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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

"Hmm? Who just shot their Ray gun in here? If they were provoked by the gunshot, I would blame them for being reckless." Then Zero shouted, "Oi, who shot their Ray gun in here?" He pulled out his long sword, and loaded his pistols with real bullets this time, just in case it turned into a fire fight.

"Ya' feelin' lucky, pardner?"

He aimed his rifle, before pulling the trigger again, which in turn, removed a coffee cup from the face of this irrational place.

"I kill punks like you all day long, a sword ain't scaring me."

Reena winced from inside the cockpit as she watched gunshots going off in the place where she had not long before, tried to take out all violence. She growled lowly under her breath before marching out to the door of the ship again, watching the two men fire shots - both spoken and from their guns. Oh how she hated guns.

"Enough, pair of you punks!" She noticed one of them had a sword as well as a gun. There was very little she hated more than men firing off at each other. It was nearly always the humans as well. As she took a closer look at the older gentleman, she recognised his face - and his attitude. She lowered her guard a little and spoke out to him; "You the one called Marv?" she asked.

Of course, another of Owain's hires.... she thought to herself as she waited for his response.
"Well, then you must not know much about me. I could kill you before you even pulled that trigger. But I don't want trouble here, for my client has me on a different mission. I'm to return this gun to her. Now I'm just waiting for her to come pick it up. Don't get in my way." Zero knew this wouldn't be enough to scare him off, but enough for him, if he was smart, to put away his weapons and leave him be.
Drake Knox

Drake would take a sip from the beer bottle, raising his head, checking his surroundings. He would then get up, getting out. He would see lots of people walking in all ways. He would put his rifle on his back, going towards the Space-port, wishing to find someone that saw his announce:

"Searching for space-crew members, adventure waits us!"

@Cooper @Birdsie @Flareshield @Elephantom
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"Listen there, Zero, you got a trillion bounty on ya' head, so you better keep it down, don't want any one of us skinnin' ya' off."

He warned him, unfazed by his threats, and having recognized him for his rather infamous reputation for being a total loser, either that or he was underestimating everyone. He then looked over to, what he assumed was Owain's partner or another crazy person, before proceeding to speak. His eyes averted to the woman who was speaking to him.

"Yep, Marv's my name, heard Owain were looking for men for some... Contract?"

He lowered his gun before awaiting an answer from that lady over there, before finally deciding to drop his gun back into his duffel bag, and than zipping it up.

Edgar awoke to the smell of liquor. As he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he lit a cigarette. He after taking a couple of puffs, he it out, and walked outside in his boxer-shorts. It took him a bit before he remembered that he was in Owain's ship. As he walked into the central bay, he saw Reena standing there with two other guys.

"Oi, tentacles, where's the shower?" Edgar said, rather bluntly.

"Contract is right" she replied "get on board, doors close in five minutes and then we leave. We have to make a quick stop in Nerys to pick up two more... And I don't want to be late."

As she made her way back to the cockpit to prepare for take off, she was stopped by Edgar who proceeded to refer to her a 'tentacles'; "Excuse me?" she asked him, before responding sharply "my name is Reena. The shower room is on this level, next to my room. It's down that way..." she jabbed her finger roughly to point in the direction he should go. "We're leaving in five minutes, I suggest you wait at least until we've broken the atmosphere before you go pratting around in the shower. Wouldn't want you to slip, fall, and die." The sarcasm was apparent.

As she made it back to the cockpit she began flipping switches - the engines began to make a loud noise and the ship shook a little.

"So, these other people, what are we going to do with them?" she asked Owain, who was reading from his terminal.

"They're waiting at Nerys. One is a barkeep... But I figured we'd make use of her as a chef on board, hey if she's good maybe we'll keep her around for longer. Her name is Saphira, she's pretty young so you better not chew her up Reena."

She clicked her tongue and exhaled loudly "And who's the guy? Better not be another bounty hunter..."

"His name is Zevon. I don't really know what he does but he's got a good eye.... He's a wildcard personality wise though."

Reena sighed again as she took control of the flight terminals.

"Brilliant, just what we need. More attitude in a confined space."

"Maybe if you stopped being the Queen of Snark it might lighten up a little."

As she continued to play around with the controls, she hit a button which issued a warning aloud the ship that it was about to take off, and that passengers should steady themselves for take off.
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Zero walked aboard the ship, looking for Rai. "Sorry for the intrusion, but I heard that I could find my client, Rai, aboard this ship. I have her gun to give back from the idiot who stole it. Oh, my name's Zero, the sniper. Nice to meet you." He waited for a reply from the man he was talking to. "Oh right, Rai said something about coming to help with a mission or something. Didn't really give me much of a choice."
Jack Rosenthal

Jack was in his room. Since his fight with Edgar he decided he needed to improve a little.

