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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at Rai and said "Sorry." then looking at Drake.

Jack laughed and said "Why are you stuttering so much? Afraid of social contacts with a few, perfectly normal people? Then maybe you shouldn't fight?"

Then he scanned the crystal and scanned Drake...

Jack said "Kinetic Crystals. Some of the most pathetic shit for energy weapons. Even the RAY prototypes didn't use them. These things overheat too fast."

with a smirk.

@Gabrygabra97 @JustCallMeAimee
Drake Knox

He would give a really sharp look at Jack, starting to yell in anger:

"How dare you insult my business! You wanna see how much this shit is worth?" He would take out his gun, put the crystal in and started shooting. After 5 minutes of shooting, he wasted 5 mags into a metal wall, still the crystal didn't overheat.

"Don't fucking talk if you don't have inf-" His voice broke, then he continued to speak with the anxious tone again: "f-formation..."
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Gabrygabra97 said:
Drake Knox
He would give a really sharp look at Drake, starting to yell in anger:

"How dare you insult my business! You wanna see how much this shit is worth?" He would take out his gun, put the crystal in and started shooting. After 5 minutes of shooting, he wasted 5 mags into a metal wall, still the crystal didn't overheat.

"Don't fucking talk if you don't have inf-" His voice broke, then he continued to speak with the anxious tone again: "f-formation..."
Rai's face once again twinged with slight anger. She very rearly fought, but then again she wasn't one you wanted to fight, moving at a face pace she closed distance between her and Drake. Grabbing the end of the gun in her metal have Raisa crushed the metal as if it were paper. "I'd rather you didn't do that here," the woman said and pulled the gun out of Drakes hand.

JustCallMeAimee said:
Rai's face once again twinged with slight anger. She very rearly fought, but then again she wasn't one you wanted to fight, moving at a face pace she closed distance between her and Drake. Grabbing the end of the gun in her metal have Raisa crushed the metal as if it were paper. "I'd rather you didn't do that here," the woman said and pulled the gun out of Drakes hand.

Drake Knox

"Sorry, but I FUCKING HATE when people insult my business thinking they're right." He would grab the gun again, putting it back on his hilt. Then he says: "My name is Drake." His hand was hanging there, waiting for someone to shake it.
Jack Rosenthal

"It sure didn't break, but it would overheat easily. Want proof? Put it in a laser gun, we'll see how long it shoots. A few seconds at most. Kinetic Crystals as much punch that they have, overheat really fucking fast. Khadyrians are better, not as big of a punch, but they don't overheat each few seconds."

He proclaimed, not really trying to sound like an asshole. He did know better than right now, though.

He sighed and said "I'll be busy working on stuff. Don't bother me, unless it's important." He walked into his room, closing the door behind him.

He tuned up the Cassette player and put in what played earlier before.


He decided to scrap the EM Rifle and make something else out of it... he was not sure what yet.

He started remaking the core, possibly to charge it up a bit more.

@Gabrygabra97 @JustCallMeAimee
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Gabrygabra97 said:
Drake Knox
"Sorry, but I FUCKING HATE when people insult my business thinking they're right." He would grab the gun again, putting it back on his hilt. Then he says: "My name is Drake." His hand was hanging there, waiting for someone to shake it.

Raisa looked at his hand then shrugged and turned away ignoring the gesture, "Raisa Slavac." She sighed under her breath and shoved her hands into her pockets, "I have a phone call to make." She was certainly a busy person "keep the noise down, all of you". And with that she walked ohh back to her room, calling the person back.

@Birdsie @Safety Hammer
Jack Rosenthal

"Sure, whatever." Jack said as he entered the room. He walked up to the Cassette Player, the old one from Earth.

He sighed and put on the cassette, then continued working on his project of making the EM Rifle more powerful.

Then something got him... curiosity?

He walked into the Vent in his room and started sneaking through it towards Raisa's room. He hoped to pull off the same trick as she did to him, before.

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JAX emerged from the depths of the cargo holds of the ship having been in sleep mode for more than several weeks. He doubted that almost anyone on the ship knew he was there. JAX stood tall in the middle of the main cargo dissembling and reassembling himself, checking for mechanical failures and old parts. JAX removed his head and re-connected wires and connections inside of the head. After he decided that his head was in line with his body and his sensors were calibrated, he stood up and stretched his fiber muscles. He couldn't feel himself stretching but he knew it was good for him.

