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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

"Crap, no, a virus in my simulation? Someone would have to physically get their hands on this device to put a virus in here." There was a giant monster in the simulation, and no sniping points for Zero to sit on. "I set the simulation for sniping practice only. Well I guess I'll have to fight it alone for a while and hope someone comes into the simulation." As he was saying this, Zero got out his long sword he put shadow element into, and started fighting the monster.

The monster had almost infinite hit points, there was absolutely no way he could fight it by himself. The simulation exit had disappeared, along with the emergency exit item. "Damn, so this is where I die? In a simulation where no one will know how or even if I died."
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Jack Rosenthal

"Nah, that's fine. And yeah, I have a daugther. I keep her away, because my job is kinda dangerous. I send most of the money I make to her. I have a team of mercenaries watching over her and a few things that let me see her, implanted in my suit. Like a camera and microphone hidden under her skin."

He said to Rai.

Then he continued making the weapon, with her advice. He looked at the plan once more and continued with his work. Then he said "You know. I want her to grow up safely, without ending up like me. I've became a mercenary not by choice, rather because I was made to do it. Anyway, when I was 18 I've met a girl... well, we did it. And then she left me. And guess what? Nine months later, I find a little girl at my doorstep..." He looked at her, explaining what happened. When he mentioned the word 'made' shivers went down his spine, clearly in disgust.

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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Nah, that's fine. And yeah, I have a daugther. I keep her away, because my job is kinda dangerous. I send most of the money I make to her. I have a team of mercenaries watching over her and a few things that let me see her, implanted in my suit. Like a camera and microphone hidden under her skin."

He said to Rai.

Then he continued making the weapon, with her advice. He looked at the plan once more and continued with his work. Then he said "You know. I want her to grow up safely, without ending up like me. I've became a mercenary not by choice, rather because I was made to do it. Anyway, when I was 18 I've met a girl... well, we did it. And then she left me. And guess what? Nine months later, I find a little girl at my doorstep..." He looked at her, explaining what happened. When he mentioned the word 'made' shivers went down his spine, clearly in disgust.

"You don't have to tell me these things...of you don't wavy to." Rai said looking up at him, "I never gave you my name did...well it's Raisa Slavac and I understand what you mean by being made to do what you do..." To him she knew she was only a mechanic but that was hardly scratching the surface, "I'm sorry someone of my gender screwed you over, it must be difficult. How old is she?" Rai asked looking up at him.

Jack Rosenthal

He looked around the room and said "She's 9. Not goin' to tell you her name, too much risk. With that kind of info anyone could grab me by the balls. I... I'm not the best parent, but I try. I can't give her that much time, as we'd both want. But I try to visit her as often as I can." He explained, then sighing.

He looked saddened, then he continued working on the gun, it looked half-done, more like a jury-rigged kids' toy than an actual EM weapon.

Jack scratched his neck and then grabbed a small energy core for the weapon from his part compartement, he put it inside and started screwing it in, plugging it up to a few other wires inside.


(Yeah? I've already reacted to what you said earlier, if that's what you're about. @Safety Hammer )
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He looked around the room and said "She's 9. Not goin' to tell you her name, too much risk. With that kind of info anyone could grab me by the balls. I... I'm not the best parent, but I try. I can't give her that much time, as we'd both want. But I try to visit her as often as I can." He explained, then sighing.

He looked saddened, then he continued working on the gun, it looked half-done, more like a jury-rigged kids' toy than an actual EM weapon.

Jack scratched his neck and then grabbed a small energy core for the weapon from his part compartement, he put it inside and started screwing it in, plugging it up to a few other wires inside.


(Yeah? I've already reacted to what you said earlier, if that's what you're about. @Safety Hammer )
(I'll just re-post it.)
"Oi, Jackie Boy, how about we do a bit of bartering, eh?" Edgar said, walking back into Jack's room after grabbing something from his counter top. He knew that Jack was up to something, and that something was towards him. So, not wanting to be one-upped, Edgar decided to appease the other bounty hunter. He loved a good fight, but if he could do something without bloodshed, especially if the person he was going to fight was equal to his skill, he would do it.

