I'm sorry." he asked her.
Rai shook her head quickly and stared at him, "no, I'm glad you listened." She swallowed and looked away, "I'd tell you what happened to him...but it's a dark and hard story for anyone."

Jack Rosenthal

When she mentioned that his support helped her, he became slightly happier and confident. He didn't outright smile at her, but he looked better. He looked at her, with a relieved stare.

He gave her a confident nod as she told him she'd tell what happened to her son "I'm listening." he responded, with curiosity and confidence in his voice. You could feel worry in there too. He sat back slightly, his face was pure curiosity at this point, he didn't know what to expect. All he could do was to trust her word that it was a dark and hard story.

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Reena barely had a moment to really listen to what was going on outside of the cockpit, Owain had returned to her side looking forlorn; "they're getting on fine, they barely even noticed I was there..." he said as he looked out of the ships' windows at the field of asteroids that Reena was navigating.

"That's because they're... what do you say.... askhells?" she didn't take her eye off the terminal.

"The word is asshole" he corrected her as he began looking at the terminal too. "That's an awful lot of debris blocking our way Reena... What's happened to Nerys? This isn't right..." He stood up and moved to the windows to get a better look.

"You going to want to sit down Captain, this is about to get bumpy. These kids better be worth picking up..." He did as he was told. Reena never called him Captain unless something was seriously worrying her. She began to steer the ship straight downwards, and Owain had to fasten his seat - he immediately regretted eating the bread. "This is a little unorthodox Reena, can the ship handle this?"

"She better, or else we're all going to be toast. I know what I'm doing, don't you worry. Put the shields up!" she said, never taking her eyes away from her task. Owain did as he was told and flicked up the shields, in just enough good time too as several small pieces of debris began to hurtle towards the ship, the broke up when meeting the shield.

"Our shield isn't the best Reens... we've already lost 9% of it's power."

Reena took a hard left, and seemed to turn the ship upside down to navigate the field.

"I'm nearly clear, we're going to come in hard though, HOLD ON."
JAX had been in the background as a shadow listening to the conversation going on in Rai's room when the whole world began tumbling. JAX used his strength to clamp onto the walls of the ship. He yelled, "Grab onto my legs!" to the people in the room, as he began straightening his body to hold rigid against the weight of several of the ship's crew. JAX analyzed the cam codes in the ship and logged onto the cam in the cockpit as the ship tumbled and witnessed Reena performing amazing piloting acts to keep the ship out of harms way. Seeing the large field of debris, JAX yelled again, "Make sure to keep holding on! This could last a while!"
As Edgar left the bathroom, he slipped on his jacket and walked back to his room for a smoke. As he pulled out a cigarette from the packet and lit it, he decided that, due to the long journey, he would sit down and read.

Now unbeknownst to most people that know Edgar, and contrary to what people think of him, Edgar prides himself on his love of the literary arts. He had read all of the classics, and planned to be an English Professor at a college when he retired from the military, but as mentioned before, he never got the chance. But before he could relax, something was missing. He needed something to eat and something to drink.

Edgar walked out to the cockpit to see if Owain or Reena needed something before he asked her where he could find some booze and maybe a couple of cookies were.

"Hey Owain, do you know where I coul-" Edgar said, before he was thrown to the ceiling. "Ow."

"Those stupid 'Gaurdians' were the reason for the Earth's and my world's destruction. They made the Earthlings hate us Shadows after they destroyed their planet, Earth. 'The Shadows are the evil ones, come on let's destroy them, or else they will destroy the rest of humanity.' Those humans were easily tricked, for they said they were the Gaurdian race and knew of what went on everywhere. They even lied and said they couldn't make it in time!" At this point, Zero's aura was radiating through the whole ship. Everyone could sense it, and would get agitated.
Jack Rosenthal

As he was beginning to listen to Rai's story, the ship turned around and he was thrown into the ceiling. He was surprised, him and a lot of stuff started falling over to the floor. With his reflexes he avoided most of the things like chairs or tables. His helmet fell next to him, he caught it in his hand and put it on mid-flight. As he fell he yelled out "THE HECK?!" Then he hit the ceiling\ground and prepared to catch Rai if she was about to fall down on him, or close. He wanted to avoid actual bodily harm before any actual enemies started attacking. It would be shameful to die or get injured from falling, just like that.

@JustCallMeAimee @Cooper
She kept pulling a hard downwards direction on the ship, dropping through a pocket of space that was free of debris. "This isn't asteroids like I thought" she announced to Owain as he looked over to her, then out to the window "this is the remains of a ship of some kind, there's been an explosion or collision, and it's all just here... but why would ships around somewhere small like Nerys be targeted?"

