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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

Jack Rosenthal

Jack didn't say anything. He simply clenched his hands and closed the door. He was not sure what's gonna come next.

He didn't trust the guy, he suspected he might try to kill him. Then he decided to draw the attention away and said "This job smells with a scam. Is that the reason you wanted to talk, or is it another one?" Jack asked. He put on his mask as a precaution afterward and turned back towards Edgar. He looked at him and said "Or are you going to try to claim the bounty on me?"

@Safety Hammer
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
Jack didn't say anything. He simply clenched his hands and closed the door. He was not sure what's gonna come next.

He didn't trust the guy, he suspected he might try to kill him. Then he decided to draw the attention away and said "This job smells with a scam. Is that the reason you wanted to talk, or is it another one?" Jack asked. He put on his mask as a precaution afterward and turned back towards Edgar. He looked at him and said "Or are you going to try to claim the bounty on me?"

@Safety Hammer
Edgar rolled his eyes, bookmarked his book, and set it down. "Of course it's about the job. Have you noticed that all he has told us is that we are breaking into a vault? And that he is paying us 100,000 credits each?! Now initially I thought is was a bank job, but someone who is able to give away 300,000 credits to people they have just met does not need extra money. There is something lover boy ain't telling us. And take that fucking mask off."

Raisa suddenly woke up to the sound of voices, looking around dazed she sat up. Frowning the metal armed woman stood up as faint voices could be heard, however they weren't in here room. She looked around blonde hair moving with the sudden movements as she followed the sounds. Rai soon discovered the air vent and knelt infront of it, straining to listen to the voices she leant forwards and removed the cover before climbing inside and silently following the male voices. She stopped right before passing the air vent for Edgar's room and listened to the two bounty hunters.

@Safety Hammer @Birdsie
Jack Rosenthal

He didn't take it off. He said "I'll figure out what's happening..."

Something popped up in his suit.


- - - 7 meters away - - -

"What the..." He turned back and looked at the Vent in the room.

Jack's suit scanned the Vent and detected a life-form in it. He took out his revolver and aimed it at the Ventilation shaft.

He said "Something's in the vent." turning his head towards Edgar for a moment. He turned back towards the Ventilation shaft.

He yelled "Get out, or I'll shoot!" at the ventilation aiming one of his revolvers at it. He flicked off the safety, letting out an audible click sound. It was quite loud and metallic. Then he rolled the barrel to see if the gun is loaded... it was.

He prepared to shoot, taking aim from the viewfinder, with the gun slightly tilted.

@Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee
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JustCallMeAimee said:

Raisa suddenly woke up to the sound of voices, looking around dazed she sat up. Frowning the metal armed woman stood up as faint voices could be heard, however they weren't in here room. She looked around blonde hair moving with the sudden movements as she followed the sounds. Rai soon discovered the air vent and knelt infront of it, straining to listen to the voices she leant forwards and removed the cover before climbing inside and silently following the male voices. She stopped right before passing the air vent for Edgar's room and listened to the two bounty hunters.

@Safety Hammer @Birdsie
Narrator Time!

Now at this moment, I should mention that Edgar was the victim of an explosion. A big one. And he was the one who activated the bomb manually. This means that in all sense of the phrase, Edgar Stockholm is more man than machine. So when Raisa was crawling through the vents, Crowley picked up the sounds of her crawling. "I know. It's the mechanic."
Rolling her eyes Rai took the screws out of the cover and pushed it off with ease, "shoot me and I'll cut your bollacks off and feed them to you with a side of rice," said the heavily scarred woman as she climbed out of the vent, "now, you're gonna tell me what you're talkin' about." She stated and moved past the two men, "honestly it's rude to keep secrets." She laughed quietly and sat down on the rooms sofa heavily, she crossed her legs and took out a cigarette lighting it again with her fingers built in lighter.

Owain placed out a platter of bhorjaan bread on the table. It was tasty, filling, and a good treat to have before a long journey. More importantly, it was good at lining the stomach before alcohol. He poured himself a glass of wine and took a small slice of the bread from the middle of the platter. "Alright, we know how this is going to go. Let's be honest Reena, we're not lying to them... they just don't need to know why we're really going."

The fiery Al'anie slammed her hands down on the table; "that is a lie!" she said quietly, through gritted teeth. "Yes, we may get the money but the risk.... the bloody risk!" She had never understood how Owain could be so damn nonchalant about these matters.

"Aye, the risk might be high but that's why I'm going to give them 100k each if we can pull it off. It's just like any other long con babydoll!" He winked at her as he said it, flashing his teeth in a grin.