"So, you got a cassette player, eh? That's pretty fuckin' cool, I'm not going to lie. But, since we are going to be on here for a while, and since I think you and I both wanna come back from this alive, I want to make a deal with you. You wanna here me out?"

Jack Rosenthal

He turned on his chair towards Edgar and clapped his hands together, looking at him with a smirk.

He opened his arms and said "I don't plan on dying, especially without saying goodbye first."

Jack looked directly at Edgar and said "Let's hear it then." waiting for what he has to offer. He sighed and listened in.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He turned on his chair towards Edgar and clapped his hands together, looking at him with a smirk.

He opened his arms and said "I don't plan on dying, especially without saying goodbye first."

Jack looked directly at Edgar and said "Let's hear it then." waiting for what he has to offer. He sighed and listened in.

@Safety Hammer
"To make a long story short, I had a job, guy couldn't pay me so he gave me this." Edgar reached into his pocket and pulled out a tape.


"Now, I don't have a cassette player, but I have heard of The Beatles. And I know that this one is rare. So I was thinking that you might want it." He flipped the cassette in the air and caught it. "So, I give you this cassette, and you don't go after me when the job is done. Deal?"
Jack Rosenthal

He grinned and said "I didn't plan to. I planned to make sure you keep away from me. I guess we can make another deal. After this job's over, nobody goes after each other. Let's make this official with a good old mercenary handshake." He stood up and walked up to Edgar.

Jack motioned it slightly towards him, with open positioning of the fingers, offering him to shake his hand.

He looked him in the eyes, with his mask off.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He grinned and said "I didn't plan to. I planned to make sure you keep away from me. I guess we can make another deal. After this job's over, nobody goes after each other. Let's make this official with a good old mercenary handshake." He stood up and walked up to Edgar.

Jack motioned it slightly towards him, with open positioning of the fingers, offering him to shake his hand.

He looked him in the eyes, with his mask off.

@Safety Hammer
Edgar stepped forward, and stuck out his carbon fiber hand. Edgar smiled knowingly.

"You know if you try anything or break this deal, my arm blade'll go straight through your shoulder."
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He grinned and said "I didn't plan to. I planned to make sure you keep away from me. I guess we can make another deal. After this job's over, nobody goes after each other. Let's make this official with a good old mercenary handshake." He stood up and walked up to Edgar.

Jack motioned it slightly towards him, with open positioning of the fingers, offering him to shake his hand.

He looked him in the eyes, with his mask off.

@Safety Hammer
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]
"To make a long story short, I had a job, guy couldn't pay me so he gave me this." Edgar reached into his pocket and pulled out a tape.

"Now, I don't have a cassette player, but I have heard of The Beatles. And I know that this one is rare. So I was thinking that you might want it." He flipped the cassette in the air and caught it. "So, I give you this cassette, and you don't go after me when the job is done. Deal?"

Rai lent on the palm of her hand she watched them tilting her head slightly, Raisa didn't have any friends or even whatever you'd call what's going on between these two guys. The metal armed woman frowned slightly and watched with big eyes that would usually be hidden by her goggles that sat idly on top of her head. She managed a smile.

Owain watched the exchange, taking a step back. He knew this crew didn't trust him, they barely trusted each other. But as with all things in life, everything would work out well. They would trust him in when it mattered, and that's what was important. He wasn't an idiot, he knew what he was getting into, an he knew that he would get out of it.

He felt the ship jerk to the side - immediately though Reena's voice came over the ship's tannoy; "Sorry crew, dodged an asteroid. Was coming thick and fast. Sorry we didn't die."

He gulped at her announcement, but if they were coming through asteroid territory, they were drawing close to Nerys, where they would pick up the last of the crew before heading out on the long leg to Jalantis. "Alright... I'll leave you guys to it. We'll be landing in Nerys soon so if there are any supplies you want, we'll give you time to explore."
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Jack Rosenthal

"I don't plan anything like that. Besides, your blade wouldn't go through the armor." Jack was very confident in his statement as he had performed a scan of Edgar's equipment way before, unless Edgar upgraded his blades, they would not be able to go through.