He rarely lost a fight, he was one of the most fearsome bounty hunters in the sector, but he was easily knocked off balance with a single shot to his

jump-pack. This was quite unnacceptable for someone with his reputation, he was 'upgrading' the Jump-pack a little, adding some armor to the sides, similar to the one he wears on his chest. It was to ensure nothing like that happened again. That was of course quite normal. If he lost a fight, or did a mistake, he made sure to never make that mistake again. Adaptation he called it, which wasn't far from the truth.

After he was done, he decided to walk out and see what's going on as he heard some gunshots earlier, it didn't worry him as they were from the outside and if someone was actually boarding the ship he would be informed, or at least he'd hear someone. As he decided to check it out, he stood up from his chair and walked out of his room.

He looked around the bridge and said "What's with these shots that I heard?"

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @Flareshield
Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack was in his room. Since his fight with Edgar he decided he needed to improve a little.

He rarely lost a fight, he was one of the most fearsome bounty hunters in the sector, but he was easily knocked off balance with a single shot to his

jump-pack. This was quite unnacceptable for someone with his reputation, he was 'upgrading' the Jump-pack a little, adding some armor to the sides, similar to the one he wears on his chest. It was to ensure nothing like that happened again. That was of course quite normal. If he lost a fight, or did a mistake, he made sure to never make that mistake again. Adaptation he called it, which wasn't far from the truth.

After he was done, he decided to walk out and see what's going on as he heard some gunshots earlier, it didn't worry him as they were from the outside and if someone was actually boarding the ship he would be informed, or at least he'd hear someone. As he decided to check it out, he stood up from his chair and walked out of his room.

He looked around the bridge and said "What's with these shots that I heard?"

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee @Flareshield
"Hell if I know." Edgar said, looking at Jack. He was a formidable opponent, maybe even better than himself. And that was something that Edgar had never seen before. Edgar pulled out a cigarette. "You smoke?"
Zero looked over at Jack, and grunted. "Your friend Marv tried to shoot my head off back there. What's with him, shoot before you think? *sigh* I was also talking to your captain up here." Zero was not the best in the way of manners when he was annoyed. He also did not usually work with people.

"My name's Zero, the sniper. I don't care if you don't want me on this mission. If you don't, I'll get off as soon as I give this gun back to Rai."
Jack Rosenthal

Jack said "I don't smoke, because it's not for me. My lungs wouldn't mind it though. I'm a hardened type of human, I can resist disease and don't have to sleep. Space evolution... I guess." responding to Edgar's question. He then looked at Zero, the sniper very quickly drew his attention.

Jack decided to scan him with his HUD. He looked at Zero and received some Data from his suit

ERROR; Type 15 Psionic Entity, please contact OW.

NAME: Zero Slayer

AGE: 34


SPECIES: Shadow-type Entity

WARNING! Extremely dangerous

ADVICE: Avoid conflict, Avoid, Ripcord

WEAPONRY: Multiple cybernetics, psionic powers, over 5 terms of safety violations

WANTED Dead or Alive 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

ADVICE#2: Ripcord, Overwatch, Avoid 10-20, Avoid eye-contact, Avoid physical contact, over 12 terms of safety violations

Jack starts shaking, in slight fear. His own bounty was extremely high, about 5,000,000,000 in some of the wealthier sectors, but this was OUTSTANDING.

His head sweats, but it's not shown due to his mask then he says "What the fuck did you do? You have one trillion credits on your head, did you destroy some civilization, or something like that? I mean, seriously. I thought MY bounty was high. I know one thing for sure: not messing with you."

@Safety Hammer @Flareshield
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Edgar instinctively unsheathed his arm blades and stepped back. "The fuck?! I think your computer is broken. My highest bounty is 4,500,000,000. This motherfucker can't be real."

Edgar looked at Jack. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000?! This had to be a joke. If there was a person here with a bounty like that, wht were they working for some mechanic.

@Birdsie @Flareshield
Jack Rosenthal

"Not joking. He is, and I quote: WANTED Dead or Alive 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 credits. It also says he is a type 15 psionic entity. I wouldn't mess with him if I were you."

Jack said to Edgar, looking at him with a blank stare for a second. He did not pull out his weapons, trying to fight something like Zero is dangerous even for a bounty hunter like Jack. He would need a lot of equipment to take someone like that down.

He moved one of his hands towards one of his revolvers, preparing to shoot anyone in case that a need arises, however he did not take the revolver out and his hand.

He tilted his head towards Edgar and said "I advise you don't try to fight him. Advisory system says: Multiple cybernetics, psionic, avoid eye-contact, Avoid physical contact, over 17 terms of safety violations."

@Safety Hammer
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack said "I don't smoke, because it's not for me. My lungs wouldn't mind it though. I'm a hardened type of human, I can resist disease and don't have to sleep. Space evolution... I guess." responding to Edgar's question. He then looked at Zero, the sniper very quickly drew his attention.

Jack decided to scan him with his HUD. He looked at Zero and received some Data from his suit

ERROR; Type 15 Psionic Entity, please contact OW.