JAX stepped from the cargo bay into one of the many halls in the ship. Since he was an AI he would begin roaming the ship at nearly all hours, but he would go to his bunk at night so that he could wait for everyone to fall asleep, he still didn't want everyone to know that he was an android.

As JAX walked, he came across an open door to a bunk. The girl was someone he had never seen. "A lot happens when you are offline" JAX thought. He researched the woman and discovered her name was Raisa, Rai for short.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Sure, whatever." Jack said as he entered the room. He walked up to the Cassette Player, the old one from Earth.

He sighed and put on the cassette, then continued working on his project of making the EM Rifle more powerful.

Then something got him... curiosity?

He walked into the Vent in his room and started sneaking through it towards Raisa's room. He hoped to pull off the same trick as she did to him, before.


The tablet was on speaker phone and she placed it on the table before grabbing a beer from the mini fridge and sitting down, the device rung as she popped the cap off the bottle. "We've told you Raisa, there's nothing we can do for him," a mild voiced man said though the line, "you were too late, you can't bring the dead back when it's in this state."

"Bull," Risa didn't want to believe his words, "that's not how science works, me and you both know you can bring him back." She says in defiance.


"Don't patronise me," Rai hissed, "do you damn job." Hanging up she sat back heavily in her seat.

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Jack Rosenthal

Jack started feeling bad for his lack of respect to her privacy, he backed out the vent and went back to his room.

Once he was there he sighed and sat down on the couch. He started putting stuff together, it was obvious.

He took off his mask and looked at his face in it's reflection. He frowned for a second and then put it down.

He chuckled and said "I still remember. There won't be a next time..." quietly and to himself. He closed his eyes for a second and started thinking then said "Right." he nodded to himself and stood up, going over to the ship's bridge.

He looked out the window and saw they were reaching some planet. He kept looking out the window and did nothing else, in slight admiration. He thought to himself Man... so much lives out there. Well, gotta get back to work. He returned to his room and continued working on the EM Rifle, trying to upgrade it as he previously started doing it. After a few minutes he walked out. He walked up to Raisa's door.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack started feeling bad for his lack of respect to her privacy, he backed out the vent and went back to his room.

Once he was there he sighed and sat down on the couch. He started putting stuff together, it was obvious.

He took off his mask and looked at his face in it's reflection. He frowned for a second and then put it down.

He chuckled and said "I still remember. There won't be a next time..." quietly and to himself. He closed his eyes for a second and started thinking then said "Right." he nodded to himself and stood up, going over to the ship's bridge.

He looked out the window and saw they were reaching some planet. He kept looking out the window and did nothing else, in slight admiration. He thought to himself Man... so much lives out there. Well, gotta get back to work. He returned to his room and continued working on the EM Rifle, trying to upgrade it as he previously started doing it. After a few minutes he walked out. He walked up to Raisa's door.
She lay on the sofa on her side, cupping the sonogram in her left hand and the little boy in her right, her eyes grew tired as she stared at them. Raisa had drank the bottle and it lay on the floor on its side, sighing quietly she pulled the photographs close to her chest and whipped her eyes with the palm of her hand. Raisa sighed softly under her breath and then rolled on to her back, "what do you want?" She called to the presence at the door.

Jack Rosenthal

He asked "Are you busy? I need help with something." with a loud, audible voice, it seemed slightly distressed and troubled. The door slightly muffled his voice, making it seem a bit 'steely,' but he clearly wasn't wearing his mask. It could be easily said, because his voice in the mask and out of it are both very distinctive, as the Mask makes it seem more robotic and muffled. He put his hands under his shoulders, waiting for her response anxiously.
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He asked "Are you busy? I need help with something." with a loud, audible voice, it seemed slightly distressed and troubled. The door slightly muffled his voice, making it seem a bit 'steely,' but he clearly wasn't wearing his mask. It could be easily said, because his voice in the mask and out of it are both very distinctive, as the Mask makes it seem more robotic and muffled. He put his hands under his shoulders, waiting for her response anxiously.
She slowly sat up and tucked the image away, "come in then, standing out three won't help." Raisa looked up at the door and waited for him to come in, "what do you want from me?"