"And you can stop putting that rubbish on, I don't want them thinking we're a couple."

"It's all part of the con Reens. Just think of the good this is going to do."

She relented, and sat down at the table, her arms crossed, waiting for the others.
Jack Rosenthal

He saw the woman walk out of the vent and he sighed.

"My bollocks would taste better than any part of you." he responded to her. He hid his revolver into the holster and without care for any of their words, he walked out of the room saying "Sharing secrets isn't my kind of thing, especially when it doesn't benefit me, or anyone that I care about."

He closed the door behind him and walked to the bridge. On his way he heard Owain talking about some risks.

He listened to their conversation, then he walked in and said "What risks? I've smelt a scam in this deal since the beginning. You could at least tell me what you're hiding as a compensation." he said, walking around the table in circles. His arms crossed below his chest, he looked... unsatisfied to say the least.

He was staring through his mask at the two, expecting an answer. He knew this was a scam, why did he actually accept it? Stupidity, one might say.

However it's mixed with curiosity this time. He grinned under his mask.

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee
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Birdsie said:
Jack Rosenthal
He saw the woman walk out of the vent and he sighed.

"My bollocks would taste better than any part of you." he responded to her. He hid his revolver into the holster and without care for any of their words, he walked out of the room saying "Sharing secrets isn't my kind of thing, especially when it doesn't benefit me, or anyone that I care about."

He closed the door behind him and walked to the bridge. On his way he heard Owain talking about some risks.

He listened to their conversation, then he walked in and said "What risks? I've smelt a scam in this deal since the beginning. You could at least tell me what you're hiding as a compensation." he said, walking around the table in circles. His arms crossed below his chest, he looked... unsatisfied to say the least.

He was staring through his mask at the two, expecting an answer. He knew this was a scam, why did he actually accept it? Stupidity, one might say.

However it's mixed with curiosity this time. He grinned under his mask.

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @JustCallMeAimee
Edgar burst out of his room, shirtless as always. "Hah! I fucking knew it!"
Owain groaned. Taking a longer sip from his glass before beginning; "you thought I was just going to hand you guys 100k for breaking a bank?" He laughed a little at them, and Reena turned her head to Edgar, before sighing. She never understood human nudity. She took this as her queue to get up from the table and be beside her Captain for his presentation on the mission. She nudged him, handing him his data chip which he promptly put into the terminal. It immediately brought up a gruff and shady looking character.

"This is Victor Sabor. You've probably heard of him, really really stinking rich art dealer in the Jalantis area." He looked around at everyone and saw that they were looking at him with curiosity in their eyes.

"Well my friends, in a few days he's getting some pretty sweet delivered to his stronghold."

Reena shuddered and scowled to Owain before he replied "hey, I said there were risks, and here they are! He's having a piece of old tech called the Warnox delivered to be displayed in his gallery. We can intercept it though, I have a replica of it below deck and if you really don't believe me go check it out after. It's really pretty neat-"

"Get on with it, jerk" shot Reena as she elbowed him in the ribs before he got too carried away.

"Anyway, we're going to take the real Warnox, take it apart... I'm pretty sure our mechanic friend can help with that one! And then you each get a set of parts to sell and make your 100,000 credits. Who knows, you might make more!" He finished, ready to hear what they were about to say, though he could see in each of their eyes they were very much up for this one.
Cooper said:
Owain groaned. Taking a longer sip from his glass before beginning; "you thought I was just going to hand you guys 100k for breaking a bank?" He laughed a little at them, and Reena turned her head to Edgar, before sighing. She never understood human nudity. She took this as her queue to get up from the table and be beside her Captain for his presentation on the mission. She nudged him, handing him his data chip which he promptly put into the terminal. It immediately brought up a gruff and shady looking character.
"This is Victor Sabor. You've probably heard of him, really really stinking rich art dealer in the Jalantis area." He looked around at everyone and saw that they were looking at him with curiosity in their eyes.

"Well my friends, in a few days he's getting some pretty sweet delivered to his stronghold."

Reena shuddered and scowled to Owain before he replied "hey, I said there were risks, and here they are! He's having a piece of old tech called the Warnox delivered to be displayed in his gallery. We can intercept it though, I have a replica of it below deck and if you really don't believe me go check it out after. It's really pretty neat-"

"Get on with it, jerk" shot Reena as she elbowed him in the ribs before he got too carried away.