NAME: Zero Slayer

AGE: 34


SPECIES: Shadow-type Entity

WARNING! Extremely dangerous

ADVICE: Avoid conflict, Avoid, Ripcord

WEAPONRY: Multiple cybernetics, psionic powers, over 5 terms of safety violations

WANTED Dead or Alive 1,000,000,000,000,000,000

ADVICE#2: Ripcord, Overwatch, Avoid 10-20, Avoid eye-contact, Avoid physical contact, over 12 terms of safety violations

Jack starts shaking, in slight fear. His own bounty was extremely high, about 5,000,000,000 in some of the wealthier sectors, but this was OUTSTANDING.

His head sweats, but it's not shown due to his mask then he says "What the fuck did you do? You have one trillion credits on your head, did you destroy some civilization, or something like that? I mean, seriously. I thought MY bounty was high. I know one thing for sure: not messing with you."

@Safety Hammer @Flareshield
Flareshield said:
Zero looked over at Jack, and grunted. "Your friend Marv tried to shoot my head off back there. What's with him, shoot before you think? *sigh* I was also talking to your captain up here." Zero was not the best in the way of manners when he was annoyed. He also did not usually work with people.
"My name's Zero, the sniper. I don't care if you don't want me on this mission. If you don't, I'll get off as soon as I give this gun back to Rai."
After growing tired of watching them once the fighting stopped she got off the boat. "Calm down, he's harmless," Rai said shoving her hands into her pockets she gave a sly smile, not at all afraid of the man with the large bounty, "Zero, how've you been?" She asked with a slight sarcastic tone as she approached the man, holding her hand out for the gun, "is the gun still on one piece?" Raisa asked before he handed it to her.

Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
"Not joking. He is, and I quote: WANTED Dead or Alive 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 credits. It also says he is a type 15 psionic entity. I wouldn't mess with him if I were you."

Jack said to Edgar, looking at him with a blank stare for a second. He did not pull out his weapons, trying to fight something like Zero is dangerous even for a bounty hunter like Jack. He would need a lot of equipment to take someone like that down.

He moved one of his hands towards one of his revolvers, preparing to shoot anyone in case that a need arises, however he did not take the revolver out and his hand.

He tilted his head towards Edgar and said "I advise you don't try to fight him. Advisory system says: Multiple cybernetics, psionic, avoid eye-contact, Avoid physical contact, over 17 terms of safety violations."

@Safety Hammer
Edgar's arm blades retracted back into his arms. "I..I need a fuckin' smoke." Edgar said, shakily walking back to his room. Things were not making any sense. If that guy was worth as much as Jack had stated, why hadn't he heard of him before? Also, why was he working for the mechanic? If he had a bounty like that, wouldn't money like that be chump change?
@Safety Hammer @Flareshield @JustCallMeAimee

Jack Rosenthal

Jack looked at the group and said "I'll go back to my stuff, you all have fun." He returned to his room... that he pretty much turned into more of a workshop of sorts by now. He begun working on more weaponry to upgrade. He needed to improve. He started working on the new grenades he thought about earlier, the EM ones. He decided he could use some music when working, he opened a list on his Suit's HUD and played an old song from the times that Earth still was sprinkling with human life...

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"Yes, it's still in one piece. Here, take it." Zero says this as he gave back the gun. "It was a pain running from the humans though. Is there a mission for me to go on?" Zero hoped to work in a team, because he was sick of working alone.

"Yeah, and I'm physical type 99 gazillion."

Marv sarcastically remarked as he interjected into what he initially thought was to be a tidy conversation, but turned out to be immensely one-sided

"Jack, Edgar. Didn't think that I'd meet ya' folks here."

His eyes averted from Zero to the other people, yet he behaved oblivious to Rai. Well, not even he could believe that Zero worked for a mechanic, He raised one of his eyebrows at Edgar's statement, and seeing that he had a pack of cigars, he figured that giving him one wouldn't hurt much.


He tossed a cigar over to him, fervently hoping that he would catch it mid-air, the chance of success wasn't really that good, but there still was a chance, even if it was slight.
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Elephantom said:

"Yeah, and I'm physical type 99 gazillion."

Marv sarcastically remarked as he interjected into what he initially thought was to be a tidy conversation, but turned out to be immensely one-sided

"Jack, Edgar. Didn't think that I'd meet ya' folks here."

His eyes averted from Zero to the other people, yet he behaved oblivious to Rai. Well, not even he could believe that Zero worked for a mechanic, He raised one of his eyebrows at Edgar's statement, and seeing that he had a pack of cigars, he figured that giving him one wouldn't hurt much.


He tossed a cigar over to him, fervently hoping that he would catch it mid-air, the chance of success wasn't really that good, but there still was a chance, even if it was slight.
Edgar the cigar in his hand without looking, and continued to walk to his room. He would wait till the ship was stable for him to take his shower. He grabbed the gold plated lighter off of his table and lit the cigar. "Hm. Cuban." Edgar said, examining the cigar in his hands. It had been a while since he had one, let alone one from Earth. "Nice."

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