"Ugh, why did it have to happen? Everyone was peaceful, and then they came and destroyed it." Zero continued talking to himself louder than he thought, as he passed Rai's door. "The shadows were a peaceful race, and then they came accusing us of being evil, destroying our planet. I'm the only one who survived." At this point, Zero was on the floor sobbing near Rai's room. He was planning to kill himself when the mission was done.
"Sorry I just do not know you. I am trying to figure out who you are. Who was that on the phone?" JAX said doing his best to keep the animatronic monotone out of his voice when talking. JAX stepped into Raisa's room and looked around studying everything simultaneously. "Who are you?" JAX asked inquisitively.
Jack Rosenthal

He walked in, he closed the door behind him and sat on the chair.

Then he said "I actually don't need help. I need to talk in private... about Knox. That guy that you saw some time ago." he took his mask into his hands and said "Knox has BPD, at least he fits the symptoms of BPD." he put on his mask.

And looked at her, reading out loud "Extreme reactions—including panic, depression, rage, or frantic actions—to abandonment, whether real or perceived. When I said that Kinetics are easy to overheat he literally started shooting at the crystal, even though it doesn't prove his point for shit. Next: Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger. Clearly what I said above.

Next: Pattern of intense and stormy relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, often veering from extreme closeness and love ,idealization to extreme dislike or anger, devaluation. You noticed how he was my daugther's teacher and he was afraid and shy when around me? From what I remember he always prefered to be social."

Jack sighed and said "Now, I know what you're thinking. How does this affect you, or me? Well here's a few more symptoms. Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors... Intense and highly changeable moods, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days... No regard for the safety of others and self... Having stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms, such as feeling cut off from oneself, observing oneself from outside the body, or losing touch with reality..."

He got up once again and said "This guy is going to get us dead, sooner or later. Or at least he'll fuck something up."

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He walked in, he closed the door behind him and sat on the chair.

Then he said "I actually don't need help. I need to talk in private... about Knox. That guy that you saw some time ago." he took his mask into his hands and said "Knox has BPD, at least he fits the symptoms of BPD." he put on his mask.

And looked at her, reading out loud "Extreme reactions—including panic, depression, rage, or frantic actions—to abandonment, whether real or perceived. When I said that Kinetics are easy to overheat he literally started shooting at the crystal, even though it doesn't prove his point for shit. Next: Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger. Clearly what I said above.

Next: Pattern of intense and stormy relationships with family, friends, and loved ones, often veering from extreme closeness and love ,idealization to extreme dislike or anger, devaluation. You noticed how he was my daugther's teacher and he was afraid and shy when around me? From what I remember he always prefered to be social."

Jack sighed and said "Now, I know what you're thinking. How does this affect you, or me? Well here's a few more symptoms. Impulsive and often dangerous behaviors... Intense and highly changeable moods, with each episode lasting from a few hours to a few days... No regard for the safety of others and self... Having stress-related paranoid thoughts or severe dissociative symptoms, such as feeling cut off from oneself, observing oneself from outside the body, or losing touch with reality..."

He got up once again and said "This guy is going to get us dead, sooner or later. Or at least he'll fuck something up."

Raisa didn't really care much to here this but she half listened for his sake, "a threat indeed?" She questioned and moved to lay back on the sofa, it was visible that her eyes were blood shot, as if she'd been crying, "that guy...he's not hard to handle." Raisa says, she'd met his type before and they rearly caused her any problems but she understood Jack's concerns.

Jack Rosenthal

He looked at her again. His mask was on, then he said "Why are there alcohol traces in the air?... oh." He looked at her eyes and started feeling sad.

Jack felt like if he'd tell her that he listened to her conversation she'd be pretty mad and he wanted to avoid that for a few reasons, like the captain opening the airlock when he does that. Jack looked slightly away and said "You want to talk--about this?" He said, while taking off his helmet. His robotic voice turned into a worried one. He should've been careful about his wording, or he'd be dead.

Jack said "If I'm-... If I shouldn't step into your life, then I won't. But if you want, we can talk about this." trying to show his compassion, this put a dark thought through his head... what if this happened to... No. He shaked the thought away and looked at Raisa again.

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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked at her again. His mask was on, then he said "Why are there alcohol traces in the air?... oh." He looked at her eyes and started feeling sad.

Jack felt like if he'd tell her that he listened to her conversation she'd be pretty mad and he wanted to avoid that for a few reasons, like the captain opening the airlock when he does that. Jack looked slightly away and said "You want to talk--about this?" He said, while taking off his helmet. His robotic voice turned into a worried one. He should've been careful about his wording, or he'd be dead.

Jack said "If I'm-... If I shouldn't step into your life, then I won't. But if you want, we can talk about this." trying to show his compassion, this put a dark thought through his head... what if this happened to... No. He shaked the thought away and looked at Raisa again.