"Anyway, we're going to take the real Warnox, take it apart... I'm pretty sure our mechanic friend can help with that one! And then you each get a set of parts to sell and make your 100,000 credits. Who knows, you might make more!" He finished, ready to hear what they were about to say, though he could see in each of their eyes they were very much up for this one.
"Question, why take the risk of lying to two bounty hunters that could skin you two in a second?"
When they left her Rai's eyes grew slightly darker as anger threatened her. She disliked rude people and blinking stood up to follow them out. Her face returned to its normal black state and she stood in the door way watching all four of them sceptically, "I think in our line of work," she indicated to the two bounty hunters, "you get used to being scammed and screwed over." She said exhaling a cloud of smoke, she glanced at the food on the table but her eyes soon drifted back up st the mention of Warnox. She'd been looking for the original for the past decade, "you want me to dismantle the original Warnox?" She cocked her head and shit a dark look at the metal armed bounty hunter, "this is bigger than such trivial things." Rai said rolling her eyes, "taking that apart...will change technology forever." She scowled at the Captain, "thing is I know for a fact that this bastard piece of tech is a thing of legend...so how do we know you're not just yanking out chain?" She shook her head, "and before you say replica, I've already seen the blue prints online anyone can make one. But the real thing is different."

"We never lied" hissed Reena, truthfully. "We offered you 100,000 credits for a job. You accepted without knowing the job. This is the job. If you don't like it, you know how to get back off the ship."

Owain sighed at her snappy response; "no, no, Reena. It's okay. We did kind of lie... We should have told them the job straight away, I mean we don't even know that they're up for this or if they can do it. They have a right to be upset." She exhaled loudly before flopping her arms down to her sides. "Whatever. They can either come along or they can stay in Heaven's Edge and kill each other. I don't care." She then flounced off and left them alone to think about it.

He then looked over to Rai who had appeared at the mention of the Warnox. "True, you can get similar schematics... But Reena and I invested in something a bit unorthodox that... That will make it realistic enough for us to snatch the real one and book it." They had bought an expensive warp core to fit inside, to add authenticity.

"Like I said, there are risks. But there are also rewards..."
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Rai rolled her eyes softly and straightened, "and where's the mechanic that built it?" She asked, "why've you got me here and not that guy?" Rai shook her head and looked around the room. She closed her eyes and seemed to return to her monotone state, "well then, better hope that the mechanic did a good job and didn't screw anything up."

Up on the top of a 12 story building, Zero lays in wait. He had taken a mission that took him to earth from a client named Rai. She wanted someone dead, and Zero was there to get it done. The target passed the area and Zero took aim, shooting the human with a bullet, and it was a direct headshot, killing him easily.

When Zero got down to the person, he searched him, and found Rai's gun that was stolen from her. He started back to his ship, when he heard authorities call, "Stop, murderer! You won't get away with this, after him!" At that, Zero started running away, shadow stepping to the next street, and teleporting back to his ship. "Better call Rai and tell her I got the job done." At that, he dialed Rai's phone number. (Or whatever you use for communication)
Cooper said:
"We never lied" hissed Reena, truthfully. "We offered you 100,000 credits for a job. You accepted without knowing the job. This is the job. If you don't like it, you know how to get back off the ship."
Edgar laughed. "Do you tend to forget things? Because I remember you calling it a 'security job'. And I don't think breaking into a fucking art dealer's vault is a security job." Edgar paced the room, before pointing at Owain. "How bad is the security?"
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Flareshield said:
Up on the top of a 12 story building, Zero lays in wait. He had taken a mission that took him to earth from a client named Rai. She wanted someone dead, and Zero was there to get it done. The target passed the area and Zero took aim, shooting the human with a bullet, and it was a direct headshot, killing him easily.
When Zero got down to the person, he searched him, and found Rai's gun that was stolen from her. He started back to his ship, when he heard authorities call, "Stop, murderer! You won't get away with this, after him!" At that, Zero started running away, shadow stepping to the next street, and teleporting back to his ship. "Better call Rai and tell her I got the job done." At that, he dialed Rai's phone number. (Or whatever you use for communication)
Rai reached into her jeans pocked and took out the small silver tablet to see an incoming call. From Zero. "Excuse me a moment." Raisa said before stepping out of the room and answering the call, "did you get it?" She asked without greeting him. She lent against the wall and listened for an answer from the man on the other end of the line.