Neither of them knew, only that there was a vast space filled with junk surrounding the small planet, and that it hadn't been long since the event had happened. It was probably while they were still at Heaven's Edge. "We need to land and check on the civilians Owain..."

She directed the ship in one last long dip until she was free of the debris and able to turn back upwards and out towards the hangars, she had already broken atmosphere trying to get the ship safely through, and as such the ship was hurtling in towards the empty hangars far too fast. She could only slam down on the brake, but it was fruitless. Spaceships were not like land vehicles.

"Someone needs to manually shut down the engine NOW! JAX? CAN YOU REMOVE THE SWITCH ON THE ENGINE?!" she called out. A manual shutdown of the engine was the only thing she could think of to slow the ship down quick enough to maneuver a safer landing.
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Safety Hammer]([URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31269-birdsie/ said:
@Birdsie[/URL] I think that Busy Earnin' should be the theme song for the Nottingham in general, don't you?)
(Imagine them all falling down around the Nottingham. Stuff just flies around, including them, all in slow-motion. All while this music plays [media]

Yes, I agree.)
Birdsie said:
(Imagine them all falling down around the Nottingham. Stuff just flies around, including them, all in slow-motion. All while this music plays [media]

Yes, I agree.)
(That's what I was doing. It's beautiful.)
JAX hacked the com system and replied, "YES I CAN DO IT! GIVE ME THIRTY SECONDS!" JAX began heading for the engine operations room as he downloaded the mechanic lesson software. He magnetized his boots as he sprinted down the halls to the engine operations room to remove the switch. It had taken fifteen seconds to run the half mile distance to the engine room. Jax ripped the door open and charged inside looking for the engine switch.

The switch was large and looked as if it had been welded many times. JAX picked up a wrench and began wailing on the switch as hard as he could. 9..... 8...... 7...... He was going fast enough. He began maxing out his body going harder on the switch. 6....... 5...... 4...... Giving up on the wrench JAX grappled the switch and began pulling 3...... 2....... JAX used all of his power and the switch tore of the engine completely as JAX let out an unmistakably electronic scream the resonated through the ship, leaving JAX groggy and damaged on the ground unable to move.

He had succeeded but at what cost. He would need repairs and he couldn't do them himself. "They're going to find out." JAX thought as his body went into emergency shutdown.
As Jax removed the emergency switch on the engine, Reena felt the ship steady as it began to cool down almost instantly, she could take control of it. Everything was finally steady and they were slowing into the hangar, it would be a shaky landing with a bit of a crash but it wouldn't be a crash with as much force to blow the ship up or kill anybody. As she came down towards the hangar she tried the brakes again, and it worked, the ship fell down into the hangar. It shuddered as it fell with only final crash. Everything that had been up in the air came back down.

Reena turned off the terminal and looked at Owain, she couldn't help but grin smugly. She had done it.

"I think we might need a few minor repairs Captain, but we're in one piece..."

Owain glanced briefly at her, smiling back before leaving the cockpit to make sure everyone else was okay and that nobody had been thrown around too much.

Reena winced as she looked below the terminal desk, in the collision with the hanger she'd taken it too sharp and had pushed on the front of the ship, so much so that there was a breach inside, and a sharp piece of the frame had dug it's way into the side of her thigh. She watched as her blood seeped down the rod, dripping onto the floor. She'd had worse injuries, but this one was unfortunate. She couldn't hide this as well as some of her other... "accidents" The rod wasn't in too deep, but she wouldn't be able to remove it herself. "JAX...?" she called out. She knew that she could trust JAX to keep this between the two of them, and heaven forbid if any of the new crew found her in such a compromised state.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
As he was beginning to listen to Rai's story, the ship turned around and he was thrown into the ceiling. He was surprised, him and a lot of stuff started falling over to the floor. With his reflexes he avoided most of the things like chairs or tables. His helmet fell next to him, he caught it in his hand and put it on mid-flight. As he fell he yelled out "THE HECK?!" Then he hit the ceiling\ground and prepared to catch Rai if she was about to fall down on him, or close. He wanted to avoid actual bodily harm before any actual enemies started attacking. It would be shameful to die or get injured from falling, just like that.

@JustCallMeAimee @Cooper
With a curse she was thrown around, tucking her legs to her chest she avoided anything hitting her. Then looked at there she was falling and saw Jack, "oh shit, move!" She shouted realising his intentions as she tumbled into him knocking the wind out the both of them. "Ow..."

"I'M GETTING KINDA TIRED OF THI-" Edgar said, before he plummeted back to the ground, hitting it with a loud thump. He picked himself back up off of the floor.
It was a normal day on Nerys and in the Half Circle Ails-- Or that's what Saphira wished she could say. All around her beloved bar, instead of the boisterous aura and surroundings, there was a hushed silence. Even she, who was full of joy and laughter, silently served drinks and tended the bar to it's sad inhabitants.