He stuck out his hand again and said "So, deal?" with a slightly impatient voice, he sighed atfterwards and looked at Edward again, smirking at the hopes of actually getting along with him.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"I don't plan anything like that. Besides, your blade wouldn't go through the armor." Jack was very confident in his statement as he had performed a scan of Edgar's equipment way before, unless Edgar upgraded his blades, they would not be able to go through.

He stuck out his hand again and said "So, deal?" with a slightly impatient voice, he sighed atfterwards and looked at Edward again, smirking at the hopes of actually getting along with him.

@Safety Hammer

Leaning up of the desk she watched Edga and Jack as she moved to sit down on the far side of the couch away from Jack, crossing her legs Rai swung them to the music quickly loosing interest in the boys and that'd little deal. The music was currently the only thing she was listening to. Then he asked about her and she turned her head to look at him, "I don't like telling people about myself."

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Jack Rosenthal

Jack looked at her and said "Alright. Sorry if I pushed too much." then looking back at Edgar, he smirked.

"And maybe you, then?" He asked again.

He sat a bit more normally, he placed his hands on the chair's arms and waited for a response from the other bounty hunter. He was curious how he had lost his arms. Maybe his theory about nasty aliens from earlier was true? Nah, that was unlikely.

He tuned in for an answer.

@Safety Hammer
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack took his word and sat down, pushing the weapon aside. Maybe he'd finish it later? He sat down and sighed, simply sitting and doing nothing.

He looked at the two and said "So. I've already told you two quite a bit about myself, what are your stories? How did you two end up here?" He asked with pure curiosity in his voice. He sat back, crossing his legs and putting his arms behind his head, relaxing slightly and sighing out in relief.

@Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee
Before Edgar sat down on the couch, he popped in the cassette, pressed play, and took another drag from his cigar. He puffed out a smoke ring and looked back at Jack from the couch.

"Me? Let me guess. You want to know how I became this, don't you?" Edgar motioned to his face and arms.


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[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]Before Edgar sat down on the couch, he popped in the cassette, pressed play, and took another drag from his cigar. He puffed out a smoke ring and looked back at Jack from the couch.
"Me? Let me guess. You want to know how I became this, don't you?" Edgar motioned to his face and arms.


Jack Rosenthal

"Being a Cyborg doesn't mean you ain't human. If there's a thing I learned about humanity it's that it ain't a body that makes you human. It's the willpower of a human that makes one. I like the song, by the way. Anyway, yeah. I'd like to hear that." He said with a calm voice. Then he looked at Edgar waiting for his story.

(I'm gtg to sleep too. Seeya tomorrow X_X)
In the dimension, Zero had finally defeated the boss, and got teleported out of the simulation. "Okay, I'm going to run a scan on the system, and see who might have done this." Zero went and checked everything before the scan was done, but nothing seemed to have been touched in his room. It was not a malfunction, he knew that. After the scans were done, he'd find the culprit.
Edgar sighed. "I used to be a marine for the EDF (Earth Defense Force. Basically the Earth's military). Fought in some wars, slept through some others, you know?" Edgar stopped for a while to smoke on his cigar. "I was recruited out of boot camp to be a part of a special forces group. We were never given a cool name or anything, but we referred to ourselves as the A-Team. It's a reference to an old TV show, or something. So one day, we are told that there's this terrorist guy. Name's Sanchez. He was a big motherfucker, too. Apparently he wiped out a fucking country. So, we go in and fuck up his compound. But, we find this huge fucking tank thing. So, we get orders to blow the thing, but lookee here, reinforcements comes strolling up to whoop our asses and the trigger won't work. So I did the only thing I could have done. I activated it manually." Edgar paused, regaining his composure. "I was the only survivor. No wait, scratch that. There were no survivors. But they put me in stasis for ten years, and then started to put me back together."



Jack Rosenthal

"How long did it take to put you together? Must've been long, considering that Earth is... well... ancient, literally. It's incredible though, that you actually lived on Earth before it was... dead. How did it look?" He asked with interest in his voice, he looked at Edgar in slight admiration.

He grinned and waited for an answer. Jack was curious of Earth's history. Barely a few could, or might remember it.

Not to mention that Edgar worked for the military? Interesting.

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