Zero replied, "Yes I did, but the guards were over me the instant I got the weapon. Do you know of my bounty?" Zero asked this is a serious tone. If she did know, she would have to be eliminated before she became a threat. Or if she had known, but was keeping it secret, he would be weary of her, but not think of her as a threat.
Flareshield said:
Zero replied, "Yes I did, but the guards were over me the instant I got the weapon. Do you know of my bounty?" Zero asked this is a serious tone. If she did know, she would have to be eliminated before she became a threat. Or if she had known, but was keeping it secret, he would be weary of her, but not think of her as a threat.
I tend not to pry too much unless it's needed," she says implying that she didn't know, "if they're all over you then I can't come to you," she said quietly into the tablet, "you'll have to come and find me, I'll send you my location." She stated and hung up so he had no options. Within seconds Risa sent him a text message with her where abouts, and then turned away from the hall and pushed the door open fling back into the room, "I have someone delivering something to us, it should come in handy. He might come in handy for this job too."

@Cooper @Safety Hammer @Birdsie
"Oh and now the job is just open to EVERYBODY!" yelled Reena from the cockpit, she had been listening in even after trouncing off. Owen rolled his eyes and nodded at Rai - "look the more the merrier. Ignore he, she's on edge.. She's really not usually like this."

He then took off towards the cockpit to talk to Reena, leaving the others with the platter of food, wine, and to discuss whether or not they would be taking the job. "You guys have two hours to decide, we're taking off then. If you're still here, great! If not, well... it was nice to meet you!"


ooc;; I'm heading off for the night! This is a good place to stop for me, hopefully the rest of the cast will get to the ship and I'll progress the story and do a 'taking off' post in the morning! For now just don't wreck the ship with all your fighting haha!
"Heh, do you think I would have declined?" Zero said to himself softly. He set in the coordinates to the place and went to Heaven's Edge. When he got there, he sat at a nearby table and shot off a pistol full of gunpowder. It was loud, but did no damage to the area. The sound should get the attention of his client.
Dokucho had to think oer the job offfer. After handling some unfinished business, she accepted the offer and went to the location of the ship.

Not bad! Dokucho thought to herself when she finally spotted the ship. Suddenly she heard a gunshot. She instinctively held up her swords, just in case she needed to fight but instead, she spotted a man in all black.


"Fuck, is this always so damn barren here?"

Marv angrily muttered to himself, with the most disgruntled expression he could muster, whilst simultaneously waving his laser-powered rifle and shotgun at any person he deemed a personal threat and was invading his personal space. Most, if not all the people in this dank place looked too much shady, and he could just notice all of them eyeing him with the most annoying expression he had ever seen, but he just didn't give a slight shit about what they thought about him, he was looking for a job, and he needed some quick bucks. That was all. His forehead was thoroughly stressed, and beaded with sweats. The dust-filled winds scoured throughout the lands, and went past his body, transforming the lower parts of his body into one giant sandy mess, which he immediately dusted off. Extremely angered at the current situation which was just unfolded in front of him, the most he could he do was only grunt.

This place was fairly new to him, heaven's edge or so its name seemed to be. He'd never even been here at such a close proximity, and he never realized that it was a complete shithole, judging by the most worst living condition he had ever seen, its lack of effort to emulate Earth was quite amusing. The place was completely barren and devoid of anything colourful, or at the least, anything fairly good, or just something to add a but of figurative light or the surroundings. Now, the exact reason he was here in the first place, and if he remembered it correctly, was to get this new job, rumours of which was rapidly circulating around town and space, yet, people had qualms about actually taking the job.

Nevertheless, he had to see if they were still accepting some extra men, but needless to say, he had this budding feeling that they had something up their nasty sleeves. He just couldn't brush that feeling off. After finally deciding that he was just being paranoid and that there really wasn't any threat here, he decided to dump his guns in his duffel bag, before slinging it up into his shoulder for ease of carrying, and then proceeding to carry his boombox, its uses were only limited to recreational activities and improvised blunt weaponry, but it was still something Marv liked to carry everywhere. His duffel bag contained all his needed weaponry included all his holsters and guns, for carrying guns openly back in the fourth quadrant often proved to be troublesome because of all the strict gun control laws over there. He could just feel the bile rising up to his throat at the thought of gun control.

After a bit of walking around the docks, looking for his potential client, he heard the most provoking sound in the whole goddamned universe, which was obviously he sound of a cased magazine ejecting from the barrels of a gun, or more loosely, a gunshot.

He snapped back from where the gunshot came from before proceeding to quickly unpack his rifle which situated at his duffel bag, it was fairly easy, considering that it was just at the top. He picked up his laser rifle, or more precisely, a Ray-Gun 4.9, before aiming it at whomever decided to shoot a gun at a place filled with men full of testosterone. He shot a random civilian right in the chest, sending him down into the floor and possibly without a pulse.

"Listen shithead, stop your shitty shooting skills or I'm going shoot your head off."

He shouted, in a rather subtle manner, towards that person who just decided to fuck up his situation with his randomized shooting.

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