She originally thought that the rare materials that the miners found would bring unexpected wealth and joy to her and her friends. But instead, when they were found another nearby planet, Kishys, with it's bigger and better army, equipment and, well, everything, was now occupying her planet. They took everything. And now the happiness and joy that used to be the rule in her life were sucked away and drained.

Saphira sighed sadly, rinsing the glasses that quickly piled up.
JAX called out weekly over the com system to anyone who would help. "H-h-h-h-elllp" His internal voice was distorted he needed part and electrical repairs. "R-r-r-ee-e-n-a" JAX called to the cockpit. "N--e-ed-d p-a-r-r-rt-s, me-t-t-all" JAX struggled weekly in the engine room to no avail.
Zero was moving out to the command room, still seething with anger. He stood there leaning against the wall, and looking at the trouble outside. The fact that he had to clean up in his room, the weapon storage room he had been assigned to for sleeping. He then yelled out in a semi angered voice, "Someone go help JAX, he just overloaded himself pulling that engine switch out."
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Jack Rosenthal

"Shit, sorry. I forgot you people feel pain. Well, hitting into me is probably better than the ground, but I don't know what your preference i-" Then it changed again and they were thrown towards the ground. He held her, to not let her go. Then when he hit the ground again, he released her. He took a deep breath and said "Quite the fall." then chuckled.

He looked around the room, it was a complete mess. Then he said "Geez. I hope Edgar is out of the shower." with a funny voice. The atmosphere was slightly lightened up by the sudden changes of gravitation. He said "I-I, I think you can... continue, once we reach the surface." he said, of course he was referring to the story she wanted to tell him.

She heard JAX call back out to her, and yet she was stuck. Or was she? She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and pulled herself from the seat, she felt the metal slide back out of her leg. "If it's metal he wants it's metal he'll get." She limped across the cockpit to grab a set of bolt cutters from the wall - she was surprised they hadn't flown off in the commotion. She took the cutters and brought them down upon the rod that had only moments ago been in her leg. "This will do..."

She attempted to get down below deck into the engine room, but lost footing on the ladder and fell the way down, landing beside JAX - she handed him the bloodied metal rod; "this do?" she asked, before looking over at the engine, and seeing the state it was in. "Yeah... maybe not minor repairs..."
JAX stabbed the metal into his body as it quickly absorbed the rod. The wires that had been fried quickly began repairing themselves. JAX looked over at Reena and began downloading the medical lessons. Afew seconds later JAX was upright and fixing Reena's leg. JAX's voice wasn't all the way fixed but he decided to speak anyway. "I-i am n-not h-h-human." JAX stuttered. "I-i-i am machine." JAX said. "D-d-do n-not tell o-others." JAX demanded as the wires in his head continued to mend themselves.

When JAX had filled Reena's leg with protein replacement that reconstructed her wound, JAX's voice was repaired as well as his body so JAX grabbed Reena's wrist tightly. "Reena, do not tell anyone. I have a human mind but no human body." JAX said solemnly. "I appreciate the metal." JAX said releasing Reena's hand. "We should get back and see how everyone is." JAX said trying to contain his emotions.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Shit, sorry. I forgot you people feel pain. Well, hitting into me is probably better than the ground, but I don't know what your preference i-" Then it changed again and they were thrown towards the ground. He held her, to not let her go. Then when he hit the ground again, he released her. He took a deep breath and said "Quite the fall." then chuckled.

He looked around the room, it was a complete mess. Then he said "Geez. I hope Edgar is out of the shower." with a funny voice. The atmosphere was slightly lightened up by the sudden changes of gravitation. He said "I-I, I think you can... continue, once we reach the surface." he said, of course he was referring to the story she wanted to tell him.

Rolling to the side and away from him she stared at the ceiling dizzy, "thanks," she said when he referred that she could continue later. Sitting up she wobbled a little, "come on, we should check on the others." Rai climbed to her feet and offered him her hand, "and I should help with the ships damages"

Jack Rosenthal

He took her hand and used it to get up. "Yeah, let's go." he said, when she mentioned the others.

Jack looked around the room, which was a complete mess. He walked out of the room and towards Owain's location.

Afterwards he said "What the hell was that?... Why the hell was that?" with a demanding, slightly annoyed tone. He felt only slightly dizzy from the falls, as he was already used to stuff like that... thanks to the jump-pack. He looked out the windshield and saw the planet. "I suppose that's why?" he asked again.

He looked at the planet, it looked quite nice. But it was from really high above, so it'd be hard to judge yet. Looks far better than where he comes from though.

He admired the planet for a few moments and looked at Owain.

@JustCallMeAimee @Cooper
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