"He is-was called Luke," she said quietly, stumbling to correct herself she sighed under her breath and stared at the ceiling, "he didn't come into this world in the nicest of ways," Raisa said quietly as she curled in on herself.

Jack Rosenthal

Now he got himself into something... well... probably something he won't walk out of.

He has never offered anyone genuine help, except for his daughter and... ex-'girlfriend'. That's a new person to add to the list.

"Oh..." he looked slightly surprised and saddened. He closed his eyes for a second and opened them again "How old was he... when...?" Jack asked. It was horrible, he believed fate, or luck didn't exist... but he still thought to himself that this world is a cruel one. He got a slight emotional weight attached to him because of this whole conversation, certainely not something good for his job. He was about to sigh, but he stopped himself from doing it, quite visibly, as it might've made her feel worse.

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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Now he got himself into something... well... probably something he won't walk out of.

He has never offered anyone genuine help, except for his daughter and... ex-'girlfriend'. That's a new person to add to the list.

"Oh..." he looked slightly surprised and saddened. He closed his eyes for a second and opened them again "How old was he... when...?" Jack asked. It was horrible, he believed fate, or luck didn't exist... but he still thought to himself that this world is a cruel one. He got a slight emotional weight attached to him because of this whole conversation, certainely not something good for his job. He was about to sigh, but he stopped himself from doing it, quite visibly, as it might've made her feel worse.

"You don't want to talk about this, that's fine...just go." Raisa said quietly and turned her back to him, "it's too long a story to explain anyway." She said quietly, Rai wasn't one to show or use her feelings often.

Jack Rosenthal

Jack said "N-No. I'll... I'll listen... if you want to, anyway. I can't say that I know the feeling, but I'm sorry." with a saddened voice.

He seemed touched... that could've been him. He looked at her, not knowing whether she'd want him to stay, or if she'd insist on him leaving. He wanted to help, but if she didn't want it - He would not force it. He glanced quickly at the table and put his helmet on it, then back at Rai, waiting for the response.

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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack said "N-No. I'll... I'll listen... if you want to, anyway. I can't say that I know the feeling, but I'm sorry." with a saddened voice.

He seemed touched... that could've been him. He looked at her, not knowing whether she'd want him to stay, or if she'd insist on him leaving. He wanted to help, but if she didn't want it - He would not force it. He glanced quickly at the table and put his helmet on it, then back at Rai, waiting for the response.

Slowly she sat up and stared at the helmet in front of her, reaching forwards she picked it up, "he would've liked you..." Rai said quietly and turned the helmet in her hands, "he liked mechanic's, like mother like son I guess." She went suddenly quiet and put the helmet down on the table carefully. The silence scratched on between them before she spoke again, "he was two."

JustCallMeAimee said:
Slowly she sat up and stared at the helmet in front of her, reaching forwards she picked it up, "he would've liked you..." Rai said quietly and turned the helmet in her hands, "he liked mechanic's, like mother like son I guess." She went suddenly quiet and put the helmet down on the table carefully. The silence scratched on between them before she spoke again, "he was two."

Drake Knox

Drake was passing by the door, when he heard: "He was two" His eyes widened, he gasped and was trying to decide if to knock or not. He decided to get in his room and listen from the wall.
Jack Rosenthal

Jack gave her a short, but cheerful smile. It didn't look honestly, or genuinely happy though. It wasn't the typical 'Oh, I'm so happy!' kind of smile.

It was more like a 'Hey, it's gonna be okay...' smile. Then he said "That... That's... I'm sorry if I was acting... inappropriate earlier.

He felt genuinely bad for the woman. He would certainely never bring himself back together if his daughter died, he was actually slightly admiring how well she took the whole situation. If Veronica died... the point of his whole life would've died. The only person he ever kept so together passing away, this thought terrified him. Again, he quickly shook it away, thinking that it would never happen... that just made him realize that he can just somewhat relate to the woman.

After she mentioned he would've liked him, very slight disbelief mixed with sadness appeared on his face "Would he... would he really?" he asked, curiously, but still feeling bad for her.

Drake Knox

All of sudden you hear music starting. Drake starts singing something, you can barely hear him.

His voice is harmonious.

He was singing a song with Original Lyrics from a game, it was a century old.

Nobody could hear him, except who is really near to his room.

Probably Jack and Rai couldn't hear